#anyways i love him A Lot and im so excited to see him in kmik i may actually die????
gothoffspring · 1 year
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Suraj Kennedy for @rainymoodlet's Kiss Me in Komorebi Age: 33 Sign: Virgo Occupation: Freelance Photographer/Community Garden Enthusiast Traits: Creative, Loves the Outdoors, Overachiever Location: San Myshuno
more info under the cut! (like, a lot more.. too much probably)
Suraj was adopted when he was 5 years old, and raised in the heart of the Spice District in San Myshuno. He has two sisters with whom he is very close. He's currently working on saving up enough money to go back to school to pursue a serious career in photography. Nature is his best friend and greatest coping mechanism for when things get tough. He was employed at the San Myshuno Botanical Garden for over five years, and still does certain photography projects for them. Doesn't mind getting his hands dirty (literally, not figuratively). Is a very frequent visitor of the community garden space, and loves tending to his garden. He's a serious overachiever and has no room for slacking off or failure of any kind. Missed out on the opportunity to go to school due to lack of funding and the need to help out with the care of his siblings due to a family situation. He currently lives on his own in a one bedroom apartment, located in the Arts Quarter. He's been working as a freelance photographer for a few years now and takes excellent wedding photos, despite his interest really lying in nature photography. Brides just happen to pay a bit more than flowers. He's been able to save up a bit of money and is finally almost ready to pursue his dream of higher education. Happened upon the submission form for Kiss Me in Komorebi by accident on the internet, and decided to give it a shot without many expectations. Until he actually started looking into Daniel Taylor himself, and now he's only a BIT smitten and very excited to meet him...
fun facts:
He can often be found wearing the colors brown and green. Floral patterns are also a must. He greatly enjoys corduroy pants and spiffy shirts, but also likes to dress down at times too (while still looking incredibly polished. The dude does not leave his apartment without all 3 of his earrings and his favorite cologne lovingly patted behind his ears)
Highly interested in UFO's. One of the things on his bucket list is to one day eat at the UFO Crash Site Diner in Oasis Springs.
Has a journal he writes in every single day without fail. Usually doing some sort of brainstorming exercise or spilling out his heart and soul.
He also makes lists meticulously. He spends so much time making plans and writing them down that sometimes he lacks on the execution part.
His dad is like, an ALARMINGLY huge fan of Daniel Taylor and may fangirl just a little upon finding out his son is about to go on a reality tv show with the man.
His perfect night consists of Yahtzee, making homemade popcorn, watching nature documentaries and curling up with a very cute person on the couch.
Is an apple nerd, wouldn't dare touch an android (is this his weakness djfklds im kidding)
Loves carnivals, fairs and carnival games! If a boardwalk is involved, you've won him over completely. All of his closest friends have won him at least one stuffed animal from the fair.
Enjoys not having to wear pants in his own apartment ❤️ (we love a relatable king)
Extremely scared of dogs due to being bit when he was a kid, but stick a cat in front of him and he's picking them up immediately.
Huge museum enthusiast and wants to visit as many as he can!
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