#apparently this is way bigger than scooter braun and his team
bandzboy · 6 months
bro i'm so fucking tired this is not even a joke anymore i hate that company so bad like i wanna support my faves i wanna support their music and art but they are making it impossible idk wtf they are playing at but i don't think they realize this is not gonna bring any good publicity on their end
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I know all of this has been said before, but I'll just say my piece about the JK situation. There are two bad takes I keep seeing - one is petty, the other too absurd to comprehend.
1. Jungkook is getting preferential treatment and Jimin was screwed over.
Two points: 1. Regardless of the fact that we don't know how many radio spins Seven will get, people are seriously forgetting that Scooter Braun isn't just "involved". He literally claimed the song as his project. He tagged "sbproject" on his IG post of himself, Jungkook, Bang PD and another producer in a recording studio in LA, plus his team produced the song, not BH. He also hyped up the song recently saying we had no idea what was coming. Now, does he seem like the type of man to hype up songs only for them to flop? Especially since he must know Jungkook can't rely on album sales this time? Ariana, Bieber and Taylor are incredibly successful artists. This wasn't just a case of him celebrating the achievements of an artist under a sibling label (like his post about Jimin's BB achievements). He's all but claiming responsibility for the song's success and giving us the SB guarantee that it will be a hit. I don't know if he hypes anything up, if he lies, etc., but all of this shows Seven is being released under different circumstances. When it comes to promo, maybe BH's in charge, but in the West, it seems SB is handling, or exerting his influence in, some aspects. My point is, this is not BH Labels's doing imo. They're not choosing to do payola or whatever for Jungkook and not Jimin. And, 2. This may be beside the point, but fans claiming LC had huge radio potential... I'm not sure it did? If more people listened to it, it would've performed even better, of course, but I'm not sure it had the potential to perform like the English trilogy. LC is The Weekend-esque, but his tts are lighter, more digestible, sexier and have simpler and catchier choruses or hooks. LC is actually a rather heavy song and more of a grower than addictive from the beginning imo. I'm assuming that Seven is straight up pop, and much more accessible.
2. I can't believe there are people claiming Seven is about fucking 7 days a week and that's why Sohee is going to be in the MV. Some people are saying JK will make out with her in the MV??? Are you all high?? He can't even take his shirt off all the way yet. Even Jimin censured himself somewhat with LC. You think JK will make out with an actress on camera? You think he'd be comfortable with that, or that the label would even accept it? You think he's even interested in doing it? It's so awkward to kiss people on camera, even if you want to kiss them in real life. There are so many artists who literally get naked for an MV but still don't kiss anyone lmao. Knowing JK, he saw Sohee in My Name, thought she was so cool because she apparently boxes there and Jungkook loves boxing, and decided she could be in his MV. What her role is, I don't know. She could play a friend, she could be a love interest to a male interest that isn't Jungkook, she could be Army, she could represent Jungkook, she could be part of a bigger cast. Sure, she could also play Jungkook's love interest, but that's not the only, or most mostly likely, option. Jungkook doesn't hate women. Can't he cast women in a platonic way? It's very cliche, sexist and heteronormative to reduce women to love interests and Jungkook is none of those things. Anyway, I don't know what Seven is about. It's essentially a Western pop song, and I doubt Jungkook wrote the lyrics since I bet they're in English, so it's not farfetched to assume that the lyrics are romantic and even indirectly sexual in nature. However, if the lyrics truly are sexual (there's an Explicit version but it could just be so he can say fuck, as a curse, once or twice), odds are the MV will downplay that because Jungkook is still an idol (and probably doesn't want to do an Unholy type of MV just yet). Also, people seem to think the Seven promo is hinting at something sexual, but Jungkook just wanted to do a sexy concept and the song is probably more Watermelon Sugar High (yes, the lyrics are sexual lmao, but coy, and the song is bright, not sexy) and less Unholy (didn't Jungkook work with one of the Unholy producers? What if this whole thing started with his cover lmao?).
Anyway, stop being weird about Jungkook - even in a professional context he gets shipped with any woman he meets. And, also, stop hating on Jungkook for the extra radio push he's getting. It's out of his hands, and, quite frankly, it's probably out of BH's hand too. They don't have the power to make any song a radio hit on their own without it truly doing well, but I don't know if they couldn't have pushed their US distributors or whatever, to help LC. Regardless, Jungkook won't have the advantage of sales so he needs all the help he can get, and a win for Jungkook is a win for BTS - don't forget that.
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