#anyways tee hee (continues listening and crying)
vanyafresita · 5 months
NOOOOO WHAT THE FUUCKKK (lays on the floor, cries, scratches wall) anyways thank fuck there is more episodes, if i had been listening to these as they released i would have ended it all
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zv5x · 3 years
Yandere pico x badass/reader during the shooting in school,
Y/n had shown cassandra that she was going to kill her to everything she did,
Pico had to ask y/n not to do anything against her because he is afraid of losing her
Y/n does not listen and injures himself during the shot but has just passed out
ah you to write the continuation :)
Absolutely! I really like this prompt and I really hope I did a good job on this! So sorry for the wait and I truly hope you enjoy! Take care of yourself today! (Fnf tags are just for reach btw!!!I know this is Picos school tee-hee)
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Pico tried being nice. He really did. To all of them, he did. He tried giving them a speech about how society isn't as horrible and vile as they're saying it is to justify their actions. He tried giving them advice on how they can work to better themselves. But none of them would just open their ears and listen to him. Pico really was given absolutely no other choice. Assault rifle in hand, he sighed and tightened his grip on it.
"It doesn't matter anyway." He said, cutting himself short and shrugging as he finally completed his meant-to-redeem mini speech. "You have failed the test of life, and I will take you all on if I mus-"
Pico's final words were interpreted, as he along with the three goths below all turned to look behind Pico. And, panting heavily, there you stood. You had a gun as well, you must have picked it up from one of the shooters (even the gun was greatly inferior). "P-Pico, I'm-I'm here to help, I made it!"
It was almost comical, to the goths it was completely so. Pico could hear them giggling amongst themselves, with Cassandra without a doubt laughing the loudest. She knew how much Pico liked you, and she knew killing you would be the best way to get under his skin. She'd take great pleasure in absolutely obliterating not only you, but also that stupid little hero fantasy you always carried around with you.
Pico felt his blood run cold as he turned around to confirm the voice did in fact belong to you. Shaking his head and dropping his gun in shock, he grabbed you by the shoulders. "(Y/N), w-what the fuck are you doing?" His voice cracked, and he shook your body weakly. "I told you to stay in the janitor's closet!"
He couldn't believe it. Pico told you to stay where he put you. He said he'd come back for you. He told you to leave everything to him, that he swore he'd protect you. Now you're standing right in front of the danger like it's nothing. You can't handle it like he can. He's the one that should be protecting you, not the other way around. He was going to save the day, and then you'd finally trust yourself in his possession. You'd let yourself belong to him, you'd love him. But now he's going to be forced to see you pumped full of led. His stomach twisted in pain. He could barely stand with his shaking legs as his mind raced around the possibility of losing you.
"I wanted to help you, Pico! I know I can help you!" Picking up his gun for him and handing it to him, you gently pushed past him to look Cassandra right in the face. "I-I don't know why you did this, but I won't let you get away with it! I'll stop all three of you!" You called out to her, and all she did was laugh once more.
"Speeches were never your strong suit, were they (Y/N)?" She tapped her gun tauntingly, smirking at the sight of you and Pico, who was picking up his gun and standing behind you, still begging you to reconsider. "You think I need these fucks to help me kill you two?" She scoffed at your mentioning of taking all three of them down. In a swift movement, her gun was fired, and you flinched at the sound of popping and yelping as each of her allies fell to the ground. "I'll barely have any trouble doing it myself."
Then, horrifically, you and Pico watched as she transformed into some alien-like creature. A loud cry was expelled from your former classmate as the transformation was completed, and you and Pico quickly raised your weapons as she herself began attacking. Pico almost considered gently knocking you to the ground himself before Cassandra could do any real damage to you, but every time he tried you coincidentally jumped out of his reach to get a better angle on your target. Pico's vision was blurry, and every time Cassandra just barely missed you made him sick with fear. At first, his fears seemed to be irrational. You were dodging her just fine, even rationalizing that you needed to aim at her eyes every time you saw them glow in preparation for another attack. However, all it took was one single mistake, and Cassandra had you out cold with a single metal barrel to the face.
Pico couldn't hear himself scream out your name as he heard the disturbingly loud impact sound, but he for sure knew that he did so. Seeing your face bruised and bloodied like that stirred a hatred for Cassandra deeper than he ever could have imagined it being. He quickly stepped right into action in your honor, finishing off the alien as he had originally planned to anyways before your interference. The entire time, you stayed down. Even after Cassandra's eventual death.
When it was all over, Pico got on his knees in front of your unconscious form. Even with the blood staining your perfect skin, you slept so peacefully. Your breathing was steady, and he could tell that as he pulled your limp body into his lap and arms. Your face looked so content. You were so blissful, like an angel. You were always Pico's angel, and you always will be, no doubt about it.
Pico couldn't help but look at you and growl under his breath. Why couldn't you have just listened to him? It wasn't your job to protect him, it was his job to protect you. He should've done better at making you leave. He should have forced you to go back to where he set up for you to hide, yanking that gun from your hands and sending you away before Cassandra could have gotten a hold of you. He shook his head, becoming quite nauseated. He couldn't handle the idea that he was just as guilty for your injuries as Cassandra was, but it was becoming hard to deny as Pico skimmed over everything that he could have done better.
Pico's lips trembled as he leaned down and kissed you gently on the forehead, not a consern going through his brain as your blood stained his lips. He licked them gently as he pushed hair away from your eyes which disallowed them from sticking to the wound on your head. Your blood tasted rather nice, it was something he'd definitely have to make a habit of keeping for himself. The idea helped him move his thoughts away from his situational shortcomings.
Those didn't matter now. Everything was over. Cassandra was dead, and he had saved you from death at her cold hands. Now he had to worry about what to do from here.
He almost considered taking you home for himself. It was clear you didn't have nearly as much concern for your safety as Pico did, and it was also clear to him that he was most definitely the only one truly equipped to protect you. However, as much as he didn't want to admit it, you'd be in much better hands if he were to hand you over to the medical professionals on standby outside the school. Looking at the blood gushing from your face, it was clear Cassandra got you pretty good.
He sighed as he picked you up, still holding you bridal style in his arms. Maybe after this you'd finally be convinced that Pico was the only one fully equipped to protect you. Maybe after this you'd finally give yourself up to him. It would make things easier, at the very least. Pico would appreciate it.
It would make his forever much easier to obtain, as Pico couldn't imagine a forever that didn't involve his heart and body belonging exclusively to you.
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