#anyways i took some pics with him and olive (yes i finally made her and she's no longer a mere concept YAY)
simstoyourdismay · 8 months
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baby august do NOT look at me like that you demonic fuck
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assassinshadow17 · 4 years
Time for a review of the 100th AHW episode. And I will say.... it was amazing! the story and direction were fantastic and overall a great episode, felt like we were back in Season 3 or even Season 4!(Notable as the best seasons) 
SPOILERS, Watch the episode if you haven’t already, or if you don’t care then read on ig.
So first off, I liked the mother-daughter/generations of women being passed down to somewhat “terrible” or “discouraging” mothers. But I believe Kathryn and Katie had good intentions, to try to keep the passed down child from being hurt. As seen with Katie trying to steer Anna-Kat from cheerleading because she could have been made fun of by those girls(only cause they are self-centered and only care about being popular, not Anna-Kat’s fault) I loved Gieselle’s performance this episode, she really locked in her “Anna-Kat” for me and would love to see what she has to offer beyond this 5th season. However the step-mom was the real b**** and she shouldn’t be calling any shots or saying for people “Get over it” A real piece of work she is. At least Kathryn and Katie evaluated their mistakes and made Anna-Kat see that she should blossom and try what she wants to do!
Second off, the upcoming break-up of Trip and Taylor is incoming.... I’m actually really sad about this and I thought we were passed this back in the 5th episode of this season, but apparently they want Taylor to grow out of Trip, or at least move on from him as she’s going through college. I mean I suppose its something that always happens, High School relationships don’t tend to stick, but its really the memories of Trip and how caring he was of the Ottos + Franklin and Cooper. Loved his scenes with Anna-Kat, love his scenes with Oliver and Cooper, especially the family photo episode. Possibly the best episode of the series IMO. So wholesome and showed how lighthearted the show and family truly were. But also its really hard to see others move on, and its life but it freaking sucks and I feel like this will be the sad/disappointment of the season, Cooper and Oliver will be fine, but Taylor and Trip are coming to an end it seems. All the parallels, all the interactions between the two couples.... the promise in Trip returning in the family pic in ten years, would it even happen anymore? I also love his bond between Cooper, they are such supportive and amazing boyfriends to Oliver and Taylor. Their interactions though are so wholesome and are best buds for sure!(Especially since they are the worst hiders in the world LOL, also Cooper being the worst liar but that’s okay lol, if you get the episode reference.) Its too sad and I’m rambling, but I’ll miss Trip. I blame TA lmao, he can leave for all I care. But no I suppose this is for Taylor’s growth(Even if I hate it so much)
Franklin was funny, he really gets in your head lmao. Calling Cooper a dog though I- But he did get it in Cooper’s head that he needed to have his own dreams so that’s cool. Good job Franky!(but not good job in making them fight smh)
Now for Cooper and Oliver....
OLIVER SAID IT “WE ARE COOLIVER DAMN IT” YES ADMIT YOU ARE BOYFRIENDS AND SAY IT PROUD! To backtrack as well, Cooper opening the scene with his cooking is muy bueno! His food always looks good like wtf?! But anyways, funny scenes with believing everything that the attack ad from Principle Albulin said lol(politics in a nutshell) Like I said before, Cooper finally started to find his dreams. I personally didn’t mind him not having anything yet, and just wanted to be with Oliver. But I’m so glad that they took this opportunity to chase that plotline, Cooper being a chef and enjoying it now, I’m glad he has his own goals. So moving on, Trevor was still an ass but what else is new? I did like how Cooper defended himself though, pretty badass not to take his crap anymore. Cooliver fighting as well, not a conversation we like to hear, especially since it was pretty serious. We knew they would figure it out, but it still hurts-I did like how Oliver got his attitude in order and realized that Cooper isn’t just going to have his dreams, Cooper wanted his dreams too. “No that’s YOUR goal/dream” A time where he got really serious and considered his future. Trevor saying that they were breaking up- Please Trevor, they would never, they always get like this. But yes they said some things.... But now moving on. Oliver did do the right thing and thought of Cooper, that chef apron was so loving and wholesome of him! “Your boy got it right” Stop Oliver, DON’T MAKE ME CRY- However to sum up Cooliver, it was some realization for them and realizing they don’t have to have the same goals to remain boyfriends. They can steer different directions and always end on the same street!(good overall IRL message too, no need to do everything together) They will always be together, even if they don’t spend every second together.
Cute ending scene between Cooliver too. I forgot the dialogue already but lol it was cute. Taylor is wanting Andre/TA, so yeah.... it was an amazing ride we had Trip, but..... (I’m going to go cry BRB!)
So Katie breaking the 4th wall was neat haha, here’s to 100 episodes AHW fandom, Cooliver fandom, every casual viewer! And hopefully many more episode to see and laugh, cry with. To enjoy. This fanbase is incredible, the cast is amazing, the crew gives their very best. To only great things for everyone and its audience, love you all!
Rating for Episode - 9.5/10. Flawless direction and plotline, just didn’t like Taylor and Trip’s trajectory, but that’s subjective ig(although we all hate it lbr)
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latinasmoak · 7 years
Nocking Point Wine Tasting Party
Aka the event where I just had the most INCREDIBLE, amazing, fan-fucking-tastic night with Stephen Amell and my girls Jesi ( @jesileighs ) and Kristy ( @cbcbiology ) 
After many requests on twitter to write this out on tumblr here I am. This is long so take a seat! pictures are included and before you ask me “HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?” let me tell you “I HAVE NO CLUE I’M SHOCKED AND IN AWE ABOUT THIS TOO!” ok? On with the story
We arrived at the Nocking Point Warehouse in Walla Walla around 6pm, after waiting to pay our $10 tasting fee and showing our ID’s to prove that yes we are all over the age of 21 we got inside the super crowded, super hot warehouse where all the action was happening. It was overwhelming, where do we go? what do we do? We all three kinda looked at each other and decided to go get ourselves some wine before we do anything else! While we were getting our drinks on, the amazing ladies who were servings us the goods totally let us know where Stephen was, he was so beautiful lol, there was a line to meet with him and chat and to MY SURPRISE it was relatively short, after getting our drinks we zoomed to get in line. It was while we were in this line that he showed us in his Instagram Video (i’m the girl in red behind the girl with the striped shirt)
While I was in line Jesi was making fun of me cause I was taking nonstop pictures of Stephen like these ones
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So we were laughing and having a good time, drinking our REALLY YUMMY WINES (I had the bubbly myself, fucking delicious) waiting in line to meet this amazing man....
SO I DON’T KNOW IF YA’LL KNOW THIS! Cause I didn’t write about it but during the HVFF Portland, I was the girl that was taking all the pictures of Mini Felicity, you know the one he reposted on all his social media accounts? 
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Yes this was me! And Jesi is Mini Felicity’s mom, ANYWAY’S BEFORE IT WAS EVEN OUR TURN STEPHEN SURPRISED US, Cause Jesi had her phone out, ready to facetime with Norah (mini felicity) cause she was upset that she wasn’t at the party to meet Stephen (or in her mind Oliver) again. Stephen saw that Jesi was facetiming someone and he just appeared behind her! wanting to know what was going on, when Jesi let him know he was facetiming with Mini Felicity HE LIT UP, IT WAS SO PRECIOUS! LOOK AT THE PICS I AIN’T LYING
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I was shaking and taking pictures like crazy while all of this was happening, REMEMBER IT WASN’T OUR TURN YET! THERE WERE PEOPLE AHEAD OF US STILL WAITING!!! But the facetiming didn’t take a lot of time. When it was over he went back to the group before us, asked for a bathroom break and he left his wine glass and his water bottle with the girls in front as PROOF that he would come back! He comes back, they spend a lot of time chatting, Jesi, Kristy and I are all entertaining ourselves while we wait, I’m honestly just looking at him and how beautiful he is lol. 
 When it was finally our turn to chat with him we were SO EXCITED! We made sure to let him know that we were apart of the Mini Felicity crew, and he made a quip about us being the cool kids lol. We then asked if Emily Bett knew about Norah? Cause she never reacted on social media to let us know so we were dying of curiosity and after we asked him he was like “Yes of course she knows who Mini Felicity is!” but then its like a lightbulb turned on in this head and he took out his phone, SURPRISED US cause he had the picture of him hugging Norah SAVED IN HIS CAMERA ROLL and he just texted Emily the picture!!
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WE WERE DYING!! LIKE OH MY GOD IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? It was and Emily replied SUPER QUICK, like instantaneous and he flipped his phone over and showed us her reply “Who dat? She's cute." to which his response was "Her name is Norah."
After that Cassandra walked up to us, and Stephen, Cass and Jesi were able to chat and compare stories about having cute little sassy girls who steal everyone’s hearts. (fyi Norah want’s to be Mavi’s playdate SO BAD) Since I got the feeling our time would be up I asked for a selfie with Stephen and he was like “Of course” my hand was shaking like crazy, I took my pic and i was like “I’m so sorry I can’t stop shaking” and he was like “Hey! It’s okay, I think we nailed it!” For the record I think so too!
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I then took a pic of Stephen with Jesi and Kristy asked to take a pic with Stephen AND Cassandra, all the pics were CUTE AF, so anyways we got out of the line, thanked them profusely for all their time and giggled like crazy that THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! WE IMMEDIATELY went onto Twitter and shared all the info, pics and excitement, my mentions became a mess, and we are all so dang GIDDY! After that we spent hours just having fun, roaming around, drinking lots of wine, Jesi had a fish taco with mango salsa that she would not stop raving about, Kristy kept her company and I went inside so i could keep on drinking the bubbly (its my favorite okay??)  
I’m drunkish, TIPSY okay. My face is flushed, I’m really just so HAPPY and having the time of my life, I had already made like 10 new friends just chatting about how awesome Arrow is and watching some intense LARGE JENGA games going down. Jesi, Kristy and I decide to refill our wine glasses and go to the corner that has the TV screen on with Arrow playing. Season 3 was on and it was all good until a FELICITY AND RAY *IMPLIED* SEX SCENE WAS HAPPENING. I WAS OFFENDED and I walked away lol, got myself some more wine. When I came back Netflix was asking us if we were still watching, we all cackled and the moment Jesi realized it was on netflix she was like “Alejandra change it to 5x20″ and i was like YESSSS. So I did.
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and we were super proud of it too. 
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At this point i’m at the stage where I’m on the floor, giggling and enjoying the life. taking selfies of myself drinking wine on snapchat, talking to everyone on twitter
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here are some screenshots of the DETAILS of what was happening during this moment. I AM SHOOKETH
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Here are some links of the twitter posts that you should totally check out if you have a twitter!!!
also this live video of me being SHOOKETH and crying about what just happened is still on twitter (its just not live anymore lol)
Listen there’s more, feel free to explore the crazyness of my Twitter but I have to go and get ready to drive back home to Boise.  I’ll finish it with this.
I feel so honored and blessed that this happened. I DON’T KNOW HOW IT DID BUT IT DID AND I’M AN EMOTIONAL WRECK BECAUSE OF IT.  I’m rooting for this man forever and ever. I wish him all the happiness and success possible! I’ll be a fan for life. 
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blazinbeautywrites · 8 years
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Note: Due to recent events and the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
I give full credit to the original owner of any gif or pic I use.
Length: 2,997 words
Genre: Angst
Trigger Warning: There is a racist undertone to this story and there will be a slight use of the N word.
Gray never imagined that his life would be this way. When he’d first met Amara everything was amazing. They’d gotten married and had a beautiful baby girl but somewhere along the line things fell apart. Now here he is on his way to court to fight for custody of his daughter Alaia. Gray found himself wondering how in the world things got so bad. He thought after he’d admitted his infidelities that as a man and wife Amara and he would be able to talk it out and move on but she took their kid and left. Twelve years and she just left and now he was fighting for his right to see his 8 year old. From afar he saw Amara and Alaia and as soon as he made eye contact with his baby girl he smiled the biggest smile.
“DADDY!!!!!” Alaia said as she took off running in his direction.
“Hey baby girl. Daddy missed his little princess,” Gray said holding his daughter tight.
“Alaia what did I tell you about running off like that?” Amara scolded.
“Hey Amara, you look good,” Gray said.
“Hey Gray and yeah you too. So where’s your little girlfriend? I thought she’d be here to support you,” Amara said.
“Please don’t start. I told her not to come. This has nothing to do with her,” Gray sighed.
“Hmm bummer. I wanted to finally meet the woman who was fucking my husband knowing he was married. Well another time I guess. See you in court sweetheart,” Amara said. She grabbed Alaia’s hand and walked up the remaining steps to courthouse.
10 minutes later in the courtroom everyone was getting settled as the judge took her seat.
“Now Ms. Jensen from what I understand, Mr. Lee was unfaithful in your marriage correct?” The judge asked.
“Yes your honor,” Amara answered.
“I see. Mr. Lee please tell me why your ex wife doesn’t want you to have custody of your daughter,” The judge said.
“Honestly your honor I have no idea. I was blindsided by the custody papers. I know I’m no saint and I did cheat on my wife but I don’t think that warrants a lawsuit to keep me from my daughter,” Gray said.
“Okay I’ve heard enough. I saw the deposition tapes. I know you two had a messy, highly publicised divorce but this back and forth you’ve two been doing in my courtroom the past few weeks is ending today. Ms. Jensen I can understand that you’re hurt by your ex husband’s actions but you have no right to deny him his parental rights. If he poses no physical or mental harm to your daughter then I see no reason not to award him joint custody and Mr. Lee, it is in incredibly poor taste to parade the woman you cheated on your wife with and dangle that betrayal in her face. Now if we’re done here I am awarding joint custody to you Mr. Lee. Alaia Lee will spend weekends with her father. Ms. Jensen if you interfere or violate any of these terms, I will hold you in full contempt of court, do i make myself clear?” The judge asked.
“Yes, your honor. Don’t worry I won’t interfere with your orders,” Amara said. She struggled to hold back tears as she glanced at Gray grinning from ear to ear. As the judge dismissed the court Gray walked out of the courtroom with his lawyer trailing right behind him. Amara walked out of court and saw Gray holding Alaia and almost broke down.
“Mommy!” Alaia ran to her mother, nearly locking her down.
“Hey sweetie,” Amara said hugging her tight. As she let go she saw Gray approach them.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this. Look may-”
“You won. You don’t have to make small talk with me. You can pick her up from school Friday and I’ll drop off her bags on my way home from work,” Amara said.
“Okay. Fair enough,” he said. He waved goodbye to Alaia and watched Amara drive off.
Back at Gray’s place his girlfriend, Hyejin was laying on the sofa watching tv when Gray walked in the door. She quickly shut the tv off and walked over to him.
“So? How did it go? Did you win?” Hyejin asked. Gray smiles and she jumps into his arms.
“Okay slow your roll. It’s only for the weekend for now,” Gray said.
“What? Why? That’s your kid too! God I knew that bitter bitch would pull some shit,” Hyejin said.
“First of all, don’t call her a bitch. I won’t tolerate you talking shit about the mother of my child in my house. Regardless of how she feels towards me she gave me the best gift in the world and you will respect that,” Gray said.
“Wow, so you rather defend her than me, your girlfriend? Okay I see how it is. Fuck you!” Hyejin said. She stormed off and slammed the door to their bedroom, leaving Gray in the living room by himself.
The rest of the week came and went and after Gray had picked Alaia up from school he took her out for some ice cream. He knew he wasn’t supposed to but he wanted to talk to her before taking her to his house.
“So, how was school?” Gray asked.
“Fine I guess. This boy in my glass asked me to be his girlfriend but I turned him down,” Alaia said, eating a spoon of her ice cream.
“Good. You’re too young for a boyfriend anyway,” Gray said. Alaia laughed at him and begin eating more of her ice cream.
“Daddy why did you and mommy break up?” Alaia asked. Gray choked on his ice cream. His daughter had never really asked him something so serious before. He didn’t know how to answer so he gave it his best shot.
“Ummmm I guess we just grew apart. I will always love her though. Especially since she gave me you,” Gray said. He pulled Alaia closer and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m glad you still love her. She’s having a tough time right now,” Alaia said.
“Why? Is she okay? What’s going on?” Gray asked.
“She just cries a lot. She’s always sad. I think she’s lonely,” Alaia said. It amazed Gray that at 8 years old Alaia could comprehend so much. A few more minutes later and they were done with their ice cream. Gray walked them out to the car and strapped her up in her seatbelt and drove to his house. Once he got inside he saw Hyejin in the kitchen cleaning up some dishes.
“Hey, Hyejin I’m so-”
“It’s fine. I should be the one apologizing. I overreacted and you were right. I should respect Amara, I mean I did steal her husband it’s the least I can do,” Gray cringed at her “apology” but chose to accept it. He didn’t want any drama while Alaia was there.
“Okay. Well this is Alaia,” Gray said. He stepped aside, allowing Alaia to get in front of him.
“Hi Alaia! It’s nice to finally meet you,” Hyejin said, sticking out her hand to shake. Alaia eyed her extended hand and looked at her face.
“Are you the woman that stole my daddy from my mom and me?” Alaia asked. Hyejin pulled her hand back in and shifted awkwardly on her feet. She immediately smiled and bent down to the point she was eye level with Alaia.
“Why yes I am. It’s very nice to meet you,” She said smugly. Gray glared at her and took Alaia to the kitchen to get cleaned up a bit. Hyejin noticed the lack of luggage and became suspicious.
“Okay what do you want for dinner later on princess?” Gray asked his  daughter.
“Hmmmmm…..McDonald’s?” Alaia said. She gave her dad the puppy dog eyes expecting him to cave in.
“Nope, not this time. You aren’t gonna get me with them puppy dog eyes. You know your mom will kill me if she found out that I fed you junk food this whole weekend. How about tonight we have some chicken and tomorrow if you’re good I’ll get you whatever you want. Deal?” Gray negotiated.
“Deal!” Alaia said, giving her dad a pinky promise. After washing her up, Gray send Alaia to her room so he could talk to Hyejin.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why the hell would you tell my daughter that shit? God I swear Hyejin,” Gray pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to calm himself down.
“Oh chill out. I’m sure Amara has put enough negative thoughts about me in her head. What’s one more?” Hyejin said.
“You’re so fucking aggrivating!” Gray said.
“Oh whatever, so where are her bags?” Hyejin asked.
“Amara is bringing them later after she gets off from work,” Gray said.
“So she’s coming here? Ugh I can’t escape her,” Hyejin said.
“You do know that in this entire situation you and I are the bad guys right? So stop acting like she ruined your life or some shit. Now if you don’t mind I need to run to the store to get a few things. Keep an eye on Alaia for me okay?” Gray said. He pulled Hyejin to him and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
A while later Hyejin was back on the sofa. She heard a noise and immediately looked up to see Alaia walking towards her.
“You okay?” Hyejin asked.
“Yeah, can you put my hair in a ponytail for me?” Alaia asked. She handed Hyejin a comb, brush, and some olive oil hair cream that gray kept in her room for her. Hyejin was flattered and went to work right away. After trying to tame Alaia’s curls Hyejin was ready to give up.
“This shit is ridiculous. Things would be easier if you just got your hair straightened. I mean do you really wanna go your entire life with this nappy nigger hair? It’s very unattractive,” Hyejin said. She began chuckling to herself. Alaia moved away and gave her the coldest stare ever.
“That’s racist. Nothing is wrong with my hair. I don’t know what my daddy sees in you,” Alaia said. She gathered up her things and went back to her room. She pulled out her emergency cell phone and called her mom. She told her everything, which had Amara furious. After the call she packed up her backpack and waited for Amara to come get her.
Half way across town Amara angrily packed up to leave early. She explained to her staff that she had a family emergency and had to leave early. She got her assistant to fill in and she quickly left the building. She called Gray but he didn’t pick up the phone. After a few more tries he finally answered.
“Oh fucking finally! How dare you?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!? I can’t believe you left our daughter alone in a house with that bitch! Who by the way referred to our daughter’s hair as nigger hair! Damn you really picked a winner there. I’m going to pick up our daughter and I’m taking your ass back to court you fucking piece of shit.” Amara said.
“Wait what?! I was only gone for like 30 minutes. I’m on my way back now,” Gray said. He was utterly confused and didn’t know what the hell to do.
“Well you better hope you get there before I do because I swear I’m gonna beat her ass for making my baby feel like shit,” Amara said, hanging up on him. She prayed that he was a minute late. She’d been dying to get her hands on Hyejin.
About 15 minutes later Amara and Gray both pulled up to his house. Gray had called Jay for reinforcement and they both got out of their cars just in time to see Amara bust into the house. They heard screaming and ran for their lives to see Hyejin in Amara’s face yelling out profanities.
You stupid, bitter bitch! GET THE FUCK OUT!” Hyejin yelled.
“I’m not the one sleeping with married men and breaking up happy homes, fucking psycho,” Amara said.
“I can’t help it if he got tired of slumming it with a ghetto bitch like you. He’s with his own kind now so get over it. He should have taken your gorilla ass back to the zoo when he had the chance,” Hyejin said, extremely please with herself. Jay and Gray watched in horror as Amara tackled Hyejin to the ground and began beating her ass. Hyejin didn’t stand a chance and both men rushed to them to break them apart. Once they got them separated they saw Hyejin’s face covered in blood.
“You bitch! I’m pressing charges!” Hyejin yelled.
“Ohh bite me cunt! Amara said.
“Mommy?” Alaia said. Tears were running down her face as she ran into her mother’s arms.
“Baby I’m so sorry you had to see this. How about you go grab your things and we head home,” Amara said.
“I don’t wanna come back here,” Alaia said as more tears rolled down her cheek.
“I promise you sweetie you won’t have to,” Amara looked at Gray one last time then walked out the door with Alaia in her arms.
“Look man, I gotta go. This shit is too intense for me. Plus you got some shit you need to work out. Take as much time as you need and come to work when you’re ready,” Jay said. He left, leaving Gray and Hyejin alone in the house.
“I honestly don’t know what to say to you right now. How fucking dare you say that racist, ignorant shit to my daughter? And that shit you said to Amara? Hell no!” Grad yelled.
“Oh so you just gonna choose that black bitch over me?” Hyejin asked.
“I’ve never wanted to hit a woman as much as I do now. You’re racist, ignorant, and honestly, you’re annoying as fuck. If it wasn’t clear after that ass whooping, let me make it clear. We are done! I want you packed and gone by the time I get back. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go get my family back,” Gray said. He left Hyejin standing bloody and dumbfounded in the middle of his living room. She began packing immediately so she could get out of the house quicker.
Finally home, Amara unbuckled Alaia from her seat belt and carried her sleeping body up to their house. She quickly opened the door and headed straight for Alaia’s bedroom. After tucking her in her bed Amara left her daughter’s room. She sat on her sofa and began bawling her eyes out. She was in disbelief that this had become her life. Between running her own lifestyle magazine and dealing with Gray’s bullshit she was at her wit’s end. She was just about to go take a shower when she heard a knock at the door. She went over and peeped into the peephole to see Gray standing there. She became heated and opened the door so quick it gave him whiplash.
“You have some fucking nerve showing up here,” Amara said.
“Look, please just can we talk?” Gray asked. Without saying a word she opened the door wider, letting him in the house they once shared.
“What do you want?” She asked.
“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I brought that woman in our lives in the first place, I’m sorry she hurt you, and most importantly I’m sorry I allowed her to hurt our daughter. I never meant for any of this shit to happen. I was just trying to make a shitty situation work. Please, please don’t take my daughter away from me,” Gray pleaded. He was on his knees, arms wrapped around Amara’s les and he cried. She nearly lost it at the sight of him breaking down like this.
“I got rid of her! She’s packing as we speak. I told her I wanted her gone by the time I get back. I’m trying, please I just want my family back,” Gray cried.
“Seonghwa, I can’t do this right now. I am drained and I just need to be away from you right now,” Amara said.
“You called me Seonghwa! You still love me?!” Gray said.
“Of course I still love you. You’re the first guy I’ve ever truly loved and the father of my child. I’ll always have love for you,” Amara confessed.
“I love you too. I never stopped. All that shit I put you through wasn’t worth it. I never stopped loving you. I know I hurt you and I don’t deserve you at all, but please can I have one more chance?” Gray groveled. Amara thought long and hard and decided that she really didn’t want her daughter to miss out on being with her father. She decided to give him one last chance.
“Fine! I’ll give you one chance, and one chance only. If you fuck this up, I WILL NOT hesitate to do what’s best for Alaia and if that includes you not being in her life then so be it. As far as our relationship goes, we are co parents. We can work on building a friendship but that’s as far as it will ever go. We have a deal?” Amara laid everything out in front of him.
“Yes. I’d do anything to get you guys back,” Gray said.
“Okay, I’ll call the judge and request an emergency hearing to get the case thrown out. I better not regret this Seonghwa,” Amara said.
“I promise you won’t,” Gray said. He pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. They stood there for god knows how long just embracing each other. Unbeknownst to them, Alaia was watching them from the dark hallway, smiling her ass off.
They were finally a family again.
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meulinthekittytroll · 7 years
Rant af I'm sorry
Yunno I don’t know what my dads problem is with my boyfriend. He doesn’t like him, at all. And I honestly have no idea why. Maybe it’s because this is the only relationship he’s seen me in? I’m not sure But if my dad could have seen all my past relationships he’d understand why B is probably the only one I could ever want to be with. There were some major people who impacted my life in negative ways and I’m still recovering from them. I will point out the major ones First there was David. He tried to kill me once, and manipulated me and made my self esteem plummet. (Grade 3-7) Yes, I know, 3rd through 7th grade and he tried to KILL you? Are you over exaggerating? No I’m not lol. Then there was Devin. He was the first boy to cheat on me. Which made my self esteem plummet even further. He also was the first boy to treat me… like I wasn’t a person I guess?? I don’t know how to describe that one but it made me feel very inferior. (Grade 6) young I know but shoosh this shit can happen at any age if you let it happen. Then there was Max. We never actually dated, but he is still very important because oh boy I crushed on this boy HARD from 8th to 10th grade. He and I had a thing going on in 8th grade but never quite did anything about it which only made me like him more. Then 9th grade came along and we only got closer but still didn’t quite do anything. (I also had a boyfriend at that time that I’ll get to in JUST a second) Finally 10th grade came along and I FINALLY made a move, only to get shot down, HARD. That was partly my fault I suppose for being too scared to tell him my feelings earlier than that. But still, ouch ouch that hurt me a lot. Jacob, the boyfriend mentioned just a second ago, this was a long distance relationship. He was a couple years older than me and I had never met him in person, I dated him because I was extremely lonely. This lasted almost a year, but not quite. It started out really fun because I could lowkey flirt with Max but still have someone to go home to and text and get the feelings of love that Max didn’t give me, I know I know that’s borderline cheating but hey I was in 9th grade and I was stupid in love with Max and it was just a messy time in my life and Ive obviously learned from it and cheating is disgusting ugh……. ihatemyselfAAAAnyways, as the months rolled by, things slowly went downhill with this Jacob kid. He just was a downer. We both were depressed and got even sadder when we realized we couldn’t meet for a long time blah blah you get the point everything was a mess and he made me extremely unhappy, that was a very toxic relationship and I’m glad nothing ever became of it. I haven’t talked to him in almost a year, I hope he’s doing well. Also in 10th grade I developed this crush on this boy named Anthony and he was a dorky kind of cute, tall and scrawny but still muscly, I dug it. I flat out told him I liked him bc I didn’t want another Max situation and he seemed interested at first until he told one of his friends that doubled as my friend that he wasn’t interested so I obviously found out and got shot down again. Ouch! When that didn’t happen I started talking to a good friend I also met over the internet named Gavin and wowie did this boy make me feel wanted and loved. I had a brief thing with him previously but it never followed through, due to the fact that he was a dickbag and cheated on me and blamed it on some personality disorder where he needed more than one girlfriend to be satisfied *cough* bullshit *cough* but anyways, I tried it with him again the summer going into 11th grade c he was sooooooo sorry and loved me soooo much and wanted to marry me (gag!) anyways, things were good for a while but then he slowly stopped talking to me and cheated again and all this other shit and as my confidence in myself slowly went down the garbage disposal as it had been since like 4th grade, I finally told myself enough is enough and told him I was done with him. I told myself I was done with boys until the right one came along and treated me right. As a junior at a new school with no friends, I assumed it would take until junior year of COLLEGE to even consider boys again (besides possibly sleeping around once I got too tired of being a virgin kek) But yunno, life throws unexpected things at you. I remember the night so clearly. I went to bed finally content with being alone, not having to worry about any boy cheating on me or making me feel bad or putting me down constantly. Then, wouldn’t you know it, the NEXT FUCKIN DAY, this super duper cute boy I had seen a few times around school walked into my first period photography class. And I thought to myself “fuck.” Bc I immediately knew something would happen between us. This boy was he perfect mix of goofy, nerdy, and cute as fuck, with a hint of holy shit you’re SEXY. Exactly my type. Tall, dark, and handsome (a spongebob reference has never been more relatable) ((besides maybe “i’m surrounded my idiots”)) ANNYYYWAYS Me and this kid start talking bc I grew a pussy (not balls bc balls are sensitive and vaginas take a pounding) and gave the kid my Snapchat. That same day I reaaallly wanted a chance to talk to him so I posted a pic on my story of me and my dog havin’ a blast (rip Lily u will be missed ily thank you for being the reason the loml messaged me for the first time) anywho, HE MESSAGED ME FIRST AND WE STARTED TALKING AND SHIT bc he thought my dog was cute af (which she was!!!!) and we kept talking and talking and found we had so much in common and finallyyyy we admitted to each other we liked each other and started dating soon after and I’m spare you all the mushy details of how that came to be. Back to the reason why I started writing this little rant/story in the first place. My dad borderline hates the guy. But what my dad doesn’t understand (which is a lot but these next few sentences are important) Every single relationship I’ve had, was with a guy who has done nothing but lead me on, cheat on me, or abuse me (both physically (which only happened twice thank god) and mentally (which happened SO MUCH OH MY GOD it’s so much harder to catch that than actually getting physically abused) Yet, my current boyfriend…. we’re gonna call him B, bc his name is unique and I don’t want people knowing who I am if this ever gets read by someone who knows me and cares enough to read though all of this. B is the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. He makes me feel important. He makes every day a blessing. When I first moved in with my dad in the beginning of 11th grade, I was a complete shut in. I hardly ever left my room besides to eat and bathe. After I met B, I started opening up and spending time with the family, and I made such amazing friends at school that I would have never talked to if it weren’t for him. B makes everything exciting. Of course we have had our fair share of bumps in the road, but ever healthy relationship does. And yunno what else healthy relationships do? They talked them through and fix the problems!!! B has made it so clear to me that I am worth all of the shit that goes on sometimes, and believe me I can be crazy so that is saying something. And oh boy is he a package deal too. He’s constantly got something going on, he’s quite frankly an idiot sometimes. But hey, he’s my idiot! I’ve never woken up and been happy about being alive since I was like 10, until B came around. B completely flipped my view of the world around. We tell each other this thing all the time because weird kinda opposites when it comes to certain things. He looks like the moon, but is the sun. And I look like the sun, but am the moon. He has dark hair and he’s got olive skin (very Italian looking) looking like a human version of the moon. But he has this optimistic view on life, the personality of the sun. Then there’s me; golden brown hair with fair skin, I look like the sun. But I’m kinda a pessimist, and I also am quite the night owl (he definitely isn’t!) personality of the moon. That might not make sense to you, but it does to us. I’m getting side tracked. The whole fuckin point is, I hadn’t felt true happiness since I was 10 until I met this guy. My dad says we aren’t going to last. My dad barely even lets me see him outside of school once a week, and when he does let me he always gives this disapproving scowl and scoff when I ask to see my boyfriend (who I have been with for well over a year now) once a week. Oh and by the way, he LIVES with his girlfriend who he’s only been dating a few more months than B and I have been. I wonder what he’d feel like if the roles were reversed. Yunno? Like he gets to see his gf every day and sleep next to her ever night, but the moment I want to see B, I get a scowl and a reluctant confirmation that I can see him on the day I asked to see him on. I’m sorry for all this rant and I know it’s probably all over the place but I just really really had to get it out because I don’t know why my dad is so unhappy with me being with a guy who makes me so happy. It’s not like B is a delinquent. He has two jobs (one is a photography business, he does really well with it actually he shoots for weddings and shit he’s an amazing photographer ((he only took the photography class at my school for the credit and to laugh at how low quality everything was at the school and how badly they taught it))) and he’s polite and respectful. My father truly has no reason to not like him, he has no idea how badly I’ve been treated up until I met B. B treats me better than anyone ever has, including my dad. Everyone else in my family loves him! Not nearly as much as I love the son of a bitch tho. I truly grew up from 3rd grade on getting belittled and cheated on and made to feel terrible, and if my dad knew that or understood it, maybe he wouldn’t hate the boy that made me happy to be alive again. Thank u for the ppl who took the time to read this through even tho I doubt anyone will do that bless u ilysm
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5.11.19 - 5.16.19 feat. NEW JOB + BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday! Cleaned manong’s car out while the sibs cleaned the house. I drove to Target and we also walked to 5 Below and Marshalls. At Marshalls manang bought an espresso maker!!! It’s so cute, and it was only $8. At Target I bought mom a small eye shadow palette for mother’s day lol (that’s all I could afford). Got some Mcdonalds and went home to play Overcooked 2. Mom was home from hanging out with tita Delai and tita Emy. Also. I found out my wisdom tooth in the back of my right side of my molar is finally popping out of my gum!!!! Bout time but man :P
Happy Mother’s day!!! Woke up and gave mom her gifts. Oh yeah, at Marshalls, manang bought marv lindor chocolate to give to mom lol. At church it was so busy! Decorated (again) the dining hall but at least it was simple. Food was great!!!!! Mark and kuya Sanjay both brought chicken curry! Mark actually brought a lot of food!! SO NICE of him. He brought curry, rice with beans, and plaintains. It was so good!! Dad had work so at home the sibs and mom took pics.
Prepped for interview questions and my clothes for my interview with Delfin at DMC - DRH! So nervous.
Phewwwww ok`so I got up pretty early (ok not really, but like 10 a.m. lol) to review some interview questions and answers. Got ready and then mom, dad and I made our way to Detroit. It was a sunny, beautiful day! Got to DRH and checked in with the front desk. Dad and I waited for about 20 minutes before we got the go to go upstairs. During that time of wait, dad was approached by like 4 co-workers, 1 was Marko who worked on the 5th floor but days, and he gave me some encouragement. Then it was dad’s own coworker, the PCA. And she was like “Ha? She’s having an interview with _______?!” And then before we went to the 5th floor, we stopped by dad’s office and his coworker was there too and she seemed iffy about where/who I was interviewing with and it kinda worried me. Anyway, went upstairs and met with the manager, however I went into the room and sat with the coordinator who interviewed me. She was SO nice. I really like her. I don’t think I nailed the interview, but thankfully the questions she asked were pretty easy, and she was very positive. After my interview with the coordinator, I was then facing the manager who came in the room to ask if I had any questions. After about 20 minutes of talking he then asks me, “I’m going to ask you a hypothetical question. If I were to offer you the job right now, what would you say?” and I said yes. And then he said, “I’m offering you the job.” So HOME GIRL GOT A JOB!!!! After that I took a tour with the coordinator and checked the 3 units within the 5th floor. I DID IT. Friends congratulated me on the Groupme. Was so funny cuz Jod was like “Bebet went from being the poorest in the group to the richest” and all my friends were like “WOW WE KNOW A DOCTOR” “WOW DOCTOR” Got picked up and celebrated at Mcdonalds on Mack. It was so busy. After that, mom, dad and I just went to the downstairs parking so dad could nap before work (yes, dad sacrificed napping to support me for my interview <3333 he walked into the hospital with me and walked me up to the 5th floor too!). Dropped dad off and then mom and I went to get manang. Manong picked up Marv. Before we picked up manang mom and I went to burlington to look at shoes but didn’t get anything. Got manang and once we got home we changed and got ready since Jod was gonna pick us up for taco Tuesday at Maiz!! Si parked at our house and so the 4 of us rode together. Got to Maiz and waited for like 15 minutes for a table, and then Jovel and Nai came. After we were done eating Sam came but we ordered his food so that it was ready when he came. I was pretty disappointed with my food. The shell was SO SOGGY and old tasting. It broke apart :P And the meat was cold! Sigh. Like the shell was even doubled up because it was breaking apart. Anywho after that we went to Cultivate(?) where we played exploding cats. Then manang and I rode with Sam and Si home!
Mom cooked me some spaghetti for tomorrow! :))) Mom had a date with tita rose and others so it was just Marv and I at home. I cleaned before marv got home. Cooked egg for the sibs and I and then watched som one punch. Then I went to the garage to get started on the trash. Once manong and manang came home the four of us in good moods worked together to get the wooden pallets, couch, stove and trash out to the curb. After that we played Overcooked 2. BUT OMG. So like, at 2 am today before I hit the hay, I went on FB and saw a flyer that St Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor was having a nurse job fair!!! I signed up and told Danielle. She’ll most likely ride with me!! Sigh.... Kinda wished I didn’t say yes immediately. And I kinda wished I was ready for an interview with Beaumont. Sigh. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be tho.
Happy birthday to me!!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!! Literally woke up and cried. God is so good. All the time. So thankful for another year. Woke up and went downstairs and found a bouquet of beautiful carnations and a card from dad (I was still up last night and he didn’t get home until 5 just to get these for me! :’D). Had breakfast with mom and dad and then just chilled for the day! Then it was time for prayer meeting. Picked up Marv then went to 7-11. Got some donuts and iced coffee. Then we got manang and then went to burlington near church. Got to church early and just walked around the parking lot. It was such a beautiful day!! After prayer meeting we went to Meijer in Woodhaven to get rice. At home I ate spaghetti! And then manang gave me her gift which was a cute milk carton purse!! Oh and $10 cash!!! I was sooooo surprised when I saw the purse. It was SO cute!! <3 Also going to Ann Arbor tomorrow! Picking up Danielle thanks to manong :)
Woke up so early today! Woke up at 8:30 and got ready. Manong and I left at like 9:30ish or so to get Danielle. On the way to Danielle’s there was a pretty crazy driver on King road right before the brownstown police station. Anyway, got to Danielle’s, picked her up, then got breakfast at Mcdonalds (thanks manong! <3). Then we made our way to Ann Arbor. Found a parking space and practice some questions and such then walked in. It was busy but man everyone was SO NICE. Danielle and I met with the manager of the Medsurg (gen surgery) floor and the neuro floor. They were really nice. Then we talked with the manager for the ER. After that we took a tour with Dan and HE WAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST. He was so inspiring to me. Like, he had no hospital experience, working as a full time mail man during school. He became a nurse and then after a year he went to grad school and became a CNS! He’s been at SJMH for 10 years already!!! He was really super nice. He even says, “I hope you get a job here! I teach in the orientation as well” and I’m like THAT WOULD BE A DREAM. The hospital was absolutely beautiful. Probably the best hospital I’ve ever been to. They even have a nail/hair spa!!!!!! And it smelled SO CLEAN. It would be amazing if I could get a job there after DRH! Anywho, the only sad part was that the medsurg floor wasn’t doing on the spot job offers or interviews :( When I heard that I felt that God validated me going to DRH. I prayed that Lord, my siblings plan to move to Washtenaw. If I get this job I would be so close to them. If it is your will I be at SJMH, Lord please provide me a job on the spot. If not, then I’ll stay at DRH. So there you go! There’s God’s answer. Although the manager said that if I were to hear anything, it would be on the following Friday, however I didn’t get any call back. Anywho, after we got back to the main area from the tour, Danielle went ahead to talk to the CCU presentation. I sat in the food area and had a cup of coffee. Talked to 2 ladies that were waiting in the medsurg line and they were so nice. Then I went outside and called PJ and just talked about my whole dealio. After danielle was done, manong came and picked us up. He was just waiting next door at WCC. Got lunch at KFC and ate inside. I was starting to get cramps sadly! After dropping off danielle, manong and I went to Advance Auto Parts in brownstown, then home. At home I just rested in my room having taken 3 ibuprofens for my cramps (I really need to take something else now). Then I got ready for dinner cuz the whole fam was going out for my bday! Picked up Ne on the way. Thought we were going to Leo’s but I looked up and we were at OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!! I was so surprised. Had a great dinner. Ordered my fave chicken alfredo. After OG we went to Target then Ne’s place! Drank some tea and chilled then went home.
Busy day today! Cleaned the house and got it ready for when the friends came over! Manang and mom went to Kroger to get food so Marv and I finished up. Manang washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while I vacuumed and cleaned bathrooms and made sure the house smelled good. Oh and Marv put the plants frmo the loft outside on the porch (about time those plants were gone!). First friend to come was Jod, then Josh and Joseph, then Bubby and then jovel, PJ and then daen. Played overcooked (jod loves it!) and then took pics with my star donut cake lol. Then Hannah and cam came!!!!!. We were laughing so hard the whole day!!! Hannah talked about her crazy experience with cult customers at timmy hoes and that was the ongoing joke of the night. Played Wario Ware and then Jackbox! It was so funny. Check out my album on Google photos to see some of the jokes lol. Dad was so funny too when we told him about the cult.When he came out of his room he was like “I took my naked picture to give to the cult” xD LOL my friends were laughing so hard. Cooked shin ramyun and boiled eggs and ate that. Had a lot of food today (qdoba chips and dip from jod, pizza from pj, egg tart and vanilla ice cream from josh, orange creamsicles from jovel, donuts from hannah, candy from daen). Overall it was a really fun and funny night. Also hannah gave me a gift of $45!!! I was so surprised. So thoughtful and nice of her!!!! :’)
Church!! T’was a busy day. Took pics with my cake and oh my goodness, tita Mildred and my class made a banner for me! Church members were so generous in terms of birthday gifts. I made about $235 total! God has been so good to me. Wow. He has blessed me with so much. Some of the gifts I’ve gotten:
-Card, flowers, and olive garden dinner from mom and dad
-milk carton purse and $10 cash from manang
-pink selfie stick cell phone case from manong (didn’t get this till later)
-dunder mifflin hat from Marv (didn’t get this till later, but I’m listing it now lol)
-Versus versace watch from PJ
-$45 from hannah
-Money from tita Mildred, merrilee, and tita cheng, as well as a black and white striped shirt from tita Gina.
-Leche Flan from ne!
After church, the sibs and I went to Ne’s. Ne made me leche flan with cream cheese! Ugh so good. Chilled at Ne’s until midnight ish!
Today was a pretty chill day. Later in the day I went to the gym with manong. PJ came too. Manong and I worked out from 9:40 to 1 a.m.! GSW also played and won. Worked out so long. I drove to the gym and home. After the gym I drove to Meijer and manong bought me lunchables cuz I was so hungry lol.
Officially signed and sent my acceptance for the DRH job position!!! It’s official!! After that dad and I did yard work in the back. After that we had dinner with the fam and then I worked on making thank you cards for my manager and coordinator at DRH. Watched some bball!
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