apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(2.17.21) *Day 2 of 2 Staycation* 1) early start with a hearty breakfast buffet before checking out of hotel 2) we made our way to Sunac Snow Park (广州融创雪世界) & we chose to ski for the 1st time in our lives ⛷. It was between skiing or playing in the snow for 3 hrs. There were a few tumbles & fall but guess what, in the end, I managed to make it to the bottom without falling! It was definitely a fun & memorable experience! Now I finally know how to wear the gear properly as well as ski (well just on the novice & beginners slope) 3) after skiing for about 3 hrs, we had a light lunch & dessert in the mall before making our way home 4) we ordered a simple takeout to wrap up our CNY holiday & sadly, it’s back to work for me tomorrow 5) despite not traveling outside the country during my break, this staycation was memorable, phenomenal & so much fun! Who knew such locations/activities existed within Guangzhou & how much fun they turned out to be **Lesson(s) learned:N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #covid19 #guangzhou #china #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #skiingforthe1sttime #guangzhou #china #wednesday #wednesdayfunday #february #mittwoch #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #广州融创雪世界 #二月 #星期三 #sunacsnowpark #2021 (at 廣州融創雪世界) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZkl56HIoFujoDEcABmVCWVWRtBExa38UFP3U0/?igshid=3e16lrvye11
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(2.16.21) 1) due to limited travels & restrictions during CNY, what better way to end the CNY holiday than a spontaneous staycation! 🎡🎢🏝 2) we first checked into hotel before making our way to the amusement park for the day. We had lunch at a nearby mall first (had Cantonese style) before strolling over to the amusement park 3) during the 6 hrs we were there, we went on multiple rides (“self-pedaling duck boats” (划船), “bee coaster” (花苑奇境), the “butterfly wheel” (蝶舞飞轮), the “sky roar” (云霄塔), “mirror house” (镜子迷宫) & “freezing land”(冰天雪地, reminded me of home where it’s snowing right now) 4) we then watched the amusement park parade which was reminiscent of the parade we saw in Shanghai Disneyland 5) we even tried our luck at the “balloon darts game”(幸运飞镖) & even won a prize! Never doubted myself but totally was a surprise to be honest. 6) we then had dinner at the nearby mall, where we also had lunch before retiring back to the hotel for the evening. The hotel is amazing and beyond my expectations. Having worked in hotels before, I could tell this hotel and hotel stay will be great! **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #livingvabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #covid19 #sunacamusementpark #guangzhou #huadu #china #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #星期二 #二月 #融创乐园 #广州融创乐园 #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood (at 廣州融創樂園) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLW4_jIHmnpu8nYbn9H7qKcWoaLiSDNypmCn9s0/?igshid=14stehdqq9kfg
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(2.15.21) 1) slept in again. Don’t get to do so often so I’ve been taking advantage of it during this holiday break 2) made some tea and dumplings for breakfast before relaxing for the afternoon. Had a small lunch followed by more relaxation (TV, snacking, phone games & napping). 3) cooked a simple dinner before doing laundry and more relaxation. Typically I would be working on my holiday breaks but I told myself I needed some self care this time and so I’m doing just that **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #guangzhou #china #february #monday #mondayfunday #montag #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #covid19 #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #星期一 #二月 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUVgNbHPgM52sOypmLQLE2F3pW3qAUTDfABfc0/?igshid=i0i0k61213ba
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(2.12.21) 祝大家:新年快乐! 春节快乐! 恭喜发财! 身体健康! 年年有余! 万事如意! 心想事成! 大吉大利! 财源滚滚! 学业有成! 工作顺利! 事业有成! 马到成功! 步步高升! 一帆风顺! 升官发财! 生意兴隆! 出入平安! 牛年大吉! Happy Chinese New Year! Wishing everyone a year of good health; good luck; love & warmth; happiness & success with both business & studies! 1) slept in and made a vegetarian breakfast dish since one typically eats vegetarian at the start of CNY on #初一 2) I then went out to buy some fresh fruits for the apartment before I ventured over to #beijingroad #北京路 via bike. It’s been a while since I last biked and it was great weather for it today. 3) I wandered around a bit, taking photos & enjoying the Chinese New Year spirit of everyone out and about, dressed in red & celebrating in various ways 4) I walked back home which took about 30 minutes and then cooked an early dinner. I showered early and then simply relaxed for the rest of the evening. Quite a relaxing start to Chinese New Year for me. **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #covid19 #guangzhou #china #february #friday #fridayfunday #freitag #chinesenewyear #happychinesenewyear #新年快乐 #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #星期五 #二月 #yearoftheox #yearoftheox2021 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMqR0dnDgJ_Uqyiz78W9E-Z-Pkua7Cm82AgJw0/?igshid=17ng2vrsx5rn3
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(2.6.21) 1) very busy day today. Started off early with breakfast from McDonald’s followed by back to back classes starting 11:15. Had a mini break where I heated leftovers and ate it for lunch before resuming teaching. 2) Went home and ordered dinner since too lazy to cook. Then pretty much lesson planned all night until bedtime. 3) I cannot wait for the days off for Chinese New Year where I can actually have a true break and not worry about work whatsoever. **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #covid19 #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #february #guangzhou #saturday #saturdayfunday #samstag #麥當勞 #廣州 #中國 #麦当劳 #广州 #中国 #星期六 #二月 #真功夫 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK9MLSLnTDRV_FgYtqNNPiXc4EfdAYzjYDY0UE0/?igshid=uegs8yh9tjjv
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(12.15.20) 1) lazy yet super cold and windy day off. Met up with Jerome and Zeus for grocery shopping at Aeon before having afternoon tea at one of my favorite Japanese restaurants near my apartment. Got to see an opening ceremony of a bread shop at Guangzhou East Railway Station the atmosphere was quite fun with the music and performances. After afternoon tea, I returned home; did some house chores of laundry and dusting/vacuuming, I relaxed a bit before dinner 2) for dinner, Jason and I went out as a last minute change of plans since we didn’t want to cook at all tonight. We went to eat at 好客家 at 沙园 via line 8 and the food was absolutely delicious! This was my first time riding line 8 since it opened last month connecting to line 1 and completing the rest of line 8. The stations were super new, modern and clean. 3) stopped by the Aeon inside the mall and got some milk tea which was promoting Doraemon and luckily the promotion included a mini Doraemon cup so it was a win-win for me. The weather today was super cold and windy. Luckily I wore my hoodie, scarf and Patagonia jacket. It was manageable but I might have to start wearing gloves and my winter jacket soon just to be on the safe side. **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #travelbuggotmeagain #wanderlust #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #december #tuesday #tuesdayfunday #dienstag #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #foodie #instafood #guangzhou #china #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #星期二 #十二月 #沙园 #好客家 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0vQbfHXd38zwiohAVzLJuV6rX-IUhAK4yTd80/?igshid=dw2iqey44tq1
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apinguangzhou · 4 years
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(9.15.20) 1) slept in and got some extra sleep before making some breakfast. Then I met up with Jerome to go do my weekly food shopping at Aeon. Like last week, I filled 2 baskets full for the upcoming week. I have to cook more since I bring leftovers for dinner during the weekday. 2) I then went home to eat lunch and relaxed. Shortly afterwards, I cooked dinner (made my all time favorite crispy chinese honey chicken) and simultaneously managed to snap a picture of the beautiful sunset. It’s been a long time since I saw a beautiful sunset since it has been raining on and off for the past few days. 3) after dinner, I washed the dishes; did a load of laundry and washed some fresh grapes for an evening snack. Today I decided not to do any work but will do a little tomorrow so I can get ahead of the game for this week **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #september #tuesday #tuesdayfunday #dienstag #dayoff #guangzhou #china #teachingoverseas #workingabrod #livingabroad #covid19 #廣州 #中國 #中国 #广州 #星期二 #九月 #永旺 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKOaLpHT_UbyXI5HcnlrwEXMPnHn5wfo92liE0/?igshid=12drjejj3ps89
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(1.29.20) 1) woke up late since CNY, no work, with the virus going on; made a simple breakfast before doing some house cleaning & laundry 2) went out briefly to do some grocery shopping before riding some bikes briefly on the outskirts away from the city and from people 3) returned home and we had homemade hot pot (火鍋) for dinner with the food we bought in the morning from Vanguard **Lesson(s) learned: During such difficult times, it is important to remain calm and think rationally. Yes, it is a serious matter at the moment but we need to trust in the government and its staff in hopes of containing and fixing the problem at hand. All we can do now is do our best by abiding to the established policies and continue to practice good hygiene #anthonyinguangzhou #guangzhou #china #wanderlust #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #teachingoverseas #workingabroad #livingabroad #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #wednesday #wednesdayfunday #mittwoch #january #星期三 #中國 #廣州 #一月 #火鍋 #火锅 #中国 #广州 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B76KQghn9-zqYttxeNtHceFJoGZuzbz4a4RbD80/?igshid=1i578l4zzutg0
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(1.19.20) 1) steady day at work today with only 2 classes in the morning followed by several meetings in the afternoon 2) I made good use of my extra down time to plan for tomorrow’s class before movie night this evening 3) we started to watch the 1st of the trilogy of “Lord of the Rings” but only made it to the halfway point as it was late and we were all tired from the weekend and have to work in the morning tomorrow. I ordered my usual fried noodles and clay pot rice which I haven’t eaten in a very long time **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #guangzhou #china #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #workingabroad #livingabroad #teachingoverseas #instafood #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #sunday #sundayfunday #sonntag #january #广州 #中国 #星期日 #一月 #中國 #廣州 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7gVx5UnZgoq4ZuLhvAA08o3iaZ_UST_KBnMrs0/?igshid=15mpui9j2n0u5
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(1.16.20) 1) so so day today. Slept in until around 9ish, made breakfast, did laundry, ironed some clothes and did the dishes before making my way into work early 2) we had a few meetings before classes this evening and as soon as I finished my 2 classes, I went home and cooked dinner. Just simple dishes but home cooked dishes are the best! 3) our dining room table arrived so we worked together in assembling it. We now finally have a dining area for proper meals **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #guangzhou #china #thursday #donnerstag #thursdayfunday #travelbuggotmeagain #wanderlust #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #homecookedmeal #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #廣州 #中國 #星期四 #一月 #广州 #中国 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7YpfAJHFdoYkzgrhcPX0yXFH412I8oiSvSfg00/?igshid=bmgofsfp4i8q
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(12.23.19) Day #2 in Phuket, Thailand: 1) woke up early & enjoyed a nice breakfast buffet in our resort while sitting outside and enjoying a nice view of Karon Beach & the ocean 2) we then got picked up and was driven to Hanuman World, where we both ziplined for the 1st time in our lives. We had purchased a video package so our entire experience was recorded! There were a few scary moments but there were more fun & memorable moments so overall I had so much fun! We then did the sky walk followed by a delicious lunch buffet. 3) we were driven back to our resort and we both took a short nap to recover from the morning/afternoon activity. We then went out to buy some souvenirs before we watch yet another beautiful sunset. We walked around a bit before we found a nice restaurant nearby for dinner. We of course had some delicious seafood, steak, fried rice and some nice drinks to end the evening. We had an early dinner so we strolled a bit before going back to the resort and called it an early night. **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #anthonyinphuket #phuket #thailand #china #guangzhou #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #livingabroad #teachingoverseas #workingabroad #ilovetotravel #smilesallaround #minivacation #december #monday #mondayfunday #montag #vacationmode #globetrotter #廣州 #中国 #广州 #星期一 #普吉岛 (at Phuket, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6a9iNvnwqP6-hIyv09mAIqCP1s6BvpsGOjIag0/?igshid=rrzpmelkvmnf
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(9.4.19) 1) another lazy day off today - I typically would go into work for a few hrs to get a jump start for the rest of my week but today I decided not to 2) instead I cleaned the apartment; had a haircut and lounged around watching TV all day long. I also made another batch of blueberry pancakes for breakfast which tasted phenomenal! 3) I cooked dinner in evening which I always try to do on Tuesdays and Wednesdays which are my days off. Cooking helps me destress and relax so I try to as often as I can and I love trying new recipes too **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #APinGZ #september #wednesdayfunday #wednesday #mittwoch #instafood #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #livingabroad #workingabroad #teachingoverseas #guangzhou #china #中国 #广州 #星期三 #九月 #廣州 #中國 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_hMlkHrQ_UDBv9-8-dUb9ceUAYXxXuDylSpo0/?igshid=1ileczfptuui6
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apinguangzhou · 5 years
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(6.21.19) 1) woke up early and made breakfast before cooking some dumplings for dinner at work 2) apparently on the bottom floor of my center is a GongCha and on Friday’s, it’s buy 1 get 1 free so my colleague was kind enough to buy 2 and share 1 with me 3) bought some delicious snacks and shared it with my colleagues 4) tonight work schedule wasn’t too bad and I actually am prepared for the weekend when normally I would be behind **Lesson(s) learned: N/A #anthonyinguangzhou #APinGZ #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wanderlust #livingabroad #teachingoverseas #workingabroad #travelbuggotmeagain #june #friday #fridayfunday #freitag #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #六月 #廣州 #广州 #中国 #中國 #星期五 #guangzhou #china (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-g33JnSdt3c7rl4H_u5rzel2da8FqSMa-k6Y0/?igshid=1w98bodrsl29z
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apinguangzhou · 6 years
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(3.12.19) First post of my 1-year adventure abroad! As some of you may or may not know, I will be working as an English Teacher with EF for a year in Guangzhou, China! Words cannot describe how excited yet anxious I am to start a new chapter of my life overseas in Guangzhou! This will be the longest I will be away from my family & friends. I’m sure there will be many new & unexpected challenges & obstacles but I’m ready to tackle them head on with an open mind, readiness to adapt & love for traveling and learning! The last few days have been crazy trying to pack my whole life into 2 checked luggages & 2 carry on. Upon my arrival to the airport late yesterday evening & after a long wait to check my luggages, I successfully passed security and am waiting for my plane’s back departure! I will do my best to update my social media & blog daily so that you all may enjoy & live my adventures through my own eyes & phone lens. I’m super excited to show you my life abroad! Join me as I bid farewell to Boston, USA & begin my new life in Guangzhou, China! #APinGZ #anthonyinguangzhou #newhashtagnewlife #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #newadventuresoverseas #newlifeabroad #helloguangzhou #goodbyeboston #followme #lifeabroad #wanderlust #excitedfornewadventures #travelbuggotmeagain #travelbug #iamexcitedtocreatenewmemories #boston #tuesday #dienstag #星期二 #波士顿 #广州 (at Boston Logan International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu5Q6MXHQhUfTyqBd3JaKXv0FlGUeMTuUWphYg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9xdofbq27eix
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apinguangzhou · 6 years
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(3.28.19) 1) cooked 1st breakfast (dumplings!) in apartment 2) very long day at work: work training in morning followed by some more orientation & class observation 3) one of my colleagues showed me “comic city/anime zone” this afternoon - it’s well hidden underground & if you’re a big anime/Japanese fanatic, this is heaven 4) returned home late yet still managed to cook 1st dinner (pork, tomato & egg - simple yet delicious) in apartment 5) update: my local best friend moved into my apartment with me this past weekend so it’ll help me with rent cost & as a local, he would be able to be my guide & help me transition well **Lesson(s) learned: 1) today I learned from one of my colleague that while she was relaxing at a park, she witnessed someone abandoning behind 3 newborn kittens. Being the animal lover that she is, she picked them up and brought them back to the office where she warmed them & fed them. She even contacted the animal shelter where she volunteers to see if assistance is available for the abandoned kittens. Such a horrible act abandoning newborns especially those who need their mothers in their early stages but thankfully there are kind and caring people like my colleague who stepped up and took in the animals when no one did #APinGZ #anthonyinguangzhou #wanderlust #iphone8 #apiphone8plus #thursday #thursdayfunday #donnerstag #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #march #yummyinmytummy #星期四 #中国 #三月 #好吃 #广州 #travelbuggotmeagain #livingabroad #workingoverseas (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvjkNrMn0xrQUExngzpEO6bRJP0tQBEjfZpKLU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g7uxqjkdtiab
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apinguangzhou · 6 years
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(3.20.19) 1) breakfast at hotel before heading over to training with coworkers 2) trained all day and practiced role playing and prepping sample lesson plans 3) cheap and good Italian lunch 4) bought and enjoyed a hazelnut cappuccino from Costa 5) Japanese dinner with friend **Lesson(s) learned: 1) students (mainly high school) don’t get off school until very late in evening and still need to do homework until early morning 2) with so many people cramped on the metro, it is easy for the air to be cross-contaminated with coughs, sneezes and body odor. If you like, you can wear a face mask or simply sanitize your hands after holding any railings on the metro 3) during peak hours, to manage traffic & the large number of commuters, people are sectioned off and released in groups rather than allowing everyone to push their way into the trains or up/down the stairs. If you’re not paying attention, you can get easily shoved in all directions #APinGZ #anthonyinguangzhou #iphone8plus #apiphone8plus #wednesday #wednesdayfunday #humpday #mittwoch #ilovetotakepicsofmyfood #livingabroad #workingoverseas #wanderlust #travelbuggotmeagain #guangzhou #china #中国 #广州 #星期三 #好吃 (at Guangzhou, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPEq9QHj3T6kXOP5RnXUUSQykQGtsJXzHTeHg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hsw1l9c995m
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