#anyways no me odio mas que Rox a si mismo ASKFJAGSFHKA
pupuseriazag · 9 months
Blue Tarantula 2/??
(Don pendejo (me) added too many things he wanted to do during vacations and now is suffering the consequences of not being able to organize himself and forgor to upload chapters days before perdonenme pls ando medio pendejo anyways heres another one)
Some mumbling around dragged me back into consciousness, the harsh white lights now were dim and I was laying sideways, my stomach still hurting but now from hunger. 
"Lyla, give me the report." He came back.
"Uhh they have stabilized but are still in weak condition." 
"...That's strange." I heard him approach me. "Hey, ¿Estás despierto?" 
I tried to keep my eyes closed, not moving a single inch.
"¿Qué queres?" 
He sighed in relief. "¿Cómo te sientes?" 
"Esa no es una respuesta." 
My stomach growled audibly. 
"Tomaré eso como respuesta. Lyla, ask Pedro to bring something for them." 
"Okey!" I heard the lady reply.
"Supongo que tuviste tiempo para pensar y tranquilizarte." 
I remained silent.
"¿Desde hace cuanto tienes hambre?" 
"¿Hace cuanto te fuiste?" 
"8 horas."
"Desde hace 7" 
He sighed again. "Me lleva la ching- ¿Por qué no usaste el panel de asistencia?" He sounded slightly annoyed.
"No quiero creerte." I finally admitted. 
"...Me rehúso a creer lo que dijiste. No tiene sentido y es algo estupido… pero no logro encontrarle sentido al porque hay cosas tan… futuristas, aquí." 
I just don't want to engage in this situation anymore.
"Mira, Rox." His tone softened. "Sé que es demasiada información. Pero quiero que sepas que hago esto por el bien de todos. No solo por mi bien, o el tuyo." I turned my head to him. "También el de todas las personas." 
"Sé que no es fácil. Pero déjame ayudarte." 
"Respondeme a algo." I sat again. "¿Por qué yo?" 
"Serias de gran ayuda, todavía estoy empezando a reclutar gente. Pero estoy seguro qu-" 
"¿Por qué yo?"
He closed his eyes for a second. "Porque esto involucra a tu universo tamb-"
"¡¿Por qué yo?!"
"...Porque no iba a permitir que murieras de una manera tan estúpida, suficientes personas han muerto ya y no quiero ver ese número crecer. ¿Ya estás contento?" 
"Yo no necesitaba que me rescataras. Nadie ha estado ahí para mí y ciertamente no necesitaba intervención de parte de Don Pendejo Colmillos" 
"¿Un gracias por lo menos no se te puede salir?"
"Uhm… should... I come back later…?" We both turned our head to another person wearing a similar suit, but with an apron on top and a trail with food.
"No no, come in." The big guy crossed his arms. "I'm pretty sure the insufferable attitude will stop once they get their damn meal." 
The other "spider" dude approached the bed, putting the trail on my lap, the silence was deafening.
He got to the door and waved bye with his hand, leaving awkwardly after finding us fighting. 
I took a glance at the food. It… definitely looks like food, at least the edible kind.
"Come." He demanded. "Que todavía estás débil." 
"¿La envenenaste?" 
I took the plastic spoon, carefully taking some of the rice on the plate and bringing it closer to my nose to see if I could smell it being laced.
The man rolled his eyes dramatically. "Es un puto arroz con pollo, ya deja de ser tan dramatico." 
"Dramático el vergazo que te voy a dar en la jeta." I mumbled before taking the first bite, slowly chewing the rice and trying to taste anything suspicious in it.
…It was a pretty damn good rice.
I took another bite, but still not wanting him to believe all my suspicions were gone.
I heard him huff. "¿Siempre eres así de desconfiado?" 
"¿Siempre sos así de metido?" I kept eating, my face softening without me realizing since the food was so good.
I hadn't had eaten such a good meal in a while, I cant fucking believe I'm falling for this ruse. 
We stood in silence as he watched me eat, making sure I did not left anything as if I was a fucking child.
But surely, my temper had calmed a little after finally eating some food. 
"Puta que rico" I sighed and mumbled under my breath.
"Eso debiste haber hecho hace horas, ya te sentirías mejor si por lo menos hubieras comido." 
"¿Te da pena admitir que estabas equivocado?" I swear this bitch is taking me to my limit. 
"Goshhh you two are so annoying" The little holo woman appeared again. "If nobody stops you two you're going to end up fighting until you're old" 
I crossed my arms. "Well then, you tell me." I addressed her. "Tell me he is lying" 
"As much as I would love to snitch and say yes… He actually is not lying" 
"Not you too…" I brought a hand to my face.
"I think I know how to make this easier." She zapped from side to side until reappearing at the door and opening it. "Ta-da!" 
"Layla, what are you doing?!" He got up from his seat.
"If you don't let them see outside they are not going to believe you, Miguel." 
I threw the trail to the side and launched myself towards the door, nows my chance.
The burst of adrenaline I had in the moment helped me run from the hexagonal hallways until I found myself face to face with a massive tower with several floors… and a lot of those other people with spider suits.
No… it can't be…
I shot a web to go to a higher floor with glass windows, running up to them to look outside, this has to be a joke.
I saw green plains and futuristic looking skyscrapers, things that looked like flying cars going around them. And as much as I tried to shove my face into the window to confirm they were tv screens… I couldn't.
I'm… I'm actually not in my world.
I covered my mouth in panic and took a step back, trying to regulate my breathing as the situation began to overwhelm me.
"Excuse me… are you ok?" Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I immediately shrugged it off.
"DONT TOUCH ME" I yelled and ran away again, to nowhere and just somewhere I could feel safe.
I want to go home, I don't want to be part of this, I did NOT ask to be part of this shit. I want to go back to my stupid universe where things make sense and there are no buff men holding me hostage. (Nota de Zag: no sea pendejo mijo)
I ran until I found myself in a corridor with dim lights, and my legs collapsed to the ground making me fall to my knees, trembling with fear and anxiety.
My eyes were watery and my breathing became irregular. Sobbing and letting my tears fall on the floor.
"Porque… ¡¿Porque?!" I let out to myself and closed my eyes, finally breaking down in tears.
I heard quick steps from behind. "See? I told you they would not go far" it was the voice of that woman, he must be also with her.
"Dejame ir…" I sobbed. "Déjame regresar a mi hogar…" 
"Entonces ya te diste cuenta de la situación." 
"Para tu desgracia, eres parte de esto desde el momento en el que te convertiste en spiderman"
"¡PUES RENUNCIO!" I yelled and tried to take off my suit. "¡YA NO QUIERO NADA! ¡SOLO QUIERO UNA VIDA TRANQUILA!" 
I was about to take off the top part of my suit when he got closer, his shadow covering me completely.
"Ciérrate el traje." 
"¡OBLIGAME!" I turned my head to him and he grabbed me from my sides, putting the top part of my suit again and closing the zipper in a swift move.
"No tienes más ropa aquí, y no voy a dejar que andes por ahí desnudo solo por un berrinche." Still holding my side, he helped me get up effortlessly. "Te llevaré de regreso, no estás en buena condición." 
"¿Sabes que me hará sentir mejor? ¡IRME A MI PUTA CASA!" 
The holo lady appeared “They’re right, you’re making it worse” 
He released me and I turned to see him, sticking my back to the wall behind me.
“Hey what’s all this ruckus about, Miguel? Did anything bad happen?” Another one of those people came closer, this one maskless and casually approaching the big dude. “Can’t you see you’re scaring this poor girl?”
“Not a girl.” 
“Ah, my bad.” He leaned on the big dude. “Poor thing is having a rough time and you’re intimidating…” He looked at me, like asking how to address me.
“Them, right.” He continued. “That way you’re not going to have that many people join you.”
“Alright, let's see YOU do this then. I’m done trying to explain in any fucking way shape or form how their universe IS IN DANGER-”
“Yeah yeah yeah, go get yourself a cup of coffee, ok? I’ll talk to them and make sure they are ok”
“I know, I know. But don’t worry, I got this” He winked at him.
I trust this place less now.
“Ya estoy hasta la chingada, ya haz lo que se te dé la puta gana. Pero después no vayas a decir que no te advertí” He finally said while pointing his index at my chest.
He left to the other side of the tunnel, entering through a door I had not seen into god knows where.
I closed my eyes for a moment, finally he was gone.
“Hey-” He tried to put a hand on my shoulder and I slapped it away. “Ok ok, sorry.” 
“Tell me where I can get the fuck out.”
“Woah, easy there” He moved his hands downwards. “First you gotta relax, I’m not gonna take you anywhere.”
“You don’t get it, I don't want to be part of this.”
“And why is that?”
“What do you mean “why”?! I don't want to have the fucking destiny of MY universe in MY hands.” I continued. “That dude just came to my universe, supposedly rescued me from my death and comes telling me now I have TO PROTECT MY UNIVERSE?!”
“I know it must be too much-”
“Hey don’t say that.” He interjected. “Your life is worth living”
“You don't even know the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Well.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I’m all ears.” 
“...You… want to hear my story?”
“Everyone in this place has a story to tell, after all. We’re all spidermen.” He turned on his heel, walking away. “Come with me, let’s chat somewhere comfortable”
I let him walk for some moments, until he turned and signed with his hand to follow him.
He took me to another area, one that looked more like a lounge with tables and expensive looking booth seats, by far the most familiar thing I’ve seen in this place. 
This dude is far more friendly than whatever Don Pendejo 
“Ok let’s start from the beginning.” He offered me his hand. “My name’s Peter B. Parker.”
I looked at his hand, and slowly shook it, returning the gesture. “Rox Reyes.”
“Great! Nice to meet you!”
“Same… I guess.”
“I’m listening.” 
I took a deep breath, preparing myself mentally but feeling less stressed now that at least someone tried to make me feel comfortable and not threaten me… I’m still not completely convinced these people won't hurt me tho… but I guess talking about my misfortunes won't hurt.
And minutes later I found myself still ranting about everything with Peter, everything from my life before and after I turned into Tarantula… it feels better to finally talk about this with someone else, specially with someone who actually understands me (or at least pretends to)
All of these very specific problems I’ve had, Peter always continued it with a “I know right???” “Oh yeah, that tends to happen” “I remember my first time doing that!!” He even showed me his own webs when I questioned if he was really like me… he even took a pic of the spider that bit him… which is something I didn't think of when it happened to me.
“Peter, I want to ask you something… but I want you to be completely honest with me.”
“No no, I’m being serious. It may affect my choice.” 
“I promise I’ll be honest.”
“Ok…Are you all really going to save your universes… or is this just an elaborate joke to make me speak and probably use me to cause more evil in “my universe” because you guys are actually just Alchemax employees and not actually spiderpeople?”
“Thats certainly a mouthful of a question”
“Please respond.” I lowered my gaze. “ I… I’m just scared and-”
“No no, I get it. I would’ve also thought the same if I had gone through what you lived through.”
“Have some trust in us, that’s all I will say.” He gave me a reassuring smile. “I know Miguel can be intimidating but that's just because he cares so much about this mission. After all, he is the one hosting us.”
“Yeah! This is his place and his universe. You could say he is the “leader” and the one who started this fight to keep the multiverses safe.” He laughed it off. “But don’t worry, he may be grumpy and dramatic, but he doesn't not mean harm.”
I looked away, remembering his fangs and talons… I don't know why that is the part I believe less, he certainly looked like he would rip me in half if he wanted.
“Give him a chance, I’m sure you two will get along… after all he…” Peter stopped, thought about it and shook his head sideways. “I’ll let him tell you that part.”
“What is it?”
“I’ll just say, he also had his rough moments in his life.”
“That doesn't excuse him being an asshole.”
“Does it excuse you from being one?”
I- He-... 
He left me fucking speechless I was not expecting him to read me like that.
“No offense of course, I know you’re just trying to make sense of this.”
I crossed my arms. “Gotta hand it to you, Peter… you gagged me.”
“...Do I smell bad?”
“No no, it's… it's just a dumb saying. I was just not expecting you to say that.”
“Oh, ha ha!” 
“...I guess you’re right. I acted ungrateful after he… well, just did what he thought was right.”
“You know, there was once a time in my life where I felt like the only thing that could save me was death as well.”
“Yeah, I had a rough time when I was... maybe slightly older than you.” He continued. “I divorced my wife, my aunt passed away and I was depressed for a long time.”
“Sounds rough… wait, didn't you say you’re married?”
“Yeah! We remarried after I came back from another universe and I decided to give it a shot, and here I am.” He smiled, probably remembering stuff. “What I want to say is that things do get better, Rox. Even if it feels like it is a never-ending nightmare.”
“Even if I have heard that same phrase since I was a teenager and things only continued to go downhill?”
“Even if you feel like that. Who knows? Maybe this is your chance to have a better life”
“I wish you were right.”
“What stops you from trying?”
I thought about it for a second… if I come back now and choose to stay, it means I will be returning to my old life… Lonely, depressing and stressed old life. The safety of my universe won’t be my responsibility… but I’m bound to fall again by one of those anomalies if it happens to be slightly stronger than that cyborg.
And if I stay… I’ll now have the responsibility to deal with those anomalies in my universe and in someone else’s universe… But I won’t be on my own, I’ll be surrounded by people who according to Peter... will gladly lend me a hand. 
…And even if I want to end it all… I wouldn’t feel good knowing that my universe… my mom… would soon disappear.
I don’t want my universe to perish, I just want to disappear from it.
Still… I’m not sure if I do want to have the responsibility to do so.
“...Myself, I guess.”
“I won’t pressure you to choose. But! It would be good if you gave it a little more thought, after all, it's your life.”
“But remember Rox, whatever you choose.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re not alone in this.”
He smiled genuinely at me and his phone started ringing. 
"Welp, that's my sign to go home." He patted his knees and got up.
"You don't stay here?" 
"No, I can't." He said touching some things with his futuristic watch. "My wife and I expecting sooo, It’s time to go and take care of her" 
"Oh I see, congrats." I said politely.
"Thanks. Also also!" He pointed at me before entering one of those weird glitching portals "Don't get intimidated by Miguel, ok? Take care Rox!" 
And so, Peter entered the portal and left, leaving me alone again.
I thought about the things Peter told me and their mission in the spider society and how I had ended up in such a…weird situation.
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