#anyways. i have cute new background images and lock screen to remind me of the best night of my life
the-kipsabian · 5 years
you know what made a big difference in my day today
putting some pictures i took at the nsp show as my phone lock screen and backgrounds 
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mrs-hatake · 4 years
hey cutie😊 congrats on your 600 followers, I'm really happy for you! Since haikyuu seems to be the most needing fandom at the moment, may I ask for either Iwaizumi's or Akaashi's (whichever you feel more inspired/comfortable to write!) fluff alphabet? post time skip of course! it would be the best birthday present 💕
happy birthday angel 😍❤️
Fluff Alphabet ft Akaashi 
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Keiji is attracted to beautiful eyes. Sometimes, when he sees someone with a nice pair or eyes, he would secretly wish that he knew how to draw just to have that image of those eyes with him forever. of course, that’s not to say that Keiji didn’t try to draw them. He did....but he failed epically.
Yes. It may not seem like it but Keiji is a family man and he would love to have a big family. Just...not right now. He’s focusing in school and he wants a good job to be financially stable. Maybe when he achieves both of those things, he will consider starting a family. But for now, it’s just a dream.
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Keiji isn’t into cuddles really. But, when he had a long day of practice and having to deal with Bokuto’s antics, he seeks out your embrace with eager arms. It’s nothing too intimate; just his head on your lap while you’re lying on your back, gliding your fingers soothingly down his lap. He has his best naps when he’s in that position, lying down and mind free from future games.
Dates with Keiji are simple yet memorable. Every Saturday is your ice cream parlor date. Hours would go by without either of you noticing and when the sun sets and the moon shyly peeks its way through, Keiji would continue your date by taking you out to dinner. Nothing too fancy. Just a place where you can eat good food and enjoy your time for as long as you can.
“You are my motivation in life.”
It happened during your senior year of high school when you’ve been absent from school due to a strong case of the flu. No one was allowed to visit you and Keiji didn’t notice his frustrations of not being able to see you until halfway through the week when nearly ripped his hair out at how chaotic his team was being without you, their manager, to put them in place. He was annoyed and easily irritated and when Tatsuki pointed out that he was only feeling that way because you weren’t in school with them after Bokuto complained about Keiji’s attitude, did he realize that he missed you and wished that you were there to help out. Keiji would deny this but Tatsuki and Bokuto would both confirm to you that he was blushing as red as a tomato when Tatsuki brought up your absence and Keiji’s frustrations.
Keiji is rough on the court but he can be so so gentle when he’s with you. 
He isn’t into pda much but he doesn’t mind holding hands. Actually, he’s the one who is constantly seeking for your hand to hold; interlocking his fingers with yours and giving it a quick squeeze of gratitude. 
Keiji didn’t think much of you when he first met you during his third year of high school. He only registered you as their new manager. But, when he noticed your quick wit and how smoothly handled Bokuto’s many depressive episodes, he began to take notice of you. He knew his team tried to help him as much as they could but you were the only one who actually managed to get through Bokuto.
Honestly, like many, you instantly found Keiji as hot. His mysterious aura was attractive too, making you want to get closer to him. It wasn’t until Fukurōdani had won against Shinzen and seeing the boys running towards Keiji, who was smiling so bright that it nearly blinded you, did you start developing romantic attractions towards him.
Nope. He’s too mature for that. Though, he’ll throw in a quick pun that really isn’t that funny but you laugh anyways cause you love him.
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Long, soft, slow and passionate kisses. The one that makes you drunk from the taste of his lips, addicted to his soft grunts and craving his hands to touch you all over.
Keiji loves it when you listen to him. Could be about his rants about practice, his frustrations losing a game, his professors being annoying, anything. Just you sitting there and helping him as much as you can brings a great deal of comfort to Keiji.
You love that Keiji initiates things; hugs, kisses, etc. It always surprises you because he just isn’t into pda but when the two of you are alone, Keiji is just so touchy and you can’t help but think of how damn cute he is.
His favorite memory was in high school senior year when you gathered up all of the members of the team and surprised him with a birthday party. He just felt so emotional seeing all of his friends and his girlfriend enjoying a good day right before graduation and everyone else is off to different universities. His lock screen is a picture of him with his face covered in whip cream while everyone was laughing in background, discolored happy birthday banner hung on the wall.
Only on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Keiji reminds you of ocean blue.
You remind Keiji of bright yellow, as bright as the sun.
Keiji doesn’t use petnames but he loves it when you call him baby, angel, cutie pie and honey.
Keiji always asks himself “Does she know how much I love her?”
Keiji’s favorite memory was your first date. The both of you were just so shy and nervous that Keiji had accidentally spilled the drink he ordered all over your new dress and when he tried to help you dry off, you painfully bumped into each other’s heads. The date ended with laughs and giggles and you’re still dating in college so all’s good.
Your favorite memory was when 3rd year Fukurōdani students had won their last match before graduating from high school. Seeing Keiji with unshed tears and a look of disbelief on his face was something you were sure you won’t ever forget.
Keiji takes you to cat cafes when he notices that you’re sad.
Harry Potter movie marathon is always the best way to cheer Keiji up and that’s why he loves you. Well, one of the many reasons.
College Keiji and high school Keiji are two completely different people. The latter being quiet and only speaking when deemed appropriate while the former talks for hours about the things he’s most passionate about. It’s a new side of Keiji and you love it as much as silent Keiji.
“Everything amazing about the universe is inside of you, and the two are inseparable.” — Carl Sagan
“Thank you for being with me.”
Keiji loves you because you love him. Plain and simple. 
Say So - Doja Cat
You’re his partner and best friend.
three cats and a dog. 
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Bun Bun: Chapter 1
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yandere bts masterlist | main masterlist
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 “Fate leads the willing and drags along the unwilling.” - Seneca
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            “Two young women are found dead in an abandoned park last night.”
            This wasn’t the kind of thing that you’d like to hear, nor was it the kind of thing you’d like to see in the morning. You wanted something light-hearted to start your day; something that could entertain you. It didn’t matter if it was a baby cartoon, as long as it could make you go to school in high spirits and endure the tedious day ahead of you, you wouldn’t complain much. Heck, it could be a funny cat video for all you cared.
            But your roommate, Rosé, was your polar opposite. She liked to stay updated on the current events and insisted to watch the news together. Therefore, the TV was often dominated by her especially in the early morning. She still watched the news during weekends too. You supposed it was a good thing that she wasn’t one of those party-goers who loved going outside and partying until they passed out from over drinking. You didn’t think you could deal with a hangover friend either, so that was a plus.
            “They have been horribly mutilated; from hands, legs, and tongues. The police haven’t found the lost appendages yet, and the search parties are still searching for them.”
           “Rosé,” you whined from the couch. As someone who didn’t really like horror movies or gory scenes and the like, there was a limit to how much you could bear it. And now, after seeing the paramedics carrying the mutilated bodies on the stretchers, you decided that enough was enough. “Turn it off, would you? Better yet, change the channel or something. I don’t want to see bloody scenes in front of my bread.”
            “Oh, be quiet. You’re not even eating bread right now.” The red-haired woman shushed you without looking away from the screen that blared the news anchor’s cold, professional voice. “Don’t you see how important this news is? What if you meet this killer someday and you don’t know that they’re a killer? At least, you’ve got some knowledge beforehand.”
            Another thing that you learned from Rosé was that not only she was up-to-date, but also a worrier. This both concerned and amused you at the same time how she could get troubled over an unlikely scenario. In a way, she was like a second mom for you. Perhaps this was the reason why your own mother preferred her more than your other friends.
            “That’s ridiculous,” you remarked, dipping the silver spoon into a bowl of milked cereal. You chose to ignore the fact that she called you out on your bullshit, but you liked bread anyway so that wasn’t entirely a lie. “We rarely go out, unlike some people on our campus. The chance of us meeting a killer is like, small. Almost non-existent, I’d say. We’re practically reclusive.”
            “But you'd never know, [Name].” Rosé argued, finally sparing a glance towards you after burning her retinas from the proximity. She had this habit of getting close to the TV out of pure concentration even though she didn’t have myopia, to begin with. “A killer never dresses like they’re on a hunt. They always seem like ordinary people; like us. I heard that this killer is skilled in disguise too. Don’t you think it’s scary? They might be someone that we know or study in the same classes as ours.”
            “You worry too much, Rosé.” You quickly dismissed her before she could go on a full rant on how ignorant you were to the danger of the outside world.
            It wasn’t like you were ignorant, anyway. You've had your fair share of close incidents in the past, but you just chose not to obsess over them as she did. Until now, she often reminded you of your negligence and mistakes that resulted in those incidents, although some of them were outside your control. This usually resulted in short-term arguments that ended with her apologizing; not that you planned on staying mad for too long. The more you mature, the more you grow tired of being angry over trivial things.
            However, you hadn’t reached the time where you would actually appreciate her concern.
            Rosé huffed, catching on to your attempt to avoid her ‘lecture’. Much to your satisfaction, she made no comment and merely turned her attention back to the TV.
            “Both families have reported their lost daughters on Saturday night after they went to a party held in a mutual friend’s house. They told us that the girls haven’t return ever since, and they’ve tried contacting them through phone calls and messages. None were answered.” A middle-aged police officer spoke to the reporter. It was obvious from the dark bags under his eyes and the way he repeatedly blinked to chase away the fatigue, he hadn’t had a proper rest. You knew this was going to be a taxing case and, arguably, something that couldn’t be solved in a short period of time. “It is known that their names are Soo Jinyoung and Myung Eunbi.”
            It might be the shock or the familiarity that came from those names when your hand froze mid-air.
            “Hey, [Name].” Rosé hesitantly peeked through her shoulder, having known them as well from the small conversation you had a few days ago. She had brought up the topic of jealous people from her class, and you were quick to mention those girls. “Aren't they... the ones who talked about you behind your back?”
            Staring off the distance, you didn’t respond to her question right away. But she already knew anyway, even without you answering it. You had voiced out your annoyance in dealing with them more than a few times.
            Regardless, you swallowed despite not consuming any food beforehand and nodded. “Yeah, they are.” you murmured before shoving the spoon into your mouth.
            You had never really talked to them, except for the occasional small talk to fill the awkward silence, but envious people exist in every corner of life. And you weren’t an exception to that, either. You never paid too much attention to their complaints anyway, although they did bother you sometimes.
            They might have faked their kindness to you, but that didn’t mean they deserved such barbarous deaths. It felt almost undeserving, compared to what they had done to you.
            But who were you to tell fate what to do?
            “There is a word ‘Bun Bun’ engraved on their skins. It is believed to be the initial of the killer.”
            You choked on your cereal at the revelation, accidentally spitting the milk out of your mouth. You were glad that Rosé’s attention wasn’t on you at the moment, because she’d surely fuss over it. “Out of any name that exists, they just have to choose Bun Bun.” You snorted laughter, dabbing the milk from your lips with a napkin. “I mean, what kind of a name is that? What a joke.”
            “It’s pretty unique, I think.” your roommate remarked, the corner of her lips twitched into an endeared smile. “Nobody chooses a name just because. There must be some sort of background – a reason – as to why they decided that.”
            “Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes and proceeded to clean the table with some tissues before she could catch you making a mess. “They might be a troll, for all we know. And stop smiling like that! It’s nothing to be happy about. Seriously, you’re so weird.”
            “... Anyway,” Rosé cut you off before you could rant on how creepy her expression was; the same way you’d cut hers a few minutes ago. Such an act of subtle revenge had never felt so bitter like someone interrupting you mid-sentence. “It’s a cute name, in my opinion. Most people usually choose some generic, boring titles like ‘The Bloody Clown’ or something like that. Bun Bun actually reminds me of a bunny.”
            “Your face looks like a bunny, you know?”
            You didn’t know why that reference baffled you, or why a girlish voice suddenly appeared in your brain, but all you could sense was your slackening movements. Rosé’s voice became white noise as an image of a little girl flashed in your mind. She was beaming, some of her teeth were missing, and yet she managed to look adorable. She wore a maroon dress with little bows adorning the collar and long sleeves, and she seemed to be talking to someone. It was as though you were watching an old, short film and the camera had purposefully overlooked the ‘friend’ in the story. The curiosity gnawed your stomach like a parasite and yet you could do nothing but following their interactions.
            “... [Name]? [Name]?” A hand suddenly slammed against the table, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Oi, earth to [Name]!”
            You heaved as if you had been awakened from a nightmare and blinked. It was then you noticed Rosé stood in front of you, her slender figure towering over your hunched one. “Huh...?”
            “You zoned out.” Despite her serious visage, you were able to detect a hint of concern in her voice. You didn’t blame her, though. You rarely ever ‘daydreamed’ during breakfast, if you could call it that. “Are you okay?”
            “Oh, uh, yeah.” You cleared your throat and downed the water in hopes of drenching your parched throat. “Sure, I’m fine.”
            Rosé sighed, clearly not amused at your feeble lie. Though, she didn’t bother to investigate any further. She figured you would come clean eventually. “Maybe we should go now. The class will start in thirty minutes anyway.”
            After washing the dishes to prevent them from piling up and locking the door, you two headed to the campus that was, thankfully, not too far from your apartment. It had been her idea to rent a room nearby, and while you initially resisted, you thanked her for the short time it took to reach the building. It definitely saved time and money, because that meant you didn’t have to ride a bus or something.
            While Rosé was busy playing with her phone, you stood a few meters behind her. The crisp and calm scenery due to the lack of passing vehicles brought you to that ‘flashback’. What happened? Who was that girl? Why did she look so much like you? Or maybe she was you, but you never wore that kind of dress before. It was obvious that that dress was expensive and probably made for a noble or aristocrat, and you were far from those things.
            And her voice; it definitely sounded like you too, yet more high-pitched. But that was impossible, right? You didn’t remember ever saying it, nor did you remember ever encountering someone with a face that resembled a bunny’s.
            Perhaps, you were beginning to get delusional. You hadn’t had much sleep lately from the many homework and projects, so that could be the reason.
            At least that was what you hoped.
            For the second time in a day, you were snapped out of your trance when you heard Rosé bumped against someone. You looked down in a slight daze, seeing your friend already sat on the ground. She was rubbing her bottom, gritting her teeth to endure the sting that shot up from her tailbone. Her phone was still intact, thankfully, though you could see a tiny crack on the screen. You immediately crouched and helped her ease the pain.
            “I-I'm sorry!” A somewhat breathy, yet melodious voice squeaked.
            You glanced up and winced a little at the sudden sunlight. There was a tall young man, far from lanky, yet his mannerism suggested that he was awkward around girls. His doe eyes darted from Rosé to you, undoubtedly contemplating his choices of either aiding her or stand around. Despite his youthful face, he possessed a body that just screamed ‘muscular man’. You could see his toned chest pressed against the dark blue shirt and his full legs underneath the black jeans. Had he didn’t bump into Rosé earlier, you would’ve thought that he was one of those cocky playboys.
            “Oh, it’s okay.” Rosé smiled wearily as you assisted her in getting up. “It was an accident, don’t sweat it.”
            Now that you were able to get a closer look on his face, you had to admit that he reminded you of a bunny.
            A bunny...
            “Is that so? Do you... like bunnies?”
            There was a new voice. A soft, boyish voice. One that you could listen for eternity without getting bored, and one that fluttered your chest with its melody. You would’ve stood there, in the middle of a sidewalk, trying to put a face on to the unique tone had Rosé didn’t bring you back to the reality.
            “... [Name]? [Name]!”
            You took a sharp intake of breath and looked at them wide-eyed. They were staring at you in concern, though the boy’s seemed more intense than hers. It was as if he was trying to gauge your real reason through his heavy gaze alone; not that you knew any. Nevertheless, its intensity creeped you out slightly.
            “You were zoning out. Again.” Rosé's statement told you that she was still present and didn’t look the least bit pleased with your constant daydream. You would’ve loved to deny it, but your befuddled state proved otherwise.
            “Am I?” you tittered. “Must be my zoning out day today.”
            Rosé wasn’t buying it. Then again, when did she ever? She probably knew you better than your own mother. That was the reason why the latter ‘entrusted’ you on to her hands, even though it hadn’t been long since you started to befriend her. Or rather, she befriended you. Socializing wasn’t your strong suit.
            “Are you okay?” the boy piped up after staring at you for God knows how long. It was then it occurred to you how you had made a fool out of yourself in front of a stranger.
            And a cute one too.
            “Bunnies are my favorite animal!”
            “Yeah, of course. As fine as I can be.” You ignored another voice that emerged in your mind and gave a thumb up to reassure him, though it did nothing to dispel his worry and suspicion. However, he decided to drop the subject and instead shot Rosé a shy smile.
            “Well, I-I should go now. Sorry for bumping to you, Seonbae.” he said so quickly it sounded like a jumble of words. His nerves must have skyrocketed in your presences.
            “It’s okay, really. I’m not mad.” Rosé smiled, yet a glimpse of her expression informed that she was just as surprised as you were. How could you not? You’d thought he was around the same age as you, not younger. Appearance could be so deceiving sometimes.
            Blood rushed to his pale cheeks as he bowed and rushed as if he was being chased by something. You stared at his retreating back, wondering what had gotten him in such a hurry, before slowly turning to Rosé with a sly smirk.
            “Rosé~” you drawled out her name, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
            She glanced at you, wariness and confusion creased the corners of her eyes. “What?”
            “It seems that you’ve got yourself some admirer.” you sang, indifferent to the weird looks you’d received from the passers-by.
            Whenever you were near your close friends, it was when you started showing your true, weird self without regard to other people’s opinions. It was the greatest feeling in the world; being able to simply be yourself without the fear of being judged.
            Rosé sputtered in shock, your cheeky remark clearly caught her off guard. “Wha- of course not! How can you be so quick to jump into conclusions?”
            “Well,” you twirled a lock of hair in your finger and blinked coyly. “Have you seen his smile earlier? Or the blush on his cheeks?”
            “It might be because he’s shy after crashing on me, not because he has a crush on me. I swear to God, [Name], get your mind out of the gutter!” Rosé huffed and stomped away from you. Away from your absurdity. Though, you didn’t blame her for leaving you.
            You stifled laughter as you tried to chase her. “W-wait, Rosé. Don’t go. You know I was just kidding!”
            “Oh, shut up! That’s what you always said before you paired me up with my acquaintances.”
            “I just want to hone my skill as a matchmaker, Rosé. Come on! Don’t sulk on me, please.” you begged sincerely, in spite of the hilarity in your tone.
            “Matchmaker, my foot!” Despite her irritation, Rosé eventually joined your giggle. She could never be truly angry at you, even if she wanted to.
            A cold blast of breeze blew past you. You stopped on your tracks and shivered. Had you know that the air would be this chilly, you would surely wear a jacket before leaving the apartment. Hugging your stomach with both hands, you stole a glance over your shoulder.
            A silhouette swiftly receded behind the corner.
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