soullessjack · 1 year
going 2 bed now but before I do please take my kripke era jack again
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ireallydohateyou2 · 6 months
Start teaching men to accept compliments
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awphooeey · 30 days
Mickey’s veeery complicated opinion on Jose Carioca
I talked about this headcanon on twitter but I wanted to talk about it on tumblr too bc u guys are goated 🙏🤣❤️ ANYYWAYYSSS (Sorry I’m very bad at explaining things and my grammar is awful this is more of a ramble, AND IM SORRY IF THIS IS OOC)
I feel like Mickey, despite not wanting to not like him, does NOTTTT LIKE Jose because of how similar they are. I mean when you think about it, Jose is basically everything Mickey is and more ? (Maybe that’s a stretch, I dunno) He’s more humble, probably a lot more charming, and I feel like Mickey would feel threatened by that. Here’s a rlly crappy drawing to visualize 😎
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I don’t think Mickey would ever admit to feeling that way about him because he doesn’t WANT to, he feels really really guilty about it, and he thinks it’s silly, but I guess he has some deep rooted issues with being replaced to be reacting in such a way.
AND ALSO because Jose is completely oblivious to how Mickey feels about him and thinks they’re very good friends!! So mickey wouldn’t wanna mess that up either and make himself look bad
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AND DONALD!!! Donald is Mickeys bestest friend!! Iconic Disney Duo!! But I always found it funny that despite Jose and Mickey being similar, to me Donald seems to fuck with Jose a LOT more than Mickey 😭 I think Mickey would be incredibly insecure about that especially, i mean if ur best friend likes this guy more than he likes you he’s definitely better than you!!! I think Mickey would end up believing that because Donald seems calmer and happier around Jose, than that means Donald’s temper wasn’t the problem, Mickey not being a good enough friend for him was. :( LIKE HES A BIRD TOO!! THEYRE BOTH BIRDS AND MICKEYS JUST A STUPIF MOUSE!!!💔💔💔 yeah
(I like to imagine a montage of mickey from the shorts trying to “win back” donald from jose lololol maybe ill make a little comic)
BUT ANYWAYS yeah that’s it . thx for reading. please…lemme know what u think….goofbye
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nyxitycatboy · 3 months
*making you a screwdriver drink so I can screw you later* <33
anyon,, not to be mesn or anything hut,, this is clearly just orange juice? it tastes a little weird but so do oranges :3 anyywayysss,, cld i mayybe please have anyother glass anyon pls :3?
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cool-okbutno · 1 year
Teehehe anyywayysss i feel like to some im a very radical feminist but to RADICAL FEMINISTS im not radical enough!!! idk
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killmy3go · 3 years
when u get a 2.50 tip in a 110 bill 😔
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“My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and women who tried to make the world a better place than when they found it, whether in small ways or great ones. Some succeeded, some failed, most had mixed results… but it is the effort that’s heroic, as I see it. Win or lose, I admire those who fight the good fight.”
- George R. R. Martin
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sydkneemacc · 4 years
i was also gonna send the little paint palette emoji one but i'll be honest i looked for it for like five full minutes and couldn't find it so uh. that one too?
(heheh thanks again neon)
🎨 - show us one of your w.i.ps (send me asks)
ok so this one is called “I Will Follow You Into The Dark” and yes the title is from the song by Death Cab for Cutie please do not judge me :)
anyywayysss this is basically a 5+1 Kaysanova fic! yayyy!!! 5 times Joe saved Nicky + 1 time Nicky saved Joe
the only problem is that i’m not an angst writer so this has been kinda hard and it’s taking me awhile to get done :/ but i’m holding out because i’m hoping this one will get some audience :)
here’s a little snippet:
The man cursed in an unknown language. He reared his foot back and swung it against Nicoló's face. It left a mark. No matter for it was gone in minutes. “Whoever you call for in the night. Whoever’s face fills your dreams. You best be holding on to them for soon the only face you see will be mine, standing above you.” The man turned as if too leave the cell before turning back towards Nicoló. An afterthought. “As a matter of fact, continue to call for them. Scream until your throat runs dry and your voice leaves you barren. Men will pay much more for a mute than they will a heavy-tongued man.
Nicoló did not raise his head or give another snappy retort. Instead he felt the chains rattle as the door closed behind the man. He looked up weakly, craning his neck to see through the crack. “Yusuf, Yusuf, Yusuf.” He repeated the man’s name like a prayer. A prayer that followed him into the dark depths of death over and over as the light finally dissipated.
well there you go!! my ao3 is @sydkneemacc if you want to check out my other work <3
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j-herb · 3 years
Anyywayysss to get off of that topic..
Can we talk about the chargers series video??
sounds good lol but i just finished the first episode and i’m so excited about this series!!
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swordsinspace · 7 years
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✨Happy Bellarke fam selfie night!! ✨Sadly I will not be watching it live tonight for like the first time ever because I'm headed to Chicago woot woot! For Raleigh Ritchie! This seems far fetched but is anyone else going?? Also so many of my favorites are back: ACOWAR just came out yesterday & sense 8 comes back friday ahhh! ITS gONNna BE Intense tonight! I saw someone put on The 100 facebook page "watch them all be ready to fight & then clarkes comes in like wHY DON't We JUSt share the BUNker" true story 😂 anyywayysss I'm tagging @ethereal-bellarke @beautyandthebook @bellhound @griffinnblake 😘😘😘😘😘😘
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myungjunssmile · 8 years
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💕💕 I got tagged by the faaaaaaabulous @kimyugym to do an Astro bias selfie tag and idk how old this photo is but I thought its convienient how both of our tongues look a bit like bottom lips haha. Anyywayysss I’m gonna tag @daypjh , @myungmyungi , and @lovelyaroha . Remember if you don’t wanna do it ya don’t have to :33
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anemo-chocobo · 9 years
16 17 18 27 28. For the ask game if you would
ahhh so many ;v; here i go
16: I’ll love you if
you’re nice to me and show interest in things I like;; 
17: Someone you miss
huuh well I guess I miss everyone who I got attached to in the past but we drifted apart for various reasons
18: Most traumatic experience
When I was like 8 two dogs attacked me idk why though;; I kinda dislike dogs because of that (esp the big ones) 
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
oooohh well she has dyed long black hair, she’s physically very strong, very very rude to everyone, laughs at disabled people and justt uhhh she’s really cringe worthy eh 
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