#anyways stream divine attack on all platforms!!
babbimetal · 2 years
★babymetal - divine attack - shingeki w/ subs
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Book One: Death (Noctis x Reader) Chapter Seventeen
The train pulled into Cartanica Station and the boys exited, knowing there was another royal arm in the area. As they left the train, the four split up before heading to the tomb.
Noctis wandered to the elevator that led to Fodina Caestino. He stood by the railing and peered down at the abandoned mine below. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the sable orb and stared at it as it sat in the middle of his palm. Memories of (Y/n) flooded his head as he held the small object.
Gritting his teeth, Noctis clutches the orb and raises his arm to throw it into the mine below. He winds up the pitch, but he immediately stops before he could release it. The boy couldn't bring himself to toss the last semblance of (Y/n) he had left. His anger dissipated, his watery eyes downcast. Tears threatened to fall as he stepped away from the railing and pressed a fist against his temple. His shoulders shook as he held his sorrow at bay with all his strength. 
Before Noctis could turn on his heels and regroup with his friends, two arms wrapped around his torso from behind. A cold but familiar presence caused Noctis to gasp and nearly drop the orb in his grasp. He stumbled a bit, but the figure hugging him kept him from falling. A head rested against his back and he could feel something wet soaking through his clothes.
"If you hate me, tell me now and I'll leave. I'll never bother you and you'll never have to see me again. You've every right to be mad and all I want is the truth. Give me that at the least even if I don't deserve it," (Y/n)'s voice shook as she spoke. She sniffled as her arms tightened around Noctis, hoping he would simply speak to her after leaving without a word or an explanation.
Noctis' body tensed as he stared up at the sky, tears escaping the corners of his eyes. He clenched and unclenched his fists as his gaze slipped down to the ground. Using his strength, he pried (Y/n)'s arms from around his torso and stepped away from her.
The action tore at (Y/n)'s heart as she stepped away from the prince, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her shoulders shook as she tried to keep her whimpers under control. His actions against her were loud enough to speak for themselves and she wasn't surprised at the response. "I see... Goodbye, Noctis."
Turning on her heels, she sauntered away from Noctis without even looking back. In her mind, Death knew she deserved to lose Noctis after disappearing for nearly three months without showing she cared for him in the slightest. If she had left a letter explaining what she planned on doing, he possibly wouldn't have been as wounded as he currently is. Her freezing soul deserved no warmth and should have remained far away from Noctis.
(Y/n) walked up a small set of stairs and down the boarding platform to reach where she left Thanatos. The horse was patiently waiting for her return as he was hidden behind the platform to prevent humans from becoming suspicious. When she went to jump over the railing to reach her steed, the sound of running footsteps caught her attention. Before she could find the source of such scurrying, two arms wrapped around her small frame and crushed her against someone's chest. Smelling the familiar scent, she knew it was Noctis. She was shocked to see he came running after her.
"You're a dumbass..." The prince muttered. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh lightly at the insult. The small, joyful sound caused Noctis to smile as he continued. "I wasn't tryin' to push you away."
"Then what were you trying to do?" She questioned.
"Give you a proper hug. Can't really reach you if you're behind me." Noctis rested his head against the top of hers as he continued to hug (Y/n).
"You reacted kinda late, didn't you?" Death inquired.
"Sorry. I was still in shock."
(Y/n) knew her sudden presence would surprise him, but she didn't know it would petrify him. "That's my fault for appearing out of the blue. I want to apologize for all that I've done. Ignoring your summons, not giving you an explanation, and... for what happened in Altissia. I should've been there, Noctis."
The prince sighed heavily. "A lot of shit happened in Altissia, but none of it was your fault. Why'd you leave, (Y/n)?"
"My sister, Famine, appeared before me as I left Malmalam Thicket. We talked for a few minutes and she brought to light a couple of things."
"Like what?"
"How I became emotionally attached to you all and how my departure would be more difficult if I didn't sever the ties between us. At the time, I thought she was right. But now, after nearly three months, I realized how much of a mistake it was to leave. I've been dead a hundred years and meeting you has giving me the life I've always dreamt of in the eighty years I've been resurrected for only one purpose."
Noctis was overjoyed to finally learn the truth of her departure. Since (Y/n) left, he feared he was the reason behind her departure and desperately wanted to know what he had done to drive her away. He broke the hug and placed his hands on her shoulders, staring into Death's (e/c) eyes. "What were you doing the entire time?"
"Hunting down the last Wendigo. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. I'm hoping to find it in Accordo."
The prince got his hopes up as one question came to mind. "Does... Does that mean you're staying?"
(Y/n) smiled gently at him as his grip on her shoulders tightened. "Yes." The tension left Noctis' body at her reply. He released her shoulders, a smile prominent on his face.
"Really?!" At the shrill cry, Noctis and (Y/n) turned to see Prompto standing a few feet away with hope glistening in his eyes.
The Horseman directed her smile towards the excited blonde. "Yes, Prom. I'm staying."
The blonde no longer could hold his joy back and dashed over. He grabbed Noctis and (Y/n), bringing both of his friends into a warm hug. "We're finally all back together!"
On the opposite end of the platform, Ignis rested on a bench with his cane leaning against it. His eyes pulsated with pain as he adjusted his glasses. He waited for the others, wondering when they would descend into the mines below.
Suddenly, he felt a hand on his cheek. The touch was gentle and warm, their skin soft as the person's thumb ran under his left eye. Ignis didn't recognize the presence, but he knew this mysterious person wouldn't hurt him. A melancholic sigh left the person's lips as their gentle touch left his cheek. "I wish I could help."
Ignis wondered who the mysterious girl was as he heard her take a few steps back. "Who are you?"
"My apologies for disturbing you, Ignis. You are well-acquainted with one of my sisters," she replied in a soft, melodious tone.
By the tone of her voice, the tactician knew it wasn't War. The person standing before him was either Famine or Pestilence. Just as he was about to suggest either names, he heard footsteps approaching them.
The girl turned around and smiled once she saw Death. "There you are, dear sister. I've been looking for you."
(Y/n) was confused as to why she was here. "What're you doing here, Pestilence?"
"I've come to deliver a message from King Aeshema. War and Famine reported to him about your well-being on Eos and, well... Famine let it slip that you were in love with a mortal."
Death tensed at the news Pestilence brought. She swallowed nervously, waiting for her sister to pass on the Daemon King's message. "What did he have to say?"
Pestilence continued to smile as she clapped her hands together. "He wishes you are well and you are welcome to return to the Inner Sanctum when you're ready."
Unable to comprehend what Pestilence said, (Y/n) asked her to repeat. The snowy-haired girl giggled as she reiterated the message. Death nearly fainted at how well Aeshema handled the news of her relationship with Noctis. Prompto was the first to comment on the revelation. "For someone who's the King of all daemons, he seems pretty chill."
"King Aeshema is a wonderful man. Just because he rules over the daemons does not make him a daemon himself," Pestilence replied.
"Kinda want to meet this guy now," Noctis stated.
"So... If he's not a daemon, what is he?" Prompto questioned the white-haired Horseman.
"He's a divine spirit who dwells in Hell to keep the daemons in line. He's powerful, but not as power as the Astrals," Pestilence answered.
"If he's keeping them in order, how come they keep escaping to Eos?" Noctis asked.
"Oh, that's because it's part of the natural order. Daemons are free to roam the night. It keeps them from trying to kill their King."
"And you think it's better for them to kill humans?" The prince asked with a disapproving scoff.
"If the daemons were to kill King Aeshema, all daemons would break free from Hell and Eos would have an infestation not even the Six could exterminate," Pestilence replied calmly. "Anyway, I've passed on the message and shall be going. I hope you'll visit soon, Death."
Before Pestilence could depart, Ignis reached out and grabbed her hand. The advisor wasn't sure as to why he grabbed her, but he quickly retracted his hand. "My apologies."
Pestilence just giggled with a smile. "It's alright, Ignis. Do be careful-all of you." With those final words, the Horseman vanished.
When the five regrouped, they headed down the mining elevator. The entire time they were exploring Fodina Caestino, Noctis and Gladio were at each other's throats. Prompto and (Y/n) helped Ignis and stood by his side in case he slipped on the mud beneath them. It began to rain as they started the mining equipment to proceed further into the mine. The bickering continued as they headed deeper into the mine and reached an open area flooded with water. The group was attacked by a Malboro, but with Ignis' knowledge, they were able to kill the monster and wipe out the eggs that were blocking the entrance of the tomb.
As they were leaving the swampy area, Ignis stopped everyone. "A moment?"
Gladio turned to face the strategist in confusion as to what he wanted to talk about. "Is everything okay?"
"It bloody well isn't. And I won't suffer this pointless bickering in silence any longer. Let's be frank. My vision hasn't improved, and probably won't. Yet in spite of this... I would remain with you all. 'Til the very end." The tone Ignis used surprised everyone. The strong and harsh voice he spoke in caused everyone to freeze where they stood.
The shield was the first to break the silence after the determination and resolve Ignis displayed. "Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death."
"But, we'll be there!" Prompto shouted out, believing in the advisor's resolve.
"It's not about us looking out for him!" Gladio roared.
(Y/n) remained silent as the boys fought. The blonde rolled his eyes at the brute's response as he stood beside Death. "Uh-huh. Well, then he should be free to choose."
"There's more to it than just what he wants!"
"I know full well!" Ignis yelled. "I won't ask you to slow down. If I can't keep up, I will bow out."
Gladio casted his glower towards Noctis, who remained silent during all the yelling. "What says "His Majesty"?"
The strategist glances in the raven-haired boy's general direction. "Noct, you are king. One cannot lead by standing still. A king pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back. Gladio, Noct will take his rightful place, but only once he's ready."
Gladio is quiet for a moment before relenting and turning his back. "Have it your way. We're still taking a big risk." He turns to look at Noctis with a scowl. "We better all be ready."
With those final words, Gladio walks off. (Y/n) was in utter shock at how deep a pit the four had fallen in since she left. The Horseman had heard of the tragedies that transpired in Altissia. Hearing the exchange pulled at her heartstrings, making the guilt Noctis had subdued earlier blossom tenfolds. She stared at the ground, a few sable locks falling in front of her face.
"(Y/n)," Ignis called out to her, but she kept her head down. "You are not at fault for what ensued in your absence."
Death lifted her head slightly, taken aback at how the tactician sensed her guilt. She tore her eyes from him, her frown dipping further. "I still should've been there even if the outcome would've been the same."
Two hands cupped (Y/n)'s cheeks, lifting them upwards to meet a pair of sapphire eyes. Noctis leaned his forehead against hers as he ran his thumbs across her cheeks. Death's shoulders scrunched up at the sudden contact as she stared into his eyes. "Stop saying that."
"I'm sorry, Noct. It's just... that's all I can think about."
"Then, think about something else," he suggested.
(Y/n)'s frown quirked up into a smirk. "Like the first time you kissed me?"
She could see the boy's cheeks slowly turning read. "You're seriously never gonna let me live that down..."
"I'm surprised you didn't-"
"Alright! I think I've heard enough!" Prompto said before scurrying off while covering his ears.
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Hyrule Warriors - BotW
 So, with the Switch out, one thing it’s been noted for is releasing either undated ports or straight-up sequels to Wii U games (they’ve done it with Mario Kart 8, Pokken Tournament, Splatoon, and they’ve heavily implied that they’re going to do something similar with Smash 4), I wouldn’t be too surprised if they eventually revealed either a port or (probably more likely) a sequel to Hyrule Warriors.
So, obviously, they’d have to capitalize on the hype of BotW, and include at least one (if not all) of the Champions if they did. And I could see each of them working fairly well. As such, here’s my speculation on what each of them could possibly bring to the table...
First is my personal favorite out of the Champions, Urbosa
She’d be a Lightning warrior, and her weapon would be “Scimitar”; Level 1 - Gerudo Scimitar (which also has her equipped with a Gerudo Shield) Level 2 - Moonlight Scimitar (which also has her equipped with a Radiant Shield) Level 3 - Scimitar of the Seven (which also has her equipped with the Daybreaker) Level 4 - Scimitar of the Seven+ (same as level 3)
With her huge, muscular build (*drools*), I can see her being a bit of a lightning bruiser who’s both fast and powerful, but is a bit lacking in defense due to the Gerudos’ overall tendency to wear little armor and leave a lot of skin exposed.
Her X attack (or Y if you’re like me and prefer the “Zelda Style” control settings) would be to use Urbosa’s Fury; she snaps her finger, and a bolt of lightning comes down directly in front of her, doing a small amount of damage, but stunning anyone hit by it. Additionally, several of her combos could end with a powerful shock via Urbosa’s Fury.
Lastly, her special attack would be a powerful sword combos, ending with her calling upon Vah Naboris to unleash a massive, wide-range blast of lightning. Or something like that. For obvious reasons, I thought it would be neat to utilize the Divine Beasts in some way or another for each of their Special Attacks. ------------ Next is Daruk;
He’d be a Fire warrior, and his weapon would be “Goron Blade” Level 1 - Cobble Crusher Level 2 - Stone Smasher Level 3 - Boulder Breaker Level 4 - Boulder Breaker+
He’d be about what you’d expect from a large rock-man weilding a giant metalic sword-hammer; slow, powerful, and tanky. Admittedly, his overall fighting style would probably feel similar to Darunia’s, though I can think of a few ways to keep them form being basically clones of each other.
The biggie would be his X (or Y) ability; Daruk’s Protection. Similar to the likes of Ruto and Twili Midna, he’d have a separate meter that would increase as he dealt damage to the enemy. Once said meter is full, you activate his famous barrier by pressing X/Y, which will block any and all damage from enemy attacks. To keep it from being too OP, it’ll only last for a few seconds. 
Another possibility is to include a counter mechanic similar to the parrying from BotW. If you activate Daruk’s Protection right as an enemy is about to hit you, they get stunned, which leaves him open for a punishing counterattack. Additionally, there’s always the possibility for some “barrier bashing” (like shield bashing, but with a barrier) in some of his combos.
For his special attack, he’ll call upon Vah Radunia, who will proceed to kick a conveniently located volcano and make it erupt. Daruk protects himself with his barrier, while the are around him is bombarded with a shit-ton of magma bombs. ------------ After that, we have Mipha;
Surprisingly, she’s Water. Imagine that. And her weapon will be “Spear” Level 1 - Zora Spear Level 2 - Silverscale Spear Level 3 - Lightscale Trident Level 4 - Lightscale Trident+
Okay, so Mipha was a bit tricky, and I ultimately ended up taking some liberties with her when I came up with ideas for her. Aside from being adorable, the only thing she had going was her healing ability, Mipha’s Grace. Dunno if something like a free heal would fly in a game like Hyrule Warriors. But I didn’t want to leave it out, since it’s such a huge part of her in the game.
As such, Mipha’s Grace functions similarly to Fi and Cia’s X/Y ability; rather than an attack, it gives her a temporary buff to Defense. 
As for her fighting style...honestly, just picture Ruto with a spear, and that’s more or less the mental image I’m getting. She’s very swift and graceful, and while each individual attack doesn’t deal a whole lot of damage, they’re quick to execute, so the damage adds up rather quickly; kinda like the spear weapons from BotW.
Additionally, while some of her attacks would still involve water, I figured out a fun way to further separate her from Ruto; have some of her combos involve flinging Cryonis cubes. I mean, Vah Ruta used them during the “battle” against it (also that entire sequence is easily one of my favorites in the game), and she does have control over Vah Ruta. So it’s not too far fetched.
And let’s be real, HW has already taken more than a few liberties with various characters’ movesets, so why not?
Anyways, for her special attack, I thought it’d be fun to base it on one of the shrine quests. 
Basically, once you clear Vah Ruta and get the Lightscale Trident, there’s a shrine you can unlock by heading to a place called the Veiled Falls, where there’s a waterfall and a shrine platform. What you have to do is swim up the waterfall with the Zora Armor, then use the aerial spear attack (a death-from-above stabbing attack) and land on the platform.
So basically...that. She calls for Vah Ruta, who sprays a waterfall-like stream from its trunk for her to swim up, and then she dive bombs spear-first into the group of enemies, creating a shock wave that smack anyone nearby. ------------ Last, and certainly least (because I honestly don’t like this guy), is Revali.
His element would be Light, but only because I didn’t want to repeat elements, and Dark wouldn’t really make sense. Honestly, if they do make a sequel, they should add a Wind element. That’d be a lot more fitting. Anyways, his weapon is “Bow”. Level 1: Swallow Bow Level 2: Falcon Bow Level 3: Great Eagle Bow Level 4: Great Eagle Bow+
At first, it was kinda hard not to picture Revali playing a lot like Medli, with the only obvious difference being that he he’d have a bow and not a harp. Fewer gusts of wind, and more arrow barrages. But as far as how they move around, a lot of the ideas I was coming up with ended up being cases of “wait didn’t Medli do that?”
With that said...yeah. His X/Y attack is more or less the same as Medli’s. He uses Reveli’s Gale to fling himself and any opponents next to him into the air, then he can either do a flurry of rapid attacks against the enemies in the air, do a dive-bomb attack against enemies on the ground, or perform a few air dashes.
Because I don’t see the follow-up attacks working well with a bow, I figured he could brandish a Feathered Edge for these (and a few of his other combos), possibly as a nod to how Link can use both a melee weapon and a bow in both games. Honestly, there’s no other reason for it other than it might look kinda cool. Other than that, though, most of his attacks will involve multiple barrages of arrows.
For his special attack, he’ll leap into the air and call upon Vah Medoh, who will swoop in and bombard the area in front of where Revali was standing. Then he’ll pull out his bow and fire three Bomb Arrows simultaneously. I can’t help but picture it being done in slow motion, as a shout-out to the mechanic from the actual game. ------------ Anyways...yeah, that’s pretty much it. This isn’t meant to be a prediction or anything, and if it actually does happen, I’ll be surprised if they’re anywhere close to what I’ve put here. This is just something I thought of when I was bored that I feel would be pretty sweet, and decided to post for the hell of it.
Also, can we get a Giant Boomerang weapon for Link? ‘cause like...that’s kinda my favorite weapon in BotW. I don’t even know how a moveset centered specifically around it would work, but I want one.
Anyways, I’m done. If you like what you see here or think you have an idea that would work better, I’m more than open to comments and/or criticism. Just...you know. Try to keep it civil is all I ask.
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