#anyways this is what i've been up to while i'm falling down the yearly/bi-yearly hole of pride and prejudice
ploncc · 2 years
you can nalbind/loop a square, but the question is why.
I thought I had answered this by wanting to make a sweater out of squares, but you know, with nalbinding instead of knitting or crochet, because that's the only needlework of this kind my monkey of a brain has ever been able to grasp since i was fuckin thirteen and trying to work out how you do this when the only proper instructions available to me online assumed i already understood the basics of nalbinding and notation, etc.
but no.
no, you don't understand
it took me between three and four hours to finish off one fuckin square yesterday. it is ridiculous. an incredibly loose oslo stitch too!! one to one connections!! but that fucker took hours to get done!!
and yeah, nalbinding does take an approximate forever, that's what happens when you're nalbinding, especially if you're working with shit acrylic yarn that you have to do russian joins with every ten minutes, and especially if you have, again, an absolute monkey brain like i do, and can and will lose focus at the drop of a hat.
anyways, the squares are now officially going to be pockets, and i am going to do a mammen stitch with proper tension and just make a sweater the usual way, which might also take an approximate forever, but at least i'm not going to have to deal with the sudden realization that i dropped a stitch at the edge and now have to go back, or realize i didn't twist the edge stitch properly and yup, you guessed it, its time to unpick that work too!!!
no no no, now i get to deal with trying to math out how many stitches to take in at the shoulders. yippe ki yay! ough.
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