#anyways i left it v open in case you wanted to do civi or flash so xoxoxo
knowthingsarc · 3 years
barry allen.    ››        @legacyshaped.
asked for a    netflix starter ♡  based on  criminal minds season 4 ep 23.  
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“      oh no ,   no no  no,       ”         she mutters to herself,  twisting the keys again in attempt to jumpstart her engine.  a near  w h i n e  escapes her lips a the car merely stutters in response.  with a loud sigh she drops her hand from the key and leans her head against the headrest of the drivers seat.  and   t h i s   is why she’d wanted to stick more into the city limits when she’d moved.  having to  drive in  meant needing a car  ...   and a car meant   maintenance.  and while she was doing  okay  for herself,   she could already imagine the zeros in the number the mechanic would giver her based on   w h a t e v e r   was wrong with this car.
squeezing her eyes shut she takes in a deep breath before opening them,  her expression turning   d e t e r m i n e d   as she pulls the keys and gets out of the car.  her internal monologue turning into one of   confidence.    i got this.  i know a bit about cars.  maybe i just need to check my oil?   i’ll figure this out.    emery quickly pulls the lever at the foot of the drivers side to pop open the hood of her car before shutting the drivers side.  she props open the hood and then looks at the engine,  her expression going  blank  as she just takes in the mass of metal.  maybe she   d o e s n ’ t    have this.  but even to herself,  that’s something she won’t humor.  so she does what she can.  stripping off her hoodie,  thanking the universe for prompting her to bring a black one as she uses it to wipe off the wand as she checks her oil.  she checks the fluids,  and then does the most logical thing she can think of  ...  checks her   p h o n e .  
with a quick google search she finds herself back in the drivers seat merely to try and start the car again,  eyes on the dashboard to watch it   verify   google’s theory.  with a huff of a sigh at the blinking   battery light   on her dashboard she stops trying and gets back out of the car.  she turns her gaze to the barren street,  looking up and down it for   a n y   sign that anyone was coming.  from all her searching,  she knew she needed a  jump.  but for that,  she needed  any  car to come,  and then for the driver to  hopefully   not be a serial killer.  but she’d been here for about  t h i r t y  minutes,  and hadn’t seen a single car  ...  so as she curses up a storm in portuguesse, she tosses her hoodie back into the car and grabs her purse before shutting the door.  she rounds the car and pulls her purse strap across her chest before   slamming   the hood of her car shut and turning to the road. with a quick look at the map on her phone she then heads down the road in the direction of the nearest gas station.
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