#anyways. omg steve and eddie and robin and nancy <333
wilderat · 2 years
finished stranger things season 4 vol 1 last night with my friends and im jsut like. wow. this sure is honest to god a show that people are watching huh
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harpers-posts · 2 years
Welcome back to my stranger things bullshit
Anyways here are random notes I made while watching s4 e1. Might do this for other episodes idk
Pretending to be someone else around a particular person? Robin honey the masking 💔
“Think about Billy” I’m sorry sir but if you considered Billy a friend 🚩🚩
Honestly Lucas was in the right with the whole basketball thing if you think Lucas did anything wrong here then you’re wrong /lh
Joyce is so pretty y’all sleeping on Joyce
I feel bad for El here. Girl is shaking
In regards to El and Will’s class I would actually hate all these people if they were real
Do y’all actually spell Counsellor with only one L in American
Vecna toes
On a serious note Chrissy deserved so much better
Yeah I’m a basic Eddie liking bitch cry about it
If Eddie went to my school he’d probably be that guy who I look and think ‘oh he’s cool’ but is too nervous to talk to because he’s loud and I don’t understand dnd enough to have a proper conversation with him
Mike’s warming up on me I think he’s just got some internal homophobia to deal with
I love Jonathan and Argyle. They remind me of me and an irl friend
NANCY!!! <333
Wait is this how newspaper layouts are made. That’s so cool.
“I hate high school” same buddy
Omg me core 🥺
I would actually cry if I was in El’s shoes like I would die there and then
I think if Angela was real she’d be one of those girls who’s like ‘omg you’re my bestie’ to me despite us never having spoke previously
The shared look between Robin and Steve at the name Tammy Thompson is so funny to me for some reason
“Wow, she sounds amazing doesn’t she?” Steve’s face says it all girl
This is getting too long I’m just gonna leave these here maybe I’ll add to it later idk
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