#apparently kira sorta fixed a family only to hurting them even more
fauzhee10069 · 3 years
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JJBA part 4: The Sad Case of Kawajiri Family
You still had a chance to fix it, but would you?
Previously I had briefly talked about 'romance' in JoJo, despite romance is not being a strong point there, this manga is realistic enough to show things that could happen in romance, including ‘relationship fail’. There are quite a few examples but the most interesting for me is the case with Kawajiri family.
To protect his identity, our main villain Kira Yoshikage was forced to disguise himself and steal the identity of Kawajiri Kosaku, a salaryman who already married and had his own family.
Eventually, Kira inevitably had to live at Kosaku's house and take his role, but when he arrived at his new home, what he discovered was this:
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DIU chapter 104: Atom Heart Father - part 5
Instead of a warm and loving family, he ended up with a broken one.
Now, I will mostly use Shinobu (the wife)’s point-of-view for my analysis. Why? Because I think her POV is the most genuine, rather than using Kira's POV (fake!Kosaku) or Hayato's POV (the kid who finally uncovered Kira's masquerade). Let’s begin…
Seeing her husband come home, Shinobu did not even care anymore. She thought that her husband was a boring man, living like a zombie or a programmed robot, “work” “food” “bath” “sleep” “work”, dull and monotonous. The wife has lost her passion-NO, both of them have lost their passion.
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Shinobu was so tired of her husband's monotony that she was too lazy to even cook him a dinner. Actually this is also her code to say that "I'm sick and tired being with you". But surprisingly, her husband cooked his own dinner, and even cook for her too. Shinobu noted that she had never seen her husband cook and even doubted that he could.
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Yeah, Kira Yoshikage is the best waifu amongst JoJo villains
Now, a little backstory of how Shinobu ended up with a guy like Kosaku, from how she was attracted to him to how she eventually fell out love.
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DIU chapter 105: Kira Yoshikage's New Life - part 1
So actually, when Shinobu was dating Kosaku back in school days, it was not purely out of love, but rather to look cool in front of her friends… until she finally conceived Hayato and was 'made' to marry Kosaku which was more or less to cover their disgrace, in other words: married-by-accident.
So I think, their marriage was never really based on love. From the beginning they were forced to live together and raise a family.
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Actually I think, Shinobu was still hoping that her married life can work, that over time, they could truly love each other and raise a normal loving family. Besides that, it did not mean that she was not grateful that her husband was a decent man, quite responsible and take good care of his family.
It's just that all those time, there has been absolutely no 'passion' in their lives. Living with compulsion, that was what they have lived. “Well, let’s make this work, I’ll be a good father so, be a good mom!” probably something like that could be what was in Kosaku's mind.
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Being a cat lover she is, Shinobu confronted her husband who accidentally locked their pet cat outside. But Kosaku’s reason was quite surprising her (“seems like he cares about our cat,” that was what Shinobu probably had in mind).
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Well, Hayato is actually the real victim of this family disharmony, a broken home kid, who in general also become 'troubled kid'. Shinobu wanted to blame him too for her trapped situation. Does this make her a bad mother?
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The rent collector came and confronted the Kawajiri family. It turned out that the family was often in arrears on rent. Then if they often have difficulty in paying, why do they rent a house like this?
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I think the house they rent is quite big, too big for their small family of only 3 members to live in. Unless they really plan to have a big family, but it was highly doubtful considering the relationship state between Shinobu and her husband.
Therefore, back to Shinobu's lifestyle, who used to date Kosaku just to look cool, so it's no wonder that this family forced themselves to rent a quite big house just to look cool too.
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The cornered Kira (who did not know the lock combination of Kawajiri family’s safe) was forced to utilize his 「Killer Queen」 to trick the rent collector, and it worked.
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And his mischief eventually impressed Shinobu and made her fall in love again.
Here I started to think that Shinobu’s real type of guy is a cool guy, not only from his outward appearance, but also by his nature that is kinda delinquent. Perhaps she had thought that Kosaku was that kind of person, but when she started living together with him, it turned out that he was a sub and hollow man.
After seeing her husband's change, since then for the first time Shinobu found the passion in her life. She's getting excited again and she was even the one attempting to make an approach, one of them is by serving him a tea…
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…and her body…
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DIU chapter 112: Kira Yoshikage's New Life - part 2
Kira almost broke his masquerade by killing Shinobu, but managed to surpressed his desire. Shinobu thought that Kosaku was either being aggressive for her liking or gentle (by unbuttoning her dress). Whatever it was, it made her fall in love with him even more.
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Hayato the broken kid being weird for spying his parents’ bedroom, I don’t know since then. What was more important, he implied that his parents had not gotten laid together in a long time.
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DIU chapter 127: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 1
When a stray cat broke into the basement and being territorial, a frightened Shinobu asked Kosaku for help, which turned out to be part of her seduction attempt too. She really thought her husband was very handsome now. Surely when you fall in love, the person you have a crush on will look very attractive in your eyes.
The cat died and Kira had to burry him. Apparently, the cat had previously been pierced by a Stand arrow and he was reborn as a 'Stand'. The stray cat held a grudge against Shinobu and wanted to kill her, which ultimately forced Kira to protect her.
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DIU chapter 129: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 3
Now, moving on Kira’s POV for awhile, did he really care to Shinobu?
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DIU chapter 129 & 130
I think, actually, there could be a chance for Kira to move on from his old life and try to live a new normal life. Though honestly I don’t condone his action of stealing Kosaku's identity (and even killing him) and stealing that person's life. But he could change himself for the better, love a woman in normal way, have a family and be a good husband & father… if only he wanted.
This option may be good for Kira, but is it for the good of the others?
After all, Kira was a serial killer who had been roaming around and living freely in Morioh, there had been many victims and none of them got justice.
Is it fair to just let him move on and have a better life?
I truly respect Araki's decision to consistently write him as 'the villain', irredeemable and deserves to be punished.
Back to Shinobu, now that stray cat had been dealt, to clear up Shinobu's confusion as a Standless person, Kira lied that she just fainted and had hallucinated prior to that.
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DIU chapter 131: The Cat Who Loved Kira - part 5
And again, Shinobu shyly madly fell in love with her own husband and made another approachment attempt to reignite their love.
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On the other hand, Hayato was increasingly suspicious of his father, who is he really?
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Approaching Bites The Dust arc, Kira desperately hid his murder of Hayato, but in Shinobu's mind was only her concern for her husband: what happened to him? Is he alright?
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DIU chapter 153: Another One Bites the Dust - part 1
Truly a progress, Shinobu who was originally a wife who was indifferent towards her husband, has now turned into a wife who is ready to take care her husband of her own accord.
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DIU chapter 154: Another One Bites the Dust – part 2
In the end, during the BTD arc, Kira decided to entertain Shinobu for a while by giving her her long-awaited goodbye kiss, much to Hayato’s dismay. But if you put yourself on Shinobu’s POV, you too will definitely felt delighted at that time, as if your love has finally been reciprocated.
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DIU chapter 159: Another One Bites the Dust – part 7
Remember when Shinobu wanted to blame Hayato for wasting her life? Eventually, she was also happy when her son displayed his affection for her too. Perhaps her annoyance at Hayato back then was actually her sadness over her son's cold behavior. But we also can't blame Hayato for acting like that, because he is also the victim, product of his dysfunctional family.
After the BTD arc ended and Kira died, getting his punishment over his deeds. At the same time, Kosaku was completely gone forever. Meanwhile what was happening in Kawajiri family was...
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…an endless waiting by his wife who loves him very much.
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DIU chapter 174: Goodbye, Morioh- Golden Hearts
And this is the effect of Kira's murders that have been allowed to run rampant. So it's only right that our protagonist ended it and brought him to justice.
Actually, I also don't agree that Shinobu has to suffer by waiting forever for her husband to return. The death of real!Kosaku in Aya's salon has become unknown to anyone (except Josuke's gang). But Kira's death as Kosaku had been witnessed by many.
But wasn't his face then crushed and unrecognizable? Does it matter? Before he died, his face was still quite recognizable right? In order to activate 「Bites The Dust」, he was about to tell his real name to a nurse, but it never happened.
There were Josuke's gang, including Hayato, right? I thought it was wise enough for Hayato to keep his mother in the dark regarding Kira's masquerade, that the husband she had loved all along was not her real husband, which meant that Kosaku's actual death at Aya’s salon did not need to be known to her.
Josuke’s gang or Hayato himself should have told the people at the spot that the one who had just died by an ambulance was 'his father'. Which in the end the news could soon reach Shinobu, so she did not have to suffer, wasting her entire life with false hopes.
What can we learn from this?
That as long as we are still together, there is still a chance to mend our relationship.
Especially for those of you who are already married and have families.
Divorce is indeed a solution if there is no way anymore (especially if 'abuse' is already involved).
However, this solution will leave another issue that can affect your life and that of your children’s.
What I want to say is, in the case of Kawajiri family, regardless of their conflict, there was no ‘abuse’ or 'violence' in it.
And that making ‘divorce’ as the last priority for solution.
Separation in a childless dating couple and separation in a married couple with children is a very different matter.
There must be one who initiates the change, in Kawajiri’s case, it was fake Kosaku (accidentally).
And also there must be one who welcome the change (and that’s Shinobu).
The tragic thing about this family is that the real Kosaku never get his chance.
But during his life before he crossed paths with Kira, did he even try?
Had it ever crossed his mind to make a change?
Maybe we can blame Shinobu instead, why didn't she make the 'change'?
Whatever it is, we shouldn’t cry over spilled milk, instead we should appreciate of how Shinobu welcomed the changes from her husband.
And when her love had grown back, it was Shinobu who tried to approach and win back her husband's heart.
Now if only… if only this was the real Kosaku…
… surely this Kawajiri family which began as an 'accident' and 'forced relationship' could have turned into a very harmonious family.
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