#apb sweden
the-firebird69 · 6 months
Scotlands Strongest man 2019 loading medley . strongman fun #shorts
You see what a joke it looks like a joke it sounds like a joke the people that audience who are stronger and what exactly they doing we don't know now they're trying to symbology at all stupid s*** and a whole bunch of weaklings and the contest started to look really s***** like 3 years ago because of trump and it's really stupid in the way except for Norway Denmark and Sweden in a couple of European nations it looks hilariously rude they don't use the right equipment or the right weight and they're just moving stuff around and it really is awful yard it's so stupid and our son has seen it it just moving s*** around saying they can lift a lot look at me my wife I'm lifting a rock this is terrible these hobos need to shut down homos. I don't want comments on anymore of this but so damn rude that he sees it everyday all day long this accident behavior this asinine behavior what is it suck and they need to be put in prison for real we're sending out APB now
Thor Freya
We're sending orders to get them out
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So you won't leave me alone with this idiot you won't brush them off you won't hold them off give him something else to do give him jobs or other you keep exciting him I haven't need dump on them or someone else or circumstances so I'm going to hold it against you Max I'm going to use them against you like I have been the whole time you've been doing this it's going to get more and more intense right now it seems you have absolutely no clue what we're doing and we're not going to stop this time cuz you say so and DC is coming down already to rattle your chain and foreigners will be along
Zues Hera
You know what he's saying you're saying you're sitting there bothering you right now and you have fully intend to continue to so I'm going to bother you you're a bunch of assholes who don't understand what you're doing it all the blockade is falling and you're desperately building ships as fast as you can and they're fighting you on building them and they're going to fight you on using them and having them and they're getting bigger and bigger and you're getting smaller and smaller going to try and switch to AI you're going to lose a ton of stuff right now Tommy f is pulled tons of stuff out so John remillard is here threatening for it he wants to take like half of it he says half but that s***** for us it all I'm trained we all suck and he's just demanding it by threatening our son you guys don't seem to give a s*** at all so we're going to take his half and we can take more of course a lot more and we can use the rub cuz BJ's doing it too driving around in a forensics van so we're going to do a forensic study of them then and BGA and we're going to hand it into people who are concerned I'm going to take all the stuff for using right now the blockade is failing what you have several millions over there in Russia and several million ready in South America and you're going to start mining the iron over there in the monument valley area and we're going to start taking that stuff but right now those are major areas where you're building ships there are other ship areas that we're going to use the moron John Reema Lord to take your ships from and we'll list them off Europe has been pumping out the iron and we're going to take at least 50% of those ships and make sure that Max don't get any
Norway Denmark Sweden Trump sent a huge Force it's almost gone cuz it is huge gaping mouth I'm going to take all his shirt up there it's about half of what he's up there because he's steaming piping hot there's some more too there's some surface mines South Africa and Sahara and Max are up there minding it we'll see it's Tommy savino everybody tries to gang up on him they're infighting and we end up taking the Lion's share from both parties well three parties and right now we put on another APB out on John remillard and you're sitting there smirking same people using his name in vain and he should be in jail he's an escapee he's been convicted of a crime and it's a felony you guys insisted that I repeat it and I'm repeating it and you get shot and he gets shot everyday and you're stupid so I'll continue to do it because I benefited and the a****** doesn't get it it's in English it's very clear he's morons doing something that doesn't help you and you keep repeating it and you end up losing there's a bunch of women running around you don't know what to do I said it's quite simple you're around and you look at things passively and you don't get into any trouble missing you doing that and then you make a report and somebody sends it out and hangs them in public like just a tweedly dumb f*** next door he's an a****** that guy I'm running around here thinking that oppressed and doing what they want because I'm sitting here telling you what they're doing that's illegal cuz they're so smart no son said that last sentence so it's in there threatening your son's only motive transportation cuz he thinks it's going to help him when his son is riding the s*** out of him using it it doesn't take any effort he just thinks it does and yeah these people are massive losers
Norway Denmark Sweden is almost lined out it should be by the end of the day and we will take possession quietly and make sure it does not present a massive danger.
The sun is under massive amounts of dress and they're focusing on one or two clans to do it in order to deflect responsibility and we're not buying it you might know it we're going after them a lot and you a lot as well and the foreigners are breaking through your barricade your blockade and they're going to be through sometime this afternoon and your ships won't be down until later on this evening so they're going to come in get Intel on this light cycle facility Tron and they're probably not going to be very happy with you and it will fight much harder over ships and we'll go after you much harder whether you use idiotic hand gestures or not we're going to take out huge Bunches of your idiots and we're going on it right now especially the imbecile doing it in front of us so we have a lot of projects going on here we have 5 million starts today we should have 10 million starts tomorrow and by the end of the week we'll have 20 million starts in Florida and it's very large and these people think it's very bad because they're ignorance as hell have no defense is now because they pushed Tommy f out who had the high tech stuff and they're not statisticians and they're not military people and they're not people who know how to do military maneuvers most of them are all dried up and or whatever in the business at all I never have very little business near us and they don't know what they're doing they lose more everyday than they've ever gained everyday it's much more than that and they're going to be in trouble tonight so we're going to hear about it so we have to man up and we're having a meeting now and I'm suggesting 10 times as many but he says is we going to yank the thing out of there and install them facility now so we're thinking about doing that or equivalent so nice way to think
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
What a great weekend Tommy f ring around time to get everybody screw down with everyone bothered them took stuff and got caught it was a real cream puffs and f** made all sorts of dumb jokes harass everybody started harassing her son get his ass kicked my tons of people in US went around as Mr sinister for a while is making four off it looks like a jackass and a bum when he left Comic-Con everyone was booing him and shining him cuz he beat someone up inside I said that's not what it's all about mister because it is with us and you'll find out and said we found out we're blowing your bases up they don't care what cream it says maybe we do so it's the timing thing so they tried to capture him and he's going around them and they're moving in on him he's just sprinting it's going like 80 miles an hour nope 30 no he was going about 15 to 18 which is faster than they were but just barely it just enough juice to get to his vehicle and leave so the idiots playing it close and he looks weaker but he's not. She said try again and try pulling the cards away from him to look at them so they tried doing they can't so I see what it is all sudden it's a huge deal his clothes are getting arrested and interrogated because of what they're saying they're going around saying stuff and the foreigners are going to invade and we're going to get crust between both and his people would be in a problem yes this is a huge deal for him he's getting screwed in his people and nobody gives a s*** especially Tommy f yeah just lean on me you f****** fart Tommy f what a loser Jesus come down here then no go to hell oh you already did so we're at war with them now Max's says most are CA answer's but we put out actually PBS and on Trump
And we said we put apbs on the max because we did you keep doing this number on them and screwing around with them using all these excuses and they're going to get screwed by the foreigners Tommy f and the retards it's the dumbest thing I've ever seen him do but they keep doing it so we're taking advantage of it just sit there and make fun of it and laugh at him and screw around with what he's doing we're doing it to you now it's a huge hole in your attitude.
Going after you now and we're going to make sure that you don't leave without knowing that you're losing
Several things are happening we went after the shadow dome in Europe we have all of them in except one 400 we went after the shadow dome and norly Denmark Sweden Iceland and the ocean sea up there and it is ours except for one 400 there Lock stock and barrel for real even Iceland I know they don't have a base there anymore and the tunnels don't go up there because it's too cold everything freezes in the tunnels.. your son is wise to this he says you think they would do it because when you're bored into it the Earth is frozen so it's holding itself up and it sort of is but if it cracks cuz you heat the tunnel it collapses on you in big chunks so his wise but we did figure out the problem and having a few times and stop doing it he said that makes sense too cuz that's what happens cuz he finds its way to the weakest spot through the technique we don't heat it up and that's what we're doing we also in case it properly warms up a little bit not much. Bluetooth 400s will fall today we're all focusing on them at least one $800 in Russia and several hundreds in the caucuses two 200s in the Middle East and I'm going to make a run at the caucuses in Middle East because we need the Mediterranean in the Sahara is in and we are working on all of them all the time we just need to focus on them more so and some of them come in without us focusing
We had several come in from the oceans there were several 400 surrounding each of the 700s out there and there are eight of them and it's down to around 200 each except for the southeast Atlantic which has three. You're a slew of fifties still in the Norway Denmark Sweden Icelandic ocean area we're going after those quite steadily there's one 500 underneath Britain and they're going to use that in their War and Russia will use the 800
We're doing prep work there and we're doing prep work here and yes to make safe are they really going to do they can't see it
We have all of them in Brazil we have all of them in Africa we have most of them in Mexico there are three 200s outstanding and he's requesting where we should concentrate now and I'm saying Europe because that will soon be a war zone. The Icelandic area for the same reason. Russian for the same reason and yes Mexico is going to be a war zone very soon so that we wait and use it for that or we get rid of it now and he says now would be nice which one's going to happen first and you should tell us well we have the harvest your queen and black ships and we have the question about Russia any question about China I would assume and that's correct in South America by the way in South America comes up through there every so often and they do and that's an issue whereas in Russia they don't go through Europe that much and the issue is in the Ukraine which is to the South and Europe might stand up for them but it's not a reason for Russia to open a second front or for Britain to rampage through Europe to go after Russia because of the Mediterranean so our senior logic and it's true however the east coast is falling first and we know you're aware of that you're thinking it but if the East Coast falls they go after those that are making it fall which is really Russia and China they're the ones who are mostly at the blockade no it's Europe oh shoot then that's got to be what we focus on even though they're going through Mexico so we're going to focus on both and you're right we need help and we need Asia excuse me all of Asia to help South America and Mexico all hours of course to clear that out and all of mine that are in those areas that are available I'm calling right now because they're going to trample through there with a 3-200s at this time as the blockade comes down to three more times and a miracle fire and it really is indicative of that area and two Tutangus points it out and should be our Battle cry and we agree with that our son said that last part... It's a sounding math but it's very true you're going to be using heavy and we can't afford it and a lot of it and yes he says in California there are big weapons manufacturers in Texas and the Southwest is always been known for it matter fact that you take a lot of stuff from Mexico to make it so you fighting over that as well and those are right in the way as well as the California one but that's up north but then again that would be a Jeopardy because of Russia and when the South eats up the north though so there's one near Utah which is heating up and he's going to heat it up shortly tomorrow and the mail sucks we're going to heat it up ourselves now and then there is the East Coast Europe Europe in the Arctic zone and Russia all which I priority in the caucuses the Middle East and the Mediterranean are going to continuously be going on but not as hard and here and the Gulf it is a priority and it's very crazy but we're not allowed to do it because of circumstances as well as Florida and Georgia and Pennsylvania
It's a plan and I'm going to execute it and put together formal orders initially and Hera is please he said he's a little busybody today I got to him.
We're returning the moment
Thor Freya
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