#and her unable to tell him that she stole them from sawyer
kanos · 4 months
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"dep, what is all this?" wheaty can't contain his surprise or curiosity to the mountain of records she tossed on his table. theo grins as she sifts through a few of them. "music, my darling wheaty. in return for helping you, how about you play me some tunes on your radio?" she points out a few that are her favorite and a couple that are a must have. the temptation to listen to every single record crosses his mind - there's some good bands hiding in the stack and a few he hasn't heard before, but then a rotten thought takes over. "you aren't asking me for this just so you can throw parties again, are you?" "how could you possibly think that?" theo holds her hand against her chest as if she were wounded by his words. "but if i do, i will be sure to invite you. deal?"
DEPUTY DRIVING THROUGH HOPE COUNTY PLAYLIST with vast and beautiful sceneries, both day and night flying by. music to be played on the jukebox in the spread eagle while the whole town takes time off to feel alive for just one more night.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @tommyarashikage @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @pavus @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman @roberthouse69
@confidentandgood @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @rolangf @bigbywlf
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mbtizone · 7 years
Man in Black (Lost): INTJ
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Dominant Introverted Intuition [Ni]: The Man in Black has one, singular goal: escape the island. Everything he does is just another step in his plan. He is constantly focused on the big picture and has no problem biding his time in service of his objective. He is very patient because he has confidence in the eventual outcome. When he leaves his mother and Jacob and joins the other inhabitants of the island, he doesn’t really enjoy being with them, but they are a “means to an end.” The Man in Black instinctively knows exactly what he needs to do in order to achieve the outcome he desires and he is a skilled manipulator. He understands how to get people to bend to his will and maneuvers people with ease in order to get what he needs from them. He knows just what to tell people to convince them to do what he wants. The Man in Black thinks several steps ahead of those around him and is quite proficient in deceit, making him a particularly dangerous opponent. He has an appreciation for symbolism and even stops in the cave to (literally) tip the scales back in his favor (a metaphor for the victory he believes will come). He also destroys the bottle of wine because it symbolizes the cork in the island, which he plans to someday remove.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Creating plans and putting them into motion is all the Man in Black does. He will stop at nothing to get off the island and bides his time with the other inhabitants after leaving Mother because he believes they’re his best hope of achieving freedom. He was able to use their intelligence to create a device that allowed him to manipulate the island’s power source, which he believed he could use to get off the island. The Man in Black takes action and gets things done. He knows how to take charge of situations, give out orders, and get things done. When he finds Senet board game, he decides how it should be played and makes up his own rules which he strictly enforces, much to Jacob’s annoyance.
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Tertiary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Unlike his twin brother, The Man in Black believes that humanity is inherently bad. He has a black and white outlook about things. When he and Jacob find out the truth about what Mother did to their biological mother, The Man in Black promptly leaves her, unable to forgive what she’s done. He decides that he and Jacob are both leaving her because they don’t belong with her. They belong with their own people, but Jacob refuses to go with him. All the Man in Black wants is to be free and everything he does is part of his attempt to turn that vision into a reality.
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Inferior Extroverted Sensing [Se]: After Mother thwarts his plan to get off the island and slaughters his people, the Man in Black loses it and stabs her to death. Because everything he does is part of his plan to get himself off the island, the Man in Black doesn’t live in the moment. He’s always planning for the future. The Man in Black has a good sense of his environment and works well within it. He doesn’t mind taking risks or entering dangerous situations when it’s to further his own agenda. Sometimes, he does things without considering the possible consequences. He impulsively had Desmond uncork the island, which resulted in the Man in Black becoming mortal.
Enneagram: 8w9 5w4 4w5 Sp/So
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Ben: You used me… you couldn’t kill him yourself, so you made me do it. Man in Black: I didn’t make you do anything. You should know, he was very confused when you killed him. Ben: I seriously doubt that Jacob was ever confused. Man in Black: I’m not talking about Jacob. I’m talking about John Locke. Do you wanna know what he was thinking while you, choked the life outta him Benjamin? What the last thought that ran through his head was? “I don’t understand”. Isn’t that just the saddest thing you ever heard? But it’s fitting in a way, because when John first came to the Island, he was a very sad man. A victim, shouting at the world for being told what he couldn’t do, even though they were right. He was weak, and pathetic, and irreparably broken. But, despite all that, there was something admirable about him. He was the only one of them that didn’t wanna leave. The only one, who realized how pitiful the life he’d left behind actually was. Ben: What do you want? Man in Black: Well that’s the great irony here Ben because, I want the one thing that John Locke didn’t. I want to go home.
Man in Black: What I am is trapped. And I’ve been trapped for so long that I don’t even remember what it feels like to be free. Maybe you can understand that. But before I was trapped, I was a man, James. Just like you. Sawyer: I’m havin’ a hard time believin’ that… Man in Black: You can believe whatever you want, that’s the truth. I know what it’s like to feel joy… to feel pain, anger, fear… to experience betrayal. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. So if you wanna shoot me, shoot me. But you’re so close, James. It would be such a shame to turn back now.
Man in Black: I wish you hadn’t interrupted me. Sawyer: I’m sorry… I forgot my manners. Man in Black: I forgive you. Sawyer: What happened back at the temple? How’d you know to rescue everybody from that smoke thing? Man in Black: I didn’t rescue them. I’m the smoke thing. Sawyer: You telling me you killed all of those people? Man in Black: I gave them the opportunity to leave peacefully and they didn’t take it. Sawyer: Why not? Man in Black: Because they’re convinced that they’re protecting the Island from me, when in fact all I want to do is leave. So it’s either kill or be killed. And I don’t wanna be killed.
Man in Black: Hello, Jacob. Jacob: Well, you found your loophole. Man in Black: Indeed I did. And you have no idea what I’ve gone through to be here.
Claire: If I go in there, I need to know you’ll do what you said. I want my son back. Man in Black: I always do what I say. Claire: Are you gonna hurt them? Man in Black: Only the ones who won’t listen.
Man in Black: All this is happening a bit sooner than I’d expected, but these people have forced our hand, claiming we stole something from them, trying to provoke us into a confrontation. Well, if that’s what they want, that’s what they’ll get. Gather your things, we’re going to the other island and we’re getting on that plane. James, I need your help with something. There’s a boat moored just a few hours down the shore from here. I want you to get it and meet the rest of us on the other side of these bluffs. We’ll all sail over to the other island together.
Man in Black: No, Hugo. He wants to get us all in the same place at the same time… a nice confined space we have no hope of getting out of… and then he wants to kill us. Sawyer: Kill us with what? Man in Black: With this. Four bricks of C-4. I found them in one of the overheard compartments, wired to the electrical system of the plane. If we would’ve turned it on… boom. Jin: So what now? Man in Black: We can’t be sure he didn’t put more explosives on the plane. It’s not safe. If we’re gonna leave the island, I think we have to take the submarine.
Jack: Don’t pull those wires out. We’re okay. Nothing’s gonna happen. Sawyer: If I don’t pull these wires, Locke’s gonna blow us to kingdom come. Jack: No, he’s not! Locke can’t kill us. Hurley: Uh…what? Jack: This is what he wanted. [2:27 on timer] This is what he’s been waiting for. Everything that he has done has been to get us here. He wanted to get us all in the same place, at the same time–a nice, enclosed space where we had no hopes of getting out of. Jin: I don’t understand. Jack: Locke said that he can’t leave the island without us. I think that he can’t leave the island unless we’re all dead. He told me that he could kill anyone of us whenever he wanted. So, what if he hasn’t because he’s…he’s not allowed to. What if he’s trying to get us to kill each other?
Jacob: What is it? Boy in Black: It’s a game. You play it. Jacob: How do you know how? Boy in Black: I just know. Jacob: Can you show me how to play? Boy in Black: If you promise not to tell Mother. Jacob: Why can’t we tell her? Boy in Black: Because she’ll take it away. So… do you want to play or don’t you, Jacob?
Boy in Black: You can’t do that, Jacob. Jacob: Why not? Boy in Black: Because it’s against the rules Jacob: You made the rules. Boy in Black: I found it. One day, you can make up your own game and everyone else will have to follow your rules.
Jacob: Why do you have all your things? Boy in Black: They’re our things… I took them because we’re leaving and we’re never coming back. Jacob: What? Boy in Black: Just follow me. Jacob: Follow you where? Boy in Black: To the people. Jacob: No. We’re supposed to stay away from them. Boy in Black: They’re our people, Jacob, and we’re gonna live with them. Jacob: No, mother said– Boy in Black: She lied, she lied about everything–all of it. I know you don’t understand, but you have to come with me. I don’t want to go by myself. Jacob: We can’t–Mother loves us. Boy in Black: She doesn’t love us. Jacob: Stop! Boy in Black: It was all a lie! Jacob: Stop it! Boy in Black: She’s not even our mother!
Mother: What? Boy in Black: I know now. There is another place across the sea. It’s where I’m from and I’m gonna go there. I’m gonna go home. Mother: Who- who told you that? Boy in Black: My mother! Mother: I’m your mother. Boy in Black: You killed my mother… Jacob, she was your mother, too. We don’t belong here. We don’t belong with her. Come with me. Jacob: No. Mother: My love, you need to know this. Whatever you have been told, you will never be able to leave this Island. Boy in Black: That’s not true. One day I can prove it.
Man in Black: She know you visit me? Jacob: She never asks about you. Man in Black: Then, I’m sorry I asked about her. Why do you watch us, Jacob? Jacob: I watch because I wanna know if Mother’s right. Man in Black: Right about what? Jacob: About them. Man in Black: Oh, you mean my people. You wanna know if they’re bad. That woman may be insane, but she’s most definitely right about that. Jacob: I don’t know. They don’t seem so bad to me. Man in Black: That’s easy for you to say. Looking down on us from above. Trust me, I’ve lived among them for 30 years. They’re greedy, manipulative, untrustworthy, and selfish. Jacob: Then why are you with them? Man in Black: They’re a means to an end. Jacob: What end? Man in Black: I’m leaving, Jacob. I found a way off the Island. Jacob: No, it’s impossible. There is no way off the Island. [Man in Black hurls a dagger, which adheres like a magnet to a stone block wall – Astounded, Jacob pulls it off the wall, which stops a magnetic humming noise.] Man in Black: There are very smart men among us. Men who are curious about how things work. Together we have discovered places all over this Island where metal behaves strangely. When we find one of these sites, we dig. And this time we found something. Come with me, Jacob. Please… What are you gonna do when she dies?
Man in Black: I spent 30 years searching for that place you brought me as a child–that…waterfall with that beautiful light. I’ve walked this island from end to end, not once coming close to finding it. But, then I began to think–what if the light underneath the island–what if I could get to it from someplace else? Figuring out how to reach it took a very long time.
[the Man in Black sits on a log in the shade, holding a white stone. Jacob shows up] Jacob: Morning. Man in Black: Morning. Jacob: I see you got my present. Man in Black: Don’t gloat, Jacob. It doesn’t become you. Jacob: So you tried to kill me. Man in Black: You expect an apology? Jacob: I’d just like to know why you did it. Man in Black: Because I want to leave. Just let me leave, Jacob. Jacob: As long as I’m still alive, you’re not going anywhere. Man in Black: Then now you know why I want to kill you. And I will kill you, Jacob. Jacob: Someone else will take my place. Man in Black: Well, then I’ll kill them too. Jacob: [hands him a bottle of wine] Well, here’s something to pass the time. See you around. [Jacob leaves] Man in Black: Sooner than you think. [he smashes the bottle against the log, releasing the wine]
Man in Black: Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you? Jacob: Yes. Man in Black: One of these days, sooner or later, I’m going to find a loophole, my friend. Jacob: Well, when you do, I’ll be right here. Man in Black: Always nice talking to you, Jacob. Jacob: Nice talking to you, too.
Man in Black (Lost): INTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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roreomarsh-blog · 7 years
reflections of you || r x s
TAGGED→ @roreomarshall & @sawycrffs
NOTES→ Under the cut are two unfinished paras between Rory and Sawyer from January that are now serving as flashbacks.
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More “Touch Me.”
DATE/TIME→ Saturday, January 21st
LOCATION→ Room 214B, Brittany Hall (NYC)
NOTES→  The one with stolen xboxes, sophisticated forts and a whole lot of touching.
Rory crouched low on the balls of her feet, planting her hands firmly beneath the skewed bed frame before pulling. It wasn’t much of a struggle since the bedding in Brittany Hall consisted mostly of twin sizes, but the width of the room wasn’t exactly spacious, and it took some careful maneuvering before Rory could get the beds to give. Wood scraped against wood, and she managed to create a triangular space between the beds and the wall before falling back triumphantly. “Yes,” She breathed, resting on the palms of her hands. She reached for their pillows and lined them up against the point before snatching the fuzzy blue blanket nearby. She spread it out across the floor to sit on, and once she was satisfied with her work, she stood, glancing around to make sure everything was in place. If Eury were here, they’d pin a blanket above them to make a fort, but this was a sophisticated place; somewhere she hoped Sawyer would be comfortable in. Sure, the TV was sitting on the floor in front of the nightstands, but it was safer that way. (Trust her.) With the XBOX turned on, she retreated to her desk to grab the small bowls of fresh fruit and homemade trail mix she had prepared for the occasion. She’d just barely reached them over the side of her bed when she heard a knock at her door. “Go away, Reese! I didn’t steal your XBOX!” Looking back at the system, she contemplated throwing a towel over it. (She totally stole his XBOX.)
Sawyer stood outside the door, raising her hand to knock, but quickly shoved it back into her pocket. Things had been, for lack of better words, strange lately – even things between her and Rory seemed different. So much had happened in such a short amount of time and honestly, it was beginning to get to Sawyer. That was one of the reasons she offered up this get together, for whatever reason Rory never failed to take her mind off things, and she needed that right now. She needed something to keep her mind away from the fact that she now apparently had superpowers and all the information Dr. Hillard had thrown at them, information she was doing her best to forget. And what better way to distract herself than the blonde? Plus Sawyer figured she owed her with all the worrying Rory did over her get together with Griffin. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips at that thought, but the sound of something moving around in the dorm room caused her to chuckle. It sounded like someone was moving furniture; she could only guess what Rory and/or Eury were up to now. Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked once. “It’s not Reese, but from your plans for today, I’m guessing you did steal his XBOX?” She yelled back, leaning against the wall next to the door as she waited for Rory to let her in.
Rory wrinkled her nose from behind the door, caught. “Hi, Sawyer,” she called back, running her fingers through her hair as she meandered over to the vent. Popping it open, she retrieved a couple of beers and shut it back up, making her way to the door and cracking it open. “Don’t rat me out,” she peaked out. “You’re an accomplice now.” Flashing her a bright smile, Rory opened the door wide for Sawyer to enter and shut it quietly behind her. “Watch this,” she prompted, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Using her t-shirt, she cracked the bottles open and raised them to her lips. She blew gently across the rims, her eyes trained on Sawyer as the bottles began to frost over, and she passed one to Sawyer. “Neat trick, right?” She chuckled to herself. After everything they’d learned from Professor Hillard, things were starting to make sense. If only it were her powers that scared her… “I’ve been practicing. I kind of had to so I’d stop breaking everything I touched,” she turned over a palm to reveal the aged knicks and scratches there. “Just like old times, huh?” she referred back to their very first meeting. “Except this was tragic. Aspen took my candles and filled my drawer with anger management pamphlets. Though I’m starting to think that last part was Eury,” she rambled, pondering the likelihood of Eury pulling a prank. When she stopped to take a breath, she seemed to realize what was happening and leaned up back against a desk to steady herself. Crossing her arms, she sucked in a breath hoping to regulate the rapid beating of her heart. “Hi,” she started over, unable to pull her eyes away. Sawyer was beautiful in every which way, and it relaxed her to know that she was here and away from Griffin for the time being. “I figured it was safer if we just started on the floor this time,” she laughed, motioning to her epic construction.
Sawyer chuckled a bit, hearing her name called out from the other side of the door. “Hi, Rory,” she greeted back, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried to think about anything but melting the wall she was leaning against. She hadn’t figured her powers out all that much, but she could only hope that ‘ability’ was transferred through just her hands. Hearing the door open and Rory’s voice clearer, her green eyes popped open and she quickly slipped inside the room, forcing a smile. “I wasn’t going to, but you could’ve just borrowed mine rather than stealing your brother’s you know?” She grinned a bit more genuinely this time. Keeping her gaze on the blonde, Sawyer arched a brow at the display. That certainly explained why she had been feeling so cold since they came back from the island. “Better than mine,” she mumbled, looking down at the bottle in her hand with a small wince as if she expected it to dissolve as soon as she touched it. “That’s good.” Nodding, Sawyer took a sip of the drink and looked around the room. She had spent most of her time trying not to touch things rather than trying to practice. “What? Why did she or they do that? Does that have to do with the whole closet thing you were talking about?” She questioned, unable to hold back her laughter at the thought. As crazy as things had been it was kind of nice to hear something as silly and trivial as that. “Hi, I’m still in one piece as you can see.” She smiled over at Rory, her green eyes glinting in amusement. “Oh shut up, I wasn’t going to push you again. Unless you’re giving me alcohol to try and make me kiss you again, then maybe.” She added with a quiet snicker, rolling her eyes for good measure.
Rory ducked her chin and tried to catch Sawyer’s eye. She could tell that her powers were still bothering her, and it pained her to watch the silent struggle unfold. “I know what’ll cheer you up,” a mischievous grin crossed her face. She pulled open a desk drawer and reached inside to grab the small knife hidden there. Unwrapping her fingers, she held out the blade out for Sawyer to take. “It’s a little dinged up because I had to pull it out of the wall, but I found it for you.” Grinning sheepishly, Rory picked at the ribbon on her wrist. “You should’ve seen me too,” she continued. “It was just like the Sword and the Stone. Liam tried but,” she flexed a muscle. “I’m the one who came through. As for Eurydice,” her soft chuckles grew more nervous at the mention of the closet incident, and she continued quickly. “I’m sure I did something. Completely unrelated to the closet. That was a fluke,” she brushed off, feeling more and more certain that whatever this thing with Sawyer was, wasn’t. Their entire worlds had changed over the course of a few weeks. She didn’t need for that to change too. Not yet anyway. The thought alone was enough to fill her with apprehension, and she shuffled over to the beds, climbing swiftly on top. Blue eyes caught green, and it was enough to make her chest swell with indecipherable feeling. “Just the way I like you,” she didn’t push, knowing how difficult it must be to fear the sense of touch. “But we don’t have to drink. I just wanted to show you my trick,” she admitted. “We’ve for soda and juice boxes too,” setting her own beer down, she chuckled at the redundancy of it. “It doesn’t affect me anyway. Unfortunately for you,” she teased back. Hopping down from the bed, Rory looked at her through her lashes. “My drunk phone sexing days are over. Now come join me in my fort. It’s sophisticated and everything.”
Sawyer glanced over at Rory with a curious, somewhat suspicious gaze. “I’m fine,” she argued, despite being far from it. Watching the blonde, Sawyer’s eyes went wide as she reached for the familiar knife. Had it been just a normal knife Sawyer wouldn’t have put much thought into losing it, but it had been a birthday present from her grandmother, therefore it held a lot of sentiment to her. Setting it down, she pulled Rory into a tight hug, forgetting her worries about touching for the moment. “Thank you,” Sawyer murmured into her shoulder before pulling away after a moment. “Where did you? It was in a wall? Oh shit, I bet I threw it at that Devon. Nice going, Sawyer…” She mumbled to herself, running a hand over her face. The way Dr. Hillard talked it sounded like this man was insane and she threw a knife at him. Trying to push her freak out away, she nodded along as she listened, not fully buying the words but not questioning them either. Her free hand was shoved back into her pocket and a small smile tugged at her lips at Rory’s display, the blonde was so much more of a free spirit than she was, it was nice to see some carefree. Honestly, she wanted nothing more than to sit next to Rory, but thought perhaps it wasn’t the best idea. For one she could hurt her, and the other, she didn’t fully trust herself to not act impulsively. So she continued standing, for the time being. “Show off,” she grinned, taking another sip of her drink. “I can handle one. But wait what? What do you mean it doesn’t affect you?” Her head tilted in confusion at the words. Sawyer swallowed hard at both Rory’s words and the way she was looking at her. Chewing on her bottom lip, she then took another long drink, and finally sat down on the bed. “You’re the one always wanting to kiss me anyways,” she pointed out, a smug smirk growing on her lips.
Rory tried to swallow the swelling of her chest, but it was of no use. Warmth and affection spread throughout her from even the smallest of touches, let alone a full blown hug. Rory shrugged, slowly, as if the retrieval were no big deal. “Does that mean I’m forgiven for going off without you?” she pressed, revealing a toothy grin in the process. “I knew you were pretty bummed when you lost it, and I didn’t want you to be,” she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and took a seat, positioning herself against the fold. “Don’t beat yourself up though. We might be the power rangers,” she emphasized, the words feeling foreign and unrealistic in her mouth, “but we still don’t know what happened. You could’ve saved your life. Or Griffin’s. Maybe even mine,” she chuckled at that. “I think it’s brave. You’re brave,” she smirked up at her. Rory caught herself staring a bit longer than intended, and she blinked, looking away. “Not that that’s surprising,” she added with a soft chuckle. “Even when the world was ending, you stepped up first.” Unable to kill the sparkle in her eyes, she brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ears and glanced back up. Her eyes were always so drawn to her, and it drove Rory crazy. Patting the spot next to her, she found it a little strange that Sawyer hadn’t joined her yet. Her stomach twisted at the thought of saying too much, but she kept a straight face, unwilling to grow visibly flustered by the woman. “I do believe I was promised cuddles,” she looked up expectantly. “Make good on that, and I’ll even let you pick. What’s it gonna be? TV or video games?”
Sawyer fought back an eye roll, that was beside the point completely. “I wasn’t upset because you went without me, Rory. I was upset because it was dangerous and something could have happened to you. Just like you were worried about me meeting up with Griffin. It isn’t really any different, other than you thinking I was going on a date.” She grumbled with a small shrug of her shoulders. Pushing the thought aside, she gave her a small smile. “Yeah, my grandma gave it to me so it kinda means a lot to me. Thank you,” Sawyer repeated once more. “He still wouldn’t mention Devone, so I’m still as in the dark about all that as I was. He just threw a whole other thing at me,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “Thanks, though.” Trying to keep her smile from growing, Sawyer scoffed. “You’re being dramatic. It wasn’t that big of a deal, someone had to do it, because the rest of you were freaking out and/or telling Dr. Hillard off. I mean I don’t like it either, but the way I see it, it happened and we can’t change it. Better to just accept it, move on, and try to find a reasonable solution.” If nothing else this would provide her with plenty of things to study in the scientific field. Sawyer clinched her jaw and scooted over a bit once she sat next to the blonde. “Rory I – I’m not so sure that’s a good idea anymore. I don’t want to hurt you,” she admitted quietly.
Rory averted her eyes, picking at her nails in her lap. She was hoping Sawyer would overlook that part, but alas, no such luck. As much as she hated disappointing people, the confirmation that Sawyer cared so much made her heart soar. Pressing her lips together, Rory turned to face her once more. “So I’m a hypocrite!” she admitted, grimacing through her smile. “Still like me?” She raised her arms in a hopeful shrug. Smoothing out her face, she dropped them to her sides. “Of course,” Rory accepted. “I want to say that I wouldn’t do it again if I had the choice, but I would.” She pointed to her own grin as a sign of example, and her eyes dropped timidly to the floor. “It’s that smile. It kills me,” she confessed. At the mention of Griffin, however, she rolled her head back in mild exasperation. “He just wants to mess with you,” she shook her head. “I stupidly asked him not to, and being the giant douchenozzle he is,” she waved an arm as a way of finishing the sentence. Crossing her arms, Rory’s mouth dropped open. “I’m so not dramatic,” she refuted. “I’m honest. You stepped up, Sawyer McClintock. And it was hot! Don’t take it back now,” she challenged. Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but chuckle at her reasonings. “You’re such a nerd. I bet you’re dying to cut one of us open to study our brand new mutant DNA. I’ll tell you what. If my blood turns blue, I promise you can have the first vial,” she smirked. Sawyer inched closer, and Rory tilted her head at her reasoning. Her immediate reaction was to just take her hand and prove her point, but Rory hesitated, stopping her hand inches above Sawyer’s instead. Catching her eyes, she asked, “Can I?” Rory waited for an answer, sincerity shining through her eyes and she inhaled deeply. “I know you could,“ She started. "But I also know you won’t. I trust you.”
Sawyer: “I’m not upset,” she repeated softly as Rory looked away and picked at her nails. She only worried because she cared, she could admit that much now. “Well, at least you admit it,” Sawyer chuckled. She had grown up with enough people who refused to admit such things. Needless to say she didn’t want to surround herself with that in New York, she had enough of it at home. “Hmm, I suppose.” Her tone was light and laced with amusement. “I’d be one too if I said no,” she added, shrugging. “I know you would, which is worrisome, but I can’t really do anything about it.” That was something Sawyer had started to accept as well, her lack of control around Rory. For whatever reason, that just went out the window when it came to the blonde. “What smile?” She asked, her head tilting in confusion. “I hope so, I don’t want to think about the alternative.” If Griffin had been telling the truth she knew it would just bring more problems, for all of them. “So you think he’s messing with me to get to you? Interesting.” She mused, pursing her lips for a moment. Arching a brow, Sawyer grinned. “Right, and I’m not competitive. But sure, whatever you say.” She conceded, rolling her eyes. “I’m not! Okay, maybe Bianca but you know, I have reasons. Hey, some animals have blue blood, it isn’t that far stretched.” Sawyer knew her argument made no real sense, but it didn’t stop her from making it. Watching Rory as she seemed to internally debate with herself, Sawyer nodded. She still didn’t think this was a good idea, but she didn’t like the idea of never being able to touch anyone, especially Rory. Nodding one more time, she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing to keep herself calm.
Rory never took her eyes off of Sawyer. Her hands lingered, steady, for just a moment longer as she searched for any indication of hesitancy or regret. “Tell me if you change your mind… I’ll stop,” she promised in a soft, but calming, voice. The last thing she wanted to do was push Sawyer too far. As confident as she was, Rory didn’t know what it was like to have the brink of destruction at her fingertips, and she understood that. Sawyer was scared and rightfully so, but Rory knew in her heart that she would never hurt her. Slowly, she lowered her hands until the pads of her fingers rested gently atop the back of Sawyer’s hands. She trailed her fingers against her skin, her touches smooth and light as she gave her time to adjust. Her palm slipped beneath her hand and she held it firmly while running a thumb across her fingers. And still, her eyes never left her. “See?” A fond grin crossed her face, and Rory became suddenly aware of how quick her heart was beating. She slipped her hand to Sawyer’s wrist and brought the palm of her hand to rest on her cheek. Leaning into it, she sighed. “Still breathing.”
Standing Still.
DATE/TIME→ January 30th, 2017
LOCATION→ Room 214B, Brittany Hall (NYC)
NOTES→  The one where everything is cute and then Rory tells Sawyer the truth about Syria.
Sawyer snuck back into Rory’s dorm, hoping she wouldn’t wake the blonde, just in case she was still sleeping. Balancing two coffees and a McDonald’s bag, she smiled softly at the sight of the still sleeping blonde. Sawyer had no idea what had gone on the night before during Rory’s meeting with Syria, although, it was quite clear the younger girl had been crying. Sawyer had noticed that even before noticing just how exhausted Rory looked. And as curious as Sawyer had been, she knew Rory needed sleep more than anything, she could always get answers later. That’s why she stayed in bed with her, choosing to skip her morning classes, knowing she didn’t have the heart to wake her up when she so obviously needed the rest. But she did still slip out for a quick run. Setting the coffees and bag of food aside, she sat on the edge of Rory’s bed and gently ran her fingers through blonde locks, lightly pushing the hair away from Rory’s face. “Rory, wakey wakey,” she whispered, continuing to run her fingers through her golden hair. “We’ve already missed classes; you need to get up before your coffee and food gets cold.” She added, giving her a quick peck on the lips before grabbing one of the coffees. “Here’s your Starbucks’ cappuccino, since you don’t know how to use Google Maps.” Sawyer teased, a slight smirk tugging at her lips as she held out the drink.
Rory stirred, bathing in the sunlight as it peaked through the curtains and set the room aglow. She felt herself being urged gently awake, but her eyelids were stubborn and heavy, and her mind fought to keep up. Instead, Rory relaxed into the touch, the soft combing sensation spreading a much needed comfort throughout her. The smell of greasy hash browns and breakfast sandwiches reached her nose, and a lazy grin made it’s way to her face as last nights events came back to her. “Mmmm,” she groaned, her voice thick and groggy with sleep. Her lips tingled from where Sawyer had met them just moments ago, and she almost wished it could happen again — when she was more alert — to fully enjoy it. “I should’ve known you were the love ‘em and leave em type,” she joked. Her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked, wrestling the sleep from her eyes. She squinted through the light as Sawyer came into view. “Hi,” she grinned, looking up at her softly. She was grateful for more than she could possibly convey. It took a moment to find the motivation, but slowly, Rory scooted herself over so that she could, at least, prop herself up on an elbow and accept her beverage. Her bones felt stiff and uncooperative, but regardless, she sat up. “That’s because Google Maps is confusing,” she argued. “Turn left, she says two minutes too late. By then I’m halfway between streets and does she mean my left or her left? It’s a mess,” She sipped at her coffee, eyes fixed on Sawyer. The hot beverage slipped down her throat, spreading a warmth Rory wasn’t sure it was responsible for. “Besides, who needs a map when I can get lost in your eyes?” Rory countered, chuckling into her cup. She set it aside and opened her arms. “C’mere.”
Sawyer continued to watch Rory as she played with her hair. Sawyer always found her beautiful, breathtaking even, but seeing her like this was like seeing another side of her. She looked so peaceful and different than how she looked after her meeting with Syria the night before. Seeing her like that had scared Sawyer, she had never seen Rory look so tired and well, broken. So seeing her smile again was beyond refreshing. “Definitely,” she grinned, watching Rory as she slowly woke up and became aware of her surroundings. “That’s why I left to get you food and coffee,” she scoffed lightheartedly with a quick quirk of an eyebrow. “Hi,” Sawyer smiled back, shoving her hands into her pockets once Rory took the drink from her. The brunette wanted to crawl back into the warm, safe haven she fell asleep in the night before, but kept her distance for the time being. She was already questioning why she had just kissed Rory. “Confusing? It’s beyond simple,” she chuckled, shaking her head a bit. “Your left. Computers don’t have left or rights, Rory. Do you have a hard time with Siri as well?” Sawyer inquired, laughing a little harder at the blonde’s words. As someone who had a terrible sense of direction she relied on the app far more than she cared to admit, but she knew it had its faults. “Glad to see you’re back to normal.” She smiled, rolling her eyes at the younger girl. “Bossy,” Sawyer mumbled, kicking her shoes off, she crawled back into bed with Rory and snuggled up against her to try and get warm – which was of course in vain. “You feeling better today?”
Rory felt strange; like she was at peace somehow even after everything that had happened last night. Waking up to the sound of her voice and the feel of her touch felt oddly domesticated and it scared her that it didn’t scare her. This girl was rapidly breaking down every barrier that she had ever built, and the fact that she wasn’t even trying made it all that much worse. Growing more alert by the second, Rory’s arm shot across the nightstand to cover the top part of her cell phone. “Now that’s just rude,” she scolded before adding in a hushed voice, “You’ll hurt her feelings.” Sawyer’s laugh was infectious, however, and she couldn’t keep the straight face. Leaning back, she looked pointedly at her phone. “Siri’s just a bitch,” she chuckled, waiting for Sawyer to join her on the bed. Once she had, Rory wrapped her arms around her instinctively and pulled them back so she laid flat while Sawyer laid partially on top of her. “Much, thank you,” she reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She paused, basking in the sheer beauty that was Sawyer McClintock and dropping her hand to her waist. At what point she began rubbing soft lines into her back, Rory couldn’t tell you, but she knew it felt right. “And thank you for the food. You didn’t have to do that, especially after I…” her eyes dropped, and she swallowed as the guilt sank in. The way she had talked to Sawyer was completely uncalled for, and no excuse in the book could make up for that. Her heart broke a little more as she realized this was exactly why she couldn’t have her. Her hand paused its ministrations, and she exhaled deeply. “I’m sorry,” she started. She was beginning to regret the position that she had put them in and tried to pull away, backing into the wall as much as she could. She looked at Sawyer then, desperately trying to convey the things she couldn’t say. “I was mean and rude, and I should have never spoken to you like that. That’s not how you speak to people you care about, but I did, and I’m sorry.” She ran a hand through her messy hair and paused. “That’s not who I am,” she spoke, earnestly. She lifted a finger to trace patterns into the back of Sawyer’s hand. “And that’s not who I want to be, no matter how bad things get. I just want you to know that.”
Sawyer scoffed at Rory, fighting back another eye roll. “You’ve clearly watched Her way too many times,” she chuckled. “They don’t have feelings,” she insisted, still laughing softly. Sawyer had started to get used to the many ridiculous things that left Rory’s mouth, but they still managed to make her smile and/or laugh. “Oh, now who’s being rude?” She teased, poking Rory’s nose with her index finger as she looked down at her. Had it been anyone else, Sawyer would’ve pulled away without a second thought. This wasn’t a situation she would normally get herself in, not with another girl. Yet she couldn’t shake how right it felt, and as Rory rubbed her back, her eyes fluttered closed. “It’s not a big deal, but you’re welcome. I was hungry so I was going to grab something anyways.” She mumbled, giving a small shrug, but her eyes slowly popped open. “For what?” Sawyer asked, tilting her head in confusion. As far as she could remember Rory hadn’t done anything to her. A quiet groan escaped her lips as the blonde started moving, disrupting her previous source of comfort. “Where are you going? I was comfy.” She pouted before rolling onto her back with a sigh at Rory’s words. “You were beyond exhausted, Rory, why do you think I kept telling you to get some sleep? Our bodies betray us when we’re tired, it’s simple science. You kind of were, but I wasn’t upset with you, it’s okay.” Sawyer tried to reassure her, the only thing that had upset her was the talk of her ex. “I was more worried about you than anything.” Sitting up, she gently grabbed Rory’s face, rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs. “I know exactly who you are. You’re an amazing friend and sister. You’re someone that will never give up on someone you care about, despite what they put you through. You’re a huge weirdo, who never fails to make others smile or laugh, me included. You’re a girl that pushes happiness away out of fear, even though you deserve happiness more than anyone. You’re the girl that drives me insane, but I wouldn’t change that for anything. You’re the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable enough to be myself with. You’re the reason I’m trying to be a better person. You’re the reason I even give a damn about any of this ranger stuff. You’re flawed, but you never stop trying, and that’s beyond admirable.” Taking a deep breath, Sawyer let her hands drop and chewed on her lip. “You have no idea how much you’ve helped me. I don’t think I could think bad things about you even if I tried, so you have nothing to worry about.”
Rory kept her eyes trained on Sawyer, smirking fondly from her spot on the bed. “Well if that’s true, then why do I have to watch her?” she countered, a playful glimmer in her eye. She loved seeing her like this. Open.  Free . It wasn’t a side that Sawyer showed often, and Rory caught herself wondering if it were somehow reserved just for her. Maybe she was deluding herself, but the fact that Sawyer felt comfortable enough to allow her these glimpses at all made her heart swell. Every day, she drove her wild, and Rory had never felt more out of control in her life. Sawyer poked her nose, and she scrunched up her face, somewhat thankful for the distraction. She relaxed into the weight of Sawyer’s body and found herself pinned to the bed. The close approximation caused her heart to flutter in the most inconvenient ways, but she was powerless to stop it, and when Sawyer’s eyes fell shut, Rory decided she never wanted to be anywhere else. For a moment in time, she forgot what she was so scared of. Her body quivered beneath her, shuttering at her touch. A finger trailed up and down the underside of Sawyer’s bicep, and she felt vulnerable. Exposed.  It was just breakfast! , she snapped, mentally scolding herself at the lax in judgment. Her jaw clenched tight, she bit her tongue to keep herself from making it into anything more than what it was. The previous night came flooding back to her and then she was moving, creating some much needed distance between them. Both ashamed and disappointed in herself, Rory didn’t know what to do. Sawyer was looking at her with such genuine sincerity… she wanted to bolt. Every nerve in her body tingled and danced across her skin, telling her get out while she still could, but she was falling, falling, falling. And it was dangerous. Somewhere along the way, she had tiptoed across the line, blindfolded and venturing into uncharted territory. There was no going back now. She remained anchored to this treacherous ground, completely taken aback by Sawyer’s kind words. Her eyes prickled with tears as she opened and closed her mouth, words betraying her as warm, gentle, hands caressed her sun-kissed cheeks, and affection rushed through her like a hurricane. The walls fell, and she urged forward, closing the gap between them, but their lips did not quite meet. Instead, she lingered, nose brushing softly against Sawyer’s, and she wished for nothing more than to express her gratitude the only way she knew how. Rory’s breathing grew ragged, and her eyes flickered down to her pouty lips. She could barely contain herself. “I know I shouldn’t,” she resisted, the struggle written clearly across her face. Her mouth hung open, breathing hotly and hovering so close now that she could feel her warm breath mingling together with own. She closed her eyes to hide the way they had darkened and rested her forehead against her. Overwhelmed with desire, she lifted a hand to hold her wrist, grounding her as a tear slipped down her face. “But I really want to kiss you.”
Sawyer paused, “I-” staring back at the speechless blonde, Sawyer wondered if she had taken things too far. If she had pushed Rory too far. The words tumbled from her lips before she could stop them, and even if they were nothing but the truth, she didn’t know how Rory would react to them. Chewing on her bottom lip, Sawyer averted her eyes briefly when she saw the tears in her blue eyes. Even if they were most likely happy tears, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. She wanted to make her feel better, not make her cry. The feel of Rory’s nose brushing against hers made Sawyer look back up, her breath hitching at their close proximity. Letting her hand slide into blonde locks, the corners of her lips tugged upwards. Sawyer didn’t miss the look in Rory’s eyes, it was quite clear that she was struggling just as much. She also knew they shouldn’t, but that didn’t help curb her desires any. For once, deciding to just feel rather than think, she closed her eyes and brushed her lips against Rory’s. “Then kiss me, Rory.” Sawyer husked, running her fingers through the blonde’s hair. “Please.”
Rory released a shaky breath, their lips grazing in a touch so soft and tender that she had barely felt them at all. It left her starving and thirsty for more. Heart racing in anticipation, her eyes darted to Sawyer’s, and she pulled back to see her more clearly. As badly as she wanted this, she cared too much to push her into things she wasn’t ready for. The air thickened between them and Rory trailed her thumb against her wrist, attempting to both comfort her and ease her struggle. Her stomach lurched, and her eyes flickered back down to her lips. It felt like she was in the sixth grade all over again. They were both obviously outside of their comfort zones, and because of that, Rory needed the extra confirmation. She needed to know that everything was still okay; that she was okay, and once she had it, there was no turning back. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Rory leaned back in. “Last chance to change your mind,” she all but whispered, breath hot against Sawyer’s lips. She waited just a moment before closing in, capturing her lips with her own and pouring all the words she couldn’t say into a delicate kiss. From the moment their lips touched, Rory was glad she was sitting down for she felt herself growing weak from the sensation. Sawyer’s lips were soft and smooth against her own; her mouth warm and intoxicating. For a moment, she forgot where she was entirely. Sucking at Sawyer’s bottom lip, she tugged at it softly. She ran her tongue along it’s edge and requested access, but before it could be granted, she pulled away as the familiar urge of want and desire began to stir in the pit of her stomach. Her head hung low, Rory kept her eyes closed while she tried to catch her breath. “How do you do that?” she wondered. When she looked up her eyes were dark and hooded, filled with a mixture of both lust and awe. “You always…” she started. The frustration kicked in and she frowned. “You make me want to be brave… but there’s something I have to tell you.”
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