#anyways. polaris gets better and zephyr gets worse❤️
neoncityrain · 1 year
Gu GG fxtcfxfx unhinged Leafeon Zephyr got me going 👀
Could you tell me a bit more about them???
i was gonna answer this earlier but stuff™️ happened 😔 didnt finish the doodles i was makin for it and ended up playing stardew, but i LIVED. have this instead
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sO. first lemme re-explain the core of zephyrs personality, since this didnt translate well into pmdtog: theyre extremely passionate about something labelled as evil. in sky, the game i originally designed them and polaris around, this was simply referred to as "the darkness", which drove creatures to aggression and drained life from things that touched it. to zee, it was the one thing that they found not only interesting, but COMFORTING. whereas other people were easily overwhelming, the corrupting force was quiet, incredibly interesting, and sure others thought it was bad but others acted as if zephyr was bad, too.
so zephyr let the corruption in willingly and began to care for it.
this in and of itself isnt a bad thing! this would be zephyr as you know them, and still is- yannow- canon to everything. if anything im just rethinking the parts where i relied way too heavily on pokemon lore and not enough on my own lore. (also i think their eevee design could use a tweak or two lol their gloves have been weird legwarmers for too long)
for the next part, though, i have to also explain: with each passing year, ive been entertaining the idea of polaris as being older. in part because its interesting to see him grow and change, but also because its fun to have a character who grows up. he was designed as a twelve year old who sees life as hopeless. he will have existed for three years as of next month, and now im thinking about how he, after so so SO many stories and tales where he struggled to simply live and be alive, grows up to care for three children with a man who truly loves him. that means a lot to me, and feels natural- hes been shaped by irl years of storytelling.
...so why not do the same for zephyr?
but then, whos to say theyd get better?
see, part of pols thing is that he was negative, but learned to ease up and gain confidence in himself and the world through the help of others. but zephyr, ooooh zee has always been positive to the point of denial. and while polaris has had interactions with other characters to shape who he is...
zephyr has had two that were positive. polaris, a skittish sassy asshole who literally dies, and manta, who couldnt interact with zee directly but attempted to push them away to keep them from hurting themself.
so then, what would someone like that turn to over the years?
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zephyr ends up becoming more and more the caretaker for some blooming, festering evil, and they deny more and more and more and more that doing so could EVER be wrong. they start denying that the corruption is even doing wrong in the first place. its just defending itself, maybe if you were nicer it wouldnt hurt you.
and i mean, whats wrong with helping the only thing thats been consistently with you through and through? sure it hurts, but everyone else is so mean. it must be lonely to be so hated, but zephyr is full of love and zephyr will protect it with all the love in their heart.
...even if this love ends up poisonous, they will adapt, now wont they <:]c
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