#anyways no more discorce
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both my captains
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maskmoth · 6 years
id like to say im in fandoms but i believe after undertale, the concept of "fandom" is dead to me, so i just casually enjoy the content and art by myself and with whichever of my friends happen to get interested too
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formulatrash · 4 years
Lewis has posted some extremely 5Head galaxy brain takes in the past, but on the other hand its fucking instagram, one of the worst sites to find, engage with and promote discorce. He's super sheltered because he is a multimillionare in pursuit of one(1) goal throughout his entire adult life. Someone tells him "dude it's important use ur platform to inform the people" and then he goes and does it and who knows if it's a terrible take or not?certainly not lewis. this is where it gets iffy for me
Eh, I think he’s more selective than that - especially these days. But he does have a tendency to be like, a bit wide-eyed naiive and ‘baby’s first book about political theory’ about stuff.
Like, most of us get past that stuff in the safe environment of idk, sixth form or your super terrible and earnest undergraduate essays or that stage you had of being like ‘well what IF the moon landing was a conspiracy’ but as you say, this rarely gets challenged in racing. Also tbh almost everyone in racing believes some truly insane shit and you kind of just have to be like. Well. Let’s not engage with [redacted] about chemtrails hey.
Actually tbf, going through adult life reveals HUGE NUMBERS of people have really batshit views - I guess we probably all have that one thing we have an unreasonable conspiracy view on, mine’s probably like ...idk, uh. Ok I don’t know what mine is other than having extremely unreasonably extensive views about coleslaw (the correct preparation of) and being slightly racist about British cuisine (it’s bad) but there probably is something. Like, I’ve probably forgotten I’m a plattenbau truther or something. 
Anyway, point is most of us are actually totally fucking credulous idiots about most of the shit we read online (or anywhere) and Lewis is no exception, inevitably. Probably has way less critical framework than most of us who, while he was gaining six World Drivers’ Championships, practiced the discourse on Tunglr dot com. 
He also didn’t actually say anything with the video, so I don’t know what he meant by it. Fuck knows. Maybe his half-asleep as just sat on his phone and reposted it. 
To conclude: Lewis tries really hard with like, fairly minimal critical preparation, to do the right thing. Some of this process will involve fucking up. Given it wasn’t a hugely serious infringement nor like, a pivot to the alt right he just reposted a broadcast interview, I’m not like, going to worry too much. 
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parakeet · 6 years
What don't you like about the ace todd storyline in bojack horseman? This is not like, a trap question to trick you into ace discorce lol i dont care about that. I just thought it was a sweet storyline so I'm kinda curious. Only answer if you want to of course, anyway love ur blog and humour
The build up to him coming out as ace was purposefully tailored to make the audience think he was gay or whatevr and the ace thing felt like a cheap twist and a safer way for them to looke progressive wrt sexuality. it just left a bitter taste in my mouth that put me off the whole thing. id elaborate more bht im on a shitty tablet rn but thats the jist of it ig
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Garbage: Shirley’s year |Interview by Yves Bongarcon (Rock Sound Magazine N°11, year 1998)
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  Saying that Garbage’s new album had created expectation is a true euphemism. Four million of their first album sold with a discorcenting easyness, a star status in many countries and an irritant custom of releasing almost perfect singles; had contributed on putting the group of Shirley Manson and Butch Vig in this year’s viewpoint.
  With “Version 2.0” and their first single, “Push It”, the chalenge of the post “Stupid Girl” stage has been archived with success, establishing themselves, even in Spain, as a golden album group. Before their next concerts the days 10 and 11 of February, in Barcelona and Madrid is an hour for making balance. And what better way than starting the year next to the redhead Shirley Manson?
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  When meeting you, one has the sensation that you have a big humility. Almost as if you were musicians that didn’t take themselves seriously. What do you think?
  “No. Sincerely, I believe we consider ourselves real musicians, or in other case, people that are music passionate. But the difference could lie in the fact that we aren’t arrogant musicians. We limit ourselves to be musicians, no other ostentation in the middle. But it could be you think that way because in the new album we play with classical musicians, a string trio, and that we have said everywhere... that we had played with “true” musicians! (Laughs) The truth is that we had to work hard with people like them, who dominate an instrument perfectly… Next to them, in some sense, we’re simple afficionates that play a bit of everything… But we don’t do the same work they do, that’s clear”.
USA 1 - Europe 1
  We were afraid that with “Version 2.0”, Garbage settled in its proposal and got turned into an american rock band, which would be a pity, right?
  “All of us are, in certain ways, influenced by European music, especially british ones. And it has nothing to do with nationality, well yes, but only a part. We can’t forget that the three Americans of the group grew up listening to The Beatles and seventies European music (laughs)”.
  Before it came out, a very techno orientated album was announced. Anyways, apart of tracks as “Dumb” or “Hammering in my Head”, which are machine bassed, the rest of the album is still “Garbage pop”.
  “Our first worry is, after all, writing pop songs, let’s not forget it. We’ve always considered ourselves a rock group, We’ve never pretended being a techno or electronic music one. However, we have open minds and not a single scruple in borrowing some jungle or drum n bass elements that look interesting for use in a song.
  With this new album, a lot of people thought we were going to do what Madonna did, an ambient techno album. Something that wouldn’t look sincere to us from the group’s viewpoint. In truth, Garbage is a melting pot which, over a rock identity, integrates and recicles diverse styles and genres. From jungle to blues, from pop to metal, this is the group's reason of being. Seeing it that way, “Version 2.0” was, in some way, the result of the multiplicity of its composition’s textures”.
Internal pressure
  Were the gestation and birth of “Version 2.0” painful processes?
  “No, not for me. “Version 2.0” was a lot less painful for me than the first one. I believe I was more secure of myself, I had more confidence in my own possibilities. With the first album, saying that I wasn’t very comfortable would be very little (smiles)”.
  What’s the true key of Garbage, what makes you function so well together?
  “Humor sense and some kind of irony. We’ve lived many things individually so we could watch ourselves from the outside. We’re the actors and public of Garbage at the same time. I could use the words “microns” and “participants” (smiles). Our secret, if we even have one, resides in our capacity of mixing passion and distantment, surrender and withdrawal in the interior of our own reality. That's the motor of our growing”.
  “Version 2.0”, that title which remembers us of an informatic program… Is it maybe the direct application of your peculiar sense of humor?
  “No (laughs). Yes, of course! It represented the album, for which the computer that governs any recording studio nowadays has been omnipresent; and it allows us to take a funny and without pretension perspective of our work”
The Shirley mention
  In “version 2.0” there are constant references to the Beach Boys. It is even said that you acredited your “Don’t Worry Baby” to Brian Wilson so he autorizated you to use that tense in the album. Why this seventies obsesion?
  “I believe it’s a pretty old obsession for any of us but also some kind of reaction to what is heard nowadays: ‘Rock is dead’, ‘pop is dead’, etc. especially since techno’s emergence. It was our way of saying that things follow a continuity, there aren’t ruptures and it’s totally possible mixing music from different ages without having to denigrate any of them. It’s very easy taking some old fashioned elements and actualizing them”.
  Shirley, from where does the confidence that you’ve acquired at voice level came?
  “That came scentialy from the work I’ve effectuated but also the fact that I’ve finally found my register and tonality. Before, I used to adapt to the music, now the music adapts to me. It’s infinitely confier this way”.
  Now that you’ve experienced it for a second time, do you know what success is?
  “Money, glory or fame are nothing more than some of the resulting possibilities of a functionable creative process. After all, our goal is making music, not money, let’s not forget this. But above all, I believe that the true success is simply being happy. And that is not such a hard thing to achieve. I think that, even when I was younger, I never conceived success as an instrument of power or a simple accumulation of properties. Around us there are a lot of people which have everything: money, fame, and however they’re extremely unhappy. What sense does success have in these conditions? What sense does it have if you aren’t happy?”
  Could you imagine your life without this thing called Garbage?
  “We aren’t teenagers who believe a band can go all their lives. Personally, I know Garbage will end. Maybe one day I’ll have a family and kids, that will make me see things another way. I suppose in that moment, recording and touring won’t be my priority. However, nowadays I live in the present and taste the today”.
  As in the first album, the universe that involves around “Version 2.0” looks very conceptual. Is that really the group’s desire?
  “First, everything is decided inside of the group. But after that we see ourselves forced to ask for specific things to determinated specialists. For the videos, we always try to work with people who we believe, correspond to our views. It’s something extremely important. You have to think that nowadays people will see your video before listening to your music on the radio. Therefore you have to act consequently. More than wisdom, it’s an absolute necessity, a priority. For “Push It”, the first single, we decided to work with Andrea Giaccobi, an Italian who’s a true image artist. He’s at the same time, photograph and cineast, so he embellished the video a lot. He achieved giving a lot of style to his movie while respecting our music and then we noticed he proceeded with image the same way we do with music: working simultaneously over different materials, using and mixing the old and new things, etc. It was an authentic collaboration”.
Reality house
  According to you, is Garbage’s music connected with reality?
  “A song, because of its own nature, rarely can be based in reality. Music is, in essence, a method for escaping this world and it’s reality. How is it even possible to express any reality in four minutes fifty seconds? You can express a feeling: fury, love, angst, quietness. Not reality. As an example “Only Happy When it Rains” ironiced over the feeling of self-pityness of a lot of people in my generation, but didn’t pretend being a complete photo”.
  Of what are you prouder in which it refers to Garbage?
  “Of the almost perfect chemistry we’ve achieved in the group. This complicity is very rare. Sometimes, if you’re very lucky, you can archive it with a family or lover. But in a group, there’s a one million possibility of it working this way. It’s still difficult to believe it. After all, that could be what’s special in Garbage”.
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