#anzu laying it on a little thick (her default state of being) fdkshgkldsh
contrastrio · 8 months
@nosomatsu // closed starter.
The problem with a lot of teenagers is that they're some of the most merciless people in the universe, experiencing life at one of the worst stages of development imaginable. So Anzu isn't surprised per se when she walks past and hears a trio of them snickering and nudging each other, pointing none too subtly at some guy just, what, trying to enjoy a meal solo? Lots of theories floating between them when Anzu perks her ears to listen (what? a girl can't be curious? a girl can't have an investigative spirit?), none of which are flattering, but the prevalent observation seems to be that this guy has been here for a while and his date's bailed on him. (Oh god yeah, now that she's looking over him, he has that totally blank look to his face that does not bode well in refuting that).
Watching him sit there all alone, amid all the muttering... yeah, this is hitting a little too close to home (or, well, the home of an earlier time in her life at least). So, slinging her jacket (leopard-spotted and needlessly fluffy) over her arm, Anzu abandons her first-choice table and makes a few long, purposeful strides for the seat across from Mr. Jilted-Lover.
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"Hi hi!☆ You mind if I sit here?" The question is made seemingly irrelevant in the next second as she's already seated herself across from him and slung her purse over the back of the chair, but oh well. She tips forward and says, in a tone that's custom-inflected to sound conspiratorial in the most audible manner possible: "I was gonna sit by my lonesome, but it was, like, actually pretty loud and annoying over there?☆" She makes an offhanded gesture towards the table of quieting teenagers, turning briefly to flash them a bright smile and a wiggle of her fingers until the first brush of shame hits and they're compelled to look elsewhere. Turning her attention back to the man across from her, she tips her head, dangling earrings jingling faintly as she goes. "You wouldn't resent a poor, soft-hearted gal for wanting some company while she eats, right? Nice guy like you?"
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