#anyways... even if i had friends i wouldnt include them on my yt and all bc its supposed to be anonymous yk like i always wanted to have
unchatonnoir · 4 years
Dont take my word for it, but ill be hopefully streaming games soon and maybe posting gameplays to YouTube, so we will see lol.
It really just depends on how good those black Friday sales end up being tbh
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horce-divorce · 3 years
I'm just so glad I got back into tumblr. All the nerds are here. I firmly believe that reasons everyone hates it so much, including the people who still use it, has less to do with the overall experience and more with a few bad ones... And like in IRL when we fuck something up once or twice we get real self deprecating about it, ie it went from being like home to being "this hell site" in the span of time it took Dashcon to occur.
(Sarah Z's YT vid goes over this really well, and tbf i take issue to her claim that her channel "isn't a tumblr history channel" bc I think we could learn some valuable stuff from actually discussing What The Fuck Happened Here. IE I will fight everyone making her feel bad for making tumblr history channels a thing because don't fucking lie, you'd watch the hell out of that, ESPECIALLY those of you who came from Reddit to make fun of us and stayed. I know you're fucking there!!)
Anyway, all unrestrained enthusiasm is for tumblr. That's what it was always for. Infodumping in long formats, fandoms we couldn't express love for IRL or risk being slam dunked into the fucking trash by our bullies, every type of media, the way posts become collaborative and take on entirely new contexts and meanings when others add to them... (even if it's just a joke post, the memes we got from these collabs were another fucking level of humor you had to be there for)
All this meant it became the gay autistic social media site and THAT'S why everyone picks on us.
Did tumblr also initiate a lot of utterly unhinged, ridiculous scenarios? YES. Is there and has there always been lots of loud infighting? YES!! Were half the functions broken from day 1? You know it!!!! And none of that is exclusive to tumblr- what's exclusive to tumblr is the specific brand of off the wall, obscure but deeply connected information that all comes together in the most unhinged POSSIBLE way, and the only reason it IS possible is because of tumblr's culture of Being Yourself Unrestrainedly!!!
Would the Supernatural finale have been funny AT ALL TO YOU if you had actually watched it? It doesn't seem like it was. 10years of queerbaiting, in reality, is devastating. But I've never seen Supernatural, I've merely spent the last 10 years filling in plotholes with nothing but context cues from tumblr (which is a lot funnier than the real plot fwiw), and when Destiel Day happened I was blessed enough to be here *chef's kiss.* But for real, Destiel wouldnt have been funny AT ALL if you hadnt been subjected day in and day out to useless Supernatural posts you didn't ask for in the first place. It was funny because we went along on that ride for the sake of our tumblr friends who dragged us, and we never could have known how we'd be rewarded for our reluctant participation.
Not that I/we generally are MAD about seeing that stuff. We joke about it and "fuck you for making me look at this," but at the end of the day, we reblogged that "fuck you." We understand that the content that comes up on our dash is not picked for us solely by an algorithm, but by the real people we chose to follow, who have their own very complex internal lives and who chose that content for themselves.
for most of us, our main blogs have become this very interesting collage of Ourselves Through Time. So our friends and mutuals posts are OF COURSE going to be bizarre and at times, unrelated to anything we thought we were looking at. THAT IS WHY TUMBLR DRAMA IS SO GOOD. because with other sites drama you only get some of the picture, but us??? We are fucking autistic and WE KNOW EVERY SINGLE DETAIL THAT LED TO THAT EVENT AND WE WILL FUCKING TELL YOU. Could the Onceler and Oncest fandom have happened anywhere else, anywhere on Earth at any other time in human history???? NO. no it could not.
Anyway. My point is not that tumblr is perfect or anything remotely to that effect, I've met and lived with my fair share of awful queer autistic people from tumblr. What I AM saying is That's Just Social Media. You can't fucking be yourself on Twitter or Reddit or Facebook, you have to have side accounts and fake names and I'm not even talking about hiding your fetishes or whatever, I'm talking about saying "I'm depressed!" I'm talking about how lgbtqia2s infighting has gotten SO VICIOUS on twitter you can't even fucking call yourself queer or a dyke or be a lesbian with he/him pronouns in your bio without some kids screaming at you to delete yourself from queer history or They Won't Sit With You. That absolutely also has always happened on tumblr, it just isn't even remotely exclusive to tumblr culture, not like how people will ACT as if it is.
the real reasons tumblr users always get flack for being here is BECAUSE we are unapologetically ourselves. because we get excited. because we infodump (tumblr brand Callout Posts are often infodumps which is what makes them notable), we unapologetically want every single detail that can't even begin to be included in places like Twitter and Facebook, where posts are character limited and ephemeral and impossible to find later, where 1,000 people are all chiming in at once to say "I heard such-and-such from someone else's oomf" and it's like ??? y'all lmfao none of that is better or superior to tumblr in any way whatsoever. You know the old adage "don't read the comments"? Twitter took that and said "here, have ONLY THE COMMENTS." And yet, there we are.
I'm sure a lot of people have already pointed this out better than I just did in the time that I was absent (or fuck, even in the early days, I feel like we all just... know this?), but coming back to tumblr after a year+ of Just Twitter And Reddit- and now the stuff Sarah Z gets into as well- makes this so painfully obvious. And I think it's really sad that we just immediately accepted all the criticism and mockery and were like, "yep, tumblr is uniquely bad and awful," when in reality, it's no worse than the others. In fact, tumblr has been uniquely good and informative, especially among folks who quite literally were able to become who they are only because of the affirmations of this community.
I have learned so much about myself as a trans person, about what resources are available to me, about how to defend myself, how to stand up for myself, how to TALK about myself; if it wasnt for tumblr, transmeds would have kept me in the closet, maybe indefinitely. I've learned so much more about my disabilities and other conditions from disabled people on tumblr than I have EVER learned from a doctor. And maybe more importantly, I've made more friends on here than anywhere else online except Neopets. And we laugh. We laugh SO MUCH. For every big, serious, informative post, there's 10x as many shitposts than any other website and its glorious. No other website gives me The Serotonin like my blog does, I mean, thank god at least the tag system works?? I have 10 years of laugh tag to go through now. Incredible. Twitter and FB could never.
Anyway, when you look at the stuff that made tumblr So Loud and Obnoxious, the stuff that made Tumblr into Tumblr, the stuff that was actually drawing ire from altright trolls... at the end of the day, it was because a bunch of women and queer autistics were so happy we just finally found our table, and that we could be mentally ill or whatever in good fucking company. And just like in real life, bullies taking a stab at us for that made us get defensive, and we started talking "hellsite" this and that so we could be the first to insult us, so that when everyone else did, it wouldn't hurt so bad.
tldr fuck you tumblr is fine I'm very happy to be here
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