#anyways related to my ramblings: god it really is a shame that the pre-race coverage isnt archived for all the races
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Okay so I'm watching the Monaco 2009 pre-race coverage and I'm only like 10 mins in but I have several things I need to say so I don't forget:
First of all OH MY GODDDDDD:
THIS INTRO IS SO COOL??????? LIKE OH MY GOD????? Sorry I'm just !!!!!!!!! about it!!! Like is this not the coolest thing?? The way Jake Humphrey is edited in is really smooth and realistic looking, I'm not completely familar with all the commentators, so I was staring at it like "wait....this is Jake, right? Or? It is, right??" If it tricked my 2023 brain, I can't imagine watching this 14 years ago lmao
Anyways I really really love BBC's coverage, I think it's soooo superior to modern broadcasting ngl. Like just the whole vibe of it, idk I really love it all, it's a shame not all of it is avalible to watch, bcs man, I would totally be up for watching every single thing as if it was the current season. You guys will have to inform me, since I only have access to F1TV, which is pretty good but mundane compared to this imo, but those of you with actual like cable broadcasters(like Sky and C4), would you agree that BBC's vibe is better?
Okay anyways, I have other things to say other than ranting about how much I love BBC's broadcasting lmao. Seeing the current(so like as of Monaco) leaderboard of the WCC is crazy. It is currently 1. Brawn 2. Red Bull 3. Toyota. I know obviously a lot changes from season to season, not to mention a literal decade, but the fact that two of those teams don't even exist anymore is so wild from the modern perspective. And heyyyyyy the team in 2nd is now on top baby!
Last point: Wow! I had no idea they were considering a budget cap for the 2010 season! Also just the comparison btwn the budget they were considering vs. the current one($45 million vs $135 million) is insane to me!! Even with accounting for inflation, the old budget cap is literally half of the current one.
*edit okay sorry, I just need to say this. WHY DOES MAX MOSLEY'S TIE LOOK LIKE THE OLD LESBIAN FLAG LMAOOOOOOO, like seriously if you wore that today, I would think you're repping me hahaha
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