bunnykaye · 5 years
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Day 3 - Favorite Character(s) - Daisy Johnson
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jemmafitzsimmons · 5 years
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AoS Positivity Week → Favorite Scene “You haven’t lost him. You know him better than he even knows himself. He’s complicated. And he’s stubborn. That’s why you let him win arguments sometimes, right? He can be a real baby when he’s sick, so that’s why you got to take care of him. And he’s always got the weight of the world on his shoulders. That’s why he needs you there to help lighten the load. Oh, and he loves his prosciutto and mozzarella sandwiches that no one can make right except you.                                                                     How could you possibly know all those things?”
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ughfitz · 5 years
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Saturday, April 6-Looking Forward to S6 → @aospositivityweek     ↳More Fitzsimmons Family Feels™
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ohifonlyx33 · 5 years
Day 4: Favourite Ship
Mayward!!! JUST. KIDDING.
I can hardly take this question seriously because, as amazing as ships are on AoS, there’s only one that steals the show. 
(If you want the main answer skip to the break down by the gif, otherwise, I’m going to take a minute to appreciate the other ships)
Look, Philinda are my parents, they have such a deep respect for each other, and they have a long history of flirting without dating. There were moments in seasons 1-3 that I clearly shipped them, and I felt weird shipping them with other people; but for the most part, up until about season 4, I would have also been okay if they stayed platonic co-parents. I wasn’t deeply upset by Audrey or Rosalind or Andrew, just a little weirded out. I was so happy my parents went for it in season 4 and decided to make out and go parasailing in season 5.
Then there’s Mackelena. Honestly, they clicked right away. I love that they could barely communicate, but bonded when Elena kidnapped Mack and after she was apprehended by SHIELD. I love that they’re blunt and communicative and passionate. I love that they share a common faith... But also, they’ve not been together very long. They’re both stubborn and protective too, which means sometimes they clash, but they’re both pretty good at forgiveness and understanding.
Daisy’s had a few love interests--the good ones (Lincoln, Ben) are sweet but a little boring and end up dying, the bad ones (Ward, Robbie) have the most chemistry but they never quite get started which is a good thing in Ward’s case and an slight disappointment in Robbie’s case. Then there’s Deke who is a lovesick puppy, but Daisy’s not interested and frankly I’d have to see it change a lot before I shipped it. Honestly, Lincoln was a decent boyfriend/puppy, but Robbie is probably my favorite potential love interest with Daisy because she had good chemistry with him.... but neither of them were looking for a relationship at that time and nothing ever happened.
It is, and always will be: Fitzsimmons. Buckle up kiddos, this could get long. 
First of all, when we first meet them, they’re bickering about science. It’s clear that they have some different opinions, different branches of interest in science, but that they’re similar enough to be compatible and comfortable enough to clash with each other... but they still introduce themselves as a united unit (sidenote: that’s good parent material right there... just saying). 
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Right from the beginning, we quickly learn they’re best friends, who have worked side by side for years because they speak the same language and  their minds fit together so well. Regardless of their differences, they blend together so well and have so much in common--including being eager, young prodigies from the UK with somewhat awkward social graces--that they just understand each other and accept each other. 
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Thanks to some amazing chemistry between Iain and Liz, you can’t help but feel there’s underlying feelings, not being acknowledged. And we get to see them being realized slowly, first by Fitz then later by Jemma. 
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They’re clearly the most important person in each other’s lives, but having romantic feelings for that person is a terrifying thing to admit when you’re not sure it’s mutual, and it’s equally terrifying to realize the depth of your feelings amidst constant danger. But something this magnificent is just inevitable.
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When I think about Fitzsimmons, I can’t help but think of scientific analogies. Particularly I’m reminded of the first law of thermodynamics. That no energy in the universe is created or destroyed. Their love has always been and always will be. It is constant, unconditional, but it just changes form. In their case, friendship blossoms into star-crossing eternal love. 
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[and now, let’s take a shot break to weep]
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Speaking of science, I am terrible at it. I mean, almost exclusively just awful. So I apologize in advance... But I seemed to remember learning about some sort of really strong bond that was the strongest in the universe. I thought it might be an ionic bond, so I tried to do a little research before I wrote this... But I just got more confused by people comparing ionic and covalent bonds. I guess it depends on the substance or whatever. What I’m trying to say is that Fitzsimmons are bonded together like carbon molecules in a diamond. Their bond is so strong, and any time that bond gets tested, it doesn’t break. (The writers do, however, sometimes find a laser and start cutting the ice--and boy does it hurt, but at the end of it, they shine brighter)
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But whatever comes their way, their love is unconditional. Unconditional. No matter how cursed they may be, they’re inseparable.
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But More Than That, they’re also able to literally break the laws of physics to defy death.  It’s like they can rewrite the Laws Of Nature. They ARE a law of nature. Their bond is strong, their love is constantly present... but somehow they expand exponentially to the point of becoming infinite. 
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They’re a force to reckoned with. Unbreakable. Unstoppable. Unequivocally, meant to be together.  The universe can’t stop them. Their love breaks the universe instead.
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And *this* is how their story ends:
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And because of them, I’ve poured so much of my heart into this fandom, made some really awesome friends, had so much fun (and pain and agony). 
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agentofship · 5 years
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Looking forward to season 6
First of all, quite a lot about the FitzSimmons family of course.
-An epic space reunion with a super romantic declaration that will give us as much positive feels as the finale gave us negative ones. Bonus if we get an awesome passionate kiss and in general, I want to see a more passionate, physical side to their relationship during the whole season.
-I want their relationship to evolve quickly so it doesn’t feel like everything we got to see in season five is completely lost and they have to start over completely. I don’t think we’ll see a second wedding, especially with the shortened season, but at least a mention that it will happen would be nice. Or maybe Jemma finding out that she’s pregnant.
-The FitzSimmons family being happy and Fitz liking Deke this time, them being cute dorks together and Jemma being all emotional about it.
Everyone grieving properly and dealing with their emotions and all the crap that had happened to them. Ideally a therapy for everyone would be nice, but I doubt they’ll have time for that, so for Fitz at least, to deal with his hallucinations and probably still hearing the doctor. The writers really need to deal with all that and not just by a quick mention of it. We need to know that Fitz is going to get a treatment of some kind once he gets back on Hearth.
In general, everyone needs to have real conversations so that they can fix all the friendships that suffered a lot during the previous season, especially Fitz and Mack and Fitz and Daisy. And from the spoilers of 6x01, maybe Daisy and Jemma too. Obviously, it can’t go back to the way things were like in season one, but it’d be nice to have a bit of a Bus Kids vibe.
I really hope that Chloe and Elizabeth didn’t lie and that this season will actually bring us back some of the humor that had been lacking so much last season.
I have high hopes for a badass team-up between Elena and May. It’s a duo we haven’t seen much and I think they could be a lot of fun. I really hope Enoch is here to stay this time.
I’m really curious to see how Mack is going to be like as the director. I want to see him struggling a bit, not because I want him to suffer or anything, but to give him perspective on the times he was a little quick to judge others about the impossible decisions they make. And I hope it makes his character evolve positively. I also hope that thing with Elena we know from 6x01 is only temporary and he sees that cutting himself off from others is not the solution.
I want Clark Gregg to be a really cool villain and I hop that he still has some of Coulson’s humor.
And last but not least, please please, no excruciatingly long scenes (or like, full episodes) about annoying villains that will end up dying and have very little importance. (season five I’m looking at you)
I’d also ask for Hunter and maybe Bobbi to return but it really doesn’t seem like it, so I’m going to keep that one for season seven. But looks like Robbie’s back so yay! This week has been wonderful and my timeline full of positivity and love so a huuuuge thank you to @aospositivityweek for this :)
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aospositivityweek · 6 years
AoS Positivity Week 2019
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Running March 31-April 6, 2019
Sunday, March 31- Favorite Season
Monday, April 1- Favorite Scene
Tuesday, April 2- Favorite Character(s)
Wednesday, April 3- Favorite Ship
Thursday, April 4- Fandom Celebration Day
Friday, April 5- Fanwork Appreciation Day
Saturday, April 6-Looking Forward to S6
New meta, fics, blog posts short or long, screen caps, playlists, moodboards, gifs, fic rec lists, are all welcome. No reposting, please!
Following #aospositivityweek and #aospw2019 for reblogs. As tumblr can be a problem, you can also include @aospositivityweek to make sure your post is seen! You can also submit posts directly to the blog, or if you’re not on tumbler or would like me to post something for you, or have a question you don’t want answered on the blog, you can email this blog at [email protected].
Let’s flood our dashes with love for our favorite show and for our tiny but active fandom.
More information as we get closer, but *ALL* ships are welcome, no tearing down of characters/ships/other fans will be allowed, and most importantly, have fun. (You can participate in all days, only one of the days, or however many you chose).
Fandom Celebration Day: Build up your fellow fans! Tell us who are your favorites to follow, who always is there with the meta when it’s needed, or even just shout praise at your fellow fans as a whole. Bring on the love!
Fanworks Appreciation Day: Make rec lists, gush about your favorite fic, tell us all about the gifs, manips, and mood boards that have gotten you through hiatus. A fandom is more than just the show, and fan content creators keep us going! 
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bobbiamorse · 5 years
Buckle up, everyone, because it’s time for me to talk about all the reasons I love Lance fucking Hunter!
Hunter is an amazingly loyal, smart, emotionally intelligent, and selfless person who hides it all beneath a mask of sarcastic jokes and acerbic comments (especially re: Bobbi), and I wish he got more credit for all of the ways that he’s amazing, as an agent, a person, and a character.
From the very beginning we see Hunter’s duality; he claims that he’s only in S.H.I.E.L.D. for the money, but contradicts it quickly when, after watching his two best friends die in a car accident, he tells May to leave him to Talbot so she can chase after Creel. Even after being threatened by Talbot and offered both a substantial sum of money and, more importantly, a proper burial for his fallen friends, Hunter chooses to go back to Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. Even when it gets difficult to stay (hello, ex-wife), Hunter does. He continues to show up for people when they need him, even at great risk to his own well-being. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Hunter believed he was going to be sent in front of a firing squad in Parting Shot, and he still didn’t sell out S.H.I.E.L.D. - despite being told not forty-eight hours earlier that May didn’t believe he was loyal enough to do it. Then, of course, after being on the run for two years (Most Wanted, anyone?), this man decides that he’s going to break into a high-security government facility to bust his best mate out? Loyalty at its finest.
Another thing that I really admire about Hunter as a person/character is his willingness to admit his emotions. It’s not something that we see a lot of male characters get to do, and I found it refreshing when he was able to do things like admit that he was wrong and sorry for shooting the team with ICERs in order to exact revenge on Creel. And sure, not all of his emotions are great ones, but his ability to be honest even when it’s not fun or even necessarily right (like telling Bobbi that he’s going to be better chasing after Ward without her and that he doesn’t want her in the field because he’s afraid for her) is something that I find interesting and cool.
I also think that Hunter doesn’t get enough recognition for his espionage skills. Sure, he’s not ever going to be like Bobbi or May, partially because of aforementioned emotionality, but he has some chops. He pins Bobbi’s intentions with him from the start of their relationship and continues to realize when she is lying to him, which is not an easy thing to do. He also escapes from Real S.H.I.E.L.D., dare I say easily? Like, I still laugh about it when I think that he literally peaces out of a helicarrier full of trained agents - partially, of course, because Bobbi doesn’t attempt to stop him, but he still dodges everyone else, which is something.
This isn’t to say that he doesn’t have flaws - my lord does this man have flaws - but I’ve always seen a lot of myself in Hunter in ways I don’t really see myself in other characters on AoS (especially in his need for approval!), and I love him a lot.
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apathbacktoyou · 5 years
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kasius&sinara - everything we’ve ever wanted.
favourite ship for @aospositivityweek
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AoS Positivity Week Day 5 - Fandom Celebration
Hello! Sorry I haven’t participated yet (work and studying ugh) but for this of course I have to! There are so many wonderful beans who make the fandom so amazing and deserve to be shouted out! @aospositivityweek
(Disclaimer: in no particular order except the order my brain spits them at me - I love you all!)
@jemcaulfields - one of my bestest beans from this site, even though she may not watch AoS anymore, she makes the most wonderful fitzsimmons aus, and writes the most amazing fics and makes amazing gifsets. Honestly her skill set is endless and she’s so lovely and kind and an amazing cheerleader! I love you, Olesya!
@whistlingwindtree - an absolute treasure! An absolute champion of Quakrider and her love and dedication to her ship is so amazing! She’s so supportive, incredibly kind, and always endeavours to help you no matter what. Her fics and mood boards are always excellent! An absolutely excellent bean! 
@agentmmayy - a ray of sunshine! She’s so kind and sweet and wow, so many talents! Everything she creates is always 1000/10 and she’s so kind and supportive that I always look forward to seeing her on my dash!
@huntxngbxrd - AL IS AMAZING! Their fics and moodboards are always out of this world - and I love their love for Huntingbird and Bobbi and Hunter that it’s infectious! The time and dedication put into the Most Wanted Exchange, as well as being able to chat about Queer Eye and share obscure facts about things make them such a wonderful bean that I love with all my heart!
@sunalsolove - WOW is all I can say! I absolutely love her fics so much and she contributes so much to the fandom and puts in so much effort that I’m in awe! She’s such a kind and lovely person, and her reviews never fail to make me feel things! Thank you for being you! 
@colaismywater - an absolutely wonderful writer and such a kind and sweet bean with he most gorgeous degus! Franzi is an absolutely lovely soul and is always a pleasure to talk to!
@typosandteabags - One of the bestest beans! Always has a kind and lovely word to share, reblogs some of the best things in the world, and is such an amazing fic writer that it blows me away! 100/10!
@eclecticmuses - HER ART AND HER FICS ARE SO WONDERFUL LIKE GAH! IT’S SO BREATH GIVING HOW AMAZING THEY ARE! Also has some of the best tweets in the world and is a pleasure! 
@rathxritter - thank the stars for Kate! Her fics are out of this world, as well as her gifsets! She leaves the most wonderful comments, and I swear loves all of the best British tv shows that I love because I can always rely on her blog to fulfil my needs! An amazing bean! 
@libbyweasley - where to begin? An amazing writer who is always so supportive of other people’s fics as well! An absolutely lovely contributor to the fandom who makes it such a bright place! 
@blancasplayground  - such a sweet bean! An amazing writer, a truly lovely and sweet person who leaves such encouraging comments and is a treasure to talk to! 
@bluepianoguyismael - Such a supportive bean! Honestly such a treasure to have in the fandom! Always supports any ship and any content and is an absolutely lovely bean! 
@bunnykaye - for always reblogging and leaving such wonderful comments and tags on things that make my heart full! 
@recoveringrabbit - THE MOST GORGEOUS FICS! Ah, I am in love with all of them! Also such a kind person, and it was the most fun to be your secret santa! Thank you for being you!
- That’s everyone I can think of just now (it’s been a long day) but I promise that if I’ve forgotten you I still love you so so much, I just have a memory like a sieve! HAPPY FANDOM CELEBRATION DAY! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING AND KEEP BEING YOU! 
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bunnykaye · 5 years
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Day 3 - Favorite Character(s) - Jemma Simmons
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sunalsolove · 5 years
I’ve been crap at participating, but for Day Five of @aospositivityweek I wanted to give a shout out to a few people that make AoS fandom awesome for me. (If I miss you, it’s because my brain is swiss cheese.) 
First up is @robotgort who I dragged over here and who has put up with me being a total weirdo for many years now. She makes sure I don’t end up wallowing in the Pit of Dispair too often and makes my writing a million times better. Thank you! (Also read her stuff, it is the best. Especially Riptide) 
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I’ve gotten to know some wonderful people that are always commenting on my stuff no matter how far I wander off the normal path, and I can’t thank you enough. @libbyweasley and @2minutes2midnight . Libby is also an amazing author and I can’t recommend all her works highly enough. 
I owe @whistlingwindtree a ton. She’s made me feel welcome and somehow dragged me right into quakerider fandom and I’m not letting go of it now! Thank you for being an amazing friend! Her fics give me life as well and you should absolutely check them out. 
There’s a lot of other people I need to thank for making this an awesome place to be a fan: @eclecticmuses and her wonderful stories and art 9I have a phone case with your art on it!)  @memorizingthedigitsofpi who I can probably blame for rewatching AoS in the first place, @blancasplayground for wonderful fics, @besidemethewholedamntime for making this fandom a warm and welcoming place, @huntxngbxrd for all the huntingbird and rarepair love that pushes me outside my boundaries, @agentmmayy for her wonderful fics.
@agentofship for being a fantastic artist, author, reviewer, and friend. THANK YOU! (You have no idea how often I click on Heathens so I can see the art!) 
@captainironnerd for being a kick-ass artist. When I very first joined the fandom one of your FS drawings was my phone background for ages and ages (where they’re sitting at the table together) and now your pic of Hunter and Bobbi from Riptide is what I see every time I unlock my phone. 
There are so many wonderful people and I’ll kick myself when I remember who I should have called out, but I love you all and thank you for making this a wonderful a terrific fandom experience! 
(Also thank you to TomatoBookWorm and Pobmmm on Ao3! Getting comments from them always makes my day!) 
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ughfitz · 5 years
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Tuesday, April 2- Favorite Character(s) → @aospositivityweek    ↳fitzsimmons
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ohifonlyx33 · 5 years
day 1: favourite season
Season 1. You can fight me on this. (ง'̀-'́)ง  
There are some flaws to this season, namely I initially found “Skye” irritating and Ward a bit bland, fitzsimmons never kiss on the lips, and there are a few of the episodes aren’t strictly necessary (they have information that add to the story, but could have been reworked).
But the first season is fun, friendly, slower paced, and lower stakes... and it makes sense because they’re one little mobile unit working for the Big SHIELD System with rules and protocols. So as crazy as it can be, it’s grounded. Which makes it just mind-blowing (as JuliDG would say) or surreal when it does get more intense and things blow up or go insane.... Jemma almost dies, Skye gets shot and almost dies, Coulson finds an alien in TAHITI and learns he was dead for WAY longer than a few minutes or seconds and that he had his memories erased, Ward Is Hydra™... Really it’s all about the payoff. The season asks for your patience, lures you into a false sense of security, but it knows what it is doing... And you find out the ending has been set up since day one... it had a clear direction the whole time. They built it up to watch it fall apart, and it’s earned. And you get to see the characters living through it... it shocks you when shield falls and when ward betrays them... it feels earned. 
It’s the show I fell in love with with nerdy married couple ignoring their feelings for each other, a spunky hacker, a Nice Guy traitor, a ninja warrior mom, and a Cool Dad™: The Agents Of Frickle-Frackle.
Every other season is more “action-packed” with “better effects” and “better pacing” but I say season 1 has plenty of action, plenty of cool effects, and a specific pacing that works... as well as more heart, slower character beats, actual lightbulbs, happier characters, stronger story arcs and clearer character arcs. 
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agentofship · 5 years
AoS positivity week: favorite ship
Day four is the easiest day for me. I'm not even going to pretend I had to think for a second to decide what my favorite ship is. I've enjoyed other ships in the past five years, I miss Huntingbird, Philinda's first (real) kiss in season five was one of the "light in the shadows" moments and Mackalena had such lovely moments as well. Apparently, we're all going to suffer together in season six but, without it being a surprise to anyone, my favorite will always remain FitzSimmons. (Just a note to say that I will be focusing on the FitzSimmons part of the show here because it's the theme for today but obviously, it doesn't mean that it's the only thing I care about while watching the show)
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It's actually become my all times favorite TV ship and one of the reasons I got hooked on the show so early on. And to me, it's also the best ship in the MCU for so many reasons. Like I said in my piece about favorite characters, I came to the show for Coulson and Ming-Na and, and although they didn't disappoint, it's Fitz and Simmons I fell in love with from the beginning. Their chemistry was off the charts from the first episode. The way they finished each other's sentences and bickered like an old married couple showed how deep and lovely their friendship was. And then came FZZT and The Hub and it became obvious that there was more than that. Still, season one has mostly developed their friendship at the same time as Fitz's feelings were becoming more and more obvious in a rather cute way. At this point, I was still very naive and with the lighter tone of season one, I thought that he'd end up telling her, and maybe there'd be some pining but they would get together soon enough and all would be well. 
But then came Hydra and the pod scene and they killed us with feelings. And then came the first of many hiatuses spent agonizing over what would happen to them. After that, their relationship took such an epic and dramatic turn all while being believable in its evolution and all the different feelings involved. Season two was painful but we saw them learn to be themselves without each other and take the time to deal with all the changes. Fitz is a very instinctive character, so when he started to realize how important Jemma was, it didn't take long to realize he was in love. But for Jemma, who's so logical and likes to have everything well organized, she just didn't have time to prepare for what Fitz told her, especially just right before sacrificing himself for her. All the confusion, the sadness, the guilt she feels during season two are so very well written and feel so realistic. And I love that they slowly rebuilt their friendship first because it was the foundation of their relationship and I think they needed before Jemma finally realized she was on the same page.
And once that happened, there was just no stopping them. We thought Fitz's sacrifice in the pod was epic but that was just the beginning. They would do anything for each other: dive through a hole in the universe, become badass Indiana Fitz, plug herself in a hellish virtual reality and crawl out of her tomb, freeze himself for 74 years, manage to deal with an awful love triangle trope involving a hogfaced astronaut (I love you and I miss you Hunter <3) and even death. I mean which other ship in the MCU can compete with that? 
But they're not just epic and dramatic, they're also incredibly romantic and adorable together. Fitz often had the most beautiful lines: something magnificent, can't live in a world that doesn't have you in it, his proposal and I'm counting on him for more in season six. But Jemma has said incredibly beautiful things as well and in her own style. When for Fitz, it feels very spontaneous and out of a poetry book, for Jemma it feels like she's simply stating very obvious facts, which is really beautiful too because she has spent time analyzing it all and came to the conclusion that Fitz was her favorite person in the world.
And of course, she killed us all with her wedding vows. And of course, even though they're beautifully written, my love for them is directly linked to Liz and Iain being such amazing actors who can make my heart melt with how cute they are or make me cry my eyes out from either happiness or sadness. So as with every season, I am now equally excited and terrified to see what they're going to come up with for those two in season six. (Thank you to everyone who took the time to read all of this :D)
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beth-is-rainpaint · 5 years
AoS Positivity Week Day 4: Favorite Ship
I first ventured into the AoS fandom because of Fitzsimmons--I’d started watching the show and wanted to find more AoS-related content and I realized, “Hey, these people on Tumblr who ship Fitzsimmons seem pretty nice!” and I started following them and here we are!
Far above and beyond that, though, Fitzsimmons have such an epic story and a strong relationship. Watching their progression from best friends to more than that to husband and wife has been . . . well, sometimes it’s been incredibly painful, but it’s also been beautiful. They’re completely dedicated to each other and they’ve overcome so much. I am so ready for a s6 Fitzsimmons reunion.
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And then there’s Philinda, aka my S.H.I.E.L.D. parents. I’ve enjoyed every stage of their relationship and I honestly didn’t actively ship them until it became clear that that was the direction the show was going. I was all for it at that point, though! They go back so far and it’s clear that they’ve always cared deeply for each other, even if it took a while (almost too long :’() for them to acknowledge their feelings for what they really were.
I can’t think too much about how their story ended or I’ll start weeping, but here’s to Coulson and May.
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^^^ I know that’s technically LMD May but it ended up being important for real May and Coulson so
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Honorable mention goes to Huntingbird, because I love those two idiots in love (but could not obtain a screenshot of anything other than Bobbi getting shot and Hunter rescuing her in 2x22, so D:).
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libbyweasley · 5 years
Day 4 - Favorite Ship
So this has been the easiest one for me to answer. FitzSimmons, obviously. Just two adorable dorks trying to save the world who realize they are in love with each other (I mean, it could happen to anyone, right? ❤️).
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But, I also love all of the other ships on this show (including some of them that maybe didn’t exactly happen).
In a world without FS, Huntingbird would be my OTP. They are so badass, but also completely normal in how they bicker and spend time apart, but always find their was back together, because they love each other in spite of all of that. *sigh*
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And of course Mackelena has really grown on me. I didn’t pay attention to their relationship the first time through, but on my rewatch I couldn’t help myself, they were just so adorable 💕
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Philinda is a *little* bit like thinking about mom and dad getting together, but by the kiss I was totally sold.
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Fanfiction has also completely convinced me that QuakeRider and Kasinara definitely happened 😊 I’m looking at you @whistlingwindtree @apathbacktoyou
I guess I’m just stupidly addicted to this whole show
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