#anywhere you go i will follow you feat. ironmarkrose
truesymphony · 4 years
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@ironmarkrose​ ( Roy ) asked:  💏 to receive a kiss from Ray.... discreetly.
Things took a change for the better since Rachael left the military.  Things were good.  They were all starting new chapters in their lives.  It was good but not everything fell perfectly into place.  Ray especially was finding her new footing.  She was all for supporting Roy in his dreams but there was still a looming issue over their heads.  Just what was their new relationship?  After all they had shared some heated moments during Promise Day and there after while he was recovering.  What it meant though was still up for debate.
It had been a few weeks and boredom had really got the best of her.  So she got coffee to bring to the office.  She wanted to catch up.  See how everyone was and mostly to see Roy.  She had no idea just what his reaction was going to be.
After some harmless flirting with Havoc she was told to wait for Roy in his office.  He was doing something.  She sat down on the couch watching the time.  When the door opened, it seemed no one clued him in since he was undoing his coat to fling aside.
The sight was something she didn’t mind seeing but it felt a bit wrong so she cleared her throat signaling she was there.
“Lewis.”  his voice was sharp as he turned to see her.  Clearly he wasn’t expecting it but he wasn’t upset.  More surprised.
“sorry Colonel.”  She chuckled as she stood up.  “Thought I’d bring everyone some coffee.”
“you don’t need to call me that any more.”  he said looking to see the last cup on the desk.  he went to pick it up.  Already cold.  A shame and a waste.  he let out a hum before moving to pour the cup in the planter.
A frown came to the redhead.  not exactly the best method of a thanks.  She figured that was a sign to go.  her head dropped and she was heading to the door when she felt his hand around her wrist.  He was surprisingly quick.  she looked up to see him eyeing her.
There was awkward silence as they just stared for a few moments before he let go of her.  “Is there a reason you are leaving?”
“you....”  she felt her cheeks flushing as she tried to form the proper words.  she was frustrated but she felt completely distracted.  She didn’t even really register what she was doing or why she was doing it.  Damn him.  “No?” 
“Well then sit.”  he said walking over to his desk to sit.  “is there a reason for the visit?”
“no.”  she said more confidently as she walked over to lean against his desk.  Her mind wasn’t as clouded.  “Thought maybe you would wanna see me?”
a smirk came to the flame alchemist as he shifted putting his hand on her knee.  “Of course I want to see you.”  his voice was thick and sultry causing her to get red.  
The moment was effectively ruined however when his door was flung open and a not ever pleased Hawkeye was standing there.  Ray jumped up then looked at her.  “Someone is in trouble.”  She mused. 
“where is your paperwork?”  Riza questioned and he held it up.  As the blonde was looking over the papers ray leaned over and gave him a quick kiss before anyone could see.
“I’ll go.”  Ray said before she left Roy sitting there with his mouth gaping.  She won that round.
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truesymphony · 5 years
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              I’ll follow you down, to where forever lies                       Without a doubt I’m on your side.
Roy x Ray aesthetic for @ironmarkrose
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truesymphony · 5 years
Ray and Roy’s ( @ironmarkrose ) relationship history:
Rachael had spent two years constantly being transferred from station to station.  Once she meet Maes Hughes however, things changed.  She was finally placed under Roy Mustang.  Their first meeting had been rocky but they quickly hit it off.  Ray was not like the other guys in his unit and she was the first female aside from Hawkeye to be assigned under him.  He had a reputation and most assume that females under him would not be a good idea.  However, with Ray it was different.
She would talk with him about miniskirts and girls and everything.  They quickly began to spend a lot of time together off the clock as well as on the clock.  They had inside jokes with each other, a silly handshake that ray insisted on and lots of time just looking out for each other.  Because of Ray, Roy actually had to buy things for when she came over to cook for him or just hang out since his apartment was where they would hang out more.  it’s just nicer than hers.
When his transfer to Central finally came through, she was brought with him which was perfect.  Not only did she spend time with him but she would often drag him to the Hughes household for game nights and various things.  Maes would tease Roy about things but it never went much beyond that since roy nor ray never thought much about it since neither saw it as anything more than best friends.
When they lost Hughes it changed things.  They knew something was wrong. Roy was determined to figure it out.  Ray tried to help but things were not lining up.  All she knew was she was going to do everything she could to push Roy forward to be the leader they needed.
Soon the Elric brothers uncovered more of the dark truth, things began to get complicated and messy. Soon Ray was sent back to the East where she was assigned to serve under Grumman.  She had expecting things to be much worse but once she was filling in on Grumman’s plans she was more relaxed.  She was still an ally to her friend. 
Ray worked with Grumman to plan aid to Roy when Promise day came.  Just before everything she left to be at Roy’s side when everything happened. She arrived in the middle or war.  the city was in in chaos.  Eventually she ended up finding her way underground where roy was.  She stumbled there to hear what Envy had done to Hughes.  It changed everything.  Ray knew something had snapped in her friend.  She stood there watching him.  It was a sight she had never seen before and she didn’t want to see it again.
At first she listened to his orders remaining there even after he left.  Hawkeye was the first to follow after him and ray could not stand back any longer.  She ran after them but it was probably too little too late. The underground was like a maze.  She trudged through till she found Roy.  there was something in his eyes.  Dark, empty and cold.  it made her ache.  he had finally found the killed but this wasn’t how to go.  Riza and Ed were trying to talk him down but he didn’t want to listen.
in the heat of things, Envy had gotten away after biting Ed.  Ray walked over to the creature then picked it up.  he was broken.  Ray couldn’t help but think how cruel it was.  This thing was only following what it had been told to do.  no choice, no forgiveness, no hope.  She looked up at roy then frowned saying how everyone deserves another chance.  Roy did not agree and it lead to some heated words but Envy had already decided.  he plucked the stone from himself fading away in her hands.  She shed a few tears for him though roy showed no sympathy claiming it was the cowards way out.
saddened by that, ray had no choice but to carry on.  Together they moved forward.  They were going further into a maze where they did not know what was ahead.  Soon they were faced with the doctor.  The man who started it all.  Anger boiled inside of her.  That feeling only intensified as Ed disappeared from their sides.  She knew this was bad.  Those creatures began to attack and there was nothing they could do.  Just one wrong move and they were dead.
Eventually Fuhrer Bradley, better known as Wrath showed up.  He kept spouting about this and that, but all Ray seemed to be able to focus on was roy.  Every hit, every word and every bit of malice directed toward the Colonel touched something in her.  She had always sworn herself to protect him but this was different.  
She had let her focus slip and she felt the first hit.  Something slashed into her skin ripping apart.  The shock caused her to cry out in pain.  She squeezed her eyes shut tightly trying to swallow down the pain.  When she opened her eyes again she was completely pinned unable to move or do anything but watch as Bradley tortured Roy by holding Hawkeye down.  The pain on his face.  She knew that look.  She could feel something unpleasant in her chest.
Even with her life on the line, Roy remained strong.  Ray struggled trying to stop it but then roy was forced into the circle.  She watched as he disappeared and she felt broken.  She didn’t know what happened but she just couldn’t believe that he was really gone.  Scar came just in time.  After everyone left, Ray remained to take out Bradley.  Her motivations were to avenge roy.
Bradley was the first person she helped kill.  Once he was gone she situated Scar then left searching for answers.  When she arrived down at the center of the mess, she saw roy.  He was clinging to Riza.  It was a very intimate moment.  Ray lurked in the shadows keeping out of the sight.  She listened to them.  Izumi was leading them away but she stopped noticing ray.  There was a brief explanation of what had happened and roy’s eyes but ray didn’t stay.  She was angry and confused.
When she got to father and saw the boys there was relief and confusion.  Seeing him broke something in her and she ended up saying she would have done it. She would have did it to save roy.  It was the moment she realized she would have broken any rule for him.  She realized she loved him.  She didn’t know when it happened or why but it had.  Ed noticed her and made her stop.
The fight waged on and ray got back to the surface to watch.  Ray continued to do as she could which was when she met Greed.  there was some flirting between them which caused Roy to scream at her but it didn’t matter.  Father took his stone and everything was left to Ed. There were cheers and praises as Ed fought.  It was incredible and then sad and then everything was over.  Al was gone and there was this feeling looming over them.  Ray crumpled over in a heap.  All her emotions coursed through her at once but the sound of relief came and she looked up to see Alphonse.  he looked sickly but he was there.
Ray scrambled over to the crowd.  Looking at her friends.  All had new wounds that should be treated.  Ray quickly sprang into action shouting orders out to get everyone help that they needed.  All got medical attention.  After Ray was stitched up, she was released the same night.
Even though she was able to go she didn’t.  Knowing that roy and everyone was still there she stayed.  She slept outside the colonel’s room.  The next day when she was up she couldn’t bring herself to face him or talk to him.  She lingered bringing him food or moving things for him so he could do things.  he never asked or noticed her with everyone else being in and out though Riza had noticed it but didn’t say a thing.
As time went on, the boys began to heal as did everyone else.  Roy was focused on work and fixing this mess while Grumman was promoted to Fuhrer.  It was a good thing.  Slowly things were getting back to normal.  Finally when Ray went to visit Roy, she was surprised to see Havoc there.  She was so elated she forgot all else.  She hugged him and when he got up she was absolutely the best thing in the world.  She was so happy.  She had barely noticed that Roy was looking at.
her attention turned to him and he smiled.  She lounged for him to hug him and he caugt her.  She knew his sight was back but she didn’t care.  She was relieved and happy.  She pulled back to look at him.  After a moment or two she gathered herself remembering they weren’t alone.  That feeling was back. All those feelings flooded her and she had to leave.
She eventually ran into Edward.  She finally said those words she had been dreading out loud.  She said she loved Roy and Ed just laughed saying that everyone knew but her.  She was frustrated but she pushed that aside.  She knew she couldn’t work for him with this lingering over her.  She had to lock it all away and that was what she would do.
The next few months were complicated.  She continued to work closely with roy and be his friend outside of work.  They slipped back into things as if nothing had changed but for her they had.  She found herself lingering more. One night after a few drinks she finally got the courage she had never had.  She made a move on roy.  One kiss lead to her in his bed.  She knew it was wrong, it was risky.  She told him they could stop but they didn’t.  The next morning Ray left pretending nothing had happened.
That one night seemed to say enough.  She could move forward.  As much as she loved him, he had goals and aspirations.  He had no room for love or any of it.  She just needed to focus on helping him however she could.  While she was ready to give up her fantasy with him, his was just beginning.  Waking up alone hurt and it had seemed to trigger something in him.  he had realized his feelings for ray but perhaps it was too late.
Following that, Ray continued to work for him and they enjoyed plenty of nights together.  It was like they were dating without anything.  Both had learned to live with it but when Ray decided to have a date, Roy knew he couldn’t wait any longer.  He set out on a plan to stop this.  He began to talk with Ray about if she really belonged in the military and how she could help even in other ways.
his words resonated with her.  Eventually she decided to resign from her rank with the idea of being his campaign manager outside in the civilian world.  She thought about radio and slogans and various other ideas to make him seen as the man he was.  When her paperwork finally came through, Roy asked to take her out to celebrate.  while they were out things got a bit intense and once again they ended up in his bed but this time ray stopped it.  She didn’t know what to expect but it wasn’t that.  She left in a rush.
Following that, Roy had set out in a series of attempts to ask her out.  Things never quiet worked out but ray enjoyed seeing the romantic side of him.  Eventually they began to court one another.  it was new and exciting and wonderful.  There had some thoughts about moving in together and children.  They even tried to get pregnant but it didn’t work.  To mask his disappointment, Roy said it was for the best and it was best not to have that on him with his future at stake.
Ray believed that he didn’t want children after that.  So when she learned she was pregnant she was genuinely afraid to tell him.  She held back at first but one day when Roy came home she was laying on the tile floor feeling sick to her stomach roy was confused.  he tried to get her up and find out what was wrong and she explained that it was morning sickness and it was normal.  that was the way he found out and he was elated.
The next few months were full of ups and downs.  Ray would visit roy every day and soon rumors began to spread.  her being unwed and pregnant by the future leader of their country was not acceptable.  Not to mention she was big and everyone always commented on it.  She would cry over it all.  
Roy began to insist they get married right away, not out of love but because other people would see it as wrong.  She continued to refuse over and over but one night when she showed up to the office Roy was waiting, he had decorated the steps with candles and various other things for an intimate ceremony.  Their friends were they and dressed up.  Ray couldn’t resist and agreed to marry him.  Gracia, took Rachael and got her dressed then returned to hold a small wedding for the them. They were officially married and things were looking up.
Not too long after the wedding, Ray went into labor.  To everyone’s surprise, they had been blessed with twins.  Katherine and Kamille Mustang.  It was the best moment in their life.  it was incredible. It was the beginning of their family and the start of Mustang’s raise to the top.
over the next couple years Roy worked hard rebuilding Ishval as well as Central and soon he was named Fuhrer.  The twins were only three when that happened and soon Ray found herself expecting another child.  This time they were blessed with a boy whom they named Maes to honor the man who got them together and gave roy hope.
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truesymphony · 5 years
✵ - Ray & Roy
Send ✵ + a ship and i’ll tell you who does what at christmas!
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? Since Roy works so hard, he isn’t always there to do the decorating, he sends help but ray is stubborn and tries to do it all herself.  It ends with her all tangled up and crying every year.  Roy comes home to save the day though and fix it while scolding her for not letting anyone else help.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting? Both of them do.  They try to hide it by going to replace it without the other knowing.  
who insists on watching the cheesy hallmark christmas movies? No one.  It’s not something they are very interest in.  They have better things to do.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? Ray plays christmas music.  Not Micheal Buble but music.  She enjoys it and Roy does too though he would never admit to it.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping? Roy has someone else do it for him.  not because he can’t but because he doesn’t have the time to.  his job keeps him busy though it doesn’t keep ray from drilling him with questions about what he got her. 
who insists on making snow angels? Roy hates rain and snow so he refuses over and over till Ray begs him and gives him the biggest puppy dog eyes and he goes out with her.  They roughhouse a little and end up having lots of fun making snow angels and creating sculptures together.
who put christmas outfits on all the pets? They have plenty of dogs but they don’t dress them.  Roy would never allow it.
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? Day in but it’s not quiet cause ray invites Roy’s team over and the Elrics and they have a big thing there with a secret santa.  It’s fun and gives everyone a chance to catch up.
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers? It’s actually Roy that insists on these to show off and outdo Edward.  though ray just loves it.  They always have the cheesiest christmas cards that EVERYONE gets.
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? Ray does not wait till midnight, she always shows up at Roy’s office right before he gets off and embarrasses him in front of everyone with cheesy gifts while demanding her flowers because he is the flower man.
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year? Roy did once thinking it would be cute, he forgot then forced Breda to make ray a gift last minute.  She didn’t know but he felt so guilty that he came clean and promised to make it up to her.  
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame? Ray does and she gets so many kisses.  roy hates it and threatens to hurt anyone that kisses her so ray kisses them which makes roy pout.
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? Roy does!  It’s always so bad and it takes Ray and Riza to get him home.  One time he grabbed Riza’s butt and hit on her.  he spent the next week sleeping at the office. Ray still hasn’t forgiven him for that.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? Roy thinks it’s a rather silly thing but he knows ray really enjoys it so he tries to keep it alive for her more than the kids.
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