#anyways i just finished watching sophomore year and i am elaborating on a previous post about this
disastergenius · 9 months
once again, i am thankful for the way that Gorgug's adoption is portrayed!
he's looking for his biological dad (not his mom though?) and it's played for laughs but not in a bad way
The Thistlesprings are his parents! They're his parents and it's never assumed or implied that they are less valuable to him because he's not biologically related to him
his parents love him so much! they don't mind all the things he has that are different (like breaking his bed), they listen and they help
if i remember correctly, there's genuinely only one (1) instance of Gorgug/Zac saying "his real dad" to reference his bio dad, which is surprising to me just because of the way that's usually used
in the nightmare forest truth I was so worried for many things. I love that truth was not about him being adopted, it would have been really easy for Brennan/Zac to play off that as a fear, either with rejection or abandonment. That the Thistlespring relatives were going to be mad about him being a half-orc and that was why they didn't want him, but no, they made it about his rage instead.
no one ever really questions that Gorgug's parents are gnomes? like he just shows up with them and is like, yeah these are my parents. or he just mentions it and everyone's chill about it.
i know that the focus of Sophomore Year is not here, but Gorgug's bio parents don't really get mentioned. Like yes, he probably has some sort of relationship with them off-screen, but I kind of like that it wasn't elaborated on or really talked about? I feel like a lot of media with both families in the picture make a point to show that the relation between them and the child is equal and/or equitable, or different parties are being punished for not allowing that relationship. But I think Gorgug not talking about it a lot was kind of nice since it showed an adopted child is not obligated to have a relationship once they find the bio parent and it's not demonized. [and if they choose to do more with that in Junior Year, I will be interested to see it! It has a lot of potential to be good and a relationship between them would be good for Gorgug]
anyways, it's refreshing to see an adopted character where it's not a big deal for them
[do i watch the "are you my dad" video regularly? yes]
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