#anywaysss got lazy with the background
ilovejuzi · 1 year
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Ermmm obligatory cyn post
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h0t-b1tch · 3 years
hi everyone, im backkkk
i had an account here w a completely different name and i has barely active way back in 2019, so i doubt anyone remembers or even knew who i was back then, but im back. for some background, im 15, i haven’t officially been diagnosed with anything but ive been struggling w a restrictive ed since i was like 12. last time i was on here i was just way too young and i should have stayed away bc it made what might have been a smallish problem pretty bad so pretty please if ur stumbling across this page and ur just curious or just starting to think abt this kinda stuff please please leave it’s absolute hell and i wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. anyways ive been relapsing lately and i rly just feel gross and disgusting and lazy and i need somewhere to rant and stay motivated so that i can actually do something this time around and actually loose enough weight to not feel like a giant failure everytime i look in the mirror. to be perfectly honest, my start weight isn’t 100% accurate, i haven’t weighed that much since like September last year and i lost the first couple kilos just by starting to be more active when i went back to school, i was closer to 50 kgs (110 lbs) when i started restricting. anyways, i was out with friends today and i ate like absolute garbage and ive just been eating lollies in my bed since i got home and i feel disgustinggg. anywaysss, this is super long already so i think this is enough for now, bye lovelies, im always here if you ever need to chat abt anything xx
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