#anyways yea thank U for the ask. im always very eager to talk about music heheh
orcelito · 5 months
When you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of your fave songs, and then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!!
Awwww thank u !!
In terms of Absolute Favorite songs... I think the #1 spot still belongs to Capricorn by Xan Griffin
Even after Years, it still hits something deep in my heart. I have cried to this song before, which is saying something for me. It's just... really special to me.
Hard as Fuck to give a ranking for another 4, so here are 4 songs from some of my favorite artists
Non-exhaustive list. Idk if these could be counted as my top favorite songs Ever, but that's such an arbitrary classification and can change depending on mood/general state of being/etc. So here r just a lot of songs that I love very much from some of my favorite artists. Yes.
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