#anyways these are random thoughts after the mindfuck from last night
icontradictmyself · 1 year
I like how they went for it. They were all in the middle of a mass hysteria act in the worst conditions ever. Of course they ate her right the fuck up. It needed to be an act of pure, unfiltered desire sublimed into hunger and consumption. It could never have been a rational decision or group choice. If they'd rationalized it, it would have been survival cannibalism, and we know that they did it for ritualistic reasons. Now they must create a ritual surrounding what they've done, the same way they needed to see themselves as partaking in a Greek feast, when they're actually indulging in the most based of the ancient Greek rituals: a Bacchanalia.
But the rationality is coming back, and they're all going to have major psychological repercussions. No one got away from this unscathed and over 25 years later they're still dealing with the horrors of what they did. Because it was about survival, but also it wasn't.
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kyriolex · 2 years
Kawaki Academy Arc: Hana Sensei Pt. 2
So Hana-sensei is also back at school. Now that she’s out of the hospital, Anko and Shino explain that the terrorist attack wasn’t random - they were after her student Kae specifically. Hana feels guilty for not noticing, but she puts on a brave face for everyone.
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Kawaki is also back at school. He thinks everything ended too neatly, making the good point that if the assassin actually intended for their last attack on Kae to work, they wouldn’t have strapped explosive tags to their body. So he still attends Academy with Himawari, which makes her smile.
In the classroom, Osuka leads the class to give Hana-sensei a welcome-back surprise. She’ll lead a chant, and Kawaki will pull a rope that will release flower petals into the room. But someone didn’t set up the trap right, so the ball just bounces and spills petals over the floor. But it’s the thought that counts, so she thanks the kids and scoops the petals up in a keepsake box at her desk.
After school, she wanders around trying to remember what happened the day of the attack. She has a massive hole in her memory and doesn’t remember why she was in the building that collapsed. Kawaki spots her wandering around and asks what the hell she’s doing. Seeing him next to the hole triggers memories of Hana fighting as Purple Mask.
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She sprints home, and we get a genuinely creepy scene of her frantically tearing her house apart while experiencing flashbacks of past episodes and an reoccurring image of a bloody kunai. Hana finds a secret room behind her closet filled with weapons, masks, and pictures of the minions from the last episode.  
Then we see a reflection of another Hana in the mirror with blood red hair - her alternate self. Apparently her hair was less about making her design more anime and more about distinguishing her various personalities. 
Now before I say any further: THIS IS NOT HOW DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER WORKS! I know it’s a common trope, but people with DID aren’t naturally violent, and they can’t open up a hotline with their alternate selves via mirrors. 
ANYWAY. Black Hana gets sucked into Flashback Land, where Red Hana explains everything. So years ago, the Minister of Bamboo (the mastermind behind Kae’s attempted assassination) rounded up 50 orphans. He then made them fight to the death in a battle royal, and the survivors became his personal assassination squad.
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Hana couldn’t handle the trauma of murdering all her friends, so she developed an alter ego as a defense mechanism. Red Hana got her hands dirty so Black Hana could live in oblivious peace. 
This makes Black Hana’s ditziness pretty disturbing, because she’s not a naturally forgetful or clumsy person - she’s forced to be that way because she’s always had gaps in her memory, and her body is sleep deprived from living two lives. 
So after the Bamboo Minister wasted 40-some perfectly good orphans, Hana and another operative were sent as sleeper agents to Konoha, posing as father and daughter. Black Hana thought being a teacher was her childhood dream, but Red Hana says her mission was to infiltrate the Academy as a citizen. 
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Which begs the question: Did the Minister look at baby Kae and think - in 10 years I’m going to send this girl to be a foreign exchange student and have my assassin kill her in the school? Or was Hana just there to kill and kidnap kids from powerful families, and he decided Kae would be the first victim? 
Also, HOW OLD IS HANA? She says she came to Konoha a decade ago, and she looks no older than 13, which would make her 23. But she sometimes shows the little eye marks the animators use for not-so-young adults, so...F it, I’m going to say she’s Konohamaru’s age. 
As an additional mindfuck, we see how Hana pulled off her fake suicide bombing. The same guy who brought her to the village as her fake dad just waltzes into her hospital room after the terrorist attack. He tells her to use his body for a fakeout, then plunges a kunai into his chest. The night of the last assassination attempt, Red Hana switched her body out with her fake father’s and exploded the corpse, then snuck back into the hospital as Black Hana.
Black Hana is horrified by her crimes and tries to turn herself in, but Red Hana mentally chains her up. Red Hana poses as the teacher and acts smiley toward the kids. But as the class is distracted chatting about the upcoming field trip, she crushes a butterfly in her fist, dumps it into the petals from the welcome stunt, and throws her keepsake box in the trash. 
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Kawaki watches her bug murder with his mouth agape and decides he no longer ships Hana and Shino-sensei. No, actually he just looks suspicious.
After class, everyone leaves, but Kae runs back because she forgot something. Sensing an opportunity to attack the princess, Red Hana rushes toward the classroom with a kunai. But Black Hana takes over for a split second and stops her by SLICING OPEN HER OWN HAND. 
Kae, Kawaki, and Himawari run into her. Kawaki notices some blood by her feet. Hana keeps her back to them and says “Ahaha, it’s okay, I just tripped and cut myself. I’m so clumsy!”  Meanwhile the front of her clothes are spattered in blood. Kawaki’s suspicion is officially piqued.
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After the kids leave, Red Hana goes back into her mind and traps Black Hana with mental chains, saying she’ll never interfere with her work again.
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I remember when dad couldn't pick me up after our 2nd transfer bus got pulled out from dropping me and the other kids in my neighborhood. It was bus 130.
That whole end of my 7th grade year, I walked the way home by myself. I cut through northern high parking lot and around that big ol' man made water basin that they had there. It stood across the view of a gas station and a Publix. Man, did they have some good ass chocolate chip cookies, not too hard and not too doughy. It was like a soft, hard cookie dough cookie that barely browned in the oven, but just enough for the thick chocolate chunks to melt in your mouth with that buttery dough. I never walked over there though because...mom wouldn't have allowed it...and I was way too scared and nervous to run across the street with those cars there. (Vs now, I do that as a fun, little escape running super speed as soon as the walk light comes on lol 😆 mom and dad think I'm nuts for doing that cause they're afraid I could get hit. But when you blast Jasiah, Denzel Curry, and Suicide Boys in your Ear you feel like you can do anything. So I kick in nitro)
Anyways, the walk was about two to three miles, and at the time that was the longest mom and dad had ever let me walk by myself. Mom wasn't there because she had already moved to Mississippi for her new job. I wanted to help out Dad, since he had to pick up my sisters from school at the same time I got to our base for school bus dropoffs. It was so fun back then to ride the school bus. I always sat near the window, or at least tried....I hated sitting by people I didn't know because I was afraid people were gonna make fun of me for being big or having sweaty armpits. I have noooo idea why, but even my sisters went through it to around their puberty time. It's like our glands produced so much more sweat when we were stressed, working out, or just barely even sweating in Florida. Like all of my shirts always had this itchy, cracked, dry spots in the armpits because I had to swipe sooooo much deodorant on it was crazy. I remember counting it out, like 16, 27 times I would whip cream my damn armpits because kids make fun of you for being fat, now everytime they saw my sweaty, funky pits and yes they used to get that bad it was annoying as hellll. And Bighead used to make fun of me for that. I used to call him all types of names cause he was such an asshole to me and my friends, practically tortured me for fun all through out middle school until we later on had to move to Mississippi too from Florida.
I walked that walk because I never wanted to put my pride to the side and just ask Bighead, the idiot who lived in the same neighborhood as me, like I literally stayed about 10 min walk away...and I could see him and his mom and his sister, who I was friends with...drive pass me each and every day. I would listen to music on the radio with my earbuds in my turquoise mp3 player. They kept playing "There goes my baby" by Usher alot at that time.
I even remember reading The Giver on the walk home, because I really didn't wanna miss my favorite home TV shows like iCarly, sometimes Arthur or whatever cartoons on Cartoon Network.
I used to think about Bighead alot when that song would play at the same time his mom drove by. I still hated his guts though, always picking on me, being a hassle...it was a honest waste of a crush to have even liked him. He never changed as I found out later on in high school when we both reached back out to each other, on and off. Total jackass. Probably a narcissist...
Speaking of books, Ms. Simmons gave us this book about the holocaust called Night by Elie Wiesel. It was a good book and Im shocked crazy earring Ms. Simmons thought it was ok for us to read about kids and people getting hung, but I was glad she did. It had an audio book that cams with it, I almost wanted to watch it if they ever made it into a movie.
I think Ms. Simmons might have inspired me to wear different, quirky earrings like that. Cause she was the 1st white woman I ever seen wear them like that or even asymmetrical earrings. She loved alot of color and if she wore cherries, she had cherry earrings, sorta like that. Matchy-matchy. She even had a candy cart after school so I sorta liked her for being creative. That was until she pissed me off about a test,
And I don't play about my tests.
My ass was on the line, that's why.
I hated getting bad grades at home, because who do you think starts checking up on you more??
Yea, and I hate being micromanaged...if I even got a C or a low B, dad would lecture me on doing a better job cause he didn't want my grades to fall 😒 I always tried to explain myself when I felt like it was an unfair grade cause some people put trick questions or essay sections. And I used to hate those. Now I double check everything and I have alot more to say, instead of being afraid that I'll get it wrong, fucking up my chances to get a closer chance at an A or a B. Daddy said to always go for A's, always do your best. But that meant cramming my short term, photographic memory with alot more papers and notes.
Boy did I used to hate taking notes. Now after everything, I see I need notes to keep up on knowledge and bullshit from misinformation given to me by other people.
I used to actually be so innocent, only caring about not disappointing my parents and not making them look bad when we go to school or go out with them in public. And of course kicking Bighead in the nuts everytime he made me feel like the ugliest girl in school just because he made a comment about my fat rolls popping out in my bright, tight, stretchy cotton tshirts or from me not smelling good from being sweaty 🙃 he had a whole bunch of people I didn't even know, just laughing at me just because he made it seem like it was ok for them to laugh at me because he was. He started it. And it kept going 6th and 7th grade...it followed me all the way until I....well until I realized Darius wasn't my person either 😑
Fairytales and movies blew up these love scenarios, and even in anime or Korean dramas (based on Japanese anime) where the quiet, shy girl ends up falling for the aloof, emotionally unavailable guy who's cute and he's popular, "but oh, he would never talk to me or look at me that way" sighhhh, babygirl feeling.
Then at the end he reveals his true feelings and it turns out he made her suffer and wait for him for so long, just because he was too shy to tell her or too ashamed because he didn't want to be made fun of by his friends. And then they kiss and live happily ever after.
That's what the old me in middle school and high school used to think of love in high school was like. Boy, was I stupid 🤣 that's the most dumbest shit I ever heard. People wtfff???!! Why the fuck is it expected for us to be submissive, take this boy's bullshit and commital issues to just you, as if him showing you any kind of attention is worthwhile the wait as if he's the best thing in the world, letting you into his circle like he's vip. Which is not true. Because when you look at somebody like that for so long and then you let them get away with treating you like shit, just because you like them...is so not cool and you deserve better. Looks can only last so long.
And maybe that's why I had to look at that lesson again from somebody like Jay, chubby, but cute, but still not as masculine as Bighead, where at home in Florida, boys who didn't care about you as much, athletes, and mixed/black/white/Asian skinnier people were popular and you weren't....because of your clothes, shoes, your big hands, big feet so you had to wear boy shoes, your thick, strong legs, your height, your double chin, your sweaty gland disorder from puberty, your fat rolls on your back, and even your backpack....was not cool or even popular.
You were different so you just didn't fit in with everybody. But it made me feel alone, cause nobody new looked at me, talked to me, or even asked me where I got my new Adidas (cause I actually did like Adidas).
After awhile I stopped caring and didn't care to give new people a try. I'd rather eat by myself than to eat with people who made me feel unwelcome with stares, stressing me out because I don't know what they're judging me on or was gonna comment on me next. It was so aggravating for me just to speak to someone random unless we had to because of class. I really don't remember nobody was calling me ugly, but just for them to comment on anything little thing or how my hair looked like momma did, really hurt.
And it was mindfucking me. Because the people I ended up running away to, did the same thing as them. Reminding me of home in Florida, where comments felt like mom's pinches. Reminding me that I'm not doing a good enough job of representing her, or just looking good enough to be liked or told I looked great today. Because I rarely got compliments until I got a perm redid, or I got braids. I'm glad I rebeled against perms because my ends kept breaking off and I would hate how rough the texture would get and I wore bonnets/wraps that kept falling off because I'm a wild sleeper, always kicking and moving around. Maybe that wasn't a good mattress match for me idk....but taking care of permed hair was so frustrating. They said don't use too much heat to flat iron or flat iron too much, but your hair don't look good as is, not being straight and I hated how that Florida humidity would poof up my hair because our school was not an all indoor school. There was only the 7th grade hallway and the gym in AC, but everything was fucking outdoor, concrete style. So you was always hot, always sweaty. So not the same in Michigan. I always thought I looked like Dora with my orange tan and black Bob hair. I never liked taking pictures in middle school because I felt so ugly just because no boy at school had asked me out, and the boy I wanted was a little ass, scrawny, bony bully, picking on me at school for how I looked and how I dressed, and my sweaty, funky pits and even my boobs. He made me hate my big boobs. He always made fun of them in how I ran when he would pass me on the track with his friends. It was hard enough to have older boys say something when you got DD's at such a young age....I hated them. I would have donated mine to the girl with A cups because I hated them being made fun of or being commented on. It was embarrassing for me when ppl would ask me what size are they and I felt pressured to say what size. I hated when a group of people would come up to me to say something, I would go defensive, excited, anxious, tense, and then almost ready to fight if they said something I didn't like to hear cause constant criticism made me not wanna hear any of it. And mom didn't make it no better "do you want people talking about you?" It was just a hassle to please her and she almost always bought clothes that either felt uncomfortable to wear, but was cute for her, so she made me wear it, or she just wanted it because of the patterns she liked. I rarely had a choice or say in anything. And that I didn't like too, because it's my body. But to them, it belonged to them and I had to do what they said. Wearing clothes that felt unreal, unmanageable because most of it in my closet weren't really mine, they were hers.
I guess she got the memo, so she started doing gift cards. I can't believe I used to wear fuchsia or hot pink so much and my skin color down there looked like a browned, golden-orange. We used to wear alot of orange and bright green too. Green and gold used to be mom's favorite colors. It reminded me of Christmas 🎄 which I also miss too.
Christmas in Florida used to be the greatest because we had a house full with aunty and uncle and the cousins. Flint used to feel the warmest because when we visited got the holidays, everybody was there. All in one place. We were together, celebrating, eating homemade country style, traditional food all night long, with the kids in my other grandma's basement watching movies and playing games, and the adults upstairs. I always felt like the baby and later on the middle child between both, child and adult.
And I'm kinda seeing now I got stuck this way, people pleasing towards both sides, between the adults and the kids because I was so used to being the middle man, the negotiator, the even-steven, fair and square, Charlie Brown in my family as being the oldest. I always felt the need to keep both sides on one accord, because sometimes we misunderstood each other. Cause that's the way dad brought it to me, he was Mr.negotiator between me and my mom growing up. He got to have fun and play games and sports, watch cartoons with me as a kid, and then at home with mom he would do romantic, adult stuff for mom like drink out of these expensive looking wine glasses and chocolate strawberries 🍓
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/02 NXT 11/04 NXT UK 11/05 Smackdown 11/06
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Alexa just says, “he could be here,” then starts laughing. She’s like a walking red flag.
Love the difference in ‘play’ and ‘pain’, and I love how she’ll wave with either one depending on her intentions. Interesting to note that she’s left-handed, so every time she uses her right for ‘play’ it is absolutely a conscious decision.
Great editing to have Alexa disappear.
Randy’s got a hard life rn lmao.
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Mandy and Dana’s gear looks fantastic.
Wow Lana is hella ballsy coming out there during their tag match.
Mandy Rose trying to use Octopus stretch? What an interesting world we live in.
I understand that Dana and Mandy might want the tag titles, I’m just not sure it’s wise to be fighting your future teammates ahead of SvS :/
Dana and Mandy do good team work, I just wish they’d work on the timing for their synchronized cartwheel + kick combo.
Pretty suplex, Shayna. Shayna’s probably the nicest most harmless bull you’ve ever seen. I become more and more of a fan every week.
Damn Mandy plays perfect defense but Shayna kicked out. Good teamwork though.
So Lana’s a face now because Nia and Shayna are assholes who have been tormenting her for like 7ish weeks? Do I have that right?
Oh sad, Lana accidentally screwed Dana and Mandy out of winning the titles. Ahhhh this is why Lana has no friends.
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Lmfaooo. “What cuz [Lana’s] a little butthurt that I put her through a table?” “You put Lana through six tabl--” “I TOLD you NOT to say her name in my presence.” pffftt bye.
Weak finish to that promo. Hella rude to threaten to end someone’s career though, Nia. Hella rude.
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I love Alexa’s enthusiasm when she’s the Firefly Funhouse version of herself.
Bro what the fuck. Christ these always have so much to digest.
I don’t... I don’t know what exactly her trick is... was that blood? Are we going for blood? That didn’t look like blood. It looked like melted fucking organs or something (or melted down candy/licorice/gelatin but let’s not get meta and ruin the fun)
I love the contacts. That’s an interesting look that I wish she’d carry on in her present day matches once she transforms into her evil, alternate self. Also noted that he used his ‘heal’ hand to turn her into the blood spitting, warped version... and I think it was the same last time, right? Was it his ‘heal’ hand last time? What does that mean in his eyes??
These are such a mindfuck ever since she joined his Funhouse. That’s not a complaint.
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Why are they having Nia fight in 2 matches tonight? Why couldn’t they push this off a week?
First off, I really don’t like Lacey and Peyton together, and I’m actually quite fond of Lacey. She’s not the best worker, but she’s a fantastic entertainer, and that deserves much more respect than a random tag team with Peyton Royce.
Second, LOL at Shayna immediately clearing off the announce table. This is gonna be tragic and unfair. If I’m Lana, why the hell would I accept this match? Ego? WHAT EGO DOES LANA HAVE lol. This should be pointless in her eyes.
Lana your bravery isn’t gonna get you shit. Is Asuka gonna come out? Cuz that’s the only way you survive this.
Normally you won’t hear me cry about no selling like the dumbass iwc, but Lana did a pretty fucking high worked kick and should’ve nailed Nia in the side of the head/neck. Why wasn’t there a reaction to that? Lame. That should’ve stunned Nia at the very least. Made her flinch? Anything??
LMAO Nia just called her a pathetic piece of crap. Rolling.
Nia breaks up the pinfall attempt on Lana herself x2. Fantastic heel work. Don’t see that enough.
Peep the red marks on Lana’s back. Sad.
Fuck man, table number 7. That’s... that’s sad. Pretty bummed that NOBODY will come help her. 7 fucking times, whew.
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Having a lot of the women appear multiple times tonight. Looking at how the Raw women’s division is being booked, I gotta say, SD is kinda over-bloated.
Oh cool I can actually see Alexa’s white tattoo on her shoulder blade in this lighting.
Nikki I’d advise you to not speak ill of the fiend. Also lesbireal, you iced her out the second you didn’t win the title against Bayley all those months ago.
Fucking LOVE those contacts why weren’t they a permanent part of her look as this version???
Highlight: Firefly Funhouse
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Ahh I love Dakota and Raquel’s matching colors.
Tbf, Dakota is a stepping stone, she just SHOULDN’T be cuz she’s way too good for that.
Dakota is so fucking scrawny. I really hope she isn’t just deemed a jobber on the MR. She needs to keep that speed up or bulk up a little.
lolol you know what Ember, you fucked around and ate a ringpost. Serves you right.
Nice armbar, Dakota. Now sit up and lock in the dis-arm-her (she won’t)
Dakota’s leading this match, peeped that call.
Ember’s suicide dive is so vicious. Like a missile straight up impaling her opponent.
LOL Dakota dodged the second. Again serves you right, the double suicide dive is Seth’s move.
Damn Dakota fucking NAILED her with that kick upside the head. You seeing stars Ember? Cuz you should be seeing stars. That was NOT a thigh slapper, that had an audible pop.
Yeahhh Dakota is absolutely the face in this match and you cannot tell me different. Ember’s arrogance is infuriating. Girl legit failed on the MR and she comes down there with an ego (in kf) tf outta here.
Love how people in nxt are constantly trying to use the Bank Statement but it NEVER looks as good as Sasha’s. Take a hint.
Love how Dakota utilizes these arm bars, that’s so random to me, has she always used submissions? Probably.
Why are we showing Ember dramatically hulk up like I care?
“This is Ember’s law” WHAT IS EMBER’S LAW FFS
HAHA atta girl Dakota, atta girl. That’s the homie, good for you. Fuck Ember’s law.
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Shotzi PLEASE I could actually like you if you didn’t make me want to punch my 27″ monitor every time you fucking howled.
Also why you’d ever choose to face Toni over Rhea is beyond me but whatever.
This is not a whole new Toni Storm. You’re the friggin same. Ember has changed more than you and she didn’t even have a heel turn.
And why is the term ‘stepping stone’ being shoved down my throat this week?
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Interesting that Io has chosen to tie things up with Rhea, but that’s to be expected. See now, if I was wwe, I would’ve called up Rhea immediately after this title match took place, but I already know that doesn’t happen.
Odd that they never show footage of Charlotte when they play back clips of In Your House. Triple h really that salty that she beat Rhea? Fuck man, Rhea needed that loss. Did her good.
Io: “I’m not afraid of Nightmare” I liked that.
“2020 has been complete trash,” what a babyface line by Rhea tbh.
Rhea idk when you’ll get to hold the gold again, but it’s not gonna be anytime soon. Your best hope is that you’ll win the Royal Rumble. Your second best hope is that they’ll move you to Raw and at some point in 2021, you can potentially make the Raw women’s championship meaningful again... what with it being devalued to hell since Becky left. Your realistic hope says maybe you can hold it by the time SummerSlam 2022 rolls around.
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oof Shotzi’s big mad lmao. At least we skipped her lengthy entrance and that stupid howl.
Ohhhh nooooo Shotzi botched a vault like 20 seconds in. Oh man that wasn’t even just ugly, she fucking wiped out. Yikes. Yikes. Go back to the pc hun, practice that a couple dozen times more, cuz that’s the type of shit that’s gonna keep you down in nxt.
“you gotta wonder where [Shotzi’s] mind is” sure... sure...
Oh the tank’s a nod to her cousin in the military, interesting.
That cannonball was way too high anyway, Shotzi. You were never gonna make impact with that.
Holy shit Shotzi looks sloppy as fuck tonight. Usually it’s her ring work that I compliment, but good lord. Out here looking like the low card.
“Shotzi Blackheart just has not been herself so far in this one,” no this is practically a carry.
Yikes these restholds. Awful match. Do a Storm Zero and call it a night.
Christ and Shotzi fumbles on Toni’s Northern Lights Suplex. Mk.
“This match has certainly lived up to the hype” wow then y’all have LOW expectations.
No she didn’t get all of the ddt, and she could’ve ended her damn career with a dumb move like that for some throwaway tv match. Holy shit she’s such an extreme indie performer.
WOW so we sit through this long ass dreadful fuck up of a match, do a potential career ending move, then the ref just... stops counting cuz ???? and Candice pops up on screen just to get Shotzi’s attention. Hello? WHAT IS THIS TRAINWRECK. Negative 8 points to Shotzi and Candice (just because I don’t like Candice) and plus 3 to Toni for having to deal with this bullshit on her second match in nxt.
Dumb. Toni should’ve been counted out, and she should’ve been allowed to hit Shotzi with a finisher. Dumb.
lmao fuck that tank. I don’t even like Candice, either. gg. Plus 2 points.
I thought Toni was a heel? Lame. Negative 2 points for continuity.
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If Xia says the letters from her family are personal, then they’re personal. Leave her the fuck alone, tmz.
Xia vs Raquel?? Lol good luck man.
Highlight: Dakota vs Ember
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Ah a squash match for Jinny, mk.
This girl looks ridiculous.
Nice impact on the Irish Whip into the corner.
Lol no selling Jinny’s stomps, ooookay.
Jinny has this aggressive wrestling style, but I feel like Bayley could toss her around lmao.
Someone give me a dollar every time Jinny calls her ‘stupid’ so I can buy a new car.
Kay so this James girl is hella athletic, that’s nice.
Rolling lightning kick? That’s your finish?? A recklessly blind heel kick while somersaulting??? Alllright, anyway.
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lol plz, you’re no queen.
Ah yes a match I have ZERO interest in: Piper vs Jinny. Give KLR a squash match, I’m bored.
Jeeze look at KLR’s arms. Whew.
She’s so much more entertaining than the rest of the division, holy hell.
LOL KLR. Look at her sell that fear. What a fucking performer, goodbye. All the points to KLR.
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Piper, KLR’s hair is way too fucking gorgeous for you to be pulling her around by it. The blatant disrespect. And you dare touch her title? Rude. RUDE.
Highlight: KLR existing
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Great video package but I have to highlight the way Sasha just sat there against the ropes staring at Bayley for what, 2 minutes? Before even acknowledging she had won the title. That was fantastic.
What’s funny is I watched their hiac match live cuz I wasn’t sure Sasha would actually win, but I never bothered with this one, because I KNEW Sasha’s curse had been broken. I knew it’d be against Bayley that she’d retain her title for the first time.
kekekek Bayley’s so fucking obnoxious.
Beautiful opening sequences. Not often can people do that particular sequence with Sasha, I think I’ve only seen Becky do it on the MR (could be mistaken)
Nice baseball slide while pulling Bayley’s ankle off the apron. Smooth af.
Jeeesus Bayley launched Sasha into the air just for Sasha to smack the apron and crash hard on the floor. Points to everyone.
Bayley playing gassed as if she’s actually tired, when we all know this girl’s stamina is aces above the rest.
Beautiful elbow drop to Bayley as she’s hanging off the apron.
Bayley sort of no sells the backstabber and goes for a messy Bayley to belly as Sasha counters into her Bank Statement. The idea for that sequence was there, the execution was not.
Oh shit Bayley hit her with the Eddie Guerrero swerve that didn’t pan out, and then popped a backstabber on her. Lmao nice.
Sasha kicks out of a Bayley to belly and flying elbow. Guess we’re showcasing her resilience as a champion. Solid.
Bayley’s so fucking fast. I love watching her wrestle when she’s not spending all of her time on the defense, holy shit.
Lmao now Bayley has her in the Bank Statement. Nobody does it like Sasha though, and there’s why.
Great match, great match. Real treat. Le curse is finally broken.
Peeped Sasha kicked her in the face on the apron, just as Bayley did when she turned on her. Nice storytelling. I enjoyed the in ring stuff with these 2, but holy shit I’m glad this feud’s over.
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Man oh man do I hate Mella’s lipstick lol. I do, however, like her as Sasha’s first opponent.
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Nattie: “I shouldn’t have been put in that triple threat match,” Also Nattie: “I think we should do a triple threat match,” Is ‘crazy cat lady’ ALWAYS going to be Nattie’s gimmick?
I really hate seeing other women besides Charlotte wearing Gucci, and I know that’s fucking insane but it is what it is.
This should’ve been on the show, wtf wwe. 
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Do the commentators not know what’s fucking happening lol?
The speed of this is as if they were told they have 3 mins, make everyone shine.
Just watched a match where Charlotte hit a Natural Selection on Nattie while Nattie had the Sharpshooter applied to someone, and she bumped it perfectly. Why that Running Bulldog looked atrocious, I’ll never know.
Should’ve given me the video explaining why this match is happening. Did Sasha and Bayley go over time? Dumb that this was so rushed.
hahaha Nattie got fucked out of 2 svs team qualifying matches in a row. That’s hilarious.
Highlight: Bayley vs Sasha
*Raw shined the brightest as a whole, but Bayley vs Sasha was the star segment of the week.
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