#anyways i redid the last question three or four times and still rambled so i hope its like coherent rambling lmao
alduinsbanes · 2 years
if you're still taking these, 2, 5, 18, 32 for our dear Severa! ✨
Thank you!!!! <3
2. Dragonborn's preferred weapon and fighting style?
She mainly uses one-handed swords or her bow depending on the situation but she carries both of them with her when she suspects she might have to fight. Her fighting style revolves around which weapon she’s using. Either way she’s cautious and makes sure to keep a good eye on her opponent especially because she does not use a shield at all.
5. Dragonborn's favorite province and Dragonborn's least favorite province?
Severa’s favorite hold is Whiterun hold. It’s where she started out and now it’s home to her. She wouldn’t want to settle anywhere else. Her least favorite is the Rift, It’s pretty but she’s just not fond of it. It always seems like bad news to her. This is closely tied with the Reach.
18. Did your Dragonborn want to be Dragonborn? Are they a reluctant, begrudging hero, a jaded and bitter hero, or a stars-in-their-eyes "This is my destiny!" hero? Are they a hero at all?
No, she did not want to be Dragonborn at all. I would say she is a reluctant hero. She did it but begrudgingly. She was happy that at least she got to keep the world from ending, but she doesn’t understand why it had to be her. She doesn’t consider herself a hero really, she was just doing what she had to but others consider her as such. 
32. How does your Dragonborn view the gods, daedra and deities? How do they view the Dragonborn?
Severa’s view of the gods is complicated. She grew up with parents who mostly worshiped Akatosh, Mara, and Kynareth and so had a positive view of them most her life even after she started worshiping Hircine. The other divines she never really paid much mind to. However, after finding out she was dragonborn and what not she was angry and seeing that it was Akatosh’s fault it soured her view of him.
 As for the daedra the only one she views in a mostly positive light is Hircine, given that he is her patron deity. The others she’s not entirely fond of. After the Dragonborn DLC she really kind of hates Hermaeus Mora and avoids anything to do with him she can including his black books.
I don’t know if the other divines would view her as anything other than just another person or just another dragonborn. Akatosh on the other hand may have more thoughts on her. What though is hard to say. Amusement maybe? Whatever it is Severa isn’t thrilled about it. Severa avoids many of the daedra and has only done tasks for maybe three of them save for Hircine. She is Hircine’s champion and bears his ring and so she has his favor and she certainly worked for it. He views her in a more favorable light.
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