#aph Belchior
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. (Tag as many as you wish)
I was tagged by: @aph-illuminati
I'll tag: @nyosweden @aph-belarusia @hanahope101 @alfredtalia @hagebutt (I suffered to remember who have OCs gegeeeffe)
1. What is your name?
My name is Belchior! Oh, do you want my full name? It's Belchior Gaspar Pessoa Ventura!
2. Do you know why are you named that?
Oh... It was my mom who choose my name... In honour of my dad, who I never meet.
3. Are you single or taken?
I'm single, but I'm interested in a certain Brazilian~
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Not really-- I mean! My mom shares with me her immortality!
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
How dare you >:(
6. What’s your eye color?
According to everyone, my eyes are green, kinda of greyish! I'm colourblind, so...
7. How about your hair color?
I'm a ginger! Or that's what I want to say, but some people say that it's actually a reddish brown? Like copper? All I can see is brown, but since my mom is a ginger, I also wanted to have the same colour (even though I see her as a brunette...). Ah! But we both dyed the tips with blue!
8. Have any family members?
Well, I'm adopted, but I have a big family! My mom is the personification of Aveiro, so all the other districts are my aunts and uncles, and Portugal is my grandpa!
My dad... Well, I heard from my mom he was a human and she adopted me because he wanted children, but... We never meet.
9. Oh? How about pets?
I don't have any, but I've been wondering if I should get one... Like a bunny! They are cute!
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now, tell me something you don’t like?
Ugh, when I'm doing a glass jar or anything like that, but the shape gets wrong... Or when people look at my clothes and I start to wonder if I got the colours wrong. Again.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I like to do glass and crafts! Also, I like to read, watch animes and play RP. And maybe I also draw fanarts and write fanfics... But just maybe...
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Hmmm I don't think so? I took self-defence classes and I did had to use that techniques sometimes---- for self-defence, okay?
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Pretty sure I'm one of the few people who never killed in this family.
14. What kind of animal are you?
... I like rabbits? So maybe?
15. Name your worst habits?
... I may have a wild imagination. As in, I get lost in thought. As in, I'm fantasizing about my otps when I shouldn't.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
My family!! We may be different from a regular family and we are sometimes weird, but I love them anyway.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
I'm a chaotic bi.
18. Did you attend school?
Yes, I did! I graduated in Economy at the University of Porto in 1958-- what, I know that I look 25 years old, but I'm way older...
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Maybe getting married, but I really doubt about kids.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
... I don't know?
21. What are you most afraid of?
Hmmm the future is uncertain, y'know.
22. What do you usually wear?
Oh well, since I work as a secretary to my mom, I usually dress suits.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Ovos moles;;;;
24. Am I annoying you?
Not really.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Go on!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Believe or not, but middle. Oh I was born in the lowest, I think?
27. How many friends do you have?
Not that many as I wished. Immortality cons. I had a lot of friends when I was a kid, but it was so many years ago...
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I like it!
29. Favorite drink?
... Coca cola. Don't shame me.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Whenever I want to be alone, I go to the Praia da Barra (Barra Beach). It's a pretty place and, if I go to the lighthouse, I have one of the greatest view in from of me.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Oh, yes~ I said that before~
32. That was a stupid question…
Everyone loves a gossip huh~
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
34. What’s your type?
Hehe~ I like cheerful people that make my heart warm~
35. Any fetishes?
[Joana here, don't you dare read this if minor 🔪 Even thought there's nothing explicit, but 🔪]
... Honestly??? I don't know. I'm a vanilla person! Sometimes I like it rough tho. I did had some partners with some kinks, but luckily nothing too strong? I don't mind in trying stuff for my partners. Don't tell my mom about this.
36. Camping or outdoors?
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Day 21 - Co-Operation (Pink)
Hello again!
Today’s excerpt is, again, with Portugal and a kid. I’m really great at this. At least tomorrow is with 2P!SpaPort. :’D No kids!
To understand this excerpt, you just need to know that:
- Takes place at 1942, which means during Estado Novo (dictatorship);
- The name I use for Portugal is Afonso;
- The kid is the adopted child of the district Aveiro (Antónia). Long story, if you want to know, just ask me;
- All districts are considered as Portugal’s children;
- “Senhor avô��� means “Mr. Grandfather” and “Encarnado”, “Red”. During the dictatorship they couldn’t say “vermelho” (red), so they used “Encarnado” instead. BUT THERE’S NO WORD IN ENGLISH FOR “ENCARNADO” WITHOUT BEING “RED”, ARGH!
Oh, well, enjoy!
May 11, 1942
Afonso stopped typing on his rusty typewriter; he needed a new one, but for the time being, that one was enough for the job he had. He stopped making noises and concentrated in nothing. Afonso’s big house was in pure silence. A weird silence ... Something wasn’t right. Where was Belchior?
He got up and left his office, looking for the little kid. Something fell in the library, making he feel desperate; would his grandson have fallen?
Without thinking, he ran and opened the door.
"Belchior, are you alright?!"
The red-haired boy looked at the immortal and nodded positively; in front of him were several fallen books, that was the source of the noise heard by the elder. From what he saw, Belchior was well, with no visible injury.
"What are you doing…?"
"Oh! I'm looking for books about mommy! "
"Senhor avô, don’t you know?" Belchior asked with a sweetness and ingenuousness that made Afonso smile. " It’s mommy’s birthday tomorrow!"
"Oh, that's true..."
Afonso approached the boy and started to put the books together. The child, just eight years old, did the same, piling the books in a very steep tower. He was proud that the books have not fallen again.
"Very well, do you want to make her a present?"
The brunet put the hand on his chin; he had work to do, however, he had to supervise his grandson. He hoped that his boss would forgive him, but sometimes the family would come before the country.
"I think I have a canvas and some paints," began Afonso, rising and picking up some books. "What do you think about we paint something for your mother?"
"Oh, Mommy loves painting!"
"And will love even more something painted by her dear son.~"
After putting the books on the right place, Afonso got the material from the storage room; in fact, most of the things in that room belonged to his children. For some reason, they used their father's house as storehouse for things they didn’t want at the moment, but might want in the future. The painting material was, if he remembered well, from Lino.
Belchior's greyish-green eyes widened when he saw his grandfather set things up. He quickly put on an old and large apron, good enough to prevent his clothes from getting dirty; Afonso had to adjust it or the little boy would stumbled with the tip.
Belchior began to paint with the blue, which was almost finished, but he seemed to don’t care about that fact. He filled the screen with the monastic blue, and when the ink was finished, he made a mouthful.
"There’s no more..."
Afonso looked at the other paints, and by there was no blue, no other tone. Belchior did the same and picked up another can.
"There's more blue!"
"This isn’t blue," the brunet informed him, giggled a little. "It's purple."
"But they're exactly the same tone!" Belchior insisted, convinced that he was right.
He was confused by that statement. There was no way the two paints were the same color. Unless…
"Bel, how about we do this?" He removed the brush from Belchior's hand carefully and landed on the cloth that was on the floor in order that it won’t get dirty. "Separate the cans by color, so it will be easier to find the colors."
The little boy smiled at his grandfather's great idea and did that. While he organized the cans, Afonso proved his theory: Belchior was colorblind.
Did Antónia know that? For the sake of no, he had to report it to her.
"What color is this?" Afonso asked, pointing to the red one.
"Exactly!" He smiled and pointed to the pink can. "And this?"
"It's encarnado too!"
"No, it's pink."
"Pink…? Is that pink?"
The older man shook his head positively and the Aveirense took the tin, looking closely. He repeated the name again, trying to memorize the key for some future occasion. They continued to do it with the other colors until he could memorize the cans.
Then he went back to the painting. He used the purple to finish filling the bottom of the canvas and then picked up the darker green, doing a thick scratch in the middle. Then he picked up the pink and the red and painted a rose with both colors.
"Look, senhor avô, a rose!"
"Very well, Bel, it's great!"
"Do you want to paint?"
That caught him unawares, but Afonso soon accepted and they were painting together until dinner time. 
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