#anyways i feel like it wrote more than necessary but wtv ^^'
yosuke for the character opinion bingo? 👉👈
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 #1 blorbo at the moment. i think if i don’t see a picture of him daily i’ll explode.
I think i’ve never read so many fanfic before lol (however for other pairs i had been interested before, there isn’t that many content, so it’s difficult to compare). i do love reading the various interpretations of Yosuke (and Yu/Souji) in those.
Although I had some knowledge about the game and it’s story beforehand (i even found a post from a person who seemed to actively disliked him, but i didn’t pay much attention to it at the time), i had no idea i would get so attached to him but it happened right from the beginning - falling into trash cans is truly remarkable.
I loved his initiative to start the investigation, the immediate chemistry with the Yu/Souji, and I was super hyped with the og trio: Yu/Souji, Yosuke and Chie.
I loved his Shadow arc (although it works, it’s sad we don’t get an actual dungeon for that like the others (same for Chie)) and his SL <3<3<3 (also his appearance in Marie's and Naoki's SL, although, for Naoki I prefer the manga adaptation, since in game it revolves more around Yu/Souji).
The game starts pretty harsh on him: learning that the girl he was interested in (and one of the only people that seemed to understang him at the time) has died and the last words he hears from her are not the ones he expected to hear. And learning about how lonely he feels in that town, and how his happy silly self is a facade, it was ... sad and depressing. It really made me get really attached to him.
And yet he keeps being the guy who takes a lot of initiative inside and outside the investigation.
I love how he is so silly, and smart, and he also looks really cute tbh (extra hella moe in the dancing game and super cute chibi in the q games. Him and Naoto are super gender, especially looking at them in the dancing game ;;).
Seriously, I love how he is such an idiot sometimes (derogatory and affectionate), how he talks without thinking, sometimes... it's part of his charm.
But i also love how smart he is, and also dedicated (not only in the investigation, but for example he does show, with the motorcycle license scene, that he can put effort in goals he intends to achieve, and if he is motivated, but it also shows how anxious he is and how he is afraid of failing or staying behind).
I also love how he can say such beautiful things sometimes (SL!!!), but sucks at texting (i can't read that fr).
It made me so happy whenever i could just select the nice dialogue options for him (like right at the beginning when Saki mentions he can be a bit nosy sometimes and you can tell her he seems to be a nice person) and how you can choose to hug him in the SL :'')) (btw i didn't know you needed to unlock something in a previous rank to get the hug option, so i was very proud that i got it right at first without knowing it).
Even though i can’t relate 100% to him, there are a lot of aspects that feel kinda relatable, even more if i think of myself when i was his age, in game. Mainly the anxiety, loneliness and sometimes being just silly to hide true emotions/feelings. However he is totally a more outgoing person than i could ever be.
( Whoever sent this, i'm so sorry for taking so much time replying ( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) )
I know he is a somehow controversial character (i mean, the game itself is) but i actually try to avoid the mean comments towards my faves so i rarely see those. i’m just aware there are. i love seeing the content from other people who like him though c: and there is lot of good content, i’m always well fed.
I think it’s fine if people don’t like a character or make thoughtful critics if something upsets them about a media they are consuming, critical thinking is always good, and we do not need to like the same things. As long as people are respectful, I am just fine and that’s it.
I just wanted to write a minimal text before simply posting the board and didn't find the right time to do it before ;_;  pls accept a smoll Yosuke plushie drawing to compensate)
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milkpuddjng · 3 years
sex education s3 thoughts!
oh my god. so many thoughts. i’ve never been too into sexed just cause. but i have SO many opinions about this season and they NEed to be heard. i think i’ll also be making a post about young royals later on so. yes.
i think i’ll just. start off by saying. what the fuck was that? the only enjoyable characters to watch this season were Adam, Ruby, Aimee and the adults. the rest of the cast (that I had originally really enjoyed watching the first two seasons) were absolutely butchered and made to serve extremely boring, there-for-the-sake-of-it ideas. like?? huh?
for one, Otis felt like. an absolute loser this season. not just because he is the archetypical “loser”, but also because he was just so. bland and had such little zest. i understand that the whole point of the season was that he had no more clinic and couldn’t help people and therefore felt like a dampened version of himself, but wtf? his excuse was terrible. that in no ways would make you as different from your original self as you are in this season! the way he went about his relationship with his mum was good though - that was quite nice to watch. but his friendship with Eric this season just felt.. forced. it didn’t feel like it really did anything with the narrative, they were kind of just there for each other as fodder. and and GOD the character just flip-flopped between being spineless and an asshole, and it really didn’t read well with me. I thought the delicate kind of balance and characterisation of Otis they had in the first two seasons really fell through and it’s honestly a shame they let him ‘develop’ into this in this season.
and don’t get me started at ALL on Eric. to me this was the worst and most cruel character DECIMATION this entire season. my reading of Eric was as someone who had only recently developed into his gayness. he had only recently reclaimed his own identity and found pride in his gayness and flamboyance. this being a way-too-overdone gay trope aside, I had originally rooted for him lots in the first two seasons because it felt like he was doing it at his own pace and slowly getting comfortable with that. in s3 though, it feels like he is condescending BECAUSE of this confidence, and frankly that really just did not sit right with me. they made Eric out to be cruel, tone-deaf and insensitive. throughout the entire s3, even in his scenes with Adam, he’s uninterested, and really doesn’t show much interest in Adam apart from wanting a relationship and all its physical and social perks. he’s so preoccupied with having a Perfect gay relationship and takes no interest in actually knowing more about Adam, and that honestly really rubbed me off the wrong way, especially with the way their relationship was portrayed as being more emotional and something vulnerable in the last seasons. Eric this season felt like he was making use of Adam the whole way, and what was originally something I was looking forward to a lot in this season ended up being the thing that disappointed me the most. and i’m not sure if it’s the writing or not, and the lack of material for them to work with, but the chemistry between them this season was so lacklustre. really really disappointing.
fk i hate tumblr. i wrote a whole thing about adam and how much i love that his line was written in a delicate and sweet way, but it got deleted. rip. anyway i liked his relationship with Rahim, Ruby and interactions with Ola far more than his relationship with Eric, and I enjoyed how he became sweeter and more delicate towards Ms Sands and his own mother! to me this season was about him unlearning and trying better to relate to the people around him, and connect with himself on a deeper level and it was really very sweet to watch as that panned out. would have loved to see more interactions of him and Ola and them confiding in each other, but I swear if he and Rahim’s friendship develops into a romantic relationship I would lose it. ok but i love stoic boy learns emotions for people around him trope and the scene of him crying on the bridge really fucked me up :”) OH and i also enjoyed how the entire Groff family had their own individual developmental arcs this season, and i really hope that means something for them as a family unit later on and their reunion as a healthier, albeit un perfect still family.
on the topic of people who deserved more! i think viv for sure. i frankly don’t understand the point of giving her a hot boyfriend and of not exploring her friendship with Jackson more. not TO mention the own blandness of Jackson’s character,,, god. they had so much to work with and truly just abandoned it all. it made sense to me that she would engage in such ‘treasonous’ behavior with Hope and all, but I didn’t understand what the sexy boyfriend and sexting did for her character. i would have much preferred deep emotional talks between Jackson and her, and of the three of them solidifying as a solid friend group. would also have appreciated her becoming better friends with Cal but. wtv. very disappointed with her character this season, especially because her and Jackson’s friendship last season was done so well.
and on Jackson and Cal, i like Cal lots. really. but i really didn’t see the narrative function of their character in the show this season. while I really respect and enjoy the show’s decision to have more diversity of representation etc., i thought Cal as a character was quite unnecessary, especially because this season proved that the writers were struggling a lot to develop everyone’s characters and their backstories etc. Cal, while fun, just distracted from existing relationships and characters the show would have benefitted from exploring more. and i just didn’t see the chemistry between them and Jackson, idk at first I felt it but after a while it didn’t seem very genuine or legit to me and it felt even a bit forced. idk if this is unpopular but i honestly really enjoyed Jackson with Maeve a lot more. this was in my opinion, quite a disappointing match-up. also i missed Jackson’s mums - thought it would have been nice to spend more time thinking about that and showing that relationship as well. also didn’t think Jackson doing drugs was like. necessary. it was nice but like. ? i didn’t see the character development with that.
Maeve and Isaac. i really started off season 3 hating Isaac’s guts, but i thought that as the season went on, I really saw the chemistry between them which I truly thoroughly enjoyed. I also don’t know. why and how Maeve is still attracted to Otis - frankly, Isaac understands her way more, and allows her that much independence that I felt was necessary for her growth. Oh but I did like Maeve’s growing into accepting help and setting down her pride - especially in her relationship with Anna. i felt Maeve was more or less stuck in the same place as last season save for her letting down of her pride though. although her and Aimee as usual! were very enjoyable to watch.
ok i think this is all i have to say for sexed for now, when and if I do find more to talk about i will uPdate this!
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