#anyways i DIDNT SLEEP THROUGH MY ALARM! i ended up sleeping til 11 anyways but it wasnt bc
gemharvest · 1 year
I'm feeling such a Way™ I hope a shower + music will help me feel normaler. ??
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back on tumlr
Hello, So I guess im back on tumblr. What's new? TONZ. I think the last time I was actually really active on this thing was like 4 years ago when I used to write stuff everyday. But life happened and we all cant always keep track of all the apps we have on our devices. What made me want to come back? Well i guess one of the reasons is that im actually using my tablet for this lol and i purchased a bluetooth keyboard for it so now its literally a mini laptop amongst all the other laptops i have that i hardly every use. So why not put it to good use. Another reason is that I guess I now have a little more time to just reflect on my day to day lifestyle. So lets talk about my day.. I woke up today at 5am to get ready for work. I didnt get up til 5:15am though. I literally snoozed through 4 different alarms. Typical me. What makes it even more funny in that I woke up to a wake up phone call instead which was nice. So I got up took a quick shower, threw some scrubs on, fixed my hair, made my coffee and left. I get to work and theres literally 10 patients outside the PSC already waiting to get their labs one. -_-" the start of my Monday. Thank god i started at 6am so that I could get off earlier and still have the rest of the day. Drew several patients. Did a stat call. Layed in my car dduring my luch. Vaped. And towards closing I had a mess of specimens I still needed to manifest into the system. I totes fucked up though becaus I had scanned the stat tubes and left the window on stat. So when my co worker went to scan regular tubes for the lab they all ended up being scanned under stat. SOOO i had to delete them all and rescan everything. Woops.. Finished the day around 2:30 and drove home. It was already traffic and hot and I was already tired. I think I only had 3 hours of sleep last night after a long weekend of activities and helping Gerry put together her new loft bed. So now we both our lofting it in our bachlor pad. Super effecient living btw. So I got home and the first thing I did was pack clothes for the week because ill be staying with gf for a little bit. Once i got everything packed i made a shake and ate a protien bar and left the house. Ofcourse at this time it was still traffic. I finally got to gfs house around 6ish and the moment I got there i passed out on the couch. I woke up to her cooking us dinner and she made baked salmon with salad no dressing and asparagus on the side. Damn. That dinner was heaven. We watched a few shows on tv on the couch and i started editing a new video from the weekend i had witht he kids in SF. We started getting sleepy so we migrated over to the room. Gf took a shower and I layed in bed still editing videos. Afterwards i put the laptop down and got up to take a shower. Let the dogs out cus they started barking and wanted to pee i guess. We watched some modern family. and gf called it a night. So shes literally passed out next to me. Haha. Its cool though she does have an early start anyway. Oh crap so do i. And thats pretty much my day. I guess ill talk more about everything else later on down the road. I think tomorrow might be the same thing anyway. I live a pretty boring life during the week but the weekends are a lot more interesting. I have a 9 day vacation starting next week. So i guess i booked a flight to socal. I originally was suppose to go to mexico. But my passport was still locked in the safe in my room with a dead battery so i couldnt get into it in time to book the reservation with them so i decided on a lowkey trip to LA with my cousin and his family. TURNup. So now im off to bed. Its about 11:17pm. And its crazy how early it still may seem but im soo tired and sleepy already. Goodnight everyone who is still on Tumblr. We'll blog about it more tomorrow. - Loren Ramos
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