#anyways my girl!!!!! thats my girl!!!!! theo is so so important to me i love my city turned country girl
kanos · 4 months
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"dep, what is all this?" wheaty can't contain his surprise or curiosity to the mountain of records she tossed on his table. theo grins as she sifts through a few of them. "music, my darling wheaty. in return for helping you, how about you play me some tunes on your radio?" she points out a few that are her favorite and a couple that are a must have. the temptation to listen to every single record crosses his mind - there's some good bands hiding in the stack and a few he hasn't heard before, but then a rotten thought takes over. "you aren't asking me for this just so you can throw parties again, are you?" "how could you possibly think that?" theo holds her hand against her chest as if she were wounded by his words. "but if i do, i will be sure to invite you. deal?"
DEPUTY DRIVING THROUGH HOPE COUNTY PLAYLIST with vast and beautiful sceneries, both day and night flying by. music to be played on the jukebox in the spread eagle while the whole town takes time off to feel alive for just one more night.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @tommyarashikage @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @pavus @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman @roberthouse69
@confidentandgood @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @rolangf @bigbywlf
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
Hi love! How are you? I would like to be paired with a Slytherin man please. I am 21+ so let’s pretend Hogwarts is uni lmao.
I’m pale af, brown eyes, and long, straight, brown hair. I would say I’m tall (I’m 5’5 but shh), not thin and neither thick, the horrible in between sizes (small on top and big on bottom), and I started going to the gym some months ago. My friends describe me as pretty, which idk how to take (I read somewhere it’s not good to be described as pretty LMAO), big smile (I look psychotic, but I have been complimented on my smile), button nose, big af eyes (again looking like a psycho).
I’m enfp, Aries, Slytherin (ofc the superior house), and if I reckon correctly 4w3 (‘m not sure). I would consider myself as neurotypical bc I only have PTSD which manifests through social and performative anxiety. I loooove competing even though I’m not really talented in anything in particular. I prefer the night, I love doing everything at night.
I love going out either to party (v social, but I only have two friends, I love the concept of people) or just going for walks, maybe I was a dog in a past life because I can walk for HOURS. I love wandering around and go to parks. Even better if it is in the evening, and at night so I can find constellations. I love all animals, completely devoted to them (except spiders). I obv enjoy reading as most people here. I adore watching movies properly (lights off, no phone, big screen and immersive sound). I’m very loving, I fall fast and hard for people, I truly give my all for the people I love, so it’s always hard for me when it’s not reciprocated. I have an interest in languages, as I know three and would like to continue learning more, that’s actually what I’m studying in uni, teaching foreign languages. I’m loud af, except for the times I just don’t want to talk. Silence makes some uncomfortable so I have to fill it with talking about anything, but if someone wants quiet I can shut up. Appearances matter idgf what they say, manners are v important for me, if you don’t say please and thank you my eyes will twitch (nothing drives me crazier that children without manners). I’m also narcissistic as I have been able to write this whole thing about myself. I’m a bit stubborn, good at coercing people, witty with jokes LMAO, very creative, annoying but easy to love. An old friend once said “you don’t have to understand her, just love her” and thats sums me up.
Please and ty!! I hope you have a nice weekend 😊
Oh you’re such a Theo girl/guy, it’s not even funny
Pairing: Theodore Nott
Theo definitely isn’t the flashiest when it comes to the Slytherin boys. Cool, quiet, collected. He doesn’t mind flying under the radar and letting the other boys take the spot light.
Sure he likes a good common room party as much as the next person, but he’d rather be holed up in the library or some other corner of the castle.
Theo is first introduced to you by Pansy and Daphne who he basically grew up with. He’s a bit indifferent to you in the beginning to be quite honest as he sees you as being one of them, part of their little clique.
Sure he thinks you’re pretty. And smart. But he’s perfectly content watching from a far.
It’s by complete chance that he runs into you as he’s walking around the Black Lake one day. Normally he likes the peace and quiet, but he finds that he enjoys listening to you chatter. He’s always been more of a listener anyway.
From there you just keep popping up. In the astronomy tower where you accidentally spend hours talking about the stars. In the library where the book he’s been searching for just so happens to be in your stack.
The more he talks to you, the harder he finds himself falling. He loves that he can banter with you, and that you make witty jokes, often at Mattheo’s expense. He loves your competitive spirit, and the way you get the biggest smile when you win. (Still, he’ll never lose on purpose. His ego won’t let him, and he respects you too much)
You also really help break each other out of your shells. At parties, this boy is glued by your side. He still doesn’t like the spot light, but he’s like a different person when he’s with you, growing more confident, smiling more. At the same time, you find having him there is comforting, and you’re able to relax more.
Coming from a Pureblood family, Theo has obviously never seen a muggle movie before and you obviously can’t let that slide.
You spend a whole afternoon setting up a projector, gathering snacks, blankets, the whole ordeal. And when Theo sees all the work you put in, he just melts.
The two of you spend the night cuddles up watching movie after movie. You think it’s adorable how he’s absolutely awestruck by the little people moving around the screen. (Just wait until you show him the cartoons)
It’s late by the time the last movie finishes, and you’re both sleepy, but all Theo can think about is how perfect you look tucked in his arms as you excitedly tell him about all the other films you’re just dying to show him.
Once you realize that he’s been quiet for a bit too long, you look up at the boy, and suddenly his lips are on yours. It’s warm, and soft, and hungry.
Turns out you weren’t really that tired.
Theo loves worshipping the ground you walk on and looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
You thought he was clingy before? The bastard is practically stuck to you. Another boy breathes at you wrong? Somehow Theo is there to tell him off. You want to lay down after a long day of classes? Theo is there and wants to be cuddled dammit.
He isn’t exactly the best at expressing his feelings, so he likes to drop little letters in your book bag when you’re not looking. And little sweets. And a Pygmy puff once. (The co-parenting is going very well ty)
You two really grow to understand each other and while you both love fiercely and unconditionally, there’s a comfort in knowing there’s someone who took the time to really try and figure you out.
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Home - Part 22
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A/N - So this is the last part my lovelies! (Well there will be an Epilogue) i just want to thank everyone who has kept with this til the end and for all the love you’ve shown. 💕
"Buck, i cant stop looking at them" i smiled down at my two boys laying side by side in the hospital cot.
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"I know, their perfect" he beamed before turning and kissing me "you did so good baby"
"I didn't do anything, i didn't even know what was going on!" I chuckled, when they took me down to the OR the babies heart rates dropped suddenly and they had to give me a general anaesthetic and get them out quick.....when i woke up again i had my two boys.
"You did everything! You carried them for the last... what, 8 months? You've kept them safe and healthy"
"I guess i did do that, I've got the stretch marks to prove it" i rolled my eyes.
"we still need names, we can't just keep calling them 'the boys' you know"
"Mmmhmm okay but can we talk about it after i sleep?" I asked covering my mouth as i yawned.
"Sure doll, you get some sleep"
"You'll watch them?"
"Of course, Steve will probably be in here in a minute he was so excited" Bucky shook his head and laughed.
"Okay, Just let me sleep for an hour and wake me up okay?"
"You got it".
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When i woke up again i looked over to see Bucky sat with his eyes closed, both boys sleeping on his chest. He wasn't asleep just resting his eyes, his thumbs gently stroking over their tiny legs as they slept soundly. It was the most beautiful sight ive ever seen, i couldnt help but reach for my phone and snap a photo.
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Yes im gonna be that mom who takes photo's of everything! Don't judge me!
"What are you doing?" He asked opening one eye and looking at me suspiciously.
"Taking a photo of my boys" i smiled "i told you to wake me up in an hour Buck, how long did i sleep? Its dark out!"
"4/5 hours" he shrugged casually "enjoy it while you can doll, you wont sleep well for a while"
"Unless they take after their mama and like their sleep too? God i hope they do!"
"Their gonna need a feed, you feeling up to it?"
Bucky got up and carefully passed me one of the twins while he kept the other close to his chest and sat back down.
"His so tiny.... i feel like i'm gonna break him" i said as i lowered my gown and tried to get the baby to latch onto my breast "He latched on straight away.... oh my god this is so weird..."
"Thats my boy" Bucky winked making me laugh quietly so i didn't disturb the baby.
"So names..... i was thinking Steven and Samuel as middle names? Both of them are important to us" i said looking down at the baby in my arms.
"I love that idea, they'll love that too"
"Is Steve gonna Cry?"
"Probably" Bucky chuckled knowing what his friend was like.
"Okay and first names?"
"How about Thomas....After your dad? I know you miss him" Bucky suggested.
"I really do, i wish my mom and dad were here to see this" i quickly wiped a tear away "Thomas Samuel Barnes?"
"I like it doll"
"Me too" i smiled looking down at the larger of the boys in my arms "i think this is Thomas"
"Okay and now for this little man"
"How did we not decide on names before today?" I shook my head.
"Because we've had our hands full with the girls and Jack's case.... we thought we had more time" Bucky shrugged before getting up and switching out the babies.
"I don't really know what names i like"
"Me either, i didn't think it would he this hard to name them" i said as i got comfy with the next baby.
"You know just before the girls went to bed i heard Allie talking to the bump again.... how do you feel about Theodore?" I asked raising an eyebrow questioningly "thats what she called one of them.... we could call him Theo or Teddy for short?"
"Theodore Steven Barnes? It kinda works" he nodded "for the record i'll probably never call him Theodore"
"It doesn't surprise me babe, the girls rarely get called by their full names either"
"Thats true"
"So are we agreed?"
"I think we are" he grinned as he got settled with Thomas again.
"Did Steve come see them while i was sleeping?"
"Yeah but only for 10 minutes, i didn't want to disturb you.... plus visiting hours where nearly up. His coming back up later with the girls though, then his gonna take them home and watch them til we're aloud to go home"
"Sounds perfect, i miss my girls already"
"Im sure their missing you too"
"Their probably too busy with Auntie Becca to care" i smiled over at Bucky who was shaking his head.
"Okay Teddy is done, can you take him please.... i think i need some more pain relief"
"Sure doll" he laid Thomas in the cot and took Teddy from me before sitting back down to winding him.
I held a hand to my stomach and winced as i pressed the call button for the nurse.
"Your gonna be feeling that for a while doll, your gonna have to take it easy too. Let me help you with things"
"I'll be fine...."
"You will take it easy and let yourself heal"
"But Bucky you cant look after the girls and newborn twins on your own! I can't just sit around and do nothing...."
"You can and you will, Ive already spoken to Steve and his gonna come stay with us until your better"
"Okay, its not like he isn't always there anyway. I sometimes wonder if he actually lives with us and i just don't know about it"
"You don't mind that Steve's around alot do you?"
"Course not, i love Steve"
"Good, you'd tell me if you had a problem with it?"
"You know i would"
"Ms Y/L/N, how you feeling?" One of the nurses smiled as she walked into the room.
"I need something for the pain, other than that im good" i smiled at her.
"Okay lets see what i can do about that".
It was about an hour later when Steve walked in with Becca and the girls.
Steve came straight over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head, Rosie was cuddled up to him but held her arms out to me as he leaned down.
He let her down to lay beside me and she instantly cuddled up to me.
"Hey mama, how you feeling?" Steve asked.
"Im doing okay, sore.... but its worth it"
"Their beautiful" he nodded looking down into the cot beside me we're they both slept.
"Congratulations you guys, their beautiful" Becca smiled hugging Bucky before getting a closer look at the babies.
Brooke and Allie stood with Bucky looking down at Thomas and Teddy.
"Girls, these are your baby brothers" Bucky said quietly to them and they smiled.
"Their so tiny"
"What are their names?" Allie asked turning to look at Bucky.
"Well this one, this is Thomas" he pointed to the bigger twin "and this is Theodore" he pointed to the smaller one, Allie gasped and looked up at me.
"I knew it!.... i knew that was his name!"
"Okay can i hold one now?" Steve asked practically bouncing on the spot making us laugh at him.
"Sure Steve, hey Buck why don't you let him hold Teddy first?"
"Sure doll" he carefully lifted Teddy and placed him in Steve's arms "this is Theodore...."
"I know that Y/N just said so"
"Theodore Steven Barnes"
"What!? Are you serious?" He said his eyes going wide.
"Yeah pal"
"Guys...." he said with tears in his eyes "i dont know what to say"
"Told you he would cry" Bucky chuckled and Steve gave his his best bitch face.
"If i wasn't holding Teddy id kick your ass"
"Yeah whatever pal"
"Language! Uncle Steve!" Brooke said with wide eyes as she turned to look at him.
"You said a bad word Uncle Stevie!" Allie added making us all laugh.
"Yeah Uncle Steve you said a bad word! Don't be saying bad language words around my kids"
"God your such a mom already"
"Y/N?" Allie said walking over to the side of my bed.
"Yeah babe?"
"Does this mean your our mom too?"
I looked over at Bucky who shrugged with a smile, i knew he was telling me it was my choice what i told her.
"Yeah Allie, i'm your mom too..... if you'll have me?"
"Really??" Brooke asked coming to stand beside Allie.
"And... can we call you mom?"
"You can if you want to, whatever your comfortable with" i smiled brushing a piece of hair back from her face.
"Im gonna call you mom" Allie said casually before running back to her dad who was smiling as he listened to our conversation.
"You guys are gonna make me cry again" Steve said sniffling from the chair in the corner.
"I think i might join in this time too" Becca added quickly wiping a tear from her face.
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After spending the longest two days in the hospital the boys and i were finally aloud to go home. It was the best feeling being back home, knowing i had Bucky and all my babies under one roof and plus Bucky and Steve had been amazing.
They wouldn't let me do much though.....They'd even carry me upstairs!! I was now managing to walk around by myself, slowly, but i was on the mend.
Sam and Wanda came to visit us the day we got home, Sam had actually cried when we told him Thomas's middle name.... even though he tried to hide it.
Wanda had sat cooing at the twins for hours and saying how much she couldn't wait to meet her little bundle of joy.
I was sat in bed just finishing the feeds, Bucky was next to me holding Teddy, the girls were asleep on the bottom of the bed, we'd been watching Aladdin and they had all fallen asleep halfway through. I smiled as Aladdin and Jasmine were singing about 'A Whole New World' realising my whole world was in this room, i never thought id be this happy.
"You okay doll? You seem a million miles away" Bucky asked pressing a kiss to my lips.
"Yeah, just thinking about how lucky i am that i met you. You've made me the happiest woman in the world Buck.... you gave me 3 beautiful girls and my handsome boys, who already look so much like their daddy by the way!" Bucky chuckled as he laced his free hand with mine "i love you baby"
"I love you too, i couldn't ask for a better mama for our kids" he smiled bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing my fingers "marry me?"
"What??...." i looked at him with wide eyes "did you just...."
"Yeah" he nodded with a huge smile on his face "make me the happiest man in the world and say yes?"
"Are you sure...? I mean i dont want you asking just cause we're having a moment...."
"Doll, this isn't just me being in the moment i promise" he said leaning over to the drawer in his bed side cabinet. When he turned back to me he had a black velvet box in his hand "ive had this for a while, i was just waiting for the right time"
"Buck...." i gasped feeling my heart racing as he opened the box to reveal the most beautiful ring id ever seen.
"What do you say doll? will you marry me?"
"Yes!! A hundred times yes!" I smiled with happy tears as he slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me.
"Its you and me doll, always"
"I think i'm okay with that".
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
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*There are many spoilers in here for Pitch Perfect 3 ok*
Here's some thoughts from me fresh out the cinema that I'll probably feel were too emotional and incorrect after a while as I always do, but here we go...
***Warning, this got really long! ALSO A THOUSAND SPOILERS***
Let’s start this off by saying that it wasn’t a bad film. Not at all. Was it amazing, maybe not, but I had fun watching it and i’ll see it again, and i’ll buy the dvd and i’ll continue to listen to the soundtrack and love everyone who was in it, because they’re beautiful, wonderful people who were amazing in it and fought really hard to get the movie how it is.
First of all it didn’t really feel like a finale, especially one that was supposed to be about them being a family, (YES I KNOW THEY SAID THEY WERE A FAMILY AND OTHER PEOPLE SAID THEY WERE A FAMILY LIKE 20 TIMES, but they didn’t show it like they really did in the past two films in my opinion) like they had like 2 and a half scenes where they actually all spoke to each other and about life. There were really sweet interactions by people we don’t usually get the see interact, and i’m glad they carried on the beca/amy friendship, because that was lovely to see in the second one, but like, and i know i’m a bechloe shipper so i’m biased here, but beca and chloe didn’t really interact at all, neither did chloe and aubrey (DID CHLOE AND AUBREY ACTUALLY SPEAK TO EACH OTHER???i can’t even remember) and so much of the other films had a lot in about their friendship, the second one especially, and now i’m thinking back to this one and wondering if they even had a one to one conversation other than the boob grab (which was shorter than the trailer one ugh) and Beca calling her ‘sweetie’ in their apartment, which came off 98% less sarcastic than when she calls theo ‘honey’ later on which i loved.
The editing felt kinda heavy handed to me, like they had to put in all these silly effects around chloe and chicago stuff to make it overly obvious to us that she liked him. And cut to him and theo so so often i actually started rolling my eyes at it, because it made it look like chloe and chicago had been dating for years when at that point they didn’t even know anything about each other. Like, i’m not one to say no to watching chloe be all bashful and bite her lip and play with her hair, but it seems like exactly what Kendrick said she didn’t let them put in for Beca, the tripping over her feet kinda crushing, was put on chloe instead. And chloe is the confident, sexual, ‘i get what i want’ kinda girl who literally barged into someone’s shower because she liked the way they sang. This chloe didn’t make sense to me. She doesn’t even know anything about the guy other than his name and she’s talking about commitment. (Like okay, that scene was funny and Brittany was amazing in it and, like i said i love a flustered chloe because she’s adorable and it was like all the fics where she acts like that around beca, but it felt really strange in this position) Chicago just showed up, said a few things that didn’t really matter and we were supposed to be all the way in for their relationship. Like, a relationship storyline wasn’t necessary at all. It was actually more distracting than anything else, i’d rather have no relationships at all. The bellas and their friendship is all we need.
I felt like you could tell more than one person wrote the script and you can tell it was changed a lot. The lack of chemistry i felt was between chloe and chicago was actually funny and maybe that’s why they made chloe be extra lusty, ditsy, flirty and add those slow motion and sound effects......... And interestingly to me or hilariously so, in a sad way, chloe and Chicago and beca and theo are filmed/edited so similarly, other than the weird slow mo chloe stuff, yet one is absolutely not gonna happen and one does and it's so heavy handed and they're so similar that neither of them really work. (That credits scene felt stupid to me, the only reason it was okay was that we didn’t get to really gauge beca’s reaction to it, but it wasn’t overly positive i don’t think) I also hated that beca and theo still came across all flirty, because it was similar to how she was with jesse, but at least they didnt happen. I am so glad Kendrick fought so hard for it, because I actually don’t think I would sit through the film again if they had. I’d just download my favourite scenes and make a whole other movie out of it for myself to enjoy. HEY THAT’S WHAT FANFIC IS FOR.
On to bechloe for a bit i guess,
The thing with bechloe was that it was always just fun for me, they’re fun movies and an amazing cast that I loved for shipping the characters as well as us, understanding the importance and never making fun of us (and they still don’t, see brittany’s build interview for recent stuff and kendrick all the damn time). We had (and still have OF COURSE) our own little community and we didn't really have to think about what it would mean to us for it to be canon because we never ever thought it would be! I never ever imagined it could be canon until they started really leaning into it. And when the ads started well that was just too much.
It just became a marketing ploy for a movie where the couple barely speak to each other. The film wasn't even really about the bellas, not really.
I don't know. Maybe I would have enjoyed it so much more and not picked up on all the stuff i’m saying if I didn't feel like I'd been played the whole time leading up to it. Even yesterday with the ads saying 'will bechloe ever happen'.... No wonder the ads are full of clips from the old movies, because they don't really interact in this one at all. It was the type a example of queerbaiting and i really hate them for that.
I'm sure I'll watch it again and have different thoughts and again, it wasn't not enjoyable, I just felt like the baiting without any intention for them to at least be sweet to each other throughout the film and talk to each other was extra extra wrong, and actually having a canon love interest for chloe all the while doing this..... it’s really not okay. And there must have been a hell of a lot cut for the way the cast was talking and why did they have to stay in the giant water tank for two days when there was literally ten seconds of them in the water I don't understand.
Anyway, I was there for the bellas and I don't feel like I got them. It was funny yes, it really was and i smiled throughout most of it. The baiting just dampened it a lot for me.
NOW LET ME BE MORE POSITIVE - here’s some things i liked:
- AMY WAS BADASS, really, i’ll watch a bellas action movie anytime - there was more aubrey and she was funny and cute - background jessica and ashley was adorable and some of the actual best hilarious one liners/moments comes from jessica which is amazing - THE MUSIC WAS SO GREAT -OMG THE DANCING WAS INCREDIBLE LIKE HOWWww - little drunk chloe in the bg of aubrey talking about the USO tour was adorable - the fact that chloe gives speeches like those all the time and the bellas roll their eyes at her everytime but you know they all secretly love it - the off hand comment about there having been a sexual encounter between some bellas (by chloe, probably including chloe) ‘one time’ is the stuff dreams (fics) are made of - kendrick looked so good, like extra good - chrissie got to sing more which makes me happy - emily still felt like emily and she GOT A HAMSTER (aca-child is overwhelmed by hamster) - beca telling theo he looks like a turtle - the other performers in the tour were awesome, really awesome - kendrick is super gay in the riff off - cynthia rose got to say the word gay which was cool - there were def some bechloe glances that will make wonderful gifs (not enough tho) - lilly (/ester) got an okay amount of screentime and we got to hear her speak properly finally even if only for a few seconds - the scenes with all the bellas in were actually beautiful and funny and made me feel good  - also the stacey baby thing was the most cliche, but adorable and i’ll admit i got a couple of goosebumps at that cliche, sweet, loving naming moment
In conclusion, the film was fun. The bellas were great in it. They kinda forgot about all the other characters other than the men after the riff off which was stupid because they were so much more interesting and charismatic and musicians, which the films are supposed to be focused on... Couldn’t the film have focussed more on the tour and them working and fighting for their place, i get that that’s the plot of the others, but that’s what they do and it wasn’t broke so why try and fix it
I do not want to take away from anyone's performance because they were wonderful. Kendrick was amazing and so sweet and gay and it felt right for beca for the most part, you could see the character development. The rest were not given enough time really. I know most of us were there because we care about these characters and not getting a chance to hear them speak and get to know them a little better because thats what the films have been about so far was sad. It still feels open ended to me. It doesn't feel like it was wrapped up. I don't know anything more about any of them really. I don't know. Again, I didn't hate it, I didn't even dislike it. What I dislike, what I feel really emotional about, is how they exploited us, how hard Kendrick had to fight for bechloe and for beca to be who she should be in this film, something that should be so obvious. And how little time we got to see our bellas be bellas. it had a really different feel to the other films, and i hope that i watch it again and feel differently because i wanted so much to love it and i was so nervous going in. 
 It all just feels a little strange, maybe that’s just because it’s supposedly the end and it doesn’t feel like it should be at all. I can’t wait to be all over those dvd extras and am hopeful for another Kendrick book where she can tell it all.
THANK YOU to the cast and crew and everyone. This isn’t the end, i’m writing like 3 bechloe fics as we speak and the community of amazing people and artists and writers who make me laugh and cry and grow to love these characters more and more each day will still be here and i am so happy about that. Thank you to rebel and brittany and kendrick for how they’ve spoken about bechloe especially, it really means more than i think they know. AND TO EVERYONE ELSE IN THE CAST I LOVE YOU SM.
I have to stop now, but i may update after i see it again. This is a little in the heat of the moment.
If you’ve made it through my 2000+ words of mess then i thank you and also apologise to you.
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