weirdships000 · 1 year
Gods i wish that i could comment and write asks with this account, it would make it so much easier to engage with other proshippers, unfortunately this is not my main account and im to scared to use my main account on proship posts because im scared of antis lurking on my main page finding out and harassing me.
anyways to the proshippers i follow im sorry for not liking your posts, there cool but im deep undercover
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weirdships000 · 1 year
an unhealthy obsession
Zane had been stalking Gene for a few months now, he just couldn't help it, Gene was so.....perfect, perfect in everyway, tall, dark, handsome, power, smart, and those beautiful teal eyes, everything a person could ever want.
Zane had started stalking Gene at the beginning of his freshmen year, at first it started with little things, learning Genes hang out spots, what type of food Gene likes, Genes favorite things, occasionally taking things leave behind, gum, leftover soda cans and wrappers, hoodies, small things, but after awhile Zane started following Gene home and watching him trough the window. but today Zane decided to take things to the next level by.....entering Genes home without permission, no big deal, Zane was sure that if Gene knew he wouldn't mind.
Gene was out somewhere, so were Genes mom and younger brother so no one would catch Zane digging around in Genes room, Zane took Genes sheets in his hands and started breathing in the scent of it, it smelled like Gene, sweat and strong spicy cologne, it smelt so good, it was like heaven to Zane.
Zane began rummaging through Genes drawers, he grabbed a pair of Genes underwear and put it in his pocket, just for.....'private' use later. Zane started looking at Genes decorations when he noticed a cardboard box in the corner of the room, it was covered in Genes dirty clothes, but it looked....off, like it was put there to try and hide the box. Zane walked over to the box and moved the dirty clothes off it, Zane opened it and gasped.....there were pictures of him in the box, Zane's hoodie, a pair of glasses Zane lost a few weeks ago, Zane's underwear, what looked to be a big lock of Zane's hair.
Zane heard giggling behind him, he turned and was hit in the head with a baseball bat, as Zane passed out the last thing he saw were those beautiful teal eyes that he loved so much.
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weirdships000 · 9 months
Any Zene hcs?? Maybe around S3?
In season three they have some issues
They keep going between fighting and flirting, or doing both at the same time.
Zane still had some feelings for Gene from PDH but was trying to repress them so he wouldn't get hurt
Gene developed feelings in season three and he fell hard!
Gene started trying to be around Zane more by taking the same shifts Zane worked.
Gene would follow Zane around more and try and touch him more often.
To everyone's surprise when Gene touched Zane, Zane didn't do much, because Zane liked it, he wouldn't admit it but he liked it.
They end up being set up on a blind date by aphmau.
They fight for the first twenty minutes before actually doing the date stuff.
They start going out with each other but kinda hide it but everyone else kinda notices because they are flirting way more than usual.
They get caught making out in the storage closet at work.
They usually go on dates to the movie theater or have date nights at home.
They don't stop fighting or teasing each other once they start dating, they just use it for passion now.
Gene gives Zane flowers a lot (Gene's mom owns a flower shop, so I headcanon that he grew up learning to garden).
Zane gives Gene baked goods a lot, (Zane a really good baker and makes baked goods a lot and he wants to make sure Gene gets enough to eat)
Gene was the one to say 'I love you' first.
Zane does Gene's hair.
They have monthly spa days so they can de-stress.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
Hello, New proship blog here!!! Would love to interact.
I would love to interact but i am under eighteen and i saw you have a MDNI in your bio and i do not want you to be uncomfortable, i am in my teens but im still a minor, if you still want to be mutuals that's cool but just letting you know.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
heya!! do ya maybe have any vylad x garroth ideas? i totally havent already asked another blog about this hehehe,,, im tooootally not obsessed with them at all c:
I dont have many but i have a few.
Garroth started paying Vylad special attention afte he noticed that Vylad was more neglected by their parents.
Garroth would take Vylad out on little dates just the two of them, going to get ice-cream or to the movies.
they love watching sci fi movies, they cuddle on the couch give each other kisses and just give each other as much physical affection as possible.
Vylad steals Garroths oversized hoodies to sleep in.
Vylad thinks Garroth doesn't know about the stolen hoodies but Garroth does know and just thinks its cute so he doesn't say anything
Garroth would kill anyone who bullys his baby brother.
Vylad gets really jealous about the girls garroth talks to and gets really protective, he'll stay next to Garroth all day and glare at whoever takes Garroths attention
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weirdships000 · 7 months
Hello!! 😊
So, do you have any hcs of Zane being the more messed up one in any ships? (Preferably Zanus)
-- ✨️Anon
Zane a straight up stalker in most of my ships, Zane gets attached to someone and won't let go.
the reason Zane being a stalker doesn't usually come into play with my Zanus is because Janus is obsessed with Zane. Zane doesn't need to stalk Janus, he can get whatever information he wants just by asking.
but heres some more Zane centered messed up ones. these ones are from different AUs then the ones i posted before.
Warning: I love putting Zane and cannibalism in the same room.
Zane can and will gas light his partner into a corner during fights 'I didn't start this fight, you did! and now your yelling at me! I thought you loved me!?'
Zane bites, he likes to draw blood, not always for sadistic reasons, though, he is sadistic. he just wants to drink his partners blood.
Zane always has blackmail on his partners so they can't leave him.
Zane does have a leash for Janus. (This one isn't necessarily bad, Zane's a bit of a bitch about it like 'your wearing a leash, i own you')
Zane uses his families money to hire people to stalk the people he's interested in but eventually he gets jealous of the people he hired being so close to the person he likes so he ends up firing them. (or killing them.
weird one i thought of randomly. If Zanes partner were to die Zane would taxidermy them and keep them.
thank you for the ask (:
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weirdships000 · 11 months
How did garroth react to finding about laurance past as a shadow knight like did he reassures him that it wasn’t his fault
in my AU Garroth knew Laurance was a shadow knight, Garroth actually hung out with the shadow knights occasionally so he could be near Laurance, he didn't like it but he dealt with it.
when Laurance left the shadow knights Garroth acted sympathetic and he did reassure Laurance that the fights and what Gene did was not his fault.
Garroth wad very relieved that Laurance left the Shadow knights and whenever he saw Gene afterwards Garroth would look Gene in the eyes and smirk, as if saying 'i won'.
thanks for the ask (:
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weirdships000 · 11 months
Any hcs about mcd zanus??
That's my shit, I don't like mcd and I never really watched it but I look at character wikis and I watched mcd rebirth so I know base information.
Janus was a gladiator slave before they joined the jury.
One night the royal Ro'meave family had gone to see a gladiator show and they saw Janus brutally murder dozens of men. Zane had just taken over the jury and effectively bought Janus and appointed them to the jury.
Janus was one of the first members of Zanes jury.
Janus also acts as Zanes personal guard when nothing requires them
Zane was basically the only one who treated Janus like an actual person, if Janus got hurt in battle Zane would and stay by them while they were injured.
Since Janus was used to being treated like a monster, they started idealizing Zane, in their mind Zane gave them love, a home, everything they had was because of Zane so they started looking at Zane like he's a god.
Zane fell for Janus because he was finally getting devotion, love, and affection, Zane was basically neglected and abandoned by the people he loved so the idea of having someone who would never leave him and treat him like he was important and valuable made him fall.
Janus is around Zane whenever possible. During meetings with lords, Janus is in the corner in case things get ugly, when Zanes' chronic pain or weak immune system is acting up Janus is taking care of him and watching over him.
Janus is very cuddly. Every night, Janus sneaks into Zanes room, and they lie in bed together and cuddle.
Janus has killed people for Zane, potential suitors, political rivals, people trying to kill Zane. Zane knows but he just finds it sweet that Janus cares enough about him to kill people for him even when he doesn't ask.
In the mornings, when possible, Janus helps Zane get dressed, they help put on Zanes boots, they lace up Zanes corsets, they help brush Zanes hair, they help Zane choose outfits.
Those are some of my headcanons, thanks for the ask(:
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weirdships000 · 11 months
What is your fallout of Laurance leaving the shadow knights in your au like?
it was messy.
here's the breakdown
Laurance was in a relationship with Gene while he was a shadowknight, in my AU Garroth and Laurance were childhood friends and they both had a crush on each other but they didn't know about the others feelings for them. Laurance was trying to move past his feelings because he thought Garroth was straight so he started dating Gene. he mainly just dated Gene because Gene's attractive enough to pretend to like. Gene wasn't aware that he was just something Laurance settled for, Gene did view Laurance as his boyfriend.
Laurances feelings for Garroth started showing more and more and Gene got jealous and instead of trying to sort things out with Laurance he got upset and tried to beat up Garroth. Garroth broke some of Genes bones and Gene broke some of Garroths bones. afterwards Laurance sided with Garroth and broke up with Gene, all the Shadow Knights were pissed that Laurance didn't side with Gene and because of the continuous fighting between the Sks and Laurance he left the group.
Gene was pissed, he started following Laurance around trying to win Laurance back, he even tried to apologize to Garroth but after a few weeks he gave up and decided that if he can't be with Laurance then he'll just mess with him, all the secrets Laurance had told Gene and all the times Laurance ditched school and the times Laurance drank and smoked were mysteriously told to Laurances dads (yes i said dads in my AU Hayden and Joh are married) Laurance was grounded for months. and Gene started planting things in Laurances locker to get him in even more trouble. adventually Laurance put a camera in his locker so Gene stopped but Gene kept doing other annoying things, messing up homework, spreading rumors. adventually Laurance got an in school restraining order (a restraining order imposed by school faculty not a legal one) where Gene had to be thirteen feet away from Laurance at all times.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
Low key my ships suck, not because their objectively bad ships but because I always choose the unpopular ones, like Gene x Zane, you can hardly find any well written Zene fics. I also ship Zane x Ein, I can't even find any Zane x Ein books, I found one, and it was good, but it was discontinued, or Balto x Zane most people in this Fandom forget who Balto is. Like I wish I could just spawn fanfiction into existence without having to write it myself.
Not sure why I wrote this, just wanted to
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weirdships000 · 11 months
Yandere Janus
if Janus existed in mystreet they would totally be a yandere for Zane.
Janus is Zanes roommate.
Janus is a police officer.
Janus met Zane in season 2 of PDH, they became friends and Janus joined the jury, Janus is one of the few people Zane kept in contact with after deleting all his social media's and cutting off basically everyone he knew.
In high school Janus was called 'Zane's rabid dog'
In season 1 of mystreet they moved in together.
Zane is a god that needs to be constantly watched and protected in Janus' eye.
Janus follows Zane around constantly, their always one step behind Zane.
Janus and Zane take turns on who makes dinner, when Janus makes dinner he always puts a tiny bit of his blood in Zane's food, nothing major, just enough to make Janus happy
When Gene came to lovers lane Janus was pissed especially with the toll it took on Zane.
Janus is Zane's shoulder to cry on.
Janus brushes Zanes hair everyday, they do it as gently as possible (Zane let's Janus do it because Zane likes being treated like royalty) and once Janus finishes Janus takes the hair that comes of the brush and puts it in his bedroom.
Janus has a shrine of Zane. Zanes clothing, Zanes earrings, locks of Zanes hair, a tooth that once got punched out of Zanes mouth and a small vile of Zanes blood that Janus occasionally sips.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
How did Zane and gene reunite in lover lane like seeing each other again after high school
In my AU Zane doesn't get told by anyone for two months once Gene moves to lovers lane because not many people in general talk to Zane and the people who do are kinda scared to tell Zane incase Zane goes back to being bad to impress Gene. Zane only finds out at work because Gene comes in to get some coffee.
Zane does not react well, he kinda freaks out. Zanes' last memory of Gene was being cornered in an alleyway and beaten by him, so it's definitely not a positive situation.
Gene reacts semi well, he's kinda happy to see Zane because he kinda missed Zane in his twisted mindset but at the same time he's also mad because Zane completely disappeared from social media and their town so its awkward.
Gene tries to make pleasant conversation but Zane is too freaked out to converse with Gene properly. He ends up just leaving his work place after five minutes of Gene trying to talk to Zane.
Zane self-isolates in his house for like two weeks afterwards because he doesn't want to risk dealing with Gene and because he's pissed that no one gave him a heads-up that Gene was back despite everyone else knowing.
During those two weeks Zane couldn't think of anything except Gene going in-between despising Gene and going back to wanting Gene.
Gene wanted to befriend Zane and maybe try and date him because when he thinks of Zane he gets the feeling of the ego boost he got from Zanes idolization.
They adventually talk but Zane tries to cut it short because of his fear of falling into his old obsessive rut.
They end up accidentally passive-aggressively flirting whenever they are in the same room
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weirdships000 · 11 months
So I unfortunately couldn't get any evidence from the person who messaged me.
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The person genuinely seems to be trying to help. They don't seem like their trying to smear proshippers, and my instincs believe them. Plus, in my less than two days of interacting with the proshipaphmaufan they were behaving oddly.
They had an 18+ in their pinned post, then right after I heard about these, I asked them about it, they said that they were also a minor, then i got an ask telling me that they were lying about their age and a groomer, then after awhile a message from someone else telling me the exact same thing, then I messaged the account asking about it, and then they deleted their account within the day, these all seem really sketchy to me.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
Do you have any evidence or screenshots for your callout post? It's hard to trust things like this due to all of the smear campaigns against proshippers.
Unfortunately, I don't. But the two separate people (I didn't post the other person who contacted me due to them not wanting me to) who came to me had the exact same story and I don't see them coming to me of all people because I'm a proshipper, it makes no sense to tell a proshipper that a proshipper did something bad and expect them to turn on proshippers. Plus the user I was referring to did seem really weird, they had 18+ in their bio and when they followed me I said I was under 18 then they said that they were also under 18 but just put it there to ward off antis, plus as soon as this was mentioned to them they deleted their account, they didn't do anything to defend themselves, that seems really weird to me.
But you are right, I should have stated that I have a lack of evidence, I'm going to text one of the people who talk to me and ask for any screenshots or evidence they would be willing to give me.
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weirdships000 · 11 months
This is about proshipaphmaufan, their account has been deactivated, but I still view it as important to spread the word. Within the last two days, I received two different messages from people warning me that proshipaphmaufan is lying about their age and a groomer. I do not have proper evidence but I think it's important to make this post just in case
(I blurred out the account name for the persons privacy.)
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Everyone, please stay safe.
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weirdships000 · 1 year
zane x garroth smut?? <3 maybe zane being a virgin and wanting his big bro to be the one to take his virginity? :3
Thanks for the prompt!
It's midnight for me, I'll probably regret writing smut right now, but who cares?
Btw I have never posted smut so if it's bad I'm sorry, I'm just not the best at writing sex scenes
Read more (edit fuck how do I put read more?)
It was 3:00 AM, Zane was sitting on the couch with Garroth, they were home alone, their parents were on a business trip, and Vylad was at a sleepover so Garroth and Zane were alone.
They decided to watch a movie because neither of them could sleep. The movie involved a rather intense sex scene. After the first minute, Garroth skipped it so Zane wouldn't see....unfortunately. Zane had recently been getting more curious about sex recently and wanted to see more sexually explicit things since it would help him get a good idea of what sex was like. Zane was a virgin who had very little understanding of how sex worked, mainly because his parents had refused to let him take sex ed and people weren't interested in him enough to want to do sexual things with him.
After a few minutes Zane spoke. "Hey Gar....can I ask you something?" Zane asked.
"Yeah, what's up?" Garroth paused the movie.
"Uh...I was wondering if maybe you could explain....sex to me?" Zanes cherks burned red as he spoke, it was such an embarrassing question to ask someone.
Garroth turned just as red as Zane did, if not more red. "Why do you wanna know about that?"
"Well, I'm nearly eighteen, and I have no clue about any of this stuff. Shouldn't I have at least some idea of how it works?"
There was an uncomfortable pause in the room for a minute.
"I'm not explaining sex to you....it's just too awkward...."
"Fine......but what if you show me how it works....you know....hands on?"
Garroth looked shocked, flustered and distressed all at once.
"I don't think that's a good idea...."
"Oh, come on! You're always saying I can come to you if I need something, and the one time I do, you decide to prove that you're a liar?" Zane knew this would make Garroth do it, with enough guilt tripping he could make Garroth do anything.
"I......fine....just don't tell anyone about this." Garroth spoke defeatedly.
"Deal." Zane felt victorious.
"Let's go to my room."
They went up to Garroths bedroom. Once they were inside, Garroth locked the door and began stripping himself. Garroth was utterly gorgeous, tall, muscular, and giant everywhere, even down there....
"Lesson one of sex, we both need to be nude for it....at least in most scenarios....so you strip to."
Zane undressed himself, Zanes body was chubby and fairly small, including down there. It kinda annoyed Zane that even at this time he still felt inferior to his himbo of a big brother.
"Now what?"
"Lie on the bed and spread your legs."
Zane climbed onto Garroths bed, lied down and spread his legs, Garroth took some lube out of his dresser and covered two of his fingers and his dick in it.
"Always use lube or it'll hurt like hell." Garroth advised
Garroth walked over to the bed and stuck one of his fingers in Zanes entrance, Zane gasped from the slightly painful feeling. Garroth let out a slight chuckle.
"If that shocks you think of what a dick will feel like, you sure you want to keep going?" Garroth asked sweetly.
"I can take it." Zane replied.
"Okay, but if you change your mind, just tell me, and we'll stop at any time." Garroth gently kissed Zane's forehead.
"Yeah, yeah, enough talking, teach me." Zane groaned impatiently. Garroth rolled his eyes and kept moving his fingers in and out of Zane's hole. This went on for two minutes before Zane got frustrated.
"Ugh can we get a move on, this is taking forever." Zane whined.
"It's important to prepare someone so they don't get hurt."
"Well, I'm prepared enough!" Garroth sighed at Zane.
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Garroth slowly stuck his cock in, even with nearly an entire bottle of lube on his cock it hurt like hell, Zane moaned in pain, but he wouldn't ask Garroth to stop, he made his stance clear on what he wanted.
Once Garroths cock was fully in Garroth allowed Zane to adjust to it.
"Tell me when you want me to move." Garroth spoke as he peppered soft kisses up Zanes neck. After a few minutes, Zane felt adjusted enough for Garroth to move.
"Okay... you can move now, I'm ready...." Garroth gave Zane a nod and another sweet kiss before he started thrusting in and out. Garroth was as gentle as he could be, but considering his size and Zane's inexperienced body, it still hurt. Zane was letting out loud moans of both pain and pleasure, it felt so amazing yet so rough at the same time.
Zane had never felt something like this.
"Ahhh~! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! Keep fucking going!!!" Zane moaned loudly with tears streaming down his face.
Suddenly, Garroths thrusts stopped.
"There, I showed you how sex works, we're done now, right?" There was a hint of mischief in Garroths eyes.
"W-what no....come on.....keep going...." Zane tried to rub his hips against Garroths to create friction.
"I don't know....I showed you the basics, and you were screaming, what if the neighbors hear?"
"I don't give a fuck if the neighbors hear, keep going!"
"Ask nicely." Garroth spoke, a smirk on his face.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me, Garroth!"
Garroth slammed back into Zane and started thrusting again
Garroth and Zane were in the bath together, Garroth was covered in scratches and bites and Zane was bleeding from between the legs.
"I hate you..."
"I love you too." Garroth pressed a kiss to Zane's cheek.
And that was my Zarroth lemon, I know I'm bad at ending smut, sorry.
Btw the Gene x Dante request will be done soon, I'm just better at writing Zarroth, so I did this one first.
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