#anyways hope u find someone who can fulfill your request anon
analogoose · 2 years
Can I please request an angsty Avatrice one short where Ava doesn’t go to the other realm but just dies in Bea’s arms, very painful one shot
yo…who is trying to commit violence in my ask box. reveal yourself anon. Rn. my dude, im still in pain from the ending (it was sooo good but oh god full of the painful kind of hope). if I tried writing this, im telling u i would not survive the process.
i am however working on a bit of an angsty two-chap where beatrice goes to get Ava back, orpheus and eurydice style (happy ending tho). sorry it’s not the same but i just wouldn’t be able to write that without crying anon. w that said, anyone else is free to take up this prompt if u feel brave enough
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negasonicimagines · 6 years
(You kissed her.)
Hi folks! I am so, so sorry for not posting, like, at all, ever! I am trying really hard, I need to stop procrastinating and get on you guys’ requests! I’m bad at keeping track of which rqs are anon and which aren’t, so, if you wanna be tagged in your fulfilled rq, please include to tag @[user] because I copy the rqs into a doc! (this is also useful if you wanna be tagged but not as your main blog!) anyways, I wanted to mix up the writing style a little, sorry if it’s obnoxious!
request: “Can u write something like,Idk,the reader is texting Ellie and asks her to make a makeup tutorial for youtube and she actually films it?And she's all flustered and embarassed interacting with the camera?Sorry if this is too vague”
I tweaked this significantly, I’m so sorry, I just really struggled with doing it justice, especially due to the vagueness of it. But, I did appreciate the request and if you’d like to submit it with a few extra details I would love to write you a new piece! 
Additionally, this is my 30th NTW x reader imagine! Not my 30th published, but I keep my docs numbered and this is number 30! So, go us! 
So sorry for the long A/N! Please enjoy! 
(Text names are what you guys have each other saved as in your contacts!)
Ellie lost touch with most of her friends at home when she moved to Xavier’s.
There was one left, and if you’ve ever read one of these fics before, you know it’s you. Her best friend who she definitely doesn’t have a crush on.
Y/N ♡: Ellie!
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : What.
Y/N ♡: Your make-up looked really cute on the news today!
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : Thanks. Your point?
Y/N ♡: I was wondering if you would film a tutorial…? Please?
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : You don’t need a tutorial, you do makeup just fine. I saw your Snapchat story
Y/N ♡: Yeah, but I don’t do it how you do yours! I wanna learn THAT….
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : Tough.
Y/N ♡: :-(
Ellie rolls her eyes before leaving you on read. She’s so lucky you can’t see her face when you shamelessly compliment her like that. She gets so damn red, it’s embarassing. Whatever. She plugs her phone in and goes to sleep pretty quickly, not even dreaming.
The next morning, though, when she’s bored, she decides to create the video.
(Like it was a decision, when you were the one asking.)
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : Fine, I’ll make it. Can’t say I never did anything for you
Y/N ♡: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
҉  ♥Ellie♥  ҉  : Whatever lol weirdo. Don’t text back I don’t want the phone to vibrate during
She suction cups her phone to her mirror, as she typically does so she can watch Netflix and do her makeup at the same time, but instead of that black and red app, she goes to the camera and begins recording.
“Hello, everyone. Or, just, y’know, Y/N. This is how I do my makeup. I start out with a primer, because I’m not completely stupid, then I go in with my foundation. Yes, it really is this pale ass emo shade. Then I blend it with a beauty blender, yeah, even I haven’t avoided that trend. And then this gray eyeshadow. And then the eyeliner, duh. And then mascara. Lipstick optional, but I’m wearing it tod- Oh! Oh my god!” She covers her mouth.
“Hey!” you tell her, stepping through the door. “Oh good, you’re actually recording. I wanted a video of us BFFs reuniting!” You wiggle your fingers towards her, and she rolls her eyes. You were the fun one, she was the grouchy one.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” She remembers the situation.
“I’m not allowed to visit?!” you ask in reply.
“It’s kind of a long drive!” She argues, gesturing with her hands a little, and you shrug.
“Well, yeah, but when you’re moving somewhere it’s a good idea to visit first.”
“What?!” Ellie asks. “You’re a-!?”
(You nod.)
“What kind?! I mean, what do you do?!”
The people who overhear as they pass swear she’s never been this loud before, always responding briefly and nearly muttering her words.
You offer her a packet of sunflower seed snacks. She looks at you, confused.
“Take one,” you tell her. She’s always resisting.
(It’s cute.)
“What’s this got to do with anything?” the jaded girl inquires skeptically.
“Just do it, doofus!”
She takes one from the pack, and goes to crack it.
“No, hold it in your palm.”
“Y/N, you’re acting weirder than these jackasses think I am.”
You close your eyes, focusing on the seed in her hand. She watches as a small green stem cracks the shell open, roots sprawling out as the stem grows thicker and darker, growing taller until the sunflower bursts open.
“Oh. My. God. Seriously?”
You crack open an eye nervously, smiling with the same tone. “Yeah. And…” You control the roots, causing them to make themselves into legs with feet at the ends. You make the sunflower dance, waving its leaves like arms.
(She just watches.)
Ellie usually didn’t speak as a choice, but in this instance she genuinely didn’t have anything to say.
(Until she realized that yes, she did.)
“Um, Y/N… Well, uh… Can you make the sunflower stop dancing?”
(No, that wasn’t it.)
“Oh, yeah, uh, here.” You hand her the gift bag she hadn’t noticed you’d been holding, and she peeks inside. It’s a bag of soil, as well as a black flower pot and plate set with silver skulls spray-painted on. “For the sunflower.”
“Nice,” Ellie comments, placing the plate and the pot in the correct position, on her desk in front of the window.. You dump some of the soil in the pot, and make the sunflower sit cross-legged, more roots expanding outwards to stake in the dirt before you add more. You take a water bottle from your purse and wet the earth inside with what’s left.
“Well, uh, I’ve gotta tour the campus. Kitty’s showing me around.”
“No,” Ellie immediately disagrees, jealousy rushing through her veins like it’s racing against her blood.
“Did I remember her name wrong?” You ask, confused.
“No, just- I’ll show you around. Tell her not to worry about it.”
You peek your head out the door and shrug, but then you nod.
Damn it, Kitty had been out there waiting for Y/N & listening the whole time? How embarrassing… Ellie thinks.
“Alright, let’s get the tour started, huh?”
The two of you go to exit, before Ellie realizes she’s (uncharacteristically) forgotten her phone! She stops the recording and locks it, sticking it in her back pocket.
You follow her around, listening to her explain the classes you’d likely take and what clubs there were in an exhausted tone.
“Is it really that bad here? Maybe I shouldn’t come…” you tease.
“No!” she nearly shouts,and you look at her with a mildly surprised expression. “Uh, it really doesn’t suck or anything, I’m just… You know… Like that.”
“I was kidding, Ellie, and besides. The papers are all in order. I don’t have anywhere else to go, anyway, my parents… Well, you know how that story usually goes.”
Ellie nods. “I’m really sorry. They seemed better than that.”
“It’s okay. Now I get to be roomies with… Well…”
Ellie’s eyes widen. “Me?”
“Yeah! You’re one of the few students who doesn’t have a roomie yet, so when they told me I could pick, I chose you!”
She tries not to blush.
(It doesn’t work.)
“Oh, jeez, El, you’re really red. You’d think with all that working out as an X-Woman, you wouldn’t get so winded after walking around a bit,” you joke, at least about the working out part. You’ve got no clue why she’s so flushed. “Are you okay? You’re not getting sick or anything, are you?”
“Sick of you,” Ellie remarks, though she doesn’t mean it. The only thing that makes her sick is her own cowardice. She couldn’t even ask you out over text, and now you’re going to be seeing her in person? She’s never going to admit her feelings, is she? She’ll die miserable and alone, just like she is now. 
(And people wonder why she lashes out.)
You giggle nervously, eyeing her expression. Most of the time you knew she wasn’t being serious, or, at least, not being honest, but you did worry sometimes. “Alright… Suppose I’ll have to find Kitty to give me the rest of the tour…” You turn around teasingly, waiting for her to stop you as you slowly walk away.
(She doesn’t.)
It hurts your feelings signifcantly. You don’t turn around, knowing you wouldn’t be able to hide it. You begin walking at a normal pace.
“Hey, wait!” she protests, and you return. “Listen, I’m sorry I’m kind of a dick. I try not to be a dick to you, but it doesn’t always work out, because I really like you.”
“Um… Isn’t that supposed to be… Not like that?” You laugh nervously, a bit concerned for her mental health and your own safety.
“I just mean that- Well- I don’t like being nice to people! It makes me feel weak! And I don’t want to be weak in front of someone I like!”
“Like… Like-like…?” You ask nervously, trying not to sound too hopeful.
(It doesn’t work.)
“Yeah,” she admits dejectedly, your hope most likely being obscurred by the metaphorical dark clouds that always surround her. Most of the time, people saw them as anger. You understand, though.
(They’re shields.)
“Hey. Did you miss my tone completely or something? It was hopeful.”
“Hopeful that I wouldn’t? Sorry to disappoint you, prince- Mmf!”
(You kissed her.)
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