#anyways i sjoild sleep now its literally so late ahahaaaaaaa
crumble-cookii · 3 years
uhhh slight spoilers for CRK episodes 11-12, and mention of g0re, vi0lence, d3ath/murd3r, and maybe c4nnibalism(dragon eat cookie, dragon also kinda cookie? does that count enough??), lmk if I need to put more warnings up!! <3
I plan to make my own little comic thing for it later, maybe tomorrow, but basically
so yknow how Pitaya was like kinda in control of the HB kingdom for a while because big strong f you dragon can do what they want? and we also know they have some slight anger issues and are pretty violent and lash out easily?
how many people are we thinking they killed in their time in power? they got sharp teefs which can easily rip out someone's throat, do you ever think they just straight ate someone? maybe singed them? gutted them with their claws? something similar??
as far as I know this never happened, but I haven't actually finished the story for the episodes myself(watched the cutscenes though, couldnt help it, oops) so idk if it's ever referenced that this happened, but like. idk, it's just smth to think about I guess?
just, how many cookies pissed Pitaya off enough that they either wound up dead or with some kind of severe scarring? I feel, even with all their lashing out, they know better than to attack Jungle and Royal Berry, but I wonder if they ever ended up threatening the two, or maybe even just some light damage which wouldn't scar, like just a really forceful hit or maybe a light cut
what would Holly think when she finally returns? would anyone ever tell her? would she already know? would she just literally kill Pitaya for it? or like, if they were able to get away first, set hunting parties? would she even pursue that far, or just wait until they come around again to stain her hands in dragons blood? would they even come back after that, knowing they've pissed off one of the only people who could defeat them? oh and ESPECIALLY if it goes the route of them hurting Royal Berry even a little bit
idk, I've just had this idea brewing in my head for a lil bit, and I think it'd be really cool to go into :D
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