#anyways. yeah yubel is my new muse
jophiares · 8 months
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the terror incarnate
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iliadus · 2 years
headcanon/development questions › What’s something your muse has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love ThemTM?  › @nulltune​ 
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lynn this is an iliaster lovemail blog lmao there’s so much that i could say that makes me love the iliaster crew ... this is just going to be me wordvomiting about the iliaster, you brought this upon yourself. 
in general, the entire group thematically focuses on hope and despair, and usually hope overcoming despair in some form or another. for a quick rundown for anyone following this blog who is unfamiliar with yugioh 5ds (and thanks then for following just because this is a Knight Classic(tm) ), the iliaster is a group of four dudes who are the last survivors of the human race after a horrific apocalypse, and despite everyone else being dead, they decide “hey let’s save the world anyway, even if this is actually supremely pointless because there are 4 of us but we gotta try and not give up” which is actually really admirable. sure, there’s also the poor coping of “after we die lets be revived as robots” but ok i digress...
z-one is the leader(?) of the iliaster, the only one who remains a human being (although he arguably gains immortality), and honestly he’s sorta intense. to the point he decides “hey let me actually make myself into a Hero Of Legend (fudo yusei) and then go around and try to Save People”, like bro you threw away your original identity because you love humanity so much and that??? imagine loving humanity that much, as maladaptive as it is- and for a while, it works!!! the message z-one gives out to people is that they should learn to help each other instead of basically being everyone on their own team. he teaches compassion between people, and the sad part is the only reason that shit didn’t WORK is because the momentum cores around the world were already too far gone to properly respond, and also he was one dude on a bike, he couldn’t make it to everyone in time. but he tried, and he kept trying even when he thought saving everyone was impossible, this dude gathered survivors and was like “ok we have to fix this anyway”
antinomy is truly a gem, he gets the most screentime of the iliaster, because he joins team 5ds. godbless his soul. his mission from z-one was to help team 5ds get their shit together. he teaches yusei all the Cool Tricks(tm) read: accel synchro and clear mind, and shocker he’s the member of the main cast with the two sides (antinomy / bruno) instead of the protagonist (this breaking the trend of yugi-atem, judai-yubel, yusei .... is just yusei, yuma-astral, yuuya is 4 people lmao, 5ds just skipped the protag with a Second Half trend and slapped that on supporting cast members and im all here for that). antinomy itself is a word that essentially means conflict between two ideals- notably antinomy as z-one’s friend vs bruno as yusei’s friend. anyway, antinomy is arguably my favorite because honestly you can’t not love bruno. 
aporia also gets a fair amount of screentime, and if any story in the iliaster really hammers home the hope vs despair, it’s aporia’s. facing three fundamental trauma points in his life, aporia gets to have 4 new bodies, lucciano, placido, and josé- yeah they’re named for the three great tenors in opera and i’m SO here for that. lucciano is the embodiment of aporia’s childhood, where he lost his parents to the machine emperor genocide “despair for losing the ones who loved me”. placido is aporia’s adult years, and in this time he lost the person who was the love of his life, “despair for losing the ones that i love”. josé is aporia’s elder years, where he wandered the earth seemingly as the last living person “despair for no longer needing love”, all of that is SUPER intense. anyway, aporia is sent back in three bodies to destroy the momentum in neo domino, and that goes bad and fast forward to a very intense duel against jack, rua, and ruka- jack tells aporia “it isn’t despair that keeps you going, but hope! you have hope for the future because you trust z-one...” and there’s more but that’s not the point. aporia ultimately gives his life trying to prove to z-one that team 5ds is basically the hope that the iliaster has been looking for, and damn if that doesn’t get me every time. 
paradox is the member we know the least about, because while he’s mentioned as a member of the iliaster, he’s used as the main antagonist of bonds beyond time, which doesn’t give us any of his backstory other than how he mentions that he’s from the ruined future and he’s trying to just Delete Duel Monsters because he thinks that’s the problem. thanks to duel links, it’s shown that paradox is well aware of the missions of his friends, and while disagreeing with the methods, holds respect for them and is willing to see if their method proves more effective than his own. from the duel links event, paradox’s ending includes: 
Yusei: You wanted to prevent the future from destruction. There’s nothing wrong in believing that. But your method of solving it - that’s where you went wrong. But we’ll heed your warning. Paradox, I promise to you that I will stop the future from being destroyed! 
Paradox: This is the power to change the future...Z-ONE...Aporia...Antinomy... Even you believe in them...Goodbye...To you three legendary duelists... 
f in the chat for paradox dying Again, actually all of the iliaster faces Death again (except Z-ONE who only dies once), but the point is that i love the iliaster because they’re well thought through and there’s some deep life lessons in there and it’s hard to articulate properly but sometimes we need characters like the iliaster to just ... exist, y’know? thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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