#what if i jump off my window what if i stab my stomach what if i take a big bite outta my leg ehat if i drown myself in the bathtub what if
vanyafresita · 5 months
NOOOOO WHAT THE FUUCKKK (lays on the floor, cries, scratches wall) anyways thank fuck there is more episodes, if i had been listening to these as they released i would have ended it all
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notquitecanon · 8 months
Call Me... // Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You're the Devil of Hell's Kitchen's favorite late night nurse, but he's been avoiding your fire escape since an unfortunate accident. You both miss each other just enough for some emotions to slip through the cracks. You don't even know his name, but you'll settle just to know he's alright.
TW: blood, canon typical injuries, kind of hurt comfort, Matt's a self sabotaging martyr as usual, kinda sunshine!reader??? maybe if you squint
Bolded line is from a prompts list from several months ago so I lost the link. If it's yours let me know and I'll link it!
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"I haven’t seen you in weeks… I’m worried you’re in another dumpster somewhere. Just call me back…please?" You whispered harshly into the phone’s receiver, burner cell jammed between your ear and shoulder as you fumbled with your keys. 
It was true. The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen hadn’t graced your apartment in weeks after three months of near nightly visits. At first it was serious stuff, stab wounds and splinted bones. It took two weeks for him to crack a joke. But once that stone cold exterior cracked, it was shattered. He was kind, sweet even. Every few visits, he’d bring by supplies to replenish your kit and, usually, with a bottle of wine in the bag.  Emergencies turned to what he called ‘urgencies’- wounds just barely deep enough to justify stitches and dislocated joints. Which then turned into stopping by at the end of his nights for a ‘check up’, where he took advantage of your central heating, warm beverages, and warmer presence. Then, some Yakuza jackass appeared on your doorstep three weeks ago, fortunately your devil hadn’t been far behind. He took care of him, and you figured the thug, now minus fifteen teeth, would have a hard time telling anyone where to find you. Nevertheless, you found the ‘available apartments’ section of the newspaper taped to your seventh floor window. That had been the last night ’the devil’ had paid you a visit. 
"Anyways… I guess I'm asking for a sign of life? Something? Please? Bye." You pleaded, voice kinder this time as you managed to finally unlock the door and slip inside. Locking the knob, deadbolt, chain, and newly installed jam that had been mysteriously delivered not too long ago. With a huff, you discarded your keys, and bag in the entry way before delving deeper into your dark apartment, flicking lights on as you went. 
"You really need to start locking your windows." A deep voice sounded as you rounded the corned into your living room. Heart jumping to your throat and stomach dropping, you let out a yelp as instinct took over. The familiarity of the voice didn’t register as adrenaline flooded your system. 
"SHIT!" You shrieked, flinching backwards so fast that the hallway runner rug caught under your feet, sending you careening into the wall. Without thinking, you put the Yankee’s starting pitcher to shame as you pitched your phone at light speed towards the voice. Of course, the shadow effortlessly caught it.
"Shit!" The intruder mirrored at your fall, and it was then that you realized who it was. As you collected yourself a slew of curses slipped out, looking into the dim living room to find the Devil of Hell’s kitchen slowly rising off the couch, he was already sans black shirt and mask, "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you." 
"Yeah, well, mission failed." You muttered, pressing a hand to your chest as if that would still your pounding heart. Slowly, you finished your shuffled into the living room, flicking on the overheads as you went. "Shit, you could have called. Sit back down."  
You could have used the heads up, the gash across his chest looked serious, and not in the cute excuse to see each other way ’serious’ had meant last month. He breathed a sarcastic laugh, tossing your phone back to you before producing a shattered burner cell with a… bullet hole?
"You have a funny way of saving my skin when I least expect it." He tried a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes, picking up your pace as you retrieved your first aid kit from under your kitchen sink, "Consider this a sign of life?" 
"A sign of barely alive, more like." You answered, rounding back around the couch to sit across from him. Harshly pulling on a pair of rubber gloves and splaying out an array of supplies both his lap and yours. "You’re unbelievable. Almost a month of no contact and then you just appear and leak blood on my couch." 
"I’m sorry." He breathed, face angled to where your knees now touched. You rolled your eyes, ripping into a packet of gauze and setting to work dabbing the blood. And he sounded sorry, pitiful even, looked it to. His unseeing eyes stared straight past you and yet somehow straight through you at the same time, mouth settled in a puppy like frown. He told you once that he was catholic, and you now wandered if that’s why he was so good at looking guilty.  
"If it wasn’t for the newspapers, I would have thought you were dead." You drove your point home, with a small voice, too angry to be a whisper and yet too concerned to be a hiss. The evidence of his activities was written across his bare torso in older cuts, new and fading bruises, and a couple of bandages that he’d obviously applied himself, "And you’ve obviously been busy." 
"Figured out how the Yakuza found you. Handled it. Didn’t want to lead anyone else back here." His explanation was strained, pushed through gritted teeth as you applied antiseptic to the largest, freshest gash. You cooed small apologies, irritated as you were with the vigilante, you hated being the source of his pain. You picked up a suture kit, quickly threading the needle. 
"Well, as far as excuses go, that’s not the worst." You muttered, half joking and half touched he’d go through this for you. You’d known he was a walking martyr from the moment you’d met him, but still. He’d taken the beatings so you’d sleep safe. 
That was something else, "Lean back, gotta stitch you up." 
He complied as you stood, using your shoulder to nudge the floor lamp so the light was better for you. Even then, you position on the coffee table wasn't cutting it as leaning forward cast a shadow over his chest. Neither was kneeling in front of him, as the gash was too far up his chest for your position to be adequate. You muttered a quick apology as you flitted around him, trying to find the best place to plant yourself. Beside him on the couch might work, but you’d be straining to hold yourself up at that angle and keep your hands steady. 
Bloody-knuckled hands found your waist with amazing precision for a blind man, easily lifting you and placing you over one thigh after he spread his legs a bit wider. He held you steady, angling his eyes to the ceiling to give you the broadest view of his chest. One of your knees pressed into the couch cushion between his legs and the other pressed into the outside of his thigh, caging the his black-clad thigh between your own like a seat. If your weight bothered him, he gave no indication. He did however turn his ear ever so slightly towards you and smirk ever so devilishly, "How’s that?" 
"Very convenient, thanks." You forced your voice to be flat instead of the breathlessness you felt. Stupid charming vigilante. To his credit, it gave you the perfect access without blocking the light. And if you got to feel ever twitch of his insanely muscular thigh between yours? Added benefit. The devil, even bruised and bleeding, was insanely warm and smelled like something out of a terribly sinful romance novel. The manly small of musk and sweat should have been revolting, but the way it mixed with a fading aftershave would have been distracting if you weren’t so focused on the drip of crimson down his toned abdomen. Before your train of thought could derail again, you gave a quiet warning watching your patient steel himself before you began running the needle and thread through the torn skin.  Other than an initial hiss and the clenching of his fists against your waist, he went silent as you worked. 
The two of you sat in an almost tense silence. He could feel how close your face was to his chest, the waves of breaths washing over his skin, the smell of shampoo in your hair faint enough to know you’d put off washing it, the sound of your heartbeat slowing back down after he’d gotten you excited, the slight sound of your teeth worrying the inside of your lip. He knew he shouldn't be here, Claire could have patched him up, probably would have if he asked really nicely. He probably could have if he really tried, but he’d just missed you. Between Fisk and the Hand and the law firm… everything was messy. You were still simple and sweet and far more caring than he thought he deserved, a balm just to be near you. 
"Could you talk to me?" He asked, so quietly you almost missed it in your focus. You tied off another knot, seeing him wince. 
"Hmm?" You hummed, pausing to look up from the half stitched wound. His eyes lowered to your face, his clenched hands at your waist loosening to rub the fabric of your shirt between his fingers. You always wore such soft things, he wondered if you’d be so soft underneath. You took opportunity in the pause to wipe some of the blood from his skin. 
"I’ve missed your voice, even if you want to yell at me or be upset with me, just let me hear it." His voice was like a prayer, so sincere it made you shift on his leg. What was in the holy water at his church? 
"I’m not going to yell at you, honey. I’m not going to kick a man when he’s stabbed." You shook your head, rearranging yourself to get that optimal view again, grazing a gloved finger over a purple bruise on his ribs, "Besides, someone beat me to it." 
He chuckled at the lame joke, leaning his head back against the back of the couch again as you began stitching once more. Instead of scolding him, you caught him up on all the details and minor drama that he’d missed over the last few weeks. The funny things and annoyances from work, things your family had sent you, what your friends had been up to, your opinion on current happenings in the city. He listened to you like it was the most interesting thing he’d heard all year, chiming in with questions and quips of his own. You’d missed his voice too, not that you’d boost his ego by telling him that. 
"There." You finally finished, tying the last stitch and taping a bandage over it. The vigilante under you didn’t make a move to leave, instead his hands kept you still on his lap. You breathed a laugh, moving on to everything else. You removed the old bandages, giving half healed wounds a thorough cleaning. You applied comical Disney bandaids to the more minor cuts on his hands and were even brazen enough to kiss his split knuckles. The vigilante seemed to preen under you attention as you cleaned and applied Vaseline to his busted lip. As if it was too good to be true, his lip twitched downwards as his eye brows furrowed. His face angled away from yours, his unseeing eyes falling on the window he’d come through. 
"You know, the burner phone's been broken for two weeks now. Took the bullet not too long after the yakuza paid you a visit. Couldn't bring myself to throw it away, a little piece of you." He admitted, a pitiful smile twitched up before pulling downward again. He groaned, starting to shift you off his lap, “I shouldn’t be here, it’s not right.”
You allowed yourself to fall to the cushion beside him, but snatched the black shirt away from him before he could make a move for it. He’d been too busy letting his hands linger on your waist. 
“Why not?” You asked sternly, tucking the shirt behind your back as if the vigilante in front of you couldn't probably drop you six ways to Tuesday if he wanted to. Not that he could ever consider raising a hand to you, “You got hurt, I patch you up. Seems right to me.” 
The devil tensed, first leaning away and then leaning really close. His freshly bandaged fingers tapped your knee as if to emphasize his point, “I don’t deserve this kindness. And even if I did, if I could, if I was good, I would stop coming here so you could live in peace.” 
You were a silent for a moment, wanting to make sure your response was exactly how you wanted it to come across.  
“The third time you fell through my window, you told me that if I ever wanted to be left alone, all I’d need to do was change the candle I keep by the window.” You recounted his words. You hadn’t known about his senses at the time, he was still cryptic and mysterious. But you’d never changed the candle, buying new ones of the same scent when it would burn out, “You warned me what might happen. You gave me an out, one that I continuously chose to ignore. You did everything in your power to protect me when that choice had consequences. That was good, because you are good. And good people deserve kindness. You put too much on yourself, honey.”  
As you spoke, you laid your hand over his on your knee, giving it a slight squeeze to convey your own point. The crimefighter listened to your voice, your heartbeat, the quickness of your breath, finding no deceit and even if he didn’t believe you words, it was nice to hear them. Your kindness washed over him, letting him relax for just a second before he shook his head, laughing sarcastically to deflect the dangerously sappy emotions you stirred. You called him honey like it was his name, and part of him wondered that if you knew his name if you would still call him honey. 
“You barely know me, sweetheart.” 
His own nickname slipped out by accident, usually just something he called you in his head when he allowed fantasies about telling you everything, coming home to you as the vigilante and the lawyer, seeing just how far your good grace could take him. His lips quirked up in time with the uptick of your pulse and the way your breath caught for a moment. 
“I know enough to know you deserve some good.” You whispered earnestly, reaching up to graze the Star Wars bandaid you’d stuck across his the cut on his cheekbone. Almost instinctively, he leaned into the touch. You smiled softly, maybe you’d both missed each other a bit. The combined concern for the other and the time between his last visit making you both a little sappy, or at least more honest about it, So, you breathed a laugh, making another lame joke just to earn one of those chuckles you loved so much, “Besides, I know you well enough to have your blood on my hands.” 
But he didn’t laugh, instead, he pulled his face from your palm, his own bandaged hands taking your bloodied gloved hands in his own. Gently, he pressed your hands together, your loose fists creating almost heart like shape as he pressed reverent kisses to each bloody hand. The vigilante was kind always, flirty and joking, occasionally flirtations bordering on something else. But this? This was different, it was new. Intimate. You’d almost feel like a voyeur for watching the scene if it you weren’t playing a starring role. Your mind flashed to those romance novels you’d thought of earlier, this put all of them to shame. So much so that your hands started trembling against his lips. 
He held them tighter, but not in a constrictive, cage like way. More in a ‘let me hold you together’ kind of way before gently peeling the dirty gloves off and, again, kissing your clean hands underneath. His face angled to yours, nothing but sincerity lacing his features. 
"You know my blood better than my own heart does.” 
“God…” You whispered, letting your head fall against his shoulder, your nose nudging his collarbone and your eye lashes fluttering against his neck. His stubbled cheek fell to the crown of your head.  You cleared your throat again, "I know your blood, but not your name. For someone I care so much about, that’s kind of sad.” 
It was the first time you’d ever admitted it out loud in such certain words. The vigilante ran gentle hands up and down your arms, silent as a million thoughts went through his head. You heart was racing, not from lying, but in anticipation. Despite your racing pulse, you seemed almost totally at ease with you skin against his, one of your hands pressed to a bandage on his ribs and the other holding purchase at the waistline of his black pants. Nothing sexual, just the perfect place for your soft hand to land.   
Despite the million thoughts, he really had two options. Keep his secret, and keep you at an arms length, to keep things sweet and simple and not too deep. Or. Let you in a little deeper, he'd swim oceans to keep you afloat. Enjoy your sweetness, even if things were complicated. He kept still, holding you as gently as you had touched him, a promise to himself that he could be gentle and soft, just as he could be lethal and ruthless.  Two sides of a balanced scale.  
Your heart had slowed down again, the soothing motion of his hands on your arm lulling you. You had been worried about his response. You’re confession had gotten too real, you were worried he’d jump out the window and disappear again. And you’d be left with nothing but bloody gloves and the thought that maybe you’d just imagined the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
"Matt.” His voice was quiet, just barely above a whisper, “You can call me Matt. Just don’t stop calling me."
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Episode eleven - New beginnings
Jack Dawkins x fem reader
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"Y/n! Let her go, please." Jack begged watching as Arthur dragged you across the factory floor.
"How would you like it done my Lord? A clean cut, or shall we beat her?" Arthur asked the Lord sitting at the table.
"Oh why not rough her up a bit." He chuckled finishing his apple, he threw it on the floor and stood.
"Just make sure it's done." He said, straightening his waistcoat.
"No, you struggle against him, finding your feet enough to push yourself upwards. You take a quick breath and jump, lifting your legs into the air and knocking Arthur the ground. He shouts and grabs you around the waist. His fist collides with your stomach and you fall to the ground.
Seeing your bravery Jack musters all the energy he has left in him and fights against the two men breaking free of their hold. He rushes forward, kicking Arthur. You manage to crawl away as the two men scuffle. The large wooden doors burst open and the redcoats surround you all.
"Jack!" You call out to him but he is lying on the floor, face in the dirt. You see Doctor Sneed rush to his side as Belle drops down beside you.
"Get them out of here!" Your father shouts. One of the soldiers pulls you up into his arms and you hold on to him. Occasionally turning to search for Jack. You see him being carried by two soldiers. Sneed seemed to be holding onto his chest as they hurried. They placed the two of you into a small cart, Sneed jumping between you.
"What is it? What happened to him?" You ask trying to pull the doctor's arm back.
"y/n, he has been stabbed in the chest, his lung is perforated." Sneed explains over his shoulder.
"We need to stop the bleeding and get air back into his lungs without killing him." A new realisation paints his face as he looked at you, "That's your blood isn't it?" He asks.
You glance down at your chest, only now realising the pain you were feeling.
"yea- yes I fear my stitches may have come undone." You breathe out. Sneed nods at you.
"Okay, alright sit very still. Belle can redo the stitches when we get back to the hospital." He uses one hand to squeeze your shoulder and guide you to lie back. You move your hand around him and find Jack's. It's limp and cold.
"Don't let him die Rainsford. Please you need to do everything you can to save him." You beg.
"I will, y/n I will do everything in my power."
The hospital comes quickly and you're lifted out, your blood smears over the soldier's coat as he carries you in. Belle ran alongside him.
"Hetty, get the surgery ready! It's Jack, and we need a second bed!" She calls to the head nurse. Hetty beckons her nurses to her side and gets to work grabbing the equipment.
Belle pushes all the equipment off the table in the preparation room and has the soldier lay you down. Turning your head you see them rushing into the theatre with Jack, through the window.
Belle stands above you with the either mask but you push her away.
"No, no just do it." You say, keeping your eyes on the man you loved. Rainsford was above him, tearing away Jack's shirt.
"Hetty, here hold this, come here!" He directs the nurse to hold the cloth to the wound grabbing the second ether bottle and pressing it to a cloth.
"How do I do this?" He asks the nurse.
"Put it over his face." She instructs.
"Okay, okay, Jack breathe in as much as you can." He said softly. More people were beginning to pile into the room. Your mother and youngest sister stood at your head. Professor McGregor and several nurses stood around, each of them ready to help if needed.
The scratching of the needle piercing your skin threatened to overtake you, but you were determined to stay awake. You needed to be awake when you Jack was done.
"Okay, here you're done. Do you feel okay?" Belle asks.
"yeah. I'm alright. Thank you."
"Fanny, stay with her I'll get a wheelchair." Belle ordered. Your mother comes up beside you.
"My darling, please don't shut me out anymore. I am so sorry" she presses a kiss to your hand, tears falling from her eyes.
"Mother, I forgive you, but stop holding on so tight. We're big girls." You say.
"It's done. I did it. Jack? Jack come on Jack, wake up!" Sneed taps Jack's face. There is a moment of silence as everyone holds their breaths.
Jack draws in a long breath and opens his eyes.
"Y/n?" He asks.
"She is here, just relax." Sneed tapes his colleague's shoulder. Your father wheels you through to him. Your eyes meet.
"you must be so excited?" Fanny asked standing in your newly decorated parlour.
"the first dinner in my new home, yes I am. Though I'm nervous." You admit. It had been two months since the ordeal and you were finally feeling well enough to host your family for a dinner. Fanny had spent most of her time with you, making sure you were always happy and well. Sneed had chosen to make Belle a doctor in training, so she had spent most of her time at the hospital.
The door bell rings and your butler answers for you, it's Jack.
"Lady Fanny, would you permit me a moment alone with y/n?" He asked. Fanny smiled wide and walked across the room, she takes a small box from her dress pocket.
"You may need this." She whispers. Jack looks down and sees the ring he had lost the night he was taken. He thanks your sister then crosses to you. Jack pulls an envelope from his coat.
"Belle read this to me."
"Oh." You whisper.
"You were going to give me all of your money. It would not have been compensation for your life." His eyebrows knit together as he speaks.
"Jack, my parents were awful to you. I wanted only to.gice you the opportunity to make your own way. With that money you could have gone to America and opened your own Hospital." You explain.
Jack shakes his head.
"I could never leave here. y/n, I am done playing Bachelor. We are both now regained our health and I will be returning to my full hours of work. You should know that as a head surgeon the days will be long and I may have to stay late, but I promise that I will always come home to you. Should I need to stay, I will send word to you and never leave you wondering, " he takes a breath and holds your hand in his, "I didn't know that anyone could feel the way I feel for you. In all the fairytales love seems the most fantastical of them all, unachievable until you. You have bewitched me with your beauty, captured my mind and soul with your humour and intelligence. I love you and I never want to be without you. You are already living in my house." He laughs.
"No let me finish. Y/n if you had died no amount of money could have persuaded me to leave. I would have sat at your grave until death came for me. Before everyone else gets here I want to ask you a question." Jack dropped to one knee, holding the ring in his hand, "Will you marry me? Your father already-"
"Yes!" You say falling into his arms and kissing him. Jack winces at the left over pain in his chest. He stood to his full height and slid the emerald onto your finger. He kissed you.
"Eeeeeee!" Fanny came charging into the room wrapping her arms around both of you.
"This is wonderful!" She squealed.
"Thank you Fanny, do you think you could let go?" You ask. She pulls back and runs out to greet the other guests as they begin to arrive. You and Jack cling to each other, your arm linked with his. Your mother, Belle, Sneed, Fagin, Rotty and Hetty made their way into the house. It would be strange without your father but he was travelling back to England. There he would give over the evidence for Oliver's arrest along with Lord Branwell's. The latter would be tried for attempted murder. Edmund would hopefully return with a new head of police.
Fanny wasted no time in telling them all of your engagement and though Lady Jane tries to hide her sneer she manages to congratulate you. Part way through dinner Rainsford began to speak
"Oh, I forgot my aunt Patuna is on her way here for an extended visit. My two cousins will be with her."
"How lovely, is that Gordon and William?" Lady Jane asks. Fanny leeks up at the names.
"Yes, wonderful young lads, Twins. William has recently finished his law training and Gordon is an officer in the army. We are hopeful he may wish to take a role amongst our growing police service here." He explains.
"They are older men?" Lady Jane asks.
"On the contrary, mother, both are barely five and twenty and unwed." Belle states, grinning towards Fanny.
"Oh how wonderful!" Fanny claps.
The rest of the evening is joyful, everyone enjoys each other's company. Your mother even has a civilised conversation with Fagin. At the end of the evening everyone returned home, leaving you and Jack alone.
"I start work again in two days. A scheduled operation for Mr Smithy."
"That's good. It will be wonderful to get back to normal." You agree. He reaches over and takes your hand in his.
"How are you feeling?" He asks pointing a finger to your chest.
"Much better, I had the world's greatest surgeon fix me." You laugh, "I'm tired, shall we go upstairs?" You ask.
"Upstairs. I grew up living in an attack with thirty other children and now I live in a three story house with servants. It's bizarre." Jack mused as you walked up the steps.
"You'll get used to it. We could always make it feel less large with the latter of tiny feet." You grin at him. Jack sighs,
"I...we should wait for your heart to grow stronger before we-"
Seeing the panic in his eyes you press a soft kiss to his lips, stopping his train of thought.
"Until you say it's the right time, then." You agree. Content and happy the two of you walk into your bedroom and close the door, unknowing of the men who stand at the window.
"It isn't the right time yet." Monks says.
"I narrowly got away because of him. I want to burn his world." Arthur Sikes growls.
@fandomfan-102 @darasloves @afalls14universe
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dlartistanon · 1 year
There's a Liz CG in chapter 13 and I'm both excited and scared at the same time... Please enlighten us on what happened when you've got the time (っ °Д °;)っ
Let me tell you that I nearly jumped out of my seat when I first saw that CG. And let me tell you that Liz's expression was the second thing that gave me concern. I absolutely had to know what was going on immediately.
So, below the cut, I'm going to recap the most pertinent parts regarding this scene. Afterwards, I will reblog with my thoughts and commentary, and some speculation.
Shiningale focus? In my main plot? IT'S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK.
First off, this scene involving Logos, Ascalon, and Salus:
Logos: How far have you tampered with your… "bloodline"? It’s unimaginable that you are blood relatives of the Follower Shining. Such an outstanding person must always repent for your filth. (This is after Ascalon stabbed Salus in the neck)
After that, there's a conversation between Kal'tsit and Shining:
Kal'tsit: What's Nightingale's status?
Shining: … Outside the window, Shining sees Nightingale sleeping, leaning against a tree. Shining: Not good. Though Liz's state has never been more stable, the levels of Originium content in her body are rising, most likely even affecting her pain nerves.
Kal'tsit: This would not be a normal infection.
Shining: Maybe it's the sorcery devices that Sarkaz have set up on the battlefield, or the whispers of dead souls… I don't know. I can't tell her "I empathize with your pain." I really don't. But she happily told me yesterday that she hasn't felt pain in her sleep for a long time…
Kal'tsit: You're hesitating. You've been hesitating ever since you came back from the Confessarii alone. Do you remember the reason you applied to come along to Londinium in the first place?
Shining: 'To cure Liz'. Dr. Kal'tsit, I have never hesitated, even for a moment, about that goal.
Kal'tsit: Even without knowing the exact state of her condition, we all know what "cure" means.
Shining: What needs to be done hasn't changed… I know.
Kal'tsit: I trust you. The eyes with which you view Nightingale are not only compassionate. You're not the only one who's taking care of her, she's treating your fears as well. Nightingale may be physically challenged, but she is a member of the Followers, your companion, not a delicate flower to be protected. The secrets of the Confessarii are truly stomach-churning. But perhaps it is only by confronting the deepest of abominations that we can unravel the truth.
Shining: …
Kal'tsit: I know you're a little upset, Shining. But as we said at the beginning of our partnership, Rhodes Island will help, if you need it.
Shining: --Thank you, Dr. Kal'tsit. The blue feathered beast lands on Shining's shoulder, chirping. It was Liz's usual way of greeting her. Shining: … Liz is awake, I'm going to get her.
Nightingale then recalls a dream (or a memory?) that's very peculiar. Basically it's her and Shining when they were younger, holding hands and walking along a river and watching a bird, but then something strange and horrifying happened to the bird.
Unfortunately the next thing that happens is that they're ambushed by Confessarius and Salus in an attempt to kidnap Nightingale. Kal'tsit summons Mon3tr but Salus--from her battle with Amiya--is able to restrain Mon3tr. Apparently she was able to do this by performing rituals on herself and finding a way to cannibalize the Arts of other bloodlines. She also dove into Amiya's memories (where it turns out that there's a part of Theresa's soul/consciousness that's protecting Amiya still).
Kal'tsit: Mon3tr!
Shining: Dr. Kal'tsit, you can't move yet. Shining: I told you--you and I will only meet on the battlefield.
Confessarius: Oh? Then why are you hiding your sword at this moment? When you left home, you swore an oath to sever your family's bloodline, and I have longed for you to return and fulfill that oath. I gave you time, and you let me down again and again. We should have given birth* to the next me. It would have been the most ethereal bloodline in nearly a hundred years. Then Liz uses her Arts.
Confessarius: … well. Sharp, but full of impurities. What happened to your soul? Do you still think you have hope while you are away from us?
Shining: … Liz! Come back!
Nightingale: …!I won't… at your mercy!
Confessarius: … oh? You are truly an unexpected piece of work, far beyond my expectations. Even though it's just a body, can it still touch "me"?
Nightingale: Shining, now! I… I can't hold on for long!
Shining: … A strange feeling came over Shining.
Nightingale took the initiative to resist Confessarius and restrained him. The ancient demon clan, which had never seen its true soul, was now more vulnerable than ever. Bloodline. The word bloodline was vague, but at this moment, a long bloody crack seemed to appear right in front of you.
Shining hesitated. How could it be so simple?
How can it be so simple?
Kal'tsit: Nightingale, stop! This is a trap, he's waiting for your Arts!
Nightingale: ——! Time slowed down.
Confessarius: You and I both know where fate will lead us, but the only one who doesn't know is this poor caged self. Contempt of blood and resistance to destiny are doomed to be in vain. No one can deny the heavenly principles gifted by our bloodline. I will do for you what you hesitated to do, create a gap in the cage… Come into the cage with me, and I will set you on the right path. Think through your options… [ancient Sarkaz name].
On the stone platform covered with dead branches, the white sword pierced the heart.
Shining remembers the first time she cried, how amazing it was, giving birth to emotions that she didn't expect. A new soul is carved and shaped under the sword's edge.
???: I have seen… your pain… your… tears…
Confessarius: Accidents always bring surprises. You could have stopped experimenting right then, but you couldn't bear to destroy the ignorant consciousness in that empty shell. … So you sewed memories into the empty shell.
Shining: She is Liz. She shouldn't…
Confessarius: It is your freedom to name your populated consciousness "Liz".
"Liz" was afraid of the silence of those across the long table. They meet to sit here and have dinner at the same time every day.
But the white-horned Sarkaz holding the sword opposite her had stopped talking to her, taking only notes. "Liz" is always asking herself, 'did I do something wrong to make her angry?'
"Liz" misses the fond memories of their past…
Liz?: I repeat the same dream every day, dreaming about us walking hand in hand in the stream when we were children… Then I flew up, flying higher and higher, but you couldn't hold onto me. From the clouds, I saw you crying. Every time I want to come back to you, I wake up in pain. I ache from feeling your pain and I want to share the burden with you. As long as you tell me why you are suffering… Quesasina.
Shining: …
Confessarius: Quesasina, the name means "hope that does not allow separation", our destiny. She blames herself for your moment of kindness, and she thinks all the fault is her own, this poor "Liz."
Shining: I have abandoned that sinful name. I am now Shining and will only ever be Shining.
Confessarius: Really? Do you think you can resist your family's destiny for thousands of years? I'll wait and see.
"Liz" held the blue feathered beast she rescued from the river in her hands. Her indigo feathers trembled, and the cold river water made her shiver. She thought Quesasina would be angry, but the sad Sarkaz just knitted a brand new birdcage for "Liz".
"Put it in the cage, and it'll be safe from now on."
Liz?: Quesasina, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to risk walking into the river to save it… but I can't just watch it die like this. I fell in love with it when your family gave it to me as a gift. It likes to fly freely, but once it gets too far away from me, it seems to lose its energy and always falls into the river… You said the same thing happened yesterday… but I don't remember it at all. But I will listen to you and put it in a cage. I will protect it. Please don't be angry. I promise you, such a stupid thing will never happen again.
Confessarius: The more fragments and lies you fill her with, the more confusion and pain she will feel. I uncovered the dusty fragments for her. Her awakening is irreversible, and she will eventually painfully disintegrate her rootless consciousness.
Shining: I won't let that happen, Father. I will put an end to our sins with my own hands, and Liz will be cured.
Confessarius: Then what? Isn't her regaining the truth what you fear, dear sister? This is the source of your sad hesitation.
Shining: …
Confessarius: I tolerated you wandering around with this container, and I tolerated you continuing to strengthen this fragile cage… Because I trusted you to love it with all your heart, and you didn't disappoint. Eventually you will come back to me with your cage. And you did. See, she even tried to imprison me to create opportunities to defeat me. Your rebellious love for her and her struggles against fate have sadly become another catalyst.
Shining: You--even using the hope she found in herself?!
Liz?: Shining? Are you here?
Shining: !
Liz?: I can feel your breath, but I can't see you…
Shining: I'm here, Liz!
Confessarius: She can't hear your voice, we walk within her broken consciousness—the interior of the cage.
Liz?: Shining… there is a burning name and vague question echoing in my mind, but I can't remember it… Maybe I'll remember it when we leave here. I found myself able to share the pain of others to slow the withering of their lives. You said we would go far away to find a cure for me, and maybe I could cure others in pain on our journey.
Shining: …
Confessarius: The disordered and broken memories are flooding her, and sooner or later she will get lost in them. Perhaps she'll go insane, or will kill herself before that happens. But you already know the solution I taught you, Quesasina.
Shining: …
Confessarius: Draw your sword and destroy the bodies of your blood relatives once and for all. Our souls will be reconnected with your sword as a bridge, and you—will give birth. Give birth to eternal authority. This is a fate you cannot escape. Become one with me and nourish her otherwise shattered consciousness with the remains of your blood family.
Shining: … Liz, forgive me.
Shining clenched the sword in her arms, her hand already on the scabbard.
Confessarius: Finally, Quesasina…
From the scabbard, morning and dusk are about to pour out. But at this moment, a hand held Shining's sleeve.
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Nightingale: Shining, I like your current name a lot more.
Shining: Liz…
Nightingale: I seem to have slept for a long time, lost in countless fragments. But I heard your voice, and you guided me to a place buried among the debris. There, I dug up fragments of memories… I still haven't remembered them all. But I remembered the question that should have been answered long ago… I forgive you. I forgave you even before you cruelly sealed my memories away… That's why, I'm angry at you for making these decisions all by yourself.
Shining: …
Nightingale: "Liz", I've always loved the name you chose for me. Don't leave me and bear everything on your own. We made a promise to get through this together—
Shining saw Nightingale's eyes and Nightingale's smile.
When Shining came back to her senses, the hand had quietly slipped from her sleeve.
Confessarius: A tragedy, but the ending is always fixed. Either you kill me and become the breeding ground for the next bloodline, or you watch me take her away and then drown in your regret. It’s all the same, sister. Quesasina, the consciousness of the cage has awakened. If you continue to keep her by your side, she will only evaporate and die like dewdrops in the morning.
Shining: …
Confessarius: I will take her away, I will help you maintain it, I will help you make up for it—I will mold the cage into a crown. Then, you will be, we will be… the eternal devil.
In the end, Confessarius ended up kidnapping Liz.
Kal'tsit: Operator Nightingale is a member of Rhodes Island's Medical Department, and we will not allow her to be kidnapped or harmed. But any rash move may put her in greater danger. After all, the opponent we need to face… is an immortal "Demon King" who has coveted the crown for thousands of years. Quesatushta. He who knocks on the door is he who usurps the king. I was aware of the threat of the Confessarii, even during the Tower of Babel period, and several attempts were made in vain. Theresis concealed them so well that people thought they were only the regent's bodyguards.
Shining: … Please don't worry, I know what we have to do.
Ascalon: You are calmer than I thought. What are you planning?
Shining: Liz… made her own choice. It's a choice that even I would never dare to think of. It is bold and aggressive, but it is the most effective. It seems that I'm always the one who's afraid of failure and dying… What I want to do, ha. It is to catch up with her.
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ethansluvbot · 1 year
Hey can u maybe write something with reader who struggles with sh and suicide thoughts x Ethan 🫶
(You don’t have to do it if u feel uncomfy writing this)
warnings: self harm, suicide (thoughts), a breakdown?? (idk if that's a trigger), eating disorder, unrealistic expectations (internet)
an: as someone who struggles with all of the above i would love to bring awareness. your body is beautiful which sounds pretty narcissistic of me since im not 100% comfortable with mine. if you struggle with theses disorders don't hesitate to reach out to me :)
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you hated having to lie to ethan, almost as much as he hated when you did. if you didn't he wouldn't exactly leave you alone. you told him that you were done trying to live up to unrealistic expectations.
your staked up school work, the ghostface on the loose and your friends turning against each other didn’t help.
your professors didn’t understand how exhausting the work was. especially when you had your whole day full.
here you were locking the bathroom door behind you. the blade was in your hand as you slid down the door. would people even care if you were gone?
tears slipped down your face as you silently sobbed. you hated being like this, but it was your only out. bringing the knife to your thigh you shake.
you were always overly anxious about the way your body looked. your stomach was one of your worst insecurities. usually you ended up skipping meals. even making sure not to eat snacks as often.
you jump at the sudden knock on the front door. accidentally making a wound on your leg. you winced in pain grabbing a towel and wiping it.
"one minute," you yelled sliding your shorts back on. you recognized the voice to be ethan's. panicking you grab a bandage putting it on quickly.
rushing to your door you open it only to reveal your face. he looked down at you with a huge grin holding up a bag of take out. opening the door you let him walk in.
"hey! i know i showed up unexpectedly but i was thinking about you." he winked at you as blush began to creep up your face.
"thank you," you got up on your tippy toes enveloping his lips. you jumped up letting him sit you on the counter. trailing his hand up your thigh he felt something unusual.
"what's this?"
"oh, um i accidentally cut myself shaving," you looked down with a frown. he could see right through you, he knew that you did it again. even after you told him you quit there was always a fear of you lying to him.
"love, i thought you said you would quit?"
"i know, i know and im trying my hardest. its just so hard to stop once you begin," tears fall out of your eyes as you speak. he grabs you closer pulling you into a hug. collapsing into his touch you begin to huff. your mascara staining down your cheeks as you pull him closer.
"how about we eat and then we can go watch stab?" he cocks his head to the side to wait for your response. you nod excitedly hoping off the counter.
"i love you ethan," you didn't understand what you did to deserve him. he was a tall, nerdy and sweet boy that you couldn't live without. he loved her as much as she did, maybe even more.
"i love you too." he began to kiss your neck slowly.
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heluvschibi · 4 months
The Apocalypse: Part 2
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⚠️blood, jump scare? Cussing, mini panic attack(s), throwing up, weapons
📄2/8 of the boys get introduced!!!
👤who's loving this series? (please tell me)
des:Food ✔ water ✔ survivors… WAIT SURVIVORS?!
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I got out of the apartment alive and well I obviously had to kill a few zombies, but I was fine, I went through the back entrance of the apartments, where the dumpsters we're and snuck my way out, now I'm currently crouched down behind a car as a group of zombies stumble around, I can feel my heart in my throat...
"Shit... Shit..." I turned around to peek behind the car, there were about 7,9 zombies...I got so far away from the apartment... I can't just go back now...
I look around for any distractions...and-
"No fucking way..." I mumbled out, a toy store...no zombies in it, there's a few zombies I have to kill on the way but... I can do it.
I pulled out my knife and snuck behind the big potting plant for trees, the zombie had it's back facing me, "Lord please let me survive this and tell my children how cool I was..."
I grabbed the zombie dragging it down with me before stabbing it in the head, I tried not to barf, but the smell...I wiped my hand on my jacket and looked forward, the toy store.
I hurried and rushed in... the door is open!
The door is open?
I grabbed my golf putt and walked around cautiously, I felt someone... Or something grabs me, and I hurried and turned around pushing the zombie off of me, before hitting it blindly killing it.
"Oh my gosh..." I put my hand on my heart feeling it beating wildly, the zombies face was completely smashed in, not a sight for sore eyes or any eyes...I felt something come up and before I knew it, I was on my hands and knees throwing up my breakfast...
"Aw, come on..." I stood up my stomach hurting from hurling, and looked around for what I came in here for...
I walked through the aisles looking for- "Monkey!" I smiled, it was one of the monkey's holding cymbals, all you have to do is wind. it up and clash clash clash.
I remember having to buy one of these loud monkeys for a prank at my office for my senior.
I grabbed three of the monkeys and walked to the door winding one of the monkeys up and tossing it pretty far, the zombies in the area all growled and ran that way, I tossed another one out there for good luck.
And when I had my opening, I ran, I ran as fast as I could, the zombies being distracted by the monkeys to even pay me mind I rushed to the convenient store, opening the door and closing it when I'm in, because the door is glass and the windows are big I had to be quick, I hurried and took off my bag and started looting.
When my bag looked full, I turned around to get out, but a zombie was coming this way I hurried and looked around and decided on the employee room.
I rushed closing the door and banging was heard on the door, and like I did in my apartment I pushed all my weight the door to keep it shut.
Soon gun shots were heard, that was scary too, the growling stopped so did the pounding on the door.
"Hyung, we're the zombies acting weird..."
"Yeah, they were all gathered over here..."
The footsteps got closer; I don't know what came over me, but I held onto the doorknob, so the door won't open.
"Is there something in there?"
"Someone you mean..."
I heard one of the guys grunting, I'm trying hard to make sure the door doesn't fling open. Soon the doorknob stopped wriggling and the guys sighed.
I let go of the doorknob and let out a small sigh myself before the door flung open, I fell back landing on my butt, I let out a cry in pain.
I looked up to see two guys, one of them holding a gun to my face and the other one behind him holding a flashlight, I closed my eyes from him shining the light in my face.
"Oh..." One of the guys said, he lowered the flashlight, and I peeked open my eyes before opening them all the way.
"Are you bit?" The fox looking guy said.
I shook my head no.
And the guy holding the gun lowers it, tucking it away.
"Gosh, why didn't you open the door?" The guy spoke and he had an Australian accent, I was still on the ground in shock.
After we calmed down, we all had a small snack and talked.
The fox looking guy who sat on the couch next to me that practicality blinded me with a flashlight earlier smiled at me, a very kind smile before speaking "I'm so sorry for earlier, you know. Have to be careful." I remember he told me that his name was Yang Jeongin.
And the guy who pointed a gun in my face from earlier name was Bahng Christopher Chan, but told me to just call him Chan was leaning on the table looking at us, with very attractive lips surprisingly "So... Gangnam...?" He raised one of his eyebrows.
"Yeah, I can understand your confusion, I was just rotting in my room until I ran out of food. I never expected to run into a living person who doesn't smell like rotting corpse..." I joke, earning a small smile from Chan and a quiet chuckle from Jeongin.
"We never expected to find anyone living in Gangnam. I'm actually kinda happy." Jeongin smiled at me his eyes crinkling into crescent moons, I blushed a little.
"So where have you been living?"
"Oh well, me and a couple of our friends decided to live at my family small cabin in the woods-"
"Chan hyung stop lying!" Jeongin looked at Chan then at me, "Chan hyungs family cabin is huge! There's like a million bedrooms, I don't even think it should be classified as a cabin... More like a whole dang mansion!" Jeongin spread his arms out waving them around, I laughed at his exaggeration.
"Sorry for him. He's just... Jeongin." Chan giggled, "But we live in my family's 'Mansion' in the woods, we somewhat fortified it so it's safe for me and the other seven guys."
"Seven guys?" I raised my eyebrow.
"It doesn't matter-" "oh my gosh Chan hyung I just had the best idea ever." Jeongin butted in again causing Chan to groan. "What if we take her home!? We can introduce her to some of the guys!" Jeongin smiled.
The way he said it made it seem like I was a little homeless puppy living on the street...
"Eh, I wouldn't want to invade your guy's privacy..." I shook my head no.
"No you wouldn't, you would have your own room and everything! So we won't invade your privacy and you won't invade ours!"
"Jeongin, I don't think she wants to come." Chan mumbled.
Jeongin looking at Chan and pouted, "But... Come on Y/n." Jeongin looked at me, "It's not safe here."
I looked at Jeongin then at Chan.
"He's right you know, what if you do somehow get back home, Gangnam is still very full of zombies, and by the looks of what you brought with you on a simple scavenge, you aren't prepared to just live on your own during an apocalypse, even if you were safe for this long. Who knows how long you will survive." Chan walked toward us dragging the swivel chair with him to sit down in front of us. "But let's say you don't make it home, you get attacked by zombies or worse... Strange people. What will happen to you? We're not pushing you but your currently stopped at a fork road right now."
I bit my bottom lip thinking about what he was saying, then, "Okay you've convinced me."
Chan nodded and leaned back in the swivel chair.
"But can we stop by the apartment...I need to get a few things."
Chan's POV
I walked out of the employees' room and into the store, I pulled out the small black walkie talkie.
"Minho, it's Chan checking in..." I said over the walkie talky.
"Minho?" I said worriedly.
"Sorry, I was fighting with the kids again-" a scream was heard in the back, very whiny scream.
"What the hell is going on over there?!" I shouted, Jeongin peeking his head out from the employees' room from hearing the muffled commotion.
"Hyung what's going on...?" Jeongin mumbled confused by the scream and me yelling.
"I don't know-"
"Sorry, Jisung is crying because- what was it again?" A mumbled was heard over the speaker of the walkie talkie. "Because Seung min called him a baby..."
I sighed... "Jisung... Just.... I don't know just ignore him."
"I did hyung but he keeps calling me a baby!" Jisung yelled.
"This is stupid...okay whatever- Minho, we found a survivor here at Gangnam..." I mumbled.
Whining was heard in the background, but it soon faded out, Minho was probably moving away from the noise. "Gangnam? Isn't that part over run? Wait why are you even there?" Minho spoke sounding suspicious.
"Yeah, it is over run, but we found this girl huddled up here in the convenient store just down the road by the apartments."
"Check if she's okay, bites, sickness, bloody nose, ruthless attacking, anything, if she's fine bring her back. If not-"
"I know...we shoot her." I mumbled the last part.
"Come back safe, over." Silence was heard from over his line, I put my walkie talkie back in my back pocket and walked back into the employee room.
After checking her for any sign's that she may turn, she was clean. Surprisingly. Gangnam was hit pretty hard because how much people are here, I never expected someone to survive over here.
Seungmin was worried when the apocalypse started...
"HYUNG!" Seungmin shouted, he ran to me tears filling his eyes, what did a zombie get in?
"What's happening? Are you okay are the guys okay—"
"Hyung, h-he won't answer..." Seungmin showed me his phone screen, he called his grandpa and grandma 20 times in total and not one of them answered, he pulled his phone away and immediately called his grandpa again...
"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable at this time please-" Seungmin hung up and looked up at me, desperation in his eyes.
"Hyung... W-we have to go to Gangnam..."
This is new... Seungmin usually kept his emotions in, he never came to me or any of the other guys, so none of us really knew how he felt but... This... This is a side I never wanted to see of him. His crying got worse as rambling of wanting—no needing to go to Gangnam spews from his mouth, I place my hand on his shoulder and that stops him, he looks up at me "P-please hyung, I-I don't want my grandparents to be- dead."
I sighed, there is nothing I can really do, the car ran out of gas just in time when we got here, and the start of the apocalypse just happened, only a fool, and idiot would run out there blindly.
"Seungmin, I'm sorry but as the eldest I have to protect you guys from danger. And I think if I say yes to you just running to Gangnam, and you die... I think I would blame myself if you never came back..."
Distraught, anger, sadness...it was written all over his face.
Maybe, just maybe Seungmin's Grandpa is still alive.
BOOM I'M BACK!!!! I still have a small cough but i'll survive!
did you guys miss me? BECAUSE I DID! I missed writing and posting (I was writing while I was sick...it's like addicting to me or something...) sorry if it's bad hehe
I'll be updating both the normal masterlist and The Apocalypse masterlist. -Chibi
have a good day/afternoon/night!!
Tag list 🏷
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Short Nights & Stars
Storm x Female Reader/daughter x T'challa
Request: Hey there! May I have a request of a reader being the daughter of storm and tchalla who’s powers is to control elements?
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Your parents are pushing you hard on your training. They always remind you that, the fights will never be easy or fair. You managed to use your powers to break the ground, it would make them lose their balance. Your eyes would change white when you use your powers. The idea was good but they managed to get to you.
“Y/n, you have to be faster,” T'Challa said.
He had his claws aimed at your face and you are breathing hard. But he moved away to give you space and your mom was in the sky looking down at you two.
“Your father is right,” Storm said.
She lands on the ground and you thought that you would win.
“I thought my plan was perfect,” You said.
“No plan is ever perfect. Let's take a break then we would go again” Storm said.
“Okay, mom,” You said.
You would train with them in a private room. The technology can change into any scenery and it can rain inside the room.
“Are you okay? You seem off” T'Challa said.
“I’m fine, just tired from training,” You said.
“Remember to stay hydrated,” Storm said.
“I know,” You said.
Everyone assumes that you have to be a perfect hero. And you feel the pressure even more when you are around your parents.
Storm and T'Challa are alone, in the laboratory.
“I’m worried about our daughter,” Storm said.
“About what?” T'Challa asked.
“She seems off and she is different,” Storm said.
“Storm, she is growing more of course she would be different. Every young person like her would have a hard time controlling their powers, just give her time” T'Challa said.
“I think you are right. But she has been getting better at moving faster” Storm said.
“Yes, she has been getting faster. We should give her the night off from training” T'Challa said.
“Yes, I agree,” Storm said.
Storm and T'Challa start to design the suit with Shuri. Storm and Shuri start to pick the colors while T'Challa makes sure has the right technology to protect you during battles.
It's late and you sneak out of your bedroom, through the window. You are happy to see your friends Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova. Kate hugged you and Yelena isn't a hugger.
“Wow, I can't believe we are in Wakanda” Kate smiled.
“Kate, wouldn't shut up about it,” Yelena said.
“I’m glad you two are here” You smiled.
“Yeah! What should we do first?!” Kate excitedly said.
You were going to show them around but that didn't happen. Okoye was guarding then she assume they were going to attack you. She jumped down and used her spear to attack Yelena, but Yelena managed to move out of the way.
“Who the hell are you?” Yelena asked.
Yelena takes out her hidden blade and starts to attack Okoye. Then more guards come out, but Kate doesn't have her weapons. Kate tries to fight back but she is outnumbered.
“Protect, Y/n” Okoye yelled.
Yelena almost stabbed Okoye but she used her spear to block the attack, then she kicked Yelena in the stomach. Yelena falls down and Kate was flipped to the ground.
“Stop! They are my friends!” You yelled.
Everyone stopped and you stand in front of Okoye.
“I’m serious, don't attack them. They are my friends!” You yelled.
“You let them in Wakanda?” Okoye asked.
“Yeah, so I can spend time with them,” You said.
“Take them to their cell,” Okoye said.
“Why? They didn't break any rules!” You yelled.
Before Okoye can answer, your parents showed up. Okoye told them what happened and your parents aren't happy. They take Yelena and Kate to a cell temporarily. You are in standing in front of your parents, and they start to lecture you.
“How did you even meet them?” Storm asked.
“I met them through Miles Morales who is Spiderman and Gwen Stacy... When umm I sneaked out to a concert to see Hobie Brown aka Spider-Punk and his band called Spider-Band” You said.
“Y/n, you did what! I can't believe you would sneak out. And what if something happened to you and you got hurt!?” Storm yelled.
“Mom, I was fine and I wasn't alone. And I have powers-”
“Y/n, having powers doesn't mean that you will be unstoppable. There is always someone stronger than you or us. If something happened to you and we couldn't find you, then we would have lost you” T'Challa said.
“You are being reckless and you need to grow up,” Storm said.
“I’m sorry. But I wanted to have some fun” You said.
“Go to your room,” T'Challa said.
“What about my friends?” You asked.
“They will stay the night and then leave because you won't go anywhere in a long time,” T'Challa said.
“Not fair” You sighed.
“Don’t you dare, roll your eyes at us. Go to your room, Y/n” Storm said.
“Whatever” You mumbled.
You go to your bedroom and the guards are standing by your door. They set your friends free and let them stay the night.
✫ ✫ ✯ ✫
You have your new suit, your parents and Shuri told you to go over your limit. You didn't know how so Shuri’s robots and your parents are all fighting you at once.
“I didn't have this in mind to try out my suit!” You yelled.
“Once again, Y/n we told the battles are never fair. Step up your game, Y/n” Storm said.
Her eyes changed colors and she summoned thunder to attack you. Your dad is using his claws to attack you. The robots have guns and you are trying to dodge everyone’s attack, then you used your power to create an earthquake.
Now, you are using all your powers at once. You created a hole in the ground and the water starts to rise fast, then you used the water to attack the robots. Then you use powerful thunder to attack your parents. But they teamed up together to fight back, T'Challa jumped higher while you are distracted by him then your mom used tornadoes to attack you.
“I almost had you!” You said.
“You need to think faster, Y/n” Storm said.
“I’m so close but yet I fail every time!” You sighed.
“Just because you fail doesn't mean you shouldn't stop getting stronger. That's why we train you hard, we might not be around to help you” T'Challa said.
“I know,” You said.
Your parents hugged you and you tell them you like the suit. Your parents take you out to eat and you are having a good time with them.
Later, T'Challa and Storm asked Shuri to do a background check on your friends. They don't like that Yelena is a black widow and Hobbie is a rebel. They check deeper into their background and they found out stuff that you don't know.
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 1 year
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The Jade Viper IV
Pairing: John Wick x !F!Reader
Summary: Blood is shedded when one of Y/n's old enemies appears and attacks John, getting away injuring him and killing one of their loved ones. Y/n is filled with rage and guilt for what happened to John, knowing that she must eliminate her Clan once and for all on her own. But John isn't going to let her go alone, and Y/n must protect him at all costs.
Warnings: blood, gore, violence, knives, guilt, trauma, torture, scarification, physical abuse, animal death, injuries, adult language, guns, attacks, angst, comfort, fluff, anonymous ending.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Minors DNI 🔞 18 below the cut
~Y/n pov~
I woke up with a silent gasp, letting my eyes focus. I was warm, and was somewhere soft. It was night, I was in bed with John. It happened, it really did happen! My head was resting on his chest—my leg rested over his, I closed my eyes to fall back asleep, but something kept me up. We weren't alone.
It was still dark out, probably close to two AM. Slowly, getting up from the bed, I found my shirt and undergarments before stepping out of the room. I walked down the steps, so quietly, not even the greatest listeners could hear me—I stepped near the large windows, I saw my eyes and face, it felt off—til I finally realized who was hiding behind my reflection.
A gasp flew out of me and I jumped back when the glass had shattered, I caught a blade that was aimed at my face. I threw it back and managed to hit the black cloaked intruder in the shoulder.
"Great aim, sister." The cold voice whispered, I glanced at the two shadows who walked out of the halls and the broken window; I simply stood there and clenched my fists, ready for a fight. I counted three in total, one female and two males. "Did you think you could escape us? Father expects your arrival by our hands." Takeda said.
His voice was cold and coated with bloodlust, he was my elder brother. Always known for bringing back the head of his victims back to the Grandmaster. "No, I know I can by killing you." I answered. His nose and mouth were covered by the black hooded mask, he reached behind him and grabbed the hilt of his katana.
"I think it's time for a rematch, little sister." He growled, I listened to the two surrounding me from behind. My mind flew back to John upstairs, I had to hurry and get to him before they realize. "You seem worried. . . I can hear your heart pounding louder, sister." Katora purred while holding a series of shurikens in her hands.
I stood in my fighting stance, watching Takeda mainly, he was the bigger threat compared to the two others. He's more experienced, he knows the costs of losing and bringing back nothing to the Master.
"Took you long enough." I growled, he threw the first punch and I dodged it. Grabbing a dagger from his side and half turning to stab it into Katora's inner elbow.
I have to aim for the vital parts in their bodies, I heard their blades being unsheathed—I kicked Masoa and punched Takeda in the throat before Katora kicked my back; the dogs started to bark before Bones leapt and attacked Masoa. I managed to grab Katora and place her in a headlock—I manged to snap her neck swiftly before dodging a kunai that sliced across my left cheek.
Bones leapt and attacked Takeda, distracting him enough for me to swiftly eliminate Masoa by his own katana. His throat slit as his blood drowning him as I turned my attention to Takeda who threw Bones across the room. I kicked his stomach and elbowed his jaw, I hissed when his blade pierced right below my ribs.
He push kicked me against the wall and grabbed my throat—I fought back and shoved my thumb into his left eye, adding force behind it as he snarled through his teeth. A gunshot went off and Takeda ducked, but the bullet grazed his neck. I fell to my knees but grabbed the kunai next to my hand.
Takeda snapped his attention to John who looked at me, I leapt and shoved Takeda off his track towards John and managed to slice his right cheek with the sharp tip of the kunai, he growled before running and disappearing into the shadows outside.
Leaving us. "Y/n!" He said as he ran to my side, "You're bleeding." I shook my head as I held my side. "I'm okay-" I heard the whimpering mewls coming from the side of the room—where Bones was lying.
I ran to her side, ignoring the pain in my body as I knelt and looked down at her panting body. Her mouth open as she hyperventilated, it was then that I saw her bleeding chest and stomach. "No. . . No, Bones." I whispered as I cradled her head, she whined in pain as I held her. John knelt beside me as I fought the tears.
"Bones. . ." I muttered to her, she was my friend. My very own support animal, she was a gift from him. I clutched the kunai in my hand before bringing it to her pulse, I shuddered when she made a small yelp before silence took over.
". . . She wasn't going to make it. . ." I whispered—removing the blade from her flesh. I dropped the weapon and rested my head on hers, "She was a gift from him. . . My sign of his existence before he was taken from me." I breathed out.
"Who, Y/n?" John's soft voice asked me, his hand resting on my left shoulder. "Yasu. . ." I muttered.
Yasu was a gentle soul, one that didn't belong in a clan such as this one. Grandmaster found him abandoned in a storm, took him in and trained him. His hair was as dark as night, his smile as kind as a flower, and his body sculpted by the discipline of the rules.
He was strong-willed, he broke rules at times. But he'd do it just to help me. I remembered being trained privately by our Grandmaster, every time I made a single sound—the bottom of my feet would be slashed by a bamboo rod. I left the dojo with thirty-eight slashes on both of my feet.
A punishment, reminders of what'll happen if I wasn't silent. I'd wake up to him soothing my pain with aloe vera; Yasu had a bright smile, the smile that would cause mine to show. But that bright smile was carrying the need for a better place, a better life.
That's the one thing Yasu has ever dreamed of, his own freedom. He told me that he wanted to escape, run away from this life and start anew. But he turned to me and confessed his love to me, he said his life was me.
Wherever I was, was his home, his heart, his spirit. We were simply eighteen years old, but he seemed more infatuated with the outside world we rarely ever witnessed. On one raining night, he had snuck out of his room. He woke me up and led me outside into the rain.
He had begun to climb the walls surrounding our land. He knew I was afraid of leaving the Grandmother, for I knew what he could do to us if we disappeared—he'd always find us. We were a part of him, as he is us. This was the way of the Crimson Clan.
He told me home would always follow close behind.
Yasu kissed my lips and said that he would always be waiting on my arrival to him. He dreams of starting a life with me, one with joy, freedom, and our own family. One that didn't shed blood for riches or power, just for love. And with that. . . He disappeared.
But not for long. . . Barely one day had passed before he was dragged back, tied to a post outside and shamed by the Grandmaster. He was whipped and tortured in front of us all, I couldn't move, I couldn't react.
I could only stand there, watching as my love was beaten right in front of me. I couldn't feel anything but pain. It was then when Takeda was honored with ending Yasu's life. Which he did with the Grandmaster's katana—piercing his heart and ending him.
They eventually dragged me to the front, kicked me down and I was punished in front of everyone. I was beaten to a pulp, given the order to not defend myself as my Master beat me with his fists and kicks, using the same bamboo rod to leave marks on my body. Even carving the symbol of the Clan into my lower back as I laid there in pain.
I knew I was forever one of them. . . But when I escaped, Yasu seemed to have known that I'd leave sooner or later. A strange woman came to me after I escaped and she left me a box with a letter. I read it and it was from him, he said he was going to be caught soon.
He wasn't as agile as I was, he admitted he accepted his fate but didn't want me to be suffering after his lost. So he left me Bones, she was the last memory and gift I've ever gotten from him. My chance to grieve and move on. . .
Until now.
~3rd pov~
John helped bury Bones in the backyard, where Daisy remained. John could feel the vengeance emitting off of Y/n, she stood from the grave and stormed back into his home. Bubba lied in his bed as he watched his owner follow after Y/n.
She approached the kitchen and pulled up a piece of the wall near the ground, sliding out a large thin box and a hidden drawer filled with shurikens. She grabbed another box behind the dryer and opened it, revealing a green and black outfit.
She lifted the top of the thin box and revealed a katana, shined and sharp to the touch. The hilt wrapped and designed with green snakes, "I'm going to end my Clan. . . I'll take the life of my Grandmaster, once he is dead—only then will I be free." Y/n said as John watched her pull out a sharp knife with a chain attached to the bottom of the hilt.
"Y/n, I'm not letting you do this alone. I know what it feels like to lose someone." He told her, placing his hand on top her own. "I can't let you get killed over my suicide mission, John." She whispered.
"You underestimate me." He said. "These are not normal people, John. They're bred to kill." She warned him. "As I was." He replied. ". . . I'm doing this so they'll leave us alone, I don't want you to get hurt."
John held her face and turned her to look at him, "And I'm going to protect you, too. I care about you, and I'm not letting you do this alone." He pulled her closer and kissed her. Y/n mewled against his lips as John felt her tears running down her face, he kissed them away as she held onto his shirt.
"I'm so sorry for bringing you into this." She whispered. "Don't be. I'm used to it." He replied, "Let's go and handle it together. I'll show you how to use a gun." She sighed against his lips before kissing him again. "I learned by watching you, John. . . Thank you, for everything. . ." Her eyes still shut as she let a tear fall.
"Forgive me, Koibito." She whispered, letting her hand cup the side of his jaw and neck—John lost his breath as darkness took over his vision when she triggered his pressure point: The Vagus nerve.
Knocking him out cold.
John gasped as he woke up, he was lying in his bed with the sun shining through the window. He then looked to the side and didn't see Y/n lying there. He immediately got up and ran out of his room and downstairs.
She wasn't there, Bubba was behind John as he clenched his fist. She left him, knocked him out, no trace of her destination. He knew it was dangerous, he knew she was skilled in her own ways. . .
But he couldn't let her go and possibly be killed by her Clan. John clenched his jaws before turning and searching for his suit and his guns. John had a new target, and he was determined to get the job done.
"Let's go, Bubba." He said. He walked to the garage door, wearing his fresh suit and carrying his weapon as he walked into his garage. He opened the door to his vehicle and let Bubba jump inside. He got in and started the engine.
Cars were rushing past her, the wind blowing through her hair as she leapt onto the top of a semi-truck. Her eyes vigilant as her heart beated for vengeance. Master Uzunye would be prepared. He knew his daughter well, he's trained her with his mindset.
His breath sighed as he slowly stood, walking out of his temple above the tall mountain. Grinning as he listened to the howling wind, "Come home, my daughter."
The training assassins below him were shouting as they kicked and punched, sweat and blood coming from their bodies. Uzunye's one good eye watched the mountains, counting the seconds for his daughter to return back to him.
Her feet were carrying her through the roads and the grass and the trees. Her katana at the ready, her fists urging for a fight, her legs prepared to break the bones of her siblings.
She was given the name for a reason, and she was prepared to use it to protect John. She was created and trained to serve him, and this is how she'll repay half of the debt to John and Yasu.
For she was the Jade Viper.
I'm so sorry this took so long, my work has been getting me distracted LoL
Part 5 coming soon! Yes, smut will be in chapter 5 ehehheh 😉
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ludicix · 1 year
*Pairing: Kakucho x reader *Warning: mentions of death, Character death, Mention of blood/wounds, Angst
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Is this it? This is how I’m taken out?
My vision is blurred…my head is pounding.
“Kakucho-” It’s Takemichi..Why is he so fucking loud. “Stay with me Kakucho” 
Oh, we were fighting–I just remembered. Some men jumped us, 
I got hit—-
“Kakucho” Izana…
“Kakucho stay up come on- don’t close those eyes” He picked him up trying to get him to safety. 
The area was ablaze. The fight was a gruesome one. Sweaty bodies were thrown at each other with the intent of causing serious damage. Some of them already beaten to a pulp, some of them already motionless on the cold pitch. 
Kakucho wasn’t aware though. He didn’t have it in him to walk or talk, he had lost too much blood. The pain he felt was dull as his life had already begun leaving his body by the time he had woken up from his miniature coma. 
As more time passed his thoughts slowly deteriorated. Little words and phrases were what he could put together along with the little feeling that his dying nerves could sense. 
“Y/n” where is she- I want her with me 
“Kakucho- come one don’t do that—STAY AWAKE” Izana began to get frustrated. Kakucho was pale, His skin was becoming cold, his eyes were open but Izana was sure he couldn’t see. Izana, placed in the front seat of his car, sped off. 
“Y/n” he whispered again softly. Izana was hearing him, and he understood what he wanted but couldn’t bring himself to actually do it. 
Kakucho wanted to go to you and Izana knew this but how could he do that in the state he was currently in. Kakucho was going to die, so he had to take him to the hospital as soon as possible.
“Y/n '' He whimpered. Tears started falling from his eyes as more of his consciousness was recorded. A wave of pain crashed over him. The pulses in his head became a much deeper, much sharper pain. His vision cleared enough for him to see the stab wound in his stomach that travelled deep. The pain was unbearable.
“It’s ok Kakucho you’ll get through this. You’ll meet her another day…not right now”
This was the last thing Kakucho wanted to hear. He can feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness, he knew he was going and he wanted to go with you by his side.
“Y/n'' He began chanting in between his soft whimpers of pain. It’s part of his instinct to seek you out whenever he was in pain even if you couldn’t do anything to help. 
His strength is slowly depleting and he can no longer hold himself together. He barely had the strength to talk but he did, clinging to the little time he had left in hopes of feeling you in his arms on last time. 
Izana sees this, this person who was once as strong and forceful as a wild forest fire now becomes a dwindling flame bound to blow out. He mustered the courage and changed his route to your house. He was aware that your parents would be home but didn’t care, this was his friend's dying wish and would do anything to make sure it comes true.
“Hold on Kakucho, you're gonna see her one last time” he whispers to him speeding down the road as tears slowly prick his eyes.
You and your parents lived in a flat that was a decent size. The lights were out which was a good indiction that everyone was sleeping. Izana got out of the car and got Kakucho out as fast as he could. He was in his last moments of life. With streams of tears pouring out of his eyes he takes Kakucho to you. Izana is quite familiar with the route to sneak in.
Kakucho frequently visited you. He was obsessed, he was constantly with you and if he wasn’t then you were always the topic of conversation. Everyone knew that he was in love with you.
He cracked the window to your room open and heaved Kakucho in and there you were. He gently placed Kakucho down on your bed and got you off the shelf. 
Kakucho could feel the familiarity of the room. This bed that he so often fell asleep with you in, the desk that you both sat by and did everything but study, the room where you both would dance and sing to your heart's content. You both did this without judgement from others, it was just the two of you. These four walls hold the memories of your relationship and all the hopes and dreams you had for the future.
It had become his home, you had become his family.
He couldn’t help but smile. He was back home, he could feel your presence, he could feel your love. It took all the pain away from his body as his blood and tears soaked the sheets seeping into the mattress. 
He found the strength in himself to shift his body to rest his back against your head board and look around your room one last time with a smile plastered on his face that was still covered in tears and a body that was aching.
Izana placed you into Kakucho’s arms that instantly locked you to his chest. The vessel they kept you in was cold and smooth, it was like a polished vase. As he held you, tears became more abundant.
“Hi baby…”  He said in a barely audible whisper. His words coated in honey and dipped in sugar. He always spoke to you in a gentle loving manner. 
“I’m so glad I got to see you again” He began to rub the smooth vessel just as he used to before you drifted off to sleep.
“I missed you so much. I’m sorry for messing up your bed. Your parents are gonna be mad” He chuckled in the silence of the room.
“This is the last time I get to hold you like this-” “but don’t worry baby, wherever I’m going I’ll find you.” He kissed the top of the vessel and smiled at you.
“And when I find you I’m gonna squeeze you so tight. I know you like tight hugs lovely” His voice begins to break. 
“I know you hate being alone and I know you hate seeing me cry, but don’t worry about anything, ok. I’m coming for you” he turns his body to the side and rests his head against the vessel's hard surface not caring that it was uncomfortable. 
At this point he had stopped fighting to keep his eyes open.
“I love you baby”
His eyes were closed, skin as pale as a ghost but his grip on the vessel never loosened and his smile never faded. Izana checked his pulse and was greeted with nothing but cold skin and fresh blood.
He couldn’t take you out of his hands, he didn’t have the heart too. He was lost and confused and sad. He had just watched his friend die talking to the vessel that holds his lover's ashes. Izana crashed to the floor of your room and silently cried in anger, hurt and confusion.
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A/N: This one was sad but I hope you enjoyed it <3
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
It's March and Jason's fifteen in this chapter.
Chapters: 34/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Thirty-Four: R.I.P.
Jason woke up with a fever that morning, and he rolled over, facing the wall. "What's wrong?" Dick asked from the top bunk. "Jason?"
Jason pressed his forehead against the wall. "It's hot," Jason mumbled. Dick leaned over and looked at Jason.
"Jason, you're sick, aren't you?" Dick asked. Jason turned back over on his back and kicked his sheets off. "Please tell me I'm wrong."
"If I tell you you're wrong, will you open my window and throw me out of it?" Jason mumbled as he pressed his palms to his closed eyelids.
"What's your stomach looking like?" Dick asked. Jason pulled off his bandage and looked at his stitches. "Jason?"
"It's not infected. I'm just—." Someone knocked on the door. Jason groaned as the door opened. Jason barely got the chance to look up before someone embraced him and accidentally pressed against his stab wound. Jason let out a cry. "Aaah!" Jason groaned.
"Are you okay? Jesus, Jason, I'm so sorry—."
"Reese!" Jason hugged him.
"Did someone st—?" Jason shushed him. "Does it—?"
"Reese. Reese, look at me," Jason whispered, and in the silence, Reese kissed Jason, and Jason pulled away. "No, I'm sick—."
Reese kissed him again. "I don't care. I don't care," Reese whispered.
Jason went red in the face and pressed his forehead against Reese's shoulder. "Dick's on the top bunk," Jason whispered, "Dick, this is my boyfriend, Reese. Boyfriend Reese, this is Dick, my sort of brother, kind of not-brother. He's Barbara's friend." Dick leaned over the top bunk and waved.
"Nice to meet you," Dick smiled.
Reese smiled and waved back. "Jason, I should let you rest... Call me, though?" Reese whispered. Jason took Reese's hand. "I'll call you, and we'll have dinner," Jason replied.
"Breakfast," Reese replied.
"You've got it," Jason whispered. Reese left Jason alone with Dick, and Jason let out a laugh.
"He really likes you," Dick whispered.
"Please shut up," Jason laughed as he covered his face. Dick jumped down from his bunk before making sure Jason's stitches weren't infected. "Ouch." Jim knocked. Jason pulled his blankets up over his stomach, and Dick went back up to the top bunk. Jim opened the door, and Jason turned to look at him. "Morning, Dad," Jason whispered.
"You're pale. Are you sick?" Jim asked. Jason nodded.
"I'm alright, though... I think I'm gonna drive with Dick to the store to get some vitamin C," Jason whispered.
"You wanna go with him?" Jim asked.
"I have my permit, so he lets me drive sometimes," Jason whispered. Jim nodded as he tapped the door frame.
Jim took a deep breath. "I mean, if you don't mind, maybe we can go together? I'll let you drive," Jim offered. Jason pulled his knees to his chest and nodded.
"Sounds good, Dad. Um, I'm really sorry about yesterday," Jason whispered, "Maybe we could talk about some stuff."
"Yeah, of course. Jason, I—. You've grown up so much," Jim whispered. Jason frowned as Jim left the room, and Jason got up and changed clothes.
"Maybe you should tell your dad—."
"Why? So I could give the poor guy a coronary? No way," Jason replied as he buttoned up his shirt.
"Make sure to check your mirrors," Dick replied as Jason grabbed the doorknob.
Jason turned back to Dick. "I know, Dick," Jason sighed.
"And Jason, please be careful," Dick reminded him. Jason nodded.
Dick jumped back down from his bunk, and Jason hugged him. "I'm serious. Jason, are you clearheaded?" Dick looked Jason in the eyes. Jason nodded.
Jason got cleaned up in the bathroom, and he went looking for Barbara. "Sis?" Jason asked as he knocked on the door. "Barbara?"
"She went out just before you woke up, but she'll be back later," Jim explained. Jason nodded and followed Jim down to the car.
Jason got in the driver's seat and put his seatbelt on, and he waited for Jim to buckle his seatbelt while he checked his mirrors. Jim couldn't help but smile with pride. Jason started the car and checked his rearview mirror as he backed out. Once they were out of the parking garage, Jason made his way to the drugstore. "Dad?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, Jason?" Jim asked.
"Are we okay? I mean, I acted like such a jerk yesterday—."
"You have every right to be angry with us. Jason, you have every right to be upset. I would've been upset if I were you," Jim replied.
"I am upset still, but" Jason paused, "You did what you had to."
"Dad's new," Jim replied.
"Things are weird right now. I'm still trying to see what I'm gonna do," Jason replied.
"We can talk to your school about—."
"Oh no, I'm not going back to the academy... I'm gonna finish out early at home," Jason replied, "I mostly meant with my friends, with you guys... You know?"
"Is college still on the table for you?" Jim asked.
"Yeah, not sure where, though," Jason confessed. Jim nodded.
"How'd you and Dick get along?" Jim asked.
"He's like the brother I never had. I mean that in both good and bad ways. Dick didn't give up on me," Jason whispered.
Jim chewed his lip. "You feel like we gave up on you?" Jim asked. Jason shrugged. "You never did anything wrong for us to give up on you. You're an amazing kid."
"I haven't been so amazing these past few months. I gave Dick such a horrible time simply because I didn't want to get close, and now I feel like I can't count on anyone... I don't feel stable. I feel like I'm being thrown around, and I'm reeling from all the changes," Jason confessed, "And I know I can't see Alisa anymore... I know I can't, but she's the only one I would've wanted to talk this through with."
"How did you know about Alisa?" Jim asked.
"I tried to call her once... When were you gonna tell me she died?" Jason asked. Jim grew silent. "Right... Dad, I've been through a lot. I can take whatever you have to tell me. Trust me."
"Alisa had another therapist lined up for you... Her name is Meera, she's a little younger than Alisa, but she's good from what I've heard," Jim replied. Jason looked out the window, and he took another sip of ginger ale.
"She's not Alisa," Jason replied. His voice was cold, unfeeling.
Jim sighed. "Jason, I think you should try—."
"My head hurts," Jason mumbled. He didn't want to hear Jim out. He didn't want to hear much of anything.
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fyogurt · 3 months
Idk a silly fanfiction I wrote when I was on the plane so here u go
– Alastor? Alastor, where are you?! – Vox yelled, running down the hallway of the hotel. His TV was dirty with blood, water droplets and something else, what couldn't be figured out. He was panting, but didn't stop running. Where was that Radio Demon, he thought to himself. He must be somewhere here. He must. But where exactly? Why is he even rescuing that smiling bastard?! They're supposed to be rivals and hate each other, and... Here he is, running around and searching for the deer demon. His TV screen was glitching, and was broken in the corners.
Finally, he hears radio cracks. He enters the room where it can be heard, but there was nothing. Just old radio without signal. The owner of VoxTek looked around the room. The window was wide opened. Did that bastard escape?! Vox looked down. Third floor. Not very high. He takes a deep breath and jumps down, falling on grass. The TV demon heard familiar laugh.
– Well, well, well. Isn't that an old pal of mine? Got trapped exactly how I planned. How foolish,– Alastor laughed maniacally, looking down at dumbfounded Vox.
– Alastor, why?! I- I wa- – Vox didn't even have words to that.
– Oh no, did poor Voxxy catch a virus? – Alastor laughed at his own crue joke, while Vox was coughing up some machine oil.
– How pathetic you are, Vox. You never change, – Alastor's face turned serious. He was looking down at the TV demon with pure hate and disgust. Vox was breathing loudly and holding onto his chest.
– Alastor, let me- – Vox wanted to say, before he was interrupted by Alastor's shoe that was pressed up against his jaw.
– Shhh... What are you even craving for? You wanted to save your rival so badly? Or should I say... You want to have me so badly? – Alastor laughed before kicking Vox in his screen. The TV demon gasped from unexpected gesture and pain at the same time. Vox looked up at Alastor with hate and something that was barely recognizeable. It looked like longing pain. Pain from one-sided love. From realizing that your husband will never get home from the war. From coming home at the first grade and finding out that your pet is dead.
Alastor raised an eyebrow.
– Stand up, Vox. I said, stand up, you fucking jerk! – Alastor yelled before he kicked Vox in his solar plexus. Vox couldn't breathe anymore. Vox finally standed up and clenched his fists. He tried to hit Alastor, but was too tired. Alastor giggled and kicked Vox in his already glitching and jerking screen again. The TV overlord groaned in pain and fell to the ground.
– Pathetic, as always, – Alastor said.
–Well, why don't you then kill me?! You wanted it for so long, so why don't you- – Vox was interrupted by Alastor's kick in his stomach.
– Tell me, my old pal... Why do you follow me? Why do you try so desperately to kill me, or... Save me? Why? – Alastor was giggling again and took a knife. He threw it in air for a few times and caught it. Vox's eyes relaxed and he layed down.
– Come on, then. Do it. Your dream will be true, – Vox said with sad happiness.
– You didn't answer my question, Vox, – right after that, Alastor helped Vox stand up and offered his hand. Vox accepts Radio Demon's hand and stands up. Alastor hugged Vox, and then, stabbed him in the stomach. Vox gasped slightly.
– Answer me. Right now, – Alastor looked dead serious.
– Because... Because I fucking love you, Alastor,– This words were ranging in Alastor's ears, while Vox fell on the ground, his expression peaceful and calm. His screen slowly turns black. Alastor stared at Vox for a few minutes, looked up. The rain started. Alastor was standing and looking at Vox's cold, turned off and wet from rain screen. Alastor felt a warm tear running down his cheek.
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Hi there! Can I request a Randy scenario where his gf or s/o reader goes through the same thing Anika does in Scream Six with the ladder and even the same kinda wound before the ladder and Randy is in the other building with Dewey Gale and Sid thank you
Finally I seen scream 6 so I can do this!!
Warning: kinda a scream 6 Spoiler
Pairing: Randy and Fem! Girlfriend reader
I changed it up slightly and this takes place during scream two...why....idk I just got the feeling...
Try not to fall (Randy meeks and Fem! Reader)
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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
INTRO: No one thought they'd find themselves in this situation....one where they were running for their lives from a deranged murder who taunted them for weeks...killing off their friends and family one...by..one.
After the first accident that left them all scared and fearful they moved..well...Randy, Sidney and Y/n moved.
They moved for collage and mostly to get away from Woodsboro for a bit, so maybe the could forget their past...but their past seemed to follow them close behind...
Soon, nights were filled with blood and massacre...hinting to a new ghostface killer...
News spread quickly through their town and woodsboro...everyone read the books and watched the movies..so the town grew eager and almost...sickly excited for a new killer..but the news struck worry in some...including Dewey riley...the sheriff of woodsboro that survived being Stabbed in the back by Stu macher.
Dewey was quick to make his way to sidney, randy, and Y/n...but..their meeting was nothing like how they planned it to be...
It was late at night...10:37 to be exact, and there was a faint knock on the door that made all the young adults jump fear and PTSD filling their bodies to the brim.
But their fear melted when they saw the soft smile that Dewey gave them through the small window.
Once the door was open the started chatting...but none of them cared to check if it was locked..
As they sat there catching up, laughing and talking, seeming to forget about the problem at hand..someone had snuck in....
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
I sat on the couch laughing at a joke Dewey had said along with everyone else.. finally I felt... normal...
Since the woodsboro massacre and finding out my bestfriends were the ones behind the masks, I felt like an outcast. I felt the eyes that lingered on me, I heard people whisper about me and what had happened to me..but I always acted like I didn't care..when in reality all I wanted was some comfort with social interactions.
I knew i had Randy..the guy I had started dating only days after the massacre..and he was amazing at helping distract me from it all, but I always ended up back in the dark places that I tried to kept hidden from my brain.
"Y/n..baby...you okay?" Randy's sweet velvety voice rang through my ears as I felt him wrap a arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side.
"Yeah I'm good!" I say flashing a smile as I nuzzled up to his side.
"Hold on..when did you two become a thing?" Dewey teased as a smile broke out onto his face
"Oh a few days after..ya know" Randy muttered
As soon as those words left his lips I stood up "ima go get a drink" and at that, I walked off, feeling those thoughts rise into my skull once again.
I walked to the fridge, rubbing my eyes..but then..a feeling bubbled up into my gut..the feeling of being watched...
I looked around almost frantically, my eyes dashing around too fast for me to comprehend anything.
"Dewey! Randy! Sidney! I think someone's-" as those words left my lips
In a swift motion a figure emerged from the dark hallway infront of me, impailing my lower stomach with a knife.
I felt pain..nothing but pain corsing through ever inch of my body.
A scream forced its self out of my throat as the person started dragging the knife upwards.
All i could focus on was the pain..all the pain the spread...the pain the intensified...causing me to scream louder.. and all I could look at was the blacked out eyes of the mask
I didn't notice when everyone come rushing in till shots were fired causing the masked person to pull the knife out of my slit stomach and bolt into the darkness.
I gasped for air as I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach as if trying to keep my organs from spilling out of my body
I cried
I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks as Randy was quick to loop his arm around me, pulling me up.
I howled in agony and pure pain.
I clenched my jaw tightly and kept my hand over my stomach, whining and crying as Randy kept me up.
"We gotta go!" Sidney yelled
None of them knew how badly I was hurt...
Sidney ran to a nearby bed room and Dewey followed While randy scooped me up in his arms and ran to the room too
Whines of pain escaped my mouth as I felt my precious life fade away
Randy set me on a bed sitting next to me, gently lifting my blood stained shirt..only for his eyes to go wide and he started crying...sobbing while I felt my eyes flutter closed then jolt back open seconds later
We couldn't hide....no way in hell we could..
Dewey and Sidney started to baracade the door as Randy tried to help me..
But all it ened up doing was spreading and spilling more and more blood.
"No no no Y/n! Don't you die! Don't you die on me Y/n!" Randy gasped out as he held his hands tightly onto my stomach
Making me cry harder and let out another scream...
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
Dewey rushed to the window and opened it, willing to help everyone out if it wasn't too high...but once he did..he was met with a face he thought he'd never see again...Gale weathers
Gale motioned for Dewey to open the window like she had hers and Dewey compiled.
"That the hell is going on!?" Gale yelled, after hearing Y/ns cries of pain.
Once Gale spoke..someone started banging harshly on the door they had blocked moments ago..
"No time...we're trapped in this room! Y/ns injuried...badly!" He yelled as Sidney pushed on the door, keeping it closed.
"Hold on!" Gale screamed, she always had a soft spot for Y/n that she herself couldn't understand.
Gale rushed to the supply closet in the apartment she was in and then ran back..ladder in hand
"Hurry up Gale!" Randy screamed in panic as he saw Y/n become weaker by the second
Gale extended the ladder and started pushing it out the window till it met the window of the room they were in, Dewey secured the ladder in place.
"Sid you go! I'll hold them off!" Dewey yelled as he and Sidney traded spots
As sidney climbed across the ladder and to the apartment gale was in, Dewey pushed more things infrot of the door as the banging continued but louder.
"Randy go!" Dewey yelled
"I'm not leaving her!" Randy yelled keeping Y/n close
"I'll stay with her randy! Just go!" At that
Randy hesitantly let go of Y/n and went to the window, climbing onto the ladder.
Dewey rushed to y/n side, seeing she was cut deeper then he thought. "Hey hey it's all g..gonna be okay" Dewey whispered as he held Y/ns wound closed and watched Randy climb. Once he was across Dewey got ready to help Y/n over
"Let her go last!" Sidney yelled
"She injured!"she added
Randy looked at Sidney as if she was stupid "that's why we need to get her over!"
"G..go Dewey..s..Sids..right" y/n admitted knowing she wouldn't get across in time.
"As soon as he's halfway you start crawling okay? Okay?!" Randy yelled through tears.
Y/n stood on shakey legs and blood rushed from jer stomach, the banging on the door was more violent by now and some stuff they used to block the door started to fall.
Once Dewey was halfway across Y/n slowly grabbed the ladder and moved onto it, as she did she felt as if all her organs would spill out, leaving jer dead on the ladder.
Dewey was quick to get.fully across while Y/n moved at a slower pace trying not to her herself more or slip since the blood on her hands made the metal slick.
"Fuck!! Hurry Baby hurrry!" Randy screamed out as he watched..but things took a turn for the worst..
The door was busted open and the person dressed as ghostface saw the ladder
Y/n was crying in pain and fear as she tried to move faster, causing herself more pain but it was too late..
Ghostface grabbed the end of the ladder and started moving it violently, causing y/n to scream and clutch onto the metal harder as she tried to cross
"no no! Baby please! Don't fall please!" Randy's cries echoed around her as she held onto the bars screaming as the ghost face moved the ladder more, causing her body to jolt and bounce, her legs slipping.
As if by merical.. she made it close enough to reach out to Randy
Randy instantly stuck his hand out, trying to grab onto hers as whoever it was kept moving the ladder
"I..I don't wanna die" she cried out as she desperately tried to grab Randy's hand..
Disaster stuck..
Y/n loosened her grip on the ladder as she tried to reach out to Randy and due to this..one last shake of the ladder caused her to slip
Her blood coated hand betrayed her and she lost her grip..and her legs were too weak to hold her up..and she fell.
Her scream echoed through the alleyway and then all was silent other then a sickening sound her skull cracking as it hit the metal dumpster then the hard concrete
Randy froze, his body almost giving out on him as he saw her fall
His whole world died with one fall..
He felt a scream of both anger and sadness leave his lips as he looked at the ghostface with tear filled eyes.
Randy looked at them..he couldn't bring himself to look down at the only lover he had laying on the cold concrete with her head busted open.
Randy wanted to erase the memories off last year and today from his brain and remember his girlfriend when she was happy when she wasn't in pain or crying in his arms due to countless nightmares
"YOULL PAY! YOULL PAY YOU SICK FUCK!" Randy screamed out as the ghostface rushed off.
Everyone was stunned...shocked...at what happened..no one wanted to believe that Y/n had fell...but once Sidney looked down and let out a cry of disgust, sadness, and anger..they knew she was gone..and that the aftermath looked bad...
Sidney saw Y/ns lifeless eyes staring at her as her organs covered the floor along with her blood and parts of her broke skull. She saw the blood that ran from her open mouth..she regretted looking..every time she closed her eyes all she saw was her...
Randy fell to his knees, animalistic cries and screams bellowing out from him
Gale, Dewey and Sidney all hugged him tightly..they all knew and felt the hurt that he felt..
Y/n was their little ball of sunshine..their own gift from the heavens..now..the sunshine has faded and the gift had been taken..everyone felt a small part of them die along with Y/n...
Days had passed
Yet none of them could stop thinking about her...
She plagued Randy's dreams
And her dead eyes haunted sidney
Sidney felt guilty for making Y/n go last..and she knew Randy blamed her for his girlfriends death..even Gale blamed Sidney too..
Ever since the first massacre.. Gale became like a mother figure to Y/n..she even took a beating just to give Y/n a chance to escape Billy and Stu..Gale loved Y/n like a daughter...and the noise of her skull cracking make gale want to vomit every time it played its way into her mind..
Not long after her death...maybe a week...
More calls were made
And more murders were committed..
This time..
The killer had killed Randy
Yanking him into a van stabbing him repeatedly and slitting his throat, leaving him a bloody mess like his girlfriend
All because Gale and Dewey told him to keep the killer on the phone
More guilt weighted onto Gale Dewey and Sidney when the found Randy's body
Coating in blood...
Yet all of them knew
That now...
He could be with his girl now...he could be with his Y/n...
And Sidney, Dewey, and Gale all vowed that they'd kill these sick fucks in honor of their friends..
Y/n l/n and Randy meeks
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writingontheclouds · 4 months
Chapter 4: How To Finally Get the Girl
The finale of my fic "How You Get The Girl" that I started in 2019 when I was a wee fresher in college. It is finally over. *phew* I hope this story stops haunting me now.
Read it on AO3.
The clock in her room read 7:39pm when Lily watched Isis disappear into the horizon, soaring higher and higher above the identical houses of Cokeworth.
She wasn't sure which part of her brain was working overtime when she thought of sending a letter through Isis. Or when she thought of the idea. She just remembers Sirius holding her by her shoulders and shaking with excitement at the idea as he exited her room and her house and disapparated from her front yard with a distinct pop.
She should have checked around if anyone saw him disappear. She should have berated him for being so careless in a muggle neighbourhood, *her* neighbourhood, as he apparated back at the same position exactly 12 minutes later with a grey owl sitting gleefully on her shoulder, playing with his black hair. But words suddenly seemed foreign to her.
Despite her newly found resolve and the shadow of a black haired boy peaking behind her shoulder, she had hesitated. Multiple times. Her quill broke twice. Isis fluttered around her room from her bed to the shelves. Sirius paced the small length of her bedroom muttering, "Good god woman, you don't have be Shakespeare."
She couldn't shake the guilt looming in her stomach, making her nauseous. *What if he truly has moved on?*
Sirius had been ecstatic, almost jumping off the walls of her bedroom as Isis flew out her window. "He's going to come as soon as he gets it, I promise."
Lily knew Isis was pretty fast, even for a magical owl. And after conveying her urgency in getting the letter delivered as soon as possible, Lily was almost sure she saw Isis' eyes become determined. She loved a challenge, that feisty little thing. Lily promised her an entire box of her favourite treats and off she flew, feathers fluttering to an inch of her face.
Her mother came in announcing dinner just 10 minutes later, asking Sirius to join them. 30 minutes and multiple pointless conversations later, she was ready to stab herself in the thigh with a fork.
"So there is actually a magical giant squid that lives in the lake at Hogwarts?" Her mother asked, absolutely aghast.
"Oh yes, my mate James and I arm wrestled one of his tentacles last year," Sirius responded as-a-matter-of-fact. Even Petunia, whose usual response to any time Hogwarts came up on the dinner table was a scowl, looked shocked.
"You what?" Her mother asked, looking at her for confirmation.
"They did," Lily told her mother nonchalantly, moving the contents of her plate from one corner to another, "Though they mostly just annoyed it. It got bored and dumped them on the shore and went back inside."
Almost an hour later, she couldn't take it anymore and went outside for fresh air. Surely Isis must have reached James by now? He was in the middle of London, not a cave up in the mountains.
It was 10pm when Sirius joined her outside on the front yard, after relaying some more Hogwarts stories to her mother.
"Maybe Isis is having a hard time finding him," He said softly, sitting down next to her on the grass. She just hummed in response, her heart hammering against her chest.
By 11pm, even Sirius seemed to have ran out of reasons. Isis should have reached James by now. Hell, she would have reached London by now if she had taken the train. And she was a witch. If only she knew where to go IN London. She could have just run around Leicester Square screaming his name like a deranged pelican.
At 11:58pm, a sudden movement caught the corner of her eye and before she knew it, a grey feathered blob landed directly in front of them. Isis looked ecstatic and proud. And as happy as Lily was to see her, her excitement lasted for 2 seconds exactly until she noticed the empty talon.
Her heart sank into her stomach. The answer was staring right in her face.
"Lily, maybe he got stuck-"
"Don't." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and her vision started to blur. Sirius wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and she hid her face in his shoulder. “Don’t."
"I'm sorry."
It took a very long time to convince Sirius that she was fine. Or, it took a very long time to tell a convincing lie to Sirius that she was fine. But he finally departed around 1am, with a promise to take her out for ice cream the next day to cheer her up.
She had already planned not to leave her bed for the next 3 days, to sleep as much as she could and to be awake as less as she could help it. But unfortunately, the world seemed adamant to not let her have her way, because despite her plans to be unconscious, but she was still wide awake at 2:30am.
Lily rolled over for the hundredth time, facing the pink wall of her bedroom and closed her eyes. She tried to go to her happy place, back to Hogwarts and its hallways and her friends, when a light tap sounded behind her. At first, she thought she had imagined it, the silence of the night deafening her and playing tricks on her mind. But the tap happened again, and again, and that's when her heart sank and her mind took a much darker turn.
She had heard of the rumours of muggle borns and the news of the 'disappearances', and suddenly, each name she had read in the newspapers flashed at the back of her head as she grabbed her wand, remembering every hex in the books. Tomorrow, she was sure, her name would be added to that never ending list. She slowly pulled the curtain above her desk to peak out at the offending noise.
But there, floating right outside the window in the middle of the night, was a boy holding a lit wand with a goofy grin. A grin she unfortunately knew way too well.
"POTTER!" she whispered angrily, half on instinct, but the sound wouldn't reach him. She put her wand aside and slid the window open.
"Potter! What in Merlin's pants are you doing?" she hissed, her eyes wide with disbelief.
"Can we talk?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the wind.
"You are floating outside my window," she stated, still processing the sight before her.
"Yes, I'm on my broom," he replied nonchalantly.
"You are floating outside my window on a broom," she repeated, her tone incredulous.
"Great observation skills, Evans," he remarked, a hint of a grin tugging at his lips.
"You are FLOATING outside my window IN A MUGGLE NEIGHBOURHOOD on a BROOM.”
"Oh. Yes. That. Uhh," he stuttered, looking around nervously, "Can I come in?"
"Can it not wait till tomorrow?"
"I would highly prefer today.”
"Today, right now? As opposed to today noon at Diagon Alley with butterbeer?"
"Today, right now.”
She sighed impatiently, backing up and gesturing him to come inside. While James was ambling his frame into her very small window, knocking down books and pencil stands as he came inside, alarm bells were ringing in her head.
"SHHH!" She shushed him, and he stopped for a second before continuing to get his other leg inside the window and pas her study table.
Bollocks. He was here. The reality of the situation was settling in now. What did he want to talk about? Did he want to apologise? Tell her thank you, but no thank you?
She glanced down at her worn out blue pyjama set, deciding she didn't care how she looked. Even if it wasn't, she wasn't going to change to be let down. How pathetic would that be?
"Cute room, Evans." He said once he had manoeuvred his broom inside her room and started inspecting everything.
"You better have a very good reason for this, Potter."
He just looked at her bemused, eyebrows raised, reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of parchment.
"Oh, I have a very very good reason, Evans."
"Oh no, here is where I will talk and you will listen." That shut her up real quick.
"So, I was sitting in this quaint little restaurant in the middle of muggle London, on a date with this wonderful girl. She's pretty, funny and she loves Quidditch- and guess what?- she supports Puddlemere, I was sold by then and the date had hardly started. She's a splendid conversationalist, did you know? We didn't have any of those awful awkward silences, those are always a deal breaker for me. So we laughed all through the main course-"
"-I'm going to toss you out the window if you've come here to tell me about your new girlfriend-"
"-I swear the manager wanted to throw us out of there-"
"-You have Sirius to discuss the nitty gritties about your dates-"
"-and we were waiting for desert, when I look out the window and to my surprise, I see Isis there."
He looked right in her eyes, and Lily was sure he could see the blush colouring her cheeks despite the low light in the room. Hell, he could have spotted it from a mile away on his broom at this point.
He took a step in her direction, and she instinctively look a step back.
"Yes, Isis with a letter. She singlehandedly unleashed havoc in the restaurant, you should have been there, there was spaghetti flying around and people were slipping on spilled pasta sauce, all for a letter. Clearly, someone asked her to deliver it urgently.”
"Now, you must know how that scared the living daylights out of me, because what could be so important that couldn't till the end of the night? It's a difficult time in our world, you know," James Potter continued babbling animately, his usual self, but Lily's heart was threatening to beat out of her chest, matching James steps, as he continued to step closer to her and she continued to backtrack.
"So, we ran out the restaurant before we were arrested, though what for I still have no idea, but I must be completely pale and speaking gibberish because Emily said she couldn't understand what I said, and frankly neither could I."
"So, with trembling hands, I opened the letter, a million different worse case scenarios playing in my head, and can you guess what it said?" He asked, holding open the parchment and Lily could make out her hasty scrawl.
"Uhh.." Lily's back hit the door to her room and she realised she had nowhere to go now.
"It was from this rather infuriating bird, with bright red hair and a temper to level the entire city of London, who does not lose a single chance to wound my ego, who has spent the last 6 years hating me and my guts, and if that was not enough, for some weird reason I've fancied all that time?"
"Now, I had imagined this particular scenario many times in my head. My personal favorite ending in passionate and wild lovemaking, but never had I imagined this happening on a letter that I thought was the worst news I'll ever receive, when I was on a date with another girl I was about to ask to be my girlfriend. Now do you understand my anger?" James had closed the distance between the two, and Lily could smell broom polish on him. And his cologne. She was pointedly trying not to think about his cologne. She was sure she was hallucinating at this point.
"Well, if you put it that way.."
"..yes?" He put the parchment back into his pocket, and rested his right arm by her head, boxing her in.
"..I might have not have thought this through." She whispered, looking into his hazel eyes, forcing herself to not glance at his lips.
"Of course you didn't," He whispered back.
Lily cleared her throat and looked down, arms folding around her chest defensively. She couldn't look him in the eye while saying this. "Look, James, if you flew all the way here just to say this, you needn't have come. I got your message, loud and clear."
"Message? What message?"
"It's fine, I'm happy for you."
"Happy for me?"
"Yes, I promise I will keep my distance at Hogwarts. She need not worry, neither do you."
"You know, for a brilliant witch, you can be so dense sometimes." Lily's face contorted, taking offence, and ready to spew out some witty come back that would be weirdly accurate, but he put both his hands on either side of her face, and tilted her head up slightly, ensuring their eyes met.
"Lily, why do you think I am here?" There was a tender intensity in his hazel eyes, a silent promise.
Lily's eyes widened, one hand subconsciously coming to rest on his arm, holding it there, holding her.
"I.." She stumbled, staring into his eyes, unable to come up with any response, much less a rational explanation of his presence here.
He waited patiently for Lily to reply, his thumb softly brushing her cheeks.
"You didn't reply." She whispered finally.
"This is something I wanted to tell you in person," he said, nudging her nose with his. "I also had to escort Emily back to her place."
"Out of all the times, this was the one you chose to be a gentleman," Lily replied, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm always a gentleman," he retorted with a playful smirk.
Lily actually snorted. "SURE."
"I could always go back, you know, if I'm not wanted here. I'm sure Emily would love a good night stroll-" James teased, backing away and turning towards the window. But Lily grabbed him and pulled him towards her, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist.
"Just shut up and kiss me," she whispered, her lips a hair's breadth from his. James grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. He closed the gap between them, his lips brushing softly against hers at first. The gentle touch sent a shiver down Lily's spine, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt impatient, and deepened the kiss and her heart actually skipped a beat when James responded equally enthusiastically. She forgot that she was in her tiny bedroom, that she was wearing her old battered night suit, that 5 minutes ago she wasn’t sure how her last year at Hogwarts would pass.
But he was here. It felt impossible, but he was here and he was kissing her, and by Merlin, it felt more glorious than she could ever have imagined. James's hands slid up her back, pulling her closer, while Lily's fingers tangled in his hair, those black locks that she had dreamed of running her fingers through.
When they finally broke apart, both breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Lily's cheeks were flushed, and James’s grin had softened into a tender smile.
"I’m getting this letter framed.” He murmured into her lips and Lily chuckled.
"I'm going to buy Isis the whole store."
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blackiraven · 1 year
Another sale! Scriddler sketch and it was written for @likelytodiefromboredom and the rest of my readers! Thank you again very much for paying attention to me. I also want to thank those who requested my sketches anonymously.
I would like to write more and more often, but now I have a job and I don't always find the time and energy for this...😢 So here's a pretty big and very romantic story for you. I love you all!❤️❤️❤️
Bright flashes of lightning and thunder shaking the blackened skies caught my attention. Like a small child, I threw away what I had been doing before and rushed to the small and stained basement window. The man bleeding behind me crawled a little more on the concrete floor, then wheezed for the last time and fell silent forever with horror frozen on his face. A heavy downpour poured down. I was fascinated by the drops running on the glass and wiped the stained folding knife.
"It's raining. All mouse burrows are flooded. Small furry animals get entangled in the wet grass and drown… drown … and are afraid." the moonlight gradually faded and everything was plunged into darkness and frightening noise. Jets of water that hated dryness all their existence penetrated through the cracks in the foundation and spread over the bare walls.
"But the heron also needs to return to its nest."
The swamp grew and rose higher, dragging all the daredevils and losers into the quagmire. At the very last moment, when almost all my feathers were soaked through, I managed to fly into a two-story apartment and slam the door behind me. In response, the disgruntled thunder let out its roar in the sky, and lightning through the windows finally doused me with its blinding light. I stood there for a few minutes and just flowed, getting used to the silence, warmth and pleasant smells.
"Oh, Jonathan, you're finally back." Edward appeared in the dark hallway, the click of the switch instantly dispersed the darkness I preferred. The yellowish light of the bulb revealed to him my entire state. A wet suit, a drooping hat, not washed away bloodstains and a slight shiver from the cold in the knees and shoulders.
"Ah! Come with me, I'll make you something hot. I hope you're not hurt." running up to me, Nygma took my slippery hand and dragged me along. His gaze anxiously examined me for the presence of wounds and injuries.
"No. It's just… someone strongly resisted." I calmly follow him, leaving behind a small puddle. Having missed the fact that I had recently stabbed a man, Edward was glad that I returned in one piece, and accelerated his pace. He never once judged me…
I refused to take off my suit and mask, so Nygma could only wrap me in a few thick towels. I like that he always chooses a compromise option, I don't like to argue with him.
"Thank you…" faintly came out of my throat after another sip of hot coffee. Bones rested on a soft sofa, warmth and calmness actively sprouted in my chest. I was getting used to the light. Only here I can feel good and relax.
"It's all right, Jonathan. Tell me if you need anything." the little frog was jumping around smoothly, carefully wiping me with towels and squeezing out the wettest parts of the suit.
"There are no arms or legs, but it knocks on the windows and stomps on the ground. What is it?"
There was a pleasant smell of something very tasty coming from the kitchen, which provoked prolonged rumbling in an empty stomach. How long have I not eaten? I don't remember. Edward's soft smile constantly caught my eye. He was no longer shy about going without a mask in my presence, and for a long time I did not dare to do the same thing. It's probably a shame… Thoughts about this come to me more and more often, especially when Edward is around. The mask has become a full-fledged part of my life, my second skin and a barrier behind which my past is hidden. But when we are together, the mask feels alien, wrong, a vestige. It's like my face is covered with a thick layer of dirt. I want to tear off the fabric soaked with sins with my nails, but suddenly my true face will push away a dear person?
"Edward… you…" I shyly lower my head and look at the remnants of coffee at the bottom of the mug.
"Yes, dear?" noticing my loss and concern, he sat down next to me. Every time the little frog calls me that, my withered heart shudders and burns with unfamiliar, but such pleasant feelings. A decent amount of time has passed since our confession, but we have not progressed further.
"Would you like to see me… without a mask?"
"Only if you really want to do it, Jonathan."
"I want to…"
"Are you sure, dear?"
"Yes. I can't take this anymore."
Edward carefully took the mug away, before patting my hands in a supportive manner. Trembling fingers slowly crept up to the damp mask and abruptly clutched at the worn fabric. It was as if she was desperately resisting my choice, squeezing, not letting me breathe and trying to merge with the skin. But I confidently extricated myself from the stranglehold and pulled off the mask. The fresh and warm air gave me an invigorating slap in the face. The tousled light golden hair kept my secret for a few more seconds, but a shake of the head finally completed it.
"Oh, my God…" his words trembled and slowly became unintelligible. Shaking his paws, Edward covered his mouth with all his fingers and stared at me with wide eyes in horror. Three broad, rough maroon scars burned on the snow-white skin. The first scar went a long way from the right edge of the forehead and reached the left temple. The second smooth bloody line is permanently located under my eyes and on the bridge of my nose. The third careless seam followed from the right cheek to the left cheekbone, touching and distorting my lips. It was as if flaps of skin had been torn off from me, which spoiled the relief of the whole face. I held my breath so that my insides wouldn't shake, and tried to look anywhere but at the shocked Nygma.
"Jonathan… what happened to you?" but he was really worried and didn't feel disgusted or afraid of me. Surprised, I turn my head and see a my little frog almost crying. It was as if he instantly experienced all my pain.
"It's all… my family inheritance." the scars immediately ached, pulled the skin and wriggled like three fat and voracious millipedes. Then, instead of a stick, in the hand of the woman who gave birth to me, there was a dry and thorny branch, which against my will forced me to try on a bloody mask. Scraps of skin and flesh with splashes of blood stained the grass. Rage and hatred boiled inside, my teeth gnashed, and my nails tore the soft earth. Then my blood-soaked eyes stopped seeing for an indefinite moment, and then acquired a new scarlet color. All the cruel and terrible fantasies oozed out through three unhealed wounds. Large drops fell from my chin and flowed into my mouth. It was a taste of humiliation, contempt and my own weakness, helplessness. No one was going to help me. I was constantly washing off the blood, it didn't stop in any way, and at night insects crawled over my face. I tried to seal them up, paint them over, hide them, just so that people around me wouldn't point a finger at me. But they were always with me now, and only the sight of a burning house with rats locked inside could calm my long-term pain. Other people's cold stares still continued to leave scratches and cracks on my soul, so I sewed this mask with my own hands and finally felt relieved.
"Jonathan?" a soft voice grabbed right at my heart and pulled me out of the turbulent flow of memories. I shuddered and exhaled loudly, clutching my knees. The heavy head drooped again.
"It's very terrible… But I don't think your face is ugly or disgusting."
"Of course, my dear. I'm glad you trusted me with this. And if it's hard for you, then I will always support you."
These airy, but so valuable and once inaccessible words reverberated with a melodious echo in my head. But I still couldn't move, for fear of scaring away, dispelling everything that was happening. What if these are illusions? False perception? The velvet dream I've been begging from heaven since I was a kid? I was shaking, the air was tangled in my lungs and throat, claws were digging into the fabric and getting to the skin.
"Jonathan… Jonathan! It's okay, I'm here." Edward's whisper calmed me down and distracted me from my discomfort. Small, neat and warm hands reached out to my face. I didn't resist, immediately put my chin in his hands and closed my eyes. It shouldn't hurt… it's his hands… they're caring, they're not dangerous… The pads of his fingers gently stroked my scars, circled my lips and eyelids. The pain subsided, the stretched skin softened and stopped itching. Tears quietly poured down my cheeks.
"It's all right…" Nygma pulled me towards him. I obediently trusted him and rubbed against his hands, huddled against them like a skinned street cat. With a sharp jerk, I snuggle up to Edward and drown in his strong embrace. I lift my head so that our eyes met and froze. It became difficult to breathe because of the beating heart. Without the mask, it was now better to look at and admire my little frog.
"You're… just adorable." for the first time in all the years of my life, my crippled face caused someone to smile. I wanted to answer as well, but I have not yet learned to smile good-naturedly. Then Edward, blushing all over, squeezed his eyes shut and kissed me, after which he was surprised at his own act. It was so fleeting, just one light innocent touch of lips. But there was no stopping me, I needed more. I drag him from the sofa to my lap and resume our first kiss myself. I was also nervous because of the lack of at least some experience, but I continued anyway. My icy lips were saturated with my favorite warmth. We closed our eyes and studied hard on each other. For the first time I felt a pinkish heat on my cheeks. He burned and destroyed all layers of scab, melted blocks of ice, giving my soul lightness, and violently drove the blood through my veins. It was unforgettable and unique when our tongues touched and intertwined, when our lips became soft and plump due to frequent collisions. Nothing has ever brought me such pleasure and happiness, pure childish happiness. Edward mumbled sweetly, huddled close to me and stroked my head, and I squeezed him and crumpled his green jacket. My little frog… I love you so much, I adore you, I don't want to let you go. I will kill anyone for you, I am ready to die myself, if only you would continue to smile and rejoice. I am all yours, and you are all mine and only mine. This island in the middle of the swamp is a small paradise for a heron rejected by earth and heaven.
Because of pleasant feelings, I got lost in time. Our kiss seemed to last forever. I began to understand what movements and what pace Edward liked the most. It's amazing that I can do anything else besides pain and horror. And only my little frog deserves it.
"Dear. Dear?" Nygma was calling me, and I responded with a sharp awakening. It turned out that I dozed off a little during the kiss and buried my nose in his shoulder. But Edward didn't stop stroking my hair, running his fingers through the blond strands and covering my cheek with small kisses.
"Are you very tired?"
"Then I'll bring dinner now, and then you can go to bed."
"Are you… working again today?"
"Yes, but… today I can postpone my work."
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Locked Up, Chapter 12
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of drug addicts.
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The glass that broke outside of your office made you jump so high that Jake shifted in his bed.  Shivers ran up your spine as you listened for the growing sound of inmates clamoring over each other and the broken glass windows to get whatever drugs they could get their hands on.
“Junkies,” Lloyd growled, a sneer present on his face, “fucking junkies…”
Your throat ran dry, and you clung to Lloyd’s side.  Jake bit his lip and reached out for you.  Quietly you slipped up onto the hospital bed and lay with him, being extremely careful to make sure that you were lying on the side opposite his injuries.
“We got you, baby.” Jake sighed, kissing the top of your head, “you’re safe here with us.”
“Nothing is going to happen,” Lloyd promised as he stood up and moved to the other side of the hospital bed.  He grabbed your chair and sat down in it, then slid over to the side of the hospital bed so that he was close enough to comfort both you and Jake.  He was quick to grab each of your hands and kiss yours and Jake’s knuckles, “no one is going to hurt either of you.  Not a damn soul is going to touch a hair on either one of your heads…you hear me?”
But even while you had no doubts of Lloyd’s promises, as the voices from the inmates that were invading the medical wing got louder, your heart felt like it was nearly beating out of your chest.  It raced faster than a hummingbird, and your anxiety was nearly to the ceiling. 
Heavy footfalls brushed past your office, and you heard the inmates screaming about wanting to get whatever they could get their hands on.
Your stomach was twisting in knots as you thought about the inmates acquiring not just the drugs, but using your very tools as weapons to assist them in fighting off whoever they would need to in the riot. 
And then you heard numerous arguments.
People fighting over the drugs and weapons.
But your blood ran cold when you heard someone’s voice.
“Where’s that pretty little thing that always runs around like a nervous bird?” one asked, “that sexy little uptight cunt that Hansen has been trying to get his hands on.”
“Think she’s working today?” another voice chimed in, “I’d fuck the hell out of that little Disney-looking princess.  Fuck the angel straight out of her.”
You saw the color draining from Lloyd’s face as his grip got a little tighter. 
“Fuck that bitch right into next week and leave her dripping, begging for more.”
You leaned forward, reaching out with your other hand towards him.  You could see just how much violence and anger was just beneath the surface with your boyfriend as he listened to the inmates discussing what they would do to you if they found you.  You quietly wheeled him into your arms and buried your face in his neck, “please…we need you in here, Lloyd.”
“I’ll kill them all,” he growled, half in his own possessive thoughts, over the idea that other inmates were talking about how they would fuck you given the chance, “fucking animals…”
“Baby!” Jake begged, squeezing Lloyd’s other hand.  He leaned forward, and you noticed how Lloyd didn’t catch the smallest wince that left Jake’s lips as he reached out for him, “we need you in here with us…please…you’ll keep us safe.”
Jake’s voice seemed to bring him out of whatever psychotic rampage was going on in his own mind as he turned to look at you and Jake. 
His gaze softened and he nodded at the two of you, “I’m not going anywhere…my prince and princess need me here…you need to lay back down buttercup…can’t risk you getting hurt.”
“We do!” you agreed softly, “we need you here keeping us safe, Lloyd.”
“No one is going to get into here…” he reminded them, “no one is going to hurt either one of you.”
“In all fairness you kind of failed on that promise,” Jake joked, trying to make light of the situation, “I mean, I was already stabbed…sooo...”
“You’re such a brat!” Lloyd growled at his boyfriend.
Jake smiled, sticking his tongue out at the older man, causing Lloyd’s growl to get huskier.
“If you’re going to stick your tongue out then it better be going into one of our holes,” Lloyd grumbled, adding the cheeky comment as his own way of making a joke as he pointed to himself and you, “and since both of us are still clothed-“
“Hey…my gown allows for easy access!” Jake smirked, cutting Lloyd off, “the fact that the two of you are still clothed is a problem all your own.”
The normally stoic inmate huffed, clearly unamused with Jake’s comment, “and as you so eloquently reminded us, you’re a stabbing victim.  I have to wait to stab you with something else until you’re healed.”
“Kinky…” Jake smirked, waggling his eyebrows at Lloyd, “I like it…”
You giggled from between your two boyfriends, happy for the last-second distraction.  It almost made the noises outside of the room feel like white noise. 
“What are you laughing at?” Lloyd asked cheekily, “you’re locked in a room with two inmates who have nothing but time on their hands while a riot happens…”
“That I do…” you smiled, “you know…if it lasts more than a few days…I could think of a number of things we could do…I mean…I was told that you promised Jake he could do something before you…I don’t think he’d be in much pain if I just kept him laid back and rode him through the riots…”
Jake smirked cheekily, “I’m all for that!”
Lloyd smiled, “god, I love the two of you…”
“And you seem to think you’re getting out of here sooner rather than later,” you reminded him, “the last few times I’ve seen you all you’ve done is mention these government contacts of yours.”
“Yeah…” he laughed nervously, “about that…I uh-spoke with a contact…and my charges were supposed to formally disappear within the next 72 hours…there’s something happening in Russia that they need my help with…”
You frowned, heart dropping into the pit of your stomach, “y-you’re leaving?”
“Not just me,” he smiled, looking between his boyfriend and girlfriend, “I-well I made sure that a certain someone’s records would be scrubbed as well…for my cooperation.”
You gasped, hearing the words coming from Lloyd’s mouth as he stared at Jake.  Jake teared up as he looked at his boyfriend, “you-you’re having them scrub my records?”
Lloyd nodded as he bit his lip, “I-I couldn’t leave the man and woman that I loved behind…”
Both you and Jake gasped, surprised to hear the words falling from his lips.
“You love us?”
Lloyd chuckled and looked away from the two of you, “come on guys…don’t make it weird.  You both know that I love you two.  I mean it’s not like-“
“But that’s the first time you’ve ever said it,” Jake said quickly as he cut Lloyd off, “I mean…you and Lila…you two both said that you love me…”
“We do.”
“I-I love you guys too…” Jake smiled, goofily thinking about how everyone had finally said the words aloud.
“You guys are really leaving?” you asked, looking between the two of them.  Part of you was happy that they were going to get out of the jail, but there was a much larger part of you that was concerned the more you processed it, “y-you’re leaving?”
Lloyd’s smile faded as he realized your dazed look and your hollow tone.  You barely noticed as he dropped yours and Jake’s hand before gripping your face, cupping it between his fingers, “hey…we’re not leaving you behind, sunshine…you’re coming with us.”
Your eyes widened, “Wh-what?”
Jake reached down and took your hand, causing you to look between your boyfriends, “we aren’t leaving you behind baby…right Lloyd?”
“I’m taking both of you out of this hell-hole,” he confirmed, “I wasn’t joking when I told you the last time I was here, angel…I hope you got your doctoring out of the way.  Because the three of us are going to disappear together…and we’re not ever looking back.”
Chapter 13
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @cjand10
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atmilliways · 1 year
Wrong On The Money (38-39)
part 38 & 39 of ?? | 921 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
During the break, while Steve ducks into the kitchen, Margaret gestures for Eddie to lean her way and he graciously lends an ear. “How the hell,” she murmurs with a faint smirk, “did this dweeb ever convince anyone he was cool?”
Margaret chapter! Did I make her a student at my alma mater? Yes. Was the unofficial school motto while I was there 'queer in a year or a money back'? Also yes. Was that also true in the late '80s? No damn clue, but let me have this.
During the break, while Steve ducks into the kitchen, Margaret gestures for Eddie to lean her way and he graciously lends an ear.
“How the hell,” she murmurs with a faint smirk, “did this dweeb ever convince anyone he was cool?”
“He has his moments,” Eddie mutters, remembering Steve poised to dive shirtless into Lovers Lake. Ripping a bat in half and spitting a mouthful of dark blood onto the cracked lake bed in the Upside Down. Poised with an ax over one shoulder telling him (and Dustin, directing it at him, like Steve somehow knew even before he did) not to be a hero.
Sometimes he dreams about Steve giving him mouth to mouth, but he’s not sure if that’s an actual memory or because Dustin told him it happened.
“Earth to Eddie,” Margaret singsongs, definitely smirking now. “I know he saved you from some sort of freaky coyote attack or whatever—” a baffling comment, until he remembers the official cover story “—but stop drooling.”
He flushes instantly, flooding with panic at the idea of being so obvious. Can everyone see it written across his face? Can Steve?! “I wasn’t—”
“Dude, I go to Sarah Lawrence,” she interrupts, as if he knows anything about colleges or what that particular school has to do with anything. “I’ve seen some of the guys in my dorm do the same thing over guys like that, trust me.”
“Oh. Okay,” Eddie says blankly. 
His instinct, of course, is still to panic. And wonder if he can jump through the nearest window hard enough to defenestrate himself and hit the ground running, rather than bounce off the glass like a baby bird. But it’s Margaret, one of his oldest friends after Jeff. She’s always been sardonic—and college seems to have cranked that up past eleven, somehow—but there’s acceptance in her words, too. As casual as seeing a cat and commenting that, hey, there’s a cat. Eddie is drooling over a guy. Eddie is gay. Like that's that, no big deal.
But . . . does have to be? It wasn't with Jeff. Or with Wayne. Or, somehow, with Steve.
“. . . Maybe I should visit you in New York sometime,” he says finally, unsure of how long he'd been lost in thought.
Rolling her eyes, Margaret all but punches him in the arm. “You’d better. Come for Halloween. We'll take the train into the city, it’ll blow your mind.” She glances towards the kitchen. “Bring Steve, if he doesn’t mind getting hit on. Lots of people like pretty dweebs.”
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek, remembering Steve’s clubbing outfit even as his stomach twists around a stab of jealousy. Yeah, somehow he doesn’t think Steve would mind the attention, but. . . . Nope, no thank you, don’t like that and won’t be looking too closely at why, here there be dragons—big, scary, doomed to be unrequited ones.
By the end of the session, actual cheers break out when the dice settles and a stroke of Sir Anton’s broadsword ends the final battle in one swift, fatal blow. Eddie narrates the creature’s head falling from atop its shoulders and rolling messily across the cavern floor. Will grabs Steve by the shoulder and gives him an enthusiastic ‘I knew you could do it’ shake. Lucas leans across the table for a high five, which Dustin insists on copying. Even Gareth gets in a whoop of victory while drumming on the edge of the table.
And Steve looks pleased with himself, grinning wider than Eddie has seen him all day. He’s modest about it—the creature was already dying, but he’d insisted on cutting off the heads just in case. 
His instincts were good, too. There’s a whole page of notes that Eddie doesn’t get to use now, but he doesn’t even care; it’s worth it to see Steve smiling like this, happy at being included.
There’s an edge of surprise to it though, which Eddie turns over and over in his head all through cleaning up. His friends go home or to their respective motels (or in Gareth’s case at the moment, both), and Steve disappears for a while to drive the gremlins home. 
And yeah. That surprise. He’d seen it flare up again and again throughout the campaign. It's more a simple revelation that Steve was having more fun than he’d expected. It had cropped up whenever anyone had acknowledged him as an valued part of the party . . . aside from the many times he’d looked like a droopy-eyed deer in the headlights and deferred to Will for help. 
Which, yes, okay, usually Eddie might have found that irritating. But as he’d hissed under his breath to Gareth once and Frank thrice, Steve had saved his life. If the guy wanted to outsource remembering his stats to a younger, smarter mind after all those concussions, he could go right ahead. (Besides, every time had Will sitting up straighter than Eddie had ever seen him, and he has a feeling that Steve had a lot to do with that.)
. . . Not the point. 
The point is, where had that surprise been when Eddie had blackmailed him? When Eddie had demanded interest? 
It’s one thing for Steve to be surprised about nerds accepting him. But the utter lack of popular-kid expectation that no one could touch him, of consequences being things that happened to other people? That’s weird. If Eddie didn’t know any better he’d think Steve thought he deserved it or something.
But that’s nuts, right? No way. That couldn’t. . . . 
That wouldn’t make any sense, right?
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