#anyways i got gud basically/silly
So I'm working on speedrunning all of ieytd2 and I left Jet Set until last because I was worried about memorising the whole defense override sequence. Turns out, I've watched playthroughs of this game so many times that I just. Have it memorised anyway
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
FrontierFest [13/20]
Haha, what a fun question...
Day 13 • Favorite episode/moment
Y’know, there’s a lot of moments and episodes I love in Frontier. But the one that definitely makes me heart warm and soft is mostly Tomoki episodes.
I don’t know why, but... anything with Tomoki focus (sans the episode focus he got inside Sephirothmon) are filled with how tiny and naive Tomoki is. Not in a bad sense, of course! I think Tomoki’s innocence and naivety is what makes me appreciate those episodes. He’s a good kid, and he works hard.
He’s basically the crybaby who becomes a hero. Stop claiming Takeru in Adventure is a crybaby and look at the real digimon franchise’s crybaby. Tomoki’s pure heart is what makes him one of the best characters in Frontier.
And, of course, my favorite episode is a Tomoki-centered one.
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“Save the Burgermon! Tomoki's Pure Heart” is the said episode. I really vibe with the way it plays in the story. It’s pretty much a “filler” and does not have much part in the main plot, but the idea of the kids having a bit of fun and making new burgers is a cool theme for an episode.
What I like in this episode is how Tomoki tries hard to make something good, but he ends up messing up by accident. He accidentally messes with Izumi and Junpei’s ingredients and the result is a new kind of dressing for the burgers.
Even if it is something simple, I really enjoy this part. And everyone working hard on their combos... And the implication Takuya and Kouji are the misfits who cannot cook for their lives... Oh I love the silly rivalry they get and poor Bokomon & Neemon for eating those.
Also I really appreciate a good episode with the gud boi Petaldramon. Like I said before, Arbormon is my favorite of the evil spirits because reasons, and this episode having him as the evil castle dragon holding Burgermon dad as hostage makes it a dummy fairy tale-like episode. 
I also like the Torikaraballmon babies helping out heroes in the battle, because they’re small and could divide between the area and point out where the Chamelemon squad were hiding. And how it ends with father Burgermon naming Tomoki’s burger as Pure Burger 😭✨
Anyway, good episode to watch. I totes recommend it.
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blueluneacy · 5 years
Study Sessions
Okay folks, here it is, prime Jotaro. Let’s see if I am kicked off this site.
I wrote it basically as jotaro is your TA in a bio class since he got his doctorate so theoretically he had to be a TA for a while since they basically force you to do that bc free labor. Anyways, here it is
this is the gud shit, the horny shit, the not sfw shit
Also on AO3!
 You thought you weren’t doing half bad until you got that quiz back. You had studied fairly hard, went to all the review sessions, but still… You weren’t expecting to get what you did.
A C. It wasn’t failing, don’t get it wrong but… You could’ve sworn you were doing better. In the range of B, B+. It was a bit disappointing. You tried to focus on what your teacher was saying during discussion, but still it… Bugged you. Jotaro Kujo… He was a graduate student going for his doctorate in Marine Biology, forced to be a teacher’s assistant for this low grade biology course while he worked on his thesis. You didn’t really care, if he wasn’t such a dick. You just needed this course for your major, and then you could move on from it all. But, still. This just felt ridiculous to you. You sat, listening to some explanation about cellular respiration, and not really caring about it at all. 
“Ah, that’s time. Remember that lab got moved to tomorrow an hour later. If you can’t make it, see me.” Hearing him speak brought you out of your trance, and you slowly packed up your things, making a mental note to ask a friend about what he said in the last 15 minutes of his lecture. You waited for everyone to leave, and just… Looked at him. You weren’t sure how to even start the conversation. You just stared at him. Eventually, he caught on, not even looking up from some book he was reading.
“What is it? Do you have a scheduling conflict?” He asked, and you just swallowed.
“Um… No, I wanted to… To ask you about my quiz?” You mumbled, and he raised an eyebrow. “What about it?” His voice was so cold, you felt yourself recoil a bit.
“Um, well… I don’t understand why you graded my written answers the way you did. I went and answered them correctly, didn’t I?” You questioned, and he just sighed. 
“If you have a problem with how I graded it, you can see me during office hours and we can go over it together.” That line just made you mad. He was pushing you off, you know he was. You grit your teeth and crossed your arms.
“Just because you don’t want to do your job doesn’t mean I should have to suffer.” You said, and almost immediately regretted it. He just looked at you, shaking his head.
“Good grief… Fine then. But I can’t stay and go over this now. What time would you like to meet? If you want it today, then I’ll be in my office working around eight tonight. Is that fine?” He asked, and you paused for a second. Wait, you were actually getting what you wanted? First time for everything. You nodded and did your best to smile.
“Yeah that sounds great! Thank you so much, I’ll see you tonight!” You left the classroom, feeling proud of yourself. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
When the evening came, you showed up early just to show how dedicated to class you were. You smiled, waiting by the door of the TA offices, just hoping you weren’t looking like a fool. Jotaro didn’t open the door for you until 8:10. When you saw him, you nearly fell over.
“You’re not… Wearing your jacket.” You mentioned quietly. Jotaro tended to wear a long white jacket, so it was strange to even see his arms. You never noticed how muscular he was under it. He was certainly handsome, but you were sure pursuing any sort of relationship with your teacher would get you in loads of trouble. Not that you ever thought he would look at you in that way.
“I’m not. They just turned the heat on after 3 cold nights, and now it’s boiling in here.” He replied, turning and walking back in, expecting you to follow. You did, you had no other choice if you were to get what you wanted. He was right, it was hot in here. You regretted not wearing something lighter. 
You noticed how empty the room was. It was full of different desks where all the graduate students turned teachers did their work. But, he didn’t lead you to his own desk, instead to a small table in a corner.
“This will work fine. Have a seat and take out the quiz.” He told you, and you sat down, expecting Jotaro to sit across from you. You were mistaken. Instead, he sat right next to you, pulling his chair close. You squeaked and stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Good grief… I can’t read the damn paper upside down. Do you want me to look at this or not?” He said. You swallowed and nodded.
“Alright, so um, the multiple choice is no problem, after all, it was pretty straightforward and I think I did pretty well, but in the written questions,” You showed him the test and turned the page to your written responses. You felt Jotaro lean closer to take a look. You swallowed. You could feel his body heat emanating, and you were thankful you were in a sweater to try and keep from touching his skin. However, the price was that you were broiling, not sure if it was from the heat or from Jotaro.
“I, um, didn’t understand where I went wrong. I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything, I just don’t understand.” You told him, and he thought for a moment, reading over your response. 
“Hmm. I thought your elaboration was poor. Your explanations were basic, giving almost no detail.” He told you, pointing to a question.
“See, here, I asked you to talk about rRNA transcription and translation, and you just gave me the steps of it with no examples.” You grit your teeth, crossing your arms. “You didn’t ask for examples.” You told him.
“I told you to explain it.” 
“And I did.”
“Everyone else gave an example.” You were starting to lose your temper.
“Really? Everyone else, including the people that failed, gave you an example of a protein being translated and transcribed in the human body on their 5 lines that we had to write out the answer to this question. Is that what you’re telling me?” You asked, rolling your eyes and standing up.
“When you explain something, doesn’t it make the most sense to give an example?” He asked, and you just shook your head.
“You’re hopeless. This makes no sense at all.” You crossed your arms, and he just sighed.
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset about this in the first place. You’re right on average with the rest of the class. This quiz is getting curved anyway, so you’ll have your B in the gradebook.” He told you, and you grit your teeth. You didn’t know that, since you were so upset you weren’t paying attention. But, you were angry, so you were gonna go off.
“It’s the principle of the matter. What if we aren’t curved next time, huh? How am I supposed to read your mind? I’m just supposed to guess what you want from me?” You asked, crossing your arms. He just sighed and waved you to sit back down.
“Good grief. Let’s just go through the rest of the questions then. You can vent all your concerns, if your haven’t overheated yet.” He said, and you froze. You didn’t realize how much your face had flushed. You knew that when you were angry, you ran hot, but still… 
“I… I’m fine. I don’t think we need to go over anything else. It is what it is.” You went to take your test, but Jotaro just pulled it away.
“So this was all just a waste of time?” He asked, looking you in the eye. His expression was still so cold, it sent a shiver down your spine. He noticed it.
“What was that?” He asked, and you immediately went into panic mode.
“Nothing! Yep, it was just silly me, not understanding something, and you explained it, so um, if you’ll just let me-” You tried to grab the quiz from his hand again, only for him to grab your wrist.
“You’re lying to me. What’s going on, you look awful.” He said, and you just swallowed, trying to pull away. He wouldn’t let go.
“I’m really fine. It’s just that you’re, I mean, it’s just hot in here. I must just not be feeling well because of it.” You told him.
“Then I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” He said, going for his jacket, but you squeaked out. God, this was getting embarrassing too quickly.
“N-No, it’s really fine, I should get going so you can-” 
“If you’re overheating, you could pass out on the way back. It’s dangerous.” He told you, and you just stammered a bit as you tried to pull away, but with a simple tug of your arm, he was able to pull you closer, keeping you from running. You stumbled right into him, knocking him back until both of you were on the ground. You squeaked, pulling yourself up and looking down on him. You didn’t realize how you were straddling him at the time, just the both of you staring at each other.
“O-Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I mean, I didn’t realize-” You tried to pull yourself off of him, when you felt him… Caress your cheek. You froze for a moment, looking right at him.
“You… don’t seem to have a fever. At least we can rule out any sort of illness.” He said, suddenly turning his head to look away from you. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 
“God! Even now, you’re still so stoic. I shouldn’t be surprised.” You moved to pull yourself up once again, when you leg brushed up against it, and you flinched. You swallowed, and Jotaro just grit his teeth and looked away. Well then. You apparently had given Jotaro Kujo a hard on from all this. And you immediately turned pale. You pushed yourself up from him and grabbed your test, already running to make your exit.
“Um, well, thank you, and uh, I’ll see you at the la-” You were cut off when you felt him grab your wrist once again, trying to keep you from leaving. Before you could protest, not wanting to give yourself any more shame, he leaned forward and slammed his lips against yours. You gasped, and Jotaro took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, stealing your breath away. You stepped back, but every time you did, Jotaro simply stepped forward, until you were against a wall. When he finally pulled away, you were almost nervous, seeing an expression on Jotaro’s face you never could have imagined could exist. One of pure and unbridled lust.
“Jotaro, we… This has to be against some rule, we can’t…” You told him, and his just sighed, leaning into your neck.
“No one has to know… Do you really not want to?” He asked, taking a deep breath in, and you felt yourself shudder once again.
“It… It’s not that I don’t want to… Hell, I really want to, but it’s a matter of should we rather than could we. You know?” You told him, and he just sighed.
“We could make it our little secret.” He replied to you, and you just sighed, relenting a bit.
“You promise no one will know?” 
“I have no one to tell.” He replied with a shrug. Finally, after a moment of thought, you nodded. You could’ve sworn you saw a smirk on his face, but before you could really take true note of it, he was leaning back in to try and tear your clothing off. You gasped, trying to help take off his own, but he was too busy covering you with ravenous kisses to really let you. You let your hands finally feel up his waist, gripping him tightly whenever he nipped at your neck or found a sweet spot to tease. Whenever you did, however, it only seemed to encourage him to toy with that spot even more, until you suddenly let out a mewl. You gasped and let go of Jotaro to try and cover your mouth, but he just shook his head.
“Don’t. Let me hear it.” His voice was soft, but commanding, dominant. You didn’t hesitate to listen, letting yourself moan more freely.
“W-Will… Will anyone hear?” You asked as he started to travel lower, pulling at the hem of your pants.
“Everyone should be gone by now. I stay late so no one bothers me.” He told you, and you let out a sigh of relief. It was cut off by Jotaro reaching in your pants to see if you were ready. You most definitely were, and you let out a moan as he touched you, squirming against him.
“J-Jotaro, please…” You begged, and he actually… Laughed a little.
“What is it?” His voice was so smooth, you felt like you could just let yourself melt into it, completely relax into his presence.
“Stop fucking around with me and just fuck me already.” You told him, and he shook his head.
“Good grief… If that’s what you want.” He let you go from the wall, only to pull you over to the table again, leaning you onto your back. He pulled away and you watched as he undid his belt and pulled off his pants, revealing himself. You gasped as you saw how massive he was.
“I… Do you really think that’ll fit?” You asked, a bit nervous, but he just leaned closer, starting to grind against you.
“We’ll just have to test it out then.” He told you, burying his face into your neck once again as he began to inch himself inside of you. You cried out, both at the pain of the stretch and the pleasure it was bringing you. You felt Jotaro sigh as he inched himself inside of you until he was completely sheathed. He sat like that for a bit, giving you time for your body to adjust, for the painful throb to finally subside. And then, when he finally thought you were ready, he began to move.
You moaned as you felt Jotaro start to move, your arms wrapping around him as he thrust into you at a merciless pace. He groaned quietly into your neck, panting as he moved, occasionally biting into the same spot of your neck. You were certain you would have a bruise there tomorrow. And yet, you continued to moan, to the point where tears were streaming down your face.
“Is this good? Do you like this?” He asked, his husky voice enough to get you drooling. 
“Y-Yes, Jotaro! It feels so good!” You told him, and he grunted, giving a particularly hard thrust that made you squeal. “Fuck… Good. What a good student I have.” You could tell by his town that he was meant to be teasing you, but it caused you to squeeze against him a little tighter. You couldn’t help it, it was kind of hot to hear him praise you like that. Unfortunately, he seemed to catch on.
“You like when I say that? When I call you my good little student?” He asked, and you whined, trying to claw into his back at this point. You could feel your body start to teeter towards the edge at this point.
“Y-Yes, I like it! Please, Jotaro, I’m so close!” You cried out, and he just chuckled before beginning to slam into you even harder. He was going to make sure you couldn’t walk right for a week.
“Then cum. Show me how good I make you feel.” He commanded, and you couldn’t help but give in. You moaned his name loudly, his word making you fall over the edge. You felt your entire body spasm from the ordeal, waves of pleasure coming over you. You heard Jotaro let out a small curse from under his breath, and pull out just in time to cum on your chest. The two of you were just panting, still in euphoria from the bliss that the two of you had felt together. You sat up slowly, and Jotaro leaned in to give you a kiss. It was certainly mouthy, no doubt, but it felt much more meaningful than the one that started this whole mess. 
And then, he pulled away, refusing to make eye contact with you.
“Well… I guess I was wrong. You seem to be in good health.” He told you, and you nodded slowly. This was just a one time thing, after all. You both would probably never speak of it again. You began to clean yourself up, while Jotaro walked over to his desk and packed a few things up. You tried your best to look presentable, hoping that your roommate wouldn’t comment about how you probably reek of sex. 
And then, the both of you left the room, Jotaro locking the door behind the both of you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow in lab then. Make sure to have the prelab assignment done.” He told you, and then he left. You walked in the opposite direction, hoping to go home and rest for a bit. Your body ached, surely no doubt protesting your decision to move so soon, but still, it was time to go home. To forget this all happened, and hope he forgot too. The true walk of shame was going to be in tomorrow’s lab, after all.
There was however, a small hope in your heart, that you tried to push down. To hope such a thing would only leave you sad, only hurt you. And yet, there it was. 
The hope that this could happen again.
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cerastes · 8 years
Since you're well-versed in all sortsa mythology, do you have any favourite moments from the Song of the Nibelungs aka man dies from leaf stuck on his back?
YES, I DO, AND IT’S CALLED “KRIEMHILD FURIOUSLY WINS IRON CHEF”. ALLOW ME TO ELABORATE. Now, I’ve said this before, but the Nibelungenlied is what hooked me into mythology in the first place, so it has a special place in my heart, and I just love it so much, so I gotta give an overview that I will accentuate with the grand finale of my favorite moment, when Kriemhild wins Cutthroat Kitchen.
Ok, so what most people know from cultural osmosis is that the Nibelungenlied deals with Siegfried Sigmundson/Sigurd and how he kills the shit out of Fafnir and bathes in his blood and a leaf fucks him up in the long term, we know that. What a decent amount of people also know is that there’s this really hot valkyrie named Brynhildr and that Siegfried had a Balmung in his pocket for her. There’s a couple of versions of how the developments go, but the gist of it is that King Gunther’s sister, Kriemhild, also known by her earlier name, Gudrun, is in love with Siegfried, but Siegfried doesn’t give a damn about Gud because he just wants to carefully cultivate that valkyrie poontang with his dragonoid broadsword, which poses A PROBLEM because Gunther also lusts for the shieldmaiden. 
At one point, Odin tasked Brynhildr to shift the tide of battle in favor of one of two kings that were warring with each other, and Odin clearly preferred one of the kings, and sort of assumed Brynhildr would pick the one he wanted. She goes and doesn’t because No One Controls The Bryn.
This obviously pissed off Odin, however, which is a POOR DECISION, and Brynhildr got slam dunked in the Time Out Corner by Odin because she had been very very naughty, and by time out, I mean he trapped her in a castle in the middle of fucking nowhere that was surrounded by a massive wall of shields, and INSIDE THE CASTLE, she was surrounded by a ring of deadly fire. Odin was kinda thorough with these kinds of silly punishments. Siegfried is like “THIS IS MY TIME TO SCORE BROWNIE POINTS” and rode right into that bitch and he didn’t give a shit because he’s fucking Siegfried,so he gets there and beats the crap out of the shields and disregards the fire and, like the romantic stud he is, does this all Very Quietly so as to not disturb the sleeping Brynhildr. Get you a man like this. He approaches her and removes her helmet and cuts open her chain mail, liberating her from Odin’s imprisonment. They fall in love like the warriors they are and get very very cute with each other. Up until here, this is all fine and dandy, but THEN, UNBEKNOWNST TO SUMANAI, HE REALLY FUCKS UP when he gives Brynhildr the Ring of Andvaranaut as a sign of his love.
OK, NOW WE GET TO THE PART THAT a lot of people don’t know too much: THE RING IS BAD JUJU. The Ring of Andvaranaut is triple cursed and a terrible possession to have. Now, the ring is magical, possessed with the ability to make gold, no questions asked. If you have the ring, you are set for life. However, and this is the part everyone was waiting for, LOKI FUCKED IT UP. YES SIR, LOKI IS ALSO INVOLVED IN THIS ONE. See, Loki tricked the original owner of the Ring, Andvari, into giving him the ring. Enraged, Andvari cursed the ring, so now the ring, sure, it makes gold, but it also bring destruction and misery to whoever owns it, so Loki yelled “zoinks!” and got rid of that mamajama real fast by dumping it into some sucker who happened to be The Literal Fucking King of the Dwarves as an apology for other irrelevant things Loki did before, and that king died when his son, a fellow we are all familiar with named Fafnir, bewitched by the ring’s potential, murdered him and stole the ring from his idiot corpse. This is generally what happens when one deals with Loki. Anyways, Fafnir turned into a dragon and fucked off to a cave, where he kept using the ring to make more and more treasure, which he guarded. Siegfried then kicks his ass and that’s how he came to possess the ring.
ANYWAYS, you now know how absolutely cursed that ring is and you can probably tell where this is going: To the dumpster in a silk ribbon. Siegfried declares his love for Brynhildr and the two arrange to marry, and he says he’ll be back to fetch her, since he had to do some shit at the court of Gjuki, the King of Burgundy and the father of Gunther and Kriemhild, and this is where it gets fuckin’ nasty.
Kriemhild’s mom, Grimhild (HER NAME LITERALLY MEANS “MASKED BATTLE” IMAGINE BEING THIS BADASS) concocted an amnesia potion that made Siegfried forget about Brynhildr. Siegfried then was courted by Kriemhild, fell in love, and they both married. Also, remember than Gunther, Kriem’s brother and Grim’s son, was in love with Bryn, so she sent him to go get Brynhildr. THE PROBLEM: Gunther sux and couldn’t get past the ring of fire. Gunther was like “lag” and “siegfried give me your horse, mine sucks”, and Sieg is like sure bro here’s the keys, and he tries again and PIN PON PUN HE FAILS AGAIN because it’s not a horse issue, he just was terrible at platforming. Siegfried is like “UGH DUDE YOU SUCK PASS ME THE CONTROLLER”, fucking shapeshifts into Gunther, GETS there, courts Brynhildr as Gunther, and then they spent three days drowning in passionate, delicious valkyrie sex, BUT he didn’t take her virginity, because “he laid his sword between them”. In Norse mythos, this is a weird ass phrase that basically means “Siegfried used a Super Condom and the sex didn’t count as far as her virginity is concerned” and we just have to accept it. WHATEVER. Oh, right, in the middle of The Sex, Siegfried retrieved his Bad Ring.
So, he comes back, returns to his true form, and marries Kriemhild and Brynhildr (still a bit confused but otherwise truly in love with Gunther) marries Gunther. Now, say what you will about Grimhild and her morally bankrupt methods, but that is one mom that gets what her kids want, alright, holy SHIT.
And then shit hits the fan. Kriemhild and Brynhildr Did Not Get Along Well, and they often argued about My Husband Can Beat YOUR Husband. So one day, they are doing their bit, and Bryn says “WELL MINE RODE THROUGH THE RING OF FIRE AND GAVE ME THREE DAYS OF AWESOME SEX”, and Kriemhild laughed and said “um, sweaty ;) that was siegfried” and Bryn was like YOU WHAT, and hearing this Jousted Siegfried’s Memories, causing them to return and realizing He Had Been Had. He tried to console Brynhildr (also remembering he was deeply in love with her) but Bryn was having none of this shit. Bryn goes nucking futs (UNDERSTANDABLY) and gets Gunther to become enraged with Siegfried by telling him that Sieg took her virginity in the tower (which he didn’t, remember the Super Condom) and this Got Him Real Mad. Basically, Bryn-san wanted Siegfried DEAD. And DEAD she got him, because Gunther got so pissed that he went and– Wait, no he didn’t, because 1) Siegfried is fucking invincible and 2) Siegfried is basically his BFF and he swore an oath of brotherhood with him, which he couldn’t bear to break. He was still mad though, so he got his younger brother, fed him a potion of fury (they had potions of fucking everything in Germany) and, in his berserk rage, Little Bro went and killed Siegfried in his sleep. Before dying, however, Siegfried threw his sword and killed Little Bro, because fuck you, The Sieg doesn’t go down without a fight.
SO SIEG’S DEAD, and this gets Kriemhild so damn sad that she became emotionally stunted. Brynhildr, on the other hand, apparently hadn’t had enough, so she grabbed Sieg’s three year old by the neck and fucking killed him too. It wasn’t until Kriem saw Sieg’s corpse with her very eyes that she got out of her emotional stupor and cried her eyes out. Reminder: Kriemhild herself had no hand in any of this. Grimhild, her mom, did all the shady deals, which Kriemhild had no clue about. Yikes.
When the day of Siegfried’s funeral comes and his funeral pyre is lit, Brynhildr threw herself to the flames, burning to death alongside the man she truly loved and leaving her mark as one of the first yandere in the history of romantic fuck ups.
So fucking everyone’s dead now and Kriemhild is just confused, like, exactly what happened here? Well, she finds out, and KRIEMHILD GETS FUCKING MAD. Kriemhild was not Evil like her grim mom, but she could be mean as fuck too, and the first thing she did was predict the death of her brother, Gunther, for having had a hand in this. She tells him and then leaves, leaving him afraid of his destiny until it comes fetch him, for fear, my friend, is ultimately the strongest weapon of all, and like poison, it kills on its own. Formidable is the weapon that kills on its own. Unlike Brynhildr’s “direct action” style, Kriemhild was more of a believer of the “I want to see you suffer, for death need not come all at once” school of thought.
Kriem leaves and eventually marries King Atli, AKA Attila the Hun. So you might think “WOW SCORE!”, well, see, no. King Atli, based on Attila the Hun, was Brynhildr’s brother, and Grimhild told Kriem to marry him, and Kriem REALLY DIDN’T WANT TO, because she knew it would end in Bad Juju (Kriem had a lot of prophetic dreams), but she ends up doing so anyways. Atli kills her whole family, Grimhild included. Yikes. 
And see, there’s this thing in us humans, this thing that we don’t quite get it until we experience it, but once we do, it changes our lives: It’s called reaching the breaking point. Kriemhild Reached The Breaking Fucking Point.
Enough is enough. She was done with losing, she was done with having every shred of happiness she could muster be torn away from her, she was done with always being out of loop, yet still having to bear the brunt, the burn, the misery, the consequences from the plans of others.
Enough is enough. 
Kriemhild dons the frilliest, pinkest, cutest apron in the world, murders Atli’s two sons, mutilates them, and makes them food. During a feast, Kriemhild served an unaware Atli his two sons and gets him shitfaced with ale. Once he’s super drunk and super full, Kriemhild interrupts the feast, saying:
Thou giver of swords, / of thy sons the heartsAll heavy with blood / in honey thou hast eaten;Thou shalt stomach, thou hero, / the flesh of the slain,To eat at thy feast, / and to send to thy followers.Thou shalt never call / to thy knees againErp or Eitil, / when merry with ale;Thou shalt never see / in their seats againThe sharers of gold / their lances shaping,Clipping the manes / or minding their steeds. 
Kriemhild then sets fire to the hall, which she had coated with alcohol beforehand, and kills Atli and all of his men, leaving the burning disaster behind her and disappearing.
Moral of the story: Family is cool but keep them in the loop or shit happens and then Attila the Hun burns to death after eating his children.
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