#anyways happy bday to my he/they/it pan baby ♡♡
mayhemlovesenvy · 6 months
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Happy birthday to the boy ever!!!!! Spring is the best character of this damn series btw if you didn't know
Goldtrap is also the best ship btw (they didn't even interact but that's because dedo is scared of success and gay people) If someone wants goldtrap propaganda just text me i have THOUGHTS
Full (not polaroid-ish?) And closeups under the cut:
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cloudsstarlight · 10 months
First writing on this blog!!!
Firstly I apologize for this being delayed since I planned on doing this during Cloud's bday, but sadly I had no motivation for writing at that time
but!!! Considering that it's pretty much his bday month, I suppose it's still valid to do so(or anytime, really, I'm just a perfectionist at times lmao) <3
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♡ Finding a Birthday Gift For Cloud ♡
Summary: Headcanons of possible gifts for our Cloudberry's birthday <3
Reader Details: The reader is Gender Neutral!
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Let's start out with the fact that you're a bit indecisive with what to gift Cloud, thus leading you to panic a bit, yeah?
Well fear not!!! If ya ain't got it covered, then you have all rights to ask Tifa for advice, this girl would be the closest to knowing what Cloud would enjoy(Look I just love Tifa playing the wingwoman role, she's perfect for it <3)
"C'mon, you're Cloud's lover and he cherishes you deeply, so anything you gift him will definitely melt his heart!"
Tifa reassures that even if the gift isn't a big deal as you'd expect it to be for him, she wants to let you know that Cloud is overall going to love it, especially since he wasn't really one for big deals(but again, coming from you, he'd love it no matter what).
Alright, let's look over the options shall we?
Firstly, Cloud enjoys having time alone with you, so expect to turn your gift into a birthday date for him, preferably at home.
You could do takeout and buy him a cake....but the snail in your ear convinces you to try something new. So in the end, you decided on cooking and baking from scratch.
Whether you're a good cook or not, fear not! Again Tifa can definitely help you out in case you fear burning the place down lmao.
If you're already experienced in cooking and baking, you might feel like going a little more over the top than usual, if not, perhaps settling for something simple, but still delicious, would be more of your level?
The flavor of the cake can be up to you!!(Okay but personally . In my bitchass humble opinion . I have fantasies of serving Cloud a cloudberry cake . amen)
Look I understand the man ain't a flower enthusiast but cmon . Flowers are the ultimate form of showing affection to a lover. + It'd be completely different coming from you so he'd defs melt like butter on a pan if you gave him flowers.
Get him cloud shaped balloons. I dare you. deadass.
"Th-This is...all for me..?"
Live Cloud Strife reaction
Congrats you got this blonde baby's cheeks to burn up and make his heart combust at your surprise when he comes home.
He probably, most likely, doesn't realize it but his smile just grows by the second and god fucking dammit he's such a cutie when he smiles and you know it......
"Of course it is silly!! Happy Birthday Cloud~!!!"
"...Are those cloud shaped balloons?"
...Yeah he'd defs frown at the floating inflated clouds in the room, his face getting redder with blush, but that's only a bonus for you as you laughed at his cute expressions. Nonetheless, you know he isn't mad or anything, he was aware you were just teasing him because who doesn't love a good teasing from their lover as a form of affection?
Anyways, after you two stuff your faces with the meal and dessert you cooked up for him with love, you can never forget that Cloud deserves physical affection on his special day, even if he has a hard time asking for cuddles.
Cuddle up and watch a movie!! Maybe even enjoy a hot drink on the side like tea or hot chocolate that you prepared.
And the best part about couples watching a movie is when they don't pay attention halfway and start focusing on kissing and nuzzling each other.
But honestly? That's the best part to the both of you.
Just having you in his life is a gift he receives everyday, and the night you just made for him is a bonus that he cherishes as well <3
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