rrhcaccepted-blog · 9 years
Clarissa St.Pierre
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Self harm, pretty please.
Time Zone?
Usually a couple of hours a day on average, unless school gets in the way.
Times you will usually be on?
Typically afternoons or evenings.
RP Experience?
A little over a year, all Tumblr based.
How did you find us?
Promo tags.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Sometimes…?  It depends on my partner, honestly.
Why this character?
Almost as soon as I saw Clarissa’s bio, I just felt everything click.  I think her story is unique yet relatable - getting herself into a dark place and then finding an outlet to help her get out of it.  Also, if Hollywood made a movie about Clarissa’s life, they would have ended it right after she got clean, so finding out what happens “after ever after” could be really interesting.
Alternate means of contact?
rosamediumblackwell is my indie account, which I’m usually on if I’m not doing group stuff.  I also have a kik which is emzywrites.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Clarissa St. Pierre
Secondary Character?
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Most songwriters were “true artists” and only wrote when inspiration struck, usually scribbling down lyrics or chords on diner napkins and the backs of receipts.  And those people were usually called geniuses.
Clarissa wasn’t like that.  Every day at the exact same time, she pulled out her guitar and her legal pad full of notes and for exactly an hour and a half she would write.  If she had ideas outside of these sessions, she would make her best effort to remember them for later, but she never actually wrote anything down until she was in that space.  Even when at work, where she always had her guitar with her, she would never write new things.  Usually when she played in the store, it was typically a cover of something she’d heard on the radio that morning and was trying to rework to fit her acoustic sound.
It may not have been the most organic process, and some sessions passed without her writing much at all, but every day she made herself write something.  Even if it was only a few notes that she would only end up scratching out later.  For some, songwriting was a creative force that they claimed only to be a channel for.  For Clarissa, it was therapeutic.  When she was at home, beloved guitar in her lap and scribblings of lyrics and chord progressions in front of her, she felt safe.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Do they have any tattoos or piercings? Do they want any?
Clarissa has two holes in each ear, the extra set coming after she started hanging out with her “bad crowd.”  She doesn’t have any tattoos, but she’s been seriously thinking about getting one that somehow symbolizes rebirth.
What is their worst quality?
Her temper, without a doubt.  She can get quite aggressive if she ever gets mad, and she can get mad over extremely trivial things.  Clarissa can easily best anyone in a screaming match, and if she gets hot enough, can resort to physically pushing you out the door.
2+ Goals?
Clarissa has still yet to perform in any type of formal setting, and she knows that if she wants to be a professional, the first thing she needs to do is get a gig rather than make an album.
She would also like to get to a point where she feels financially stable.
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