#aph dreamtalia
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Hey, what if 
I had a heart... 
How do I fill that hole? 
With a little smile, you say: 
"I've already found it."
Based on this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KNPNJHrv9I
My friend found this for me the other day and if it’s not Traum’s lament I don’t know what is. You might ask why APH Germany is here. I brought it up a long time ago on the blog but you’re free to ask again if curious. It’s really sad. 
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Hi, there! Quick question: did anyone catch onto your budding relationship during the adventure after you started holding hands? And after everyone was safe, did anyone try to set you two on a cute date to see if it was true? (*whispers* Because i can picture the rest of the FACE family and even Gilbert, Feli, and Kiku being very supportive and try to set a date for you two, even if it does get silly at the end ^^)
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G: Most of the group noticed our hands, but only Japan and France actually made comments about it during our adventure. 
E: the group thought nothing of it, since the trip was already tense, the last thing they wanted to focus on was us holding hands.
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E: For your second question, America and Prussia did set us up on one..
G: Prussia said he invited America over to our house to play games or something, but England was dragged along with him.
E: America made me go to Germany’s house, and then after a few minutes of awkwardly standing around, they left. So it was just the two of us.
G: Even though it was annoying for them to do that, it was a decent day. 
E: We talked a lot about what happened during our trip, and he even taught me how to cook something without burning anything. 
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Hey Veneziano! Hey Japan! How are you guys? What are your opinions on Germany's new relationship? Especially since you guys were once enemies? (also Japan how smug do you feel having technically started this by encouraging Germany to trust the Allies?) Hope you all have a lovely day! ~ Spoon
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I: Ciao Friend! I’m super happy that Germany found someone to hang out with besides me! He needs more friends...don’t tell him I said that. England is here so often I’m no longer scared of him! So that’s definitely a plus.
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J: I guess you would say i’m indifferent about it. I’m happy for him of course, but considering all that has happened. It was the last thing I expected. England is over quiet often, which is nice considering he and I were friends for a while. 
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J: I wouldn’t say i’m ‘Smug’ about him trusting the Allies now, since the only one he truly trusts is England, he still argues with the others as normal. I did encourage him to trust them, but actually doing it was his own choice. Proud but not ‘smug’.
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G: Don’t let him fool you, he keeps pointing it out and making jokes. He’s become very smug about it. 
J: I try not to be.
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Did you guys go to a pub afterwards like germany offered in the dream realm? How’d it go?
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G: Well uhh...I honestly don’t remember most of it
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E: We did go to a pub, drank and talked to much, then put it all on Prussia’s tab to get back at him for putting my body on that magic circle. It was a very enjoyable time, that neither one of us remember clearly.
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Hi again! Thanks for the answer! So, about your continued relationship, um, how're your bosses? I mean, I'm guessing you can't tell them so how are you sneaking round them? Have either of them caught on yet? ~ Spoon :)
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E: My boss has no idea what I do in my free time, He just cares that I do what he asks of me.
G: I think my boss is staring to catch on, he doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t effect business in a negative way. However Italy said I should pay him to turn a blind eye about it.
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england, we all know it was awful, but can you tell us your thought process and experience when germany was killed by reve at the end?
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E:......it was...beyond horrible. I don’t believe i could actually think in that moment. It happened all so fast...I was to shocked to even cry or scream. My legs just gave out in shock. It was a huge shock for everyone of course. Poor Italy had to see it happen right in front of him, but to me it felt like my whole world had ended. My apologies for not giving a clear answer, its hard to think about. Thankfully hes alive and well now. 
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During and after the whole scenario with Magi and Judgement, was it really strange at first for the two of you to show affection to each other once you got back together after the real England escaped from Judgement or did that whole scenario bring the two of you ever so closer together and make the bonding stronger (like protecting each other?) Also, once you got Italy back, was it also awkward or was he really happy for his best friend that he found a possible true love? ^^
About the Judgement and Magi situation: (LINK)
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G: It took a few days for him to regain full energy after what happened but I told him when he got better and, Italy was definitely happy for us. He...said he was proud of me, for actually opening up and showing emotions to someone other then him or Japan.
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Arthur, how painful was it to you when you saw Germany had left to be with Reve and Italy?
E: About that nightmare again? Well...even if he were to do that in reality. I’d understand...
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E: As my much as it’d hurt to lose him, Italy was his first real friend, so of course he’d want to say a proper goodbye...As for when it happened in the dream, He looked like he was at peace for the first time in a long time...but his body was so cold, it nearly tore me apart. It was like any moment could have been his last.
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(Bad End ask) Do you still keep reading the Velveteen Rabbit to him?
((Btw the Bad end was all a nightmare England had the night after they got back. Just to make answer questions about it a little easier))
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E: Velveteen R-
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E:....Oh...that was in a nightmare I had once we got back...I guess I worried what would have happened if things didn't work out correctly. Yes I did read that to him during that dream, his face was so pale and cold, yet he seemed peaceful at the same time. It hurt to look at. I continued my book, and ended up waking myself up from the nightmare because I was...crying...The next time I opened the book, was to actually to read it to him because he couldn’t sleep. So to answer the question, yes I still read it to him, this time, I know he’s alive and well. 
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((THANK YOU FOR THIS. I was so worried that this beautiful ship of mine would die after dreamtalia but your blog is making me so happy! Kudos to you my dude!)) Hey! What was the direct aftermath of your adventure? Were things a little awkward or did you jump right back into how you were in the Dreamscape? (I imagine things were a bit strange for a while...) ~ Spoon
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G: Well, yes it was awkward once we both woke up…
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G: We were right next to each other, so we helped each other stand. England looked very frantic, worried that I was still injured. After realizing that we were both okay. We stepped our separate ways to check on the others.
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G: We all went out to some restaurant for pancakes, via America and Canada’s request. Without realizing I had chosen a seat next to England. The meal consisted of telling the others the highlights of our adventure. Whenever he laughed or smiled I realized that I actually had feelings for him, it wasn’t just the dream world.
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E: We had a long talk after the meal, and realized the feelings were still mutual. It was awkward for a bit, hell it still can be sometimes, but its nice.
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When was it you realized that your feelings for the other were real? Or was it a more gradual thing?
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E: As I said in that last ask, it was very gradual. We seemed to be the only one taking the situation seriously. It went from hand holding a little to feeling safer when the other was around. It took till He saved me when I was captured by Judgment and Magician to realize how safe he made me feel.
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