#anyways come off anon and spread dadnoir propaganda w/ me (/J)
fujii-draws · 1 year
How do you think Dusknoir felt when he learned who Hero was? Like at first they were just that young but surprisingly capable explorer he met and was getting kind of attached to, then he realized “oh, I’m gonna have to hurt this kid. It’s my job to hurt them”.
Side note, why did he drag Partner to the future too? Was he worried they would become a threat? Did he not want to separate them?
YES. I WAS LITERALLY THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING. BUT AT THE SAME TIME I don't want to take away from the main storyline Dusknoir, he IS a sinister, cunning ghost when he needs to be. He would still show sadistic pleasure towards learning who hero is. As for the partner; I believe he knew Aimilios (riolu) would get worried and immediately start a panic in the town so.. :( gotta get rid of him too just in case.
But I truly believe after Special ep 5, he would start to reflect on how much he hurt Ribbons and Aimilios. These two kids looked up and meant the WORLD to him. And what does he do to repay them? All of that guilt would finally catch up to him. And regaining their trust is gonna be so so much harder. Their looks of adoration and joy whenever he was around, would be replaced with fear. Dusknoir knows he deserves every second of it, but it hurts.
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fujii-draws · 1 year
“#anyways come off anon and spread dadnoir propaganda w/ me (/J)” done and done.
How much time do you think Dusknoir spent with Hero and Partner? You know, training with them, mentoring them a bit, and then grabbing a smoothie at Spinda’s cafe?
It’s fine. He’s obviously just learning their habits and strengths and weaknesses, all while gaining their trust. It’s all for the job. Definitely. Never mind that tiny voice saying he should help them enjoy their last days, or that even tinier voice saying he’s enjoying himself.
And after he comes back from the future he mentioned something he learned about them offhand like “btw I saved you a Pecha berry because I know it’s your favorite”. On one hand, wow, he remembered that? On the other hand, how dare he remember that?
Also, I love the image of Partner being so desperate to help Hero that they become a threat to Dialga if left unattended.
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I hope you know this ask absolutely destroyed me
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