#anywyas thats my hc about fëa and music tuank you for coming to my ted talk
mc-dude · 5 years
I don't think I ever made a post about how I HC elves fëa and how it relates to ósanwe.. so..
basically and elf's fëa is their own Song. each elf has a unique Song, and it's known to them at birth. it's the first thing they hear, and can morph however which way they please throughout their lives. when an elf opens their mind to another they are sharing their Song.
when multiple elves open their minds to one another, they hear each other's Songs (aka their fëa) and if they are close, can form a duet, or a quartet, etc.. elves that have their minds open to one another for long periods of time (which requires a decent amount of intimacy and trust, usually between lovers, family members or close friends) will have their songs bend and change to compliment each other.
when two elves ósanwe, they initiate it by singing the other's song. it doesn't have to be out loud, but the more power you put behind it the greater the distance you can ósanwe at.
elves can casually ósanwe, but it still requires a degree of trust. an elf is literally sharing what makes them Them, their personal Song, with another. with casual ósanwe the other elf may not get much of a Song, just a few notes or a hint of a melody, but with a deeper connection each elf can hear the deep intricacies of each other's Songs.
this piggybacks off my other hc that everything in tolkien verse has a Song, and it functions like DNA. if you study something enough, you can learn it's Song, and if you know it's Song, you can harmonize, or sing discordant verses to manipulate it. an elf creating a song is actually creating something. manipulating the air, perceptions, emotions, etc.. an elf can sing and have it resonate with another elf's Song without ósanwe as well.
tl;dr an elf's fëa is literally their personal Song which is akin to DNA. except it's music. because elves.
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