#applies to key and luhan
marshmallow-phd · 6 years
The Wanderers
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Part Two of The Experiments Universe
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller, experiment au
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Jongin
Summary: After escaping the hell that was EXO Applied Sciences, Jongin was lost. While some of his brothers were able to settle down, he was restless. And his powers were still growing. Never staying in place too long, Jongin and a few others have been watching their backs, knowing that there were people still out there, wanting to take them back. Someone is closing in and you, an innocent, are sucked into the world you never asked to be apart of….
Warning: slight violence against women, nothing too extreme
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I Final
Run. Stay away. Stay hidden. Don’t be noticeable. Be invisible. Don’t use your powers. Don’t get too close.
Those simple rules had become a mantra for Jongin. They kept him and his brothers safe. No matter how much Luhan and the others tried to convince him they could leave behind their worries and start happy lives, Jongin couldn’t believe it. Both doctors that were in charge of the experiments on them were still out there, working for EXO, and the government hadn’t been able to track down the financier for the project.
So, he kept running, kept moving. Armed with a new identity and a few of his brothers at his side, his attempt at staying under the radar had been successful so far. They never stayed in a town too long – a few days or a week at most. The board that helped rescue them had set up a nice little account with plenty of money to last a good while. They were frugal with the funds, staying in average hotels and avoiding high end places. It was more low key that way, better to stay unnoticed.
“Can we go eat now?” Baekhyun complained.
Jongin opened his eyes from where he was laying on the bed. The mattress wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but it beat the cell cot any day. Kyungsoo threw a pillow at the whiner, but that did little to stop him.
“Come on, we haven’t eaten since this morning,” he continued.
“You should have eaten the snacks on the bus,” Minseok countered.
Jongdae cut in, coming to Baekhyun’s defense. “I’m pretty sure those snacks were expired and could kill someone. Didn’t you smell them? I nearly threw up.”
Sighing, Jongin jumped up off the bed. “I saw a hole-in-the-wall bar just down the street. We can see if they have edible food.”
Jongdae and Baekhyun whooped and hollered as they practically ran out of the room. Chanyeol wasn’t far behind them. Kyungsoo and Minseok hung back, waiting for Jongin to trudge out of the room.
The sun was starting to set in the distance, casting an orange glow over the business district of their latest find. It wasn’t too small of a town. Minseok had read that the population was around twelve thousand and a frequent stop for travelers. That was good. They could come through without being memorable.
It was dark inside the bar with the lights above giving off a soft glow to the otherwise dingy space. A few other patrons were scattered among the space – a group of three at the bar and another group of four off to the side among them – including a blonde haired customer wearing an over-sized trench coat with the collar pulled up. At least they weren’t the most conspicuous people there.
At their entrance, the only waitress working walked up to the group and greeted them in annoyingly friendly manner.
“Hi.” Your voice was soft and quiet, a contrast to the surroundings.
“Hey!” Baekhyun greeted back cheerfully. “You have food here, right?”
You nodded, letting out a short giggle. “Absolutely! Just sit anywhere you like. The menus are already at the tables. I’ll be by in a few minutes to check on you.”
As you walked back to the counter, the six of them made their way to a high top that was a good distance from everyone else. Jongdae and Baekhyun immediately grabbed the sticky, faded menus, scanning the items listed. Jongin kept his attention down on the table. He picked at the peeling polish to reveal the cheap light wood underneath.
“Nice choice,” Kyungsoo mumbled as he glanced around.
Jongin smirked. “It’s not too bad. We’ve been to worse places.”
“Yeah,” Jongdae butted in. “Those places didn’t have a waitress nearly as pretty.”
Minseok threw him a look, but he just shrugged innocently.
Unable to resist, Jongin peeked over at you as you cleaned a few glasses behind the counter, chatting happily away with the bartender. Your uniform was certainly picked out to catch the interested gaze. Your white t-shirt with the bar logo on the back was nearly see-through, only a tank top underneath saving a bit of your dignity. The black shorts showed off almost all of your legs, topped off with a pair of scuffed canvas shoes.
Shaking his head, Jongin turned back to the group, making eye contact with Chanyeol. The normally cheerful giant was suddenly solemn, not paying attention to the snickering happening beside him. They shared a special pain, the two of them, although Jongin was sure his friend’s was greater than his.
The doctor they’d both fallen in love with chose someone else. She was happy with Junmyeon while Jongin was a coward. He’d waited in the wings, watching over her, not realizing that in his hesitation, he’d lost her. Chanyeol, however, had faced rejection head on. He’d put himself out there, from what he’d told Jongin later. Being the idiot that he was, Jongin hadn’t caught on to who she truly loved until after they’d rescued the brainwashed Junmyeon. 
When the realization hit him, he’d managed to keep a straight face in that hospital room. But as soon as he was away, he’d broken down, throwing everything he could get his hands on in that dorm room where they were staying. Chanyeol had found him an hour later, sitting on the floor, a mess. They bonded over their heartbreak, understanding that – while they were in pain – she, at least, was happy. And alive.
“Have you guys decided on what you want yet?”
Your happy voice pulled Jongin out of the painful memory and back to the present.
“Ten orders of wings with the diverse sauce plate, two pitchers of beers and six bottles of Soju,” Baekhyun replied excitedly.
“Okay,” you laughed, writing everything down on a small notepad. “Does anyone want a glass of water as well?”
Everyone else nodded, except for Jongin who wasn’t paying attention. He’d gone back to his own thoughts, hardly caring what the others wanted to eat. Kyungsoo elbowed him in the side, resulting in a hiss out of him. Kyungsoo nodded towards you. Jongin turned to face you and blinked.
“I’m sorry?”
Your cheeks were turning red for some reason. “I was just wondering if you also wanted a glass of water while you wait for the food.”
He nodded. “Yeah, sure. Sounds great.”
“Okay.” You left quickly, slightly tripping over your own feet as you did.
“Oh, yeah,” Jongdae laughed, “she’s cute.”
“And I’m pretty sure she’s thinking the same thing about Jonginnie over here,” Baekhyun reached out to ruffle the younger one’s head, but Jongin swatted the hand away.
“Shut up,” he growled. “And you know I hate it when you call me that. I’m not a child for you to coddle.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to talk to her,” Minseok added in a serious tone.
Jongin was quick to snap back. “No ties.”
Jongdae rolled his eyes. “That’s so stupid, you know that, right?”
The talking ceased when you came back with a tray holding the glasses of water and pitchers of beer. There didn’t appear to be any sign that you’d overheard their conversation. With steady hands, you placed down paper coasters in front of each of them and then deposited the drinks, settling the beer down in the middle.
“I’ll be right back with more glasses for the beer and the bottles of soju,” you informed them. “And your food should be out shortly.”
“Thank you,” Kyungsoo said for the group.
You nodded back with a smile and walked away, the tray under your arm.
Jondgae leaned across the table, lowering his voice. “Look, I’m not saying settled down with the girl. Just that you might have some fun. Besides, ties aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Look at Luhan and Anya. Or Sehun and Nada. Or even Junmyeon and–”
“Shut up!” Jongin growled. He didn’t want to hear her name. It wouldn’t help the ache subside. He was still too far from being even remotely healed. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair. “If they want to act like our lives are magically better and we have no worries now, that’s their business. Personally, I don’t feel like taking that risk. Because we’re not normal. Those three are exceptions because they knew from the beginning what we are. What average girl would actually want to be with freaks like us?”
“There could be someone.”
Jongin’s eyes widened in surprise. 
Kyungsoo usually stayed out of these kinds of conversations, only saying something to change the subject when he’d had enough. The hurt in his eyes was visible and Jongin mentally kicked himself. Sure, they all felt like freaks, but Kyungsoo had been the most distant out of all of them, fearful that he could hurt even his friends.
“Look, Kyungsoo, I–”
The sound of broken glass stopped Jongin from finishing. All six heads turned towards the sound. Jongin scowled.
A particularly drunk customer had grabbed your wrist. The sudden action had caused you to drop the small tray that had been holding dirty glasses and empty bottles. Shards bounced off the dirty carpet, spraying everywhere at your feet. Th man either didn’t notice or didn’t care. You were fighting against him, trying to get away, but failing.
“Come on, shweetheart.” The bastard was barely able to speak properly. “Juss one little kiss. Those lips look so delicious. I juss want a taste.”
Fear shot across your face as you shook your head. “Please, Don, don’t do this. Not tonight. I tell you every time, no. Please, just let go,” you begged.
Damn it. Why did he have to have such a hero complex? Jongin fought hard to mind his own business, to not bring attention to them. He turned his back to the scene. 
Your cries only grew more desperate. “Please, stop!”
Without even thinking it through, Jongin used his speed to appear next to the drunk in a flash. He snatched the drunk’s wrist, freeing you.
“She said let go.”
Why was it always you?
Okay, so maybe this was partially your own fault. You should have quit years ago, moved to the big city, be the cliché small town girl who ran off with wild dreams and two dollars to her name. But you didn’t. You never had a crazy, out-there dream or any kind of dream. While everyone else at school had at least a fantasy job they wanted to try out, you came up empty. Your idealistic life didn’t revolve around a certain career or annual income. 
The bar became your home right after high school to kill time and have a paycheck while you figured things out. Then you never left. You had your regulars who you knew all about, down to their favorite order on a particularly bad day. Sometimes, out-of-towners would drift in and you’d get to hear stories of what other places were like.
Like today. There were multiple new faces, such as the stranger that had been sitting in that side booth by himself for hours. You’d made conversation with him, but he hadn’t revealed many details about himself or where he was headed. 
Then there was the group that really piqued your interest. They seemed like a hodgepodge of different personalities that shouldn’t have gone together, but did. Some were loud and teasing, others were quiet and observing. And you would be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed that they were handsome, too. They wore jeans and shirts that didn’t do much to hide their physique. One, however, was drawing your attention like a moth to a flame.
He wasn’t paying you any attention and his friend had to make him answer your question. There was a cold exterior that you doubted anyone could get past, but right underneath the surface was sadness. As a waitress in a bar, you’d seen all levels of sorrow and depression. His was the kind that hidden deep within and wouldn’t be coming out unless forced.
Thinking about him was what led you to getting too close to Don. He wasn’t a bad guy… sober. A little flirty, nothing you couldn’t ignore. Until he’d down several bottles. That was usually when he tried to grab your hand. Typically, you were able to catch onto his attempts and stayed away. His most audacious move was a particularly vulgar pick up line. But now he was five beers in and bolder. He’d reached out while you were distracted picking up an empty bottle and yanked on your wrist. You’d lost your grip on the tray and couldn’t catch it in time to save the glass. A few shards had ricocheted off the floor and hit your legs, stinging the skin.
“You know you’re purty, right, (y/n)?” Don’s breath reeked of beer and hot sauce, kicking in your gag reflex.
“Don,” you groaned. You tried to free your wrist, but it was no good. You were stuck.
“Come on, sweetheart. Juss one little kiss. Those lips look so delicious. I juss want a taste.”
“Let go,” you demanded through clenched teeth.
“I don’t wanna,” he whined. He leaned in closer to you, puckering his lips.
You tried to avoid the unwanted kiss, but you were stuck between the counter and his bloated stomach. You closed your eyes, preparing for the worse. Mark was out back taking a smoke break and no one else was coming to your rescue. “Please, stop!”
The grotesque lips never made contact with your skin and the death grip on your arm was suddenly gone. Opening your eyes, you wanted to cry from relief.
Your rescuer was the sad one from the group of strangers. His fingers had snatched the wrist of the hand Don had you trapped in, making him let go. A terrifying scowl was etched into his face.
“She said let go.”
“Who do you think you are?” Don yelled, fighting against the stranger. Don wasn’t a small man, but he wasn’t necessarily in the best of shape. Still, the stranger had to have had impressive arm strength to keep hold of Don so effortlessly as he fought.
“Just someone who can’t stand assholes like you who treat women like play things,” the stranger replied.
“Aw, (y/n) knows I was just messing around, right, (y/n)?” Don sent you a pleading look.
You shook your head. Your voice came out small and squeaky, like a mouse. “Don, I did ask you to let go.”
That only made Don boil. “Why you little bi–”
He didn’t get to finish, instead letting out a blood curdling scream as the stranger slammed his hand down on the counter on top of a shot glass, shattering it. A piece of glass flew up and cut your savior across the cheek, but he didn’t even flinch.
“I suggest you pay your bill and leave,” he said in a low, gravelly voice.
None of Don’s friends came to his rescue. Instead, they threw down a few bills and ushered the whimpering drunk out of there and probably to a hospital.
“Th-thank you,” you whispered, not able to meet the stranger’s eye.
Scrambling footsteps startled you as his friends came over.
“Hey, are you alright?”
A hand landed on your shoulder making you jump. The one who had inquired about your well-being flinched back. “Sorry.”
“She’s fine,” the stranger grumbled. “Let’s just go.”
“We haven’t eaten yet!” Another one complained.
“Can I see your wrist?” The youngest looking one held a hand out to you.
You were cradling your wrist against your chest, still feeling it pulse in your hand from Don’s fingers. Bruises would definitely be visible tomorrow.
Cautiously, you held your arm out to him. He took it gently and examined the harsh red lines. .
“We should get some ice on this,” he suggested.
“There’s an ice pack back in the kitchen, in the freezer door,” you pointed to the back door, clearly marked for what it was.
“I can go get it,” the shortest one volunteered. He had a kind face. They all did, but his was nice and warm, a small, reassuring smile on his lips. You nodded, giving him permission to go back there.
Everyone still left in the bar had gone back to their own business. There was an unwritten rule to pretend that they hadn’t seen anything even though they would certainly be spreading the news of the incident first thing tomorrow morning.
Mark came back at the same time as the one who went to the kitchen to grab the ice pack. He handed it to you. The second your skin met the pack, you shivered, but were thankful for the soothing coolness it gave.
“Hell, (y/n), what happened?” Mark gasped.
“Don,” you said simply.
Mark cursed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have left.”
“No,” the one who saved you snapped. “You shouldn’t have.”
You turned towards him to tell him to lay off on Mark, but the argument died as soon as you saw the cut on his cheek. A single streak of blood ran down to his jaw, hanging for a moment before falling down to the floor.
“You’re hurt.” Not stopping to think it through, you grabbed his hand in attempt to take him to the first aid kit in the office.
He ripped his hand from your grasped. “Don’t do that!”
You shrank back from his harsh yell. “I’m sorry. You got cut from the glass breaking. I was just going to clean it out. The kit is mounted to the wall in the office, I can’t bring it out here.”
His roughness subsided by the smallest ounce at your explanation. “It’ll heal on its own.”
“The glass was dirty,” you urged. “I don’t want it to get infected.”
“Just do it,” the kind one who had gotten you the ice pack demanded.
Rolling his eyes, he motioned for you to lead him back there.  “Fine.”
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writingblankspaces · 7 years
No Tricks, Only Treats
It’s Halloween and campus slut Byun Baekhyun has had his eyes on Park Chanyeol. 
The whole night Baekhyun’s eyes kept drifting to Chanyeol’s crotch, trying to imagine what he was working with beneath the tight jeans of his greaser costume. Made complete with slicked-back hair, carefully applied eyeliner, a white shirt and leather jacket, Chanyeol looked delicious.
His face must’ve shown it because when Luhan walked past him, he gave him a pointed look and whispered in his ear “you’re such a slut. Be less obvious you want to eat him.”
In response, he put a mock scandalized expression on his face—all wide eyes and an open mouth—and Luhan rolled his eyes because they both knew Baekhyun had been eyeing Park Chanyeol for nearly three weeks and had decided that Halloween night was when he was going to strike.
The atmosphere was perfect with the copious amount of booze, sexually frustrated people in their early-twenties and costumes, so everyone had a reason to act out of the norm.
It was also perfect because Baekhyun knew he looked good. His best friend’s brother had somehow managed to morph his freshly red-streaked hair into a mullet. At first, he’d been horrified, but after he’d slipped on his costume and looked at himself from different angles, it began to grown on him. With the skin-tight pleather pants, low heeled boots, a silk shirt he stole from Tao’s closet—worth more than three month’s rent—and smokey eyes and simple eyeliner he’d done himself, he was—if he could use an all encasing word—fuckable.
“What is your costume supposed to be anyway?” Luhan asked, handing Baekhyun a drink as he stood next to him. Before he took a sip, he sniffed it, letting out a dry laugh when he realized that it was Luhan's favorite, mystery punch. If he drank more than one cup of it, nothing would be happening tonight.
“A rock star,” Baekhyun replied after his first sip, waving his free hand over his body as if Luhan was blind for not recognizing his outfit.
“Whatever you say, Byun,” Luhan muttered before wandering away and heading towards his target of the night, Oh Sehun, who was conveniently dressed as the blue monster from Space Jam.
“You're going to have to figure out how to get the blue paint off your sheets,” Baekhyun shouted in Luhan’s direction, which earned him a dirty look.
Luhan would pay him back for it later, but right now they were both on a mission, and since Luhan was already pursuing his, Baekhyun decided to approach Chanyeol, who was now alone.
“Nice party your friends threw,” Baekhyun commented after he’d walked over and stood next to the taller man. He wanted to sound as nonchalant as possible because it’d been awhile since he’d pined after someone. He didn’t want to seem overly eager or desperate.
Neither of which he was, of course.
“Ah, yeah,” Chanyeol answered, sounding bored before he turned around and got a good look at Baekhyun’s costume. Then, suddenly, there was life in his voice with an upbeat “ah, yeah! Baekhyun, you came?”
There was something so attractive about how excited Chanyeol was to see him, but he had to maintain his focus. He wanted Chanyeol underneath and or on top of him by the end of the night, and he wasn’t going to let some flattery slow him down.
“So um, are you a greaser?” Apparently, he was, Baekhyun knew that much from the moment he’d walked in and spotted Chanyeol.
“Yeah, we-” Chanyeol gestured to his identically dressed friends “were going through movies on Netflix and came across Grease. We were trashed too, so I’m surprised we still remembered the next day.” Baekhyun laughed and worked to reel Chanyeol in closer, aiming to pull him deeper into a conversation so they would have an excuse to break from the party.
When Chanyeol showed he was perfectly content to more or less yell over the music that seemed to be getting louder, Baekhyun put his second plan into action.
“Hey, you wanna go dance? This is my favorite song,” again Chanyeol’s eyes drifted to Baekhyun’s thighs encased in the shiny material and nodded, chugging the last of what looked like a cup of beer. Baekhyun did the same with the mystery punch and they headed deeper into the party.
Out the corner of his eye, Baekhyun saw Sehun pinning Luhan to a wall.
Luhan worked fast.
They started off simple, just casually dancing in front of each other, but in the middle of a hip-hop song Baekhyun didn’t know, Chanyeol moved closer to him, and their rhythmic swaying turned into a slow grind. If the music hadn’t been so loud, Baekhyun was sure he might’ve heard his pants scraping against the denim of Chanyeol’s jeans. Instead, he could only hear the thrumming bass of the song as he fought to get as close to Chanyeol as possible.
By the third song, they were so close, they might as well have been dry humping on the floor. If either of them would’ve looked around, they would’ve realized that no one cared and that many couples were doing the same—if not more—than them.
When the song winded down, Chanyeol leaned down and whispered in Baekhyun’s ear “so um, you want to go upstairs and talk?” The huskiness of his voice told a different story and the feeling of anticipation sent chills down Baekhyun's spine.
He’d gotten what he wanted.
Within a minute or two, they were upstairs, and Chanyeol’s bedroom was closed and locked, leaving them alone in the dimly lit bedroom.
The thumping of the music below them kept things from being completely silent, not that they were talking anyway.
Chanyeol kissed him like his life depended on it, drawing Baekhyun into long kisses that stole his breath and each time he pulled away to catch his breath, Chanyeol would hurry to take a breath so he could move back in.
Their teeth clashed together when they kissed the last time, Chanyeol hovering over Baekhyun and looking at him with a hungry look in his eyes.
If Baekhyun was honest, as Chanyeol’s hands roamed his body and the gentle scent of his cologne surrounded him, he felt overwhelmed. Everything had been building up to that moment, and when Chanyeol squeezed the bulge in his pants, Baekhyun saw stars, angels and everything else.
“You know how good you look? God, I’ve been waiting so long, and when you walked in, I nearly came in my pants,” Chanyeol admitted, sounding breathless as he looked down at Baekhyun with that embarrassed and goofy grin of his.
The same goofy grin that made Baekhyun’s heart slam in his rib cage and made it hard to breathe.
With his kiss-bruised lips and hair that stuck up from Baekhyun's wandering hands, Chanyeol looked more than ready for what Baekhyun had in store for him and he bit his lip in anticipation.
“I heard that he’s an excellent lay,” Luhan whispered, subtly nodding his head toward Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun looked up from his book and followed the gesture, giving Chanyeol a once-over.
Long legs, big ears, a goofy smile and big eyes, he was a looker and Baekhyun’s type.
Or at least, one of his types.
“In what aspects?” Luhan grinned because he knew he’d gotten Baekhyun’s interest and rambled on about what he’d heard around the dorms and classes. As a TA and RA, Luhan was more than familiar with campus gossip and hearsay.
“Well, I heard he’s very gifted, as well as talented with his fingers and mouth. A total package,” the first detail peaked Baekhyun’s interest, and he made it known when he lifted his eyebrows, a smirk on his face.
“Size queen,” Tao commented as soon as he sat down, slinging his backpack in the empty seat next to him. Baekhyun didn’t even try to deny the accusation and shrugged, the grin still on his face.
“I like what I like. Also, last time I checked, we have similar taste in men,” at that Tao balked and fished his phone out his pocket, pretending to read over his texts.
If there was one thing they all had in common, it was that they all preferred to date men with large dicks. Simple as that. While Tao was shier and more low-key with his preference, Luhan and Baekhyun made no effort to hide it.
In fact, their preferences were well known throughout campus, and those who thought they had what it took to impress either of them would attempt to get a date.
While Luhan was choosier with his selections, Baekhyun usually gave anyone a fair chance. As a result, he’d gained a reputation for being a slut, but it didn’t faze him or the guys that pursued him.
They knew what they were coming for and since things were so clear-cut, it made flings and rendezvous with him ideal. Very rarely did he ever run into a problem any of the men he'd hooked up with.
Now as Chanyeol struggled to pull Baekhyun's tight jeans down his thighs with a frustrated smile on his face, he was debating if he could see himself with Chanyeol. Like in a dating sense.
And that was dangerous.
“How the hell did you get into these?” Chanyeol grumbled, still struggling.
With a laugh, Baekhyun reached down to help him “very, very carefully.”
Now pantless—and underwear-less because he’d been going commando—he felt exposed as Chanyeol’s eyes raked over his body, pausing at his dick, which twitched in anticipation.
Immediately, he felt a little embarrassed. He'd never been this anxious for someone, so the fact that he was already aching, twitching and already leaking clear liquid onto his thigh mortified him.
“No need to be embarrassed, it’s hot,” Chanyeol said, reaching forward to grip and stroke Baekhyun. The touch was so firm that Baekhyun gasped and leaned up, ready to beg Chanyeol to fuck him.
Chanyeol, however, had other things in mind and leaned over his lap. The puffs of hot breath made Baekhyun moan and his dick twitched again, pulsing more clear liquid. “You’re so wet for me. So sexy,” Chanyeol murmured before he engulfed the head of Baekhyun’s cock. Not moving his hips and making Chanyeol take all of him was a task, but Baekhyun resisted the urge with willpower he wasn't even aware he had.
Between the needy moans he was making and twitching like he was a virgin, he didn't have to look at himself to know he looked a mess.
Just a few touches from Chanyeol and he was already a wreck and Baekhyun loved every moment of it. Especially when Chanyeol finally took his entire length down his throat.
The warm, hot and tight feeling made him want to come, but Baekhyun wanted to hold out and wait till Chanyeol was inside of him.
His stomach twisted in knots—of a different kind—as Chanyeol bobbed his head, using his free hand to press gently against Baekhyun’s entrance, eventually sinking half of his index finger inside. The combination of stimulation set Baekhyun on fire, but he was adamant about coming on Chanyeol’s dick, so he pushed his head, nearly crying when Chanyeol let him fall from his mouth.
“What’s wrong?” His voice was even raspier than it was usually and it went straight to the pit of Baekhyun’s stomach, so he had to reach down and squeeze the base of his dick, staving off his orgasm.
“I want to come with you inside.” The look on Chanyeol’s face made Baekhyun crack a smile and he sat up, carefully pulling off Tao’s blouse and sitting it aside. While he did that, Chanyeol wasted no time getting undressed, somehow managing to peel off his tight jeans and cast aside his leather jacket, white t-shirt, and underwear within seconds.
When Baekhyun spread his legs and beckoned Chanyeol to crawl between them, he saw the taller man in all his glory and needless to say, Baekhyun was more than impressed.
“Is this enough for you or will it be too much?” Chanyeol asked, a cocky expression on his face as he felt around his bedsheets for what Baekhyun assumed to be the lube.
“We’ll have to see, now won’t we?” Chanyeol’s grin grew wider, and Baekhyun heard a cap pop open before Chanyeol gripped his thigh and eased one finger inside of him.
After what was one of the most thorough preparations he’d ever received, Chanyeol finally removed his three—maybe four—fingers and crinkled paper before he slid a condom on gripped both of Baekhyun’s thighs, placing them around his waist.
The first press inside was slow, and Baekhyun could tell Chanyeol was gauging his reaction as he pushed forward, little by little. When he pressed flush against Baekhyun's ass, Baekhyun gripped the sheets again and arched his back, moving his hips to signal that he was ready for Chanyeol to move.
The stretch skated the line between pleasure and pain, but Baekhyun felt so wonderfully full that all he could do was moan and keep his legs open. His eyes nearly rolled back when Chanyeol established a steady rhythm, pushing into him deep and pressing his prostate each time before he pulled back out, only to do it again.
And again.
And again.
At a certain point, Baekhyun couldn’t even hear the music that playing downstairs anymore. He could only hear his heart beating in his ears, the sound of skin meeting and his moans that got louder and more shameless with each thrust.
The tight coil of pressure in his stomach snuck back up on him, and Baekhyun didn’t even try to restrain himself as he came, untouched, as Chanyeol continued to push into him.
Chanyeol watched him with wide eyes as his orgasm hit him, but that expression was quickly replaced with one of concentration when he felt Baekhyun clench around him, getting impossibly tighter.
He made no moves to wipe the white streaks off his chest because the aftershocks of his orgasm coupled with the fact that Chanyeol continued to abuse his prostate made it impossible.
“Good?” At a loss for words, Baekhyun just nodded frantically, holding onto to Chanyeol’s forearms as he sped up, his own orgasm approaching.
When Chanyeol finally did come, spilling into the condom, Baekhyun silently huffed at the fact that he’d used a condom in the first place. He wanted Chanyeol to wreck him, and with what he had in mind, a condom was not necessary, but he respected Chanyeol’s precaution.
His reputation preceded him after all.
“A-again?” Chanyeol asked, breathing heavily as sweat collected at his hairline and a drop dripped down his nose.
“If you want to take a break, I can wait,” Baekhyun explained, his chest also rising rapidly as his entire body thrummed with the want for more. Chanyeol nodded and got up, taking off the used condom and discarding it before walking to the bathroom.
He was back in a few minutes, but in that time, Baekhyun had sat up and found a box of tissue paper to wipe the drying, sticky mess off his chest. He also debated taking the blue contacts out his eyes but decided against it when Chanyeol settled back on the bed, with a damp face towel in hand.
“I thought you’d like to clean up or wha-whatever,” Chanyeol stammered, his cheeks pink as his eyes panned over Baekhyun’s naked—and considerably spread out— body despite it being the probably the fifth or six time he'd done so that night.
“Thanks,” Baekhyun accepted the towel and did a better job of cleaning up. When he finished, he was unsure as to whether to hand it back to Chanyeol or sit it on the nightstand next to the bed. He ended up choosing the latter then turned to see Chanyeol staring at him.
“Again?” Chanyeol scratched his head as he asked, a small smile on his face.
As an answer, Baekhyun grabbed the bottle of lube that was resting next to his thigh and crawled across the bed, shaking his hair out his face. The look Chanyeol gave him as he kissed him would’ve made him laugh, but he was too busy, trying to get on top of Chanyeol and pick up where they’d left off.
His hands were sticky with hair gel as he ran them through Chanyeol’s hair, moaning when Chanyeol started to mark him with bites that would probably be purple in the morning.
Just the thought of them made Baekhyun hard as he rutted against Chanyeol’s thigh. He couldn’t help but moan as Chanyeol’s hands went everywhere again, squeezing whatever flesh he could grab onto, whether it be Baekhyun’s ass or thighs or waist. It was like he was trying to memorize each dip and curve of his body and that added to the already tight feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Only halfway down and Baekhyun, once again, could only focus on how big Chanyeol was and how full he felt.
Chanyeol didn’t rush him and waited patiently, rubbing soothing circles on Baekhyun’s back as he continued to sink down until his thighs were flush against Chanyeol’s waist.
“R-re-ready?” Chanyeol asked, leaning his back against the headboard. Baekhyun gave a firm nod and started moving, slow and deliberate as he rocked his hips.
With a tight grip on Chanyeol’s shoulders, Baekhyun established a rhythm. He knew if he got too overzealous, he would come much earlier than he would’ve liked, especially when each slide down made Chanyeol’s cock brush past his prostate.
“It’s so good,” Baekhyun whined, quickening his rocks when Chanyeol gripped his waist and helped him move quickly. He sounded needy, even to his own ears, but that didn’t make him slow down.
He fully intended to help Chanyeol wreck him.
“Fa-faster,” Baekhyun begged, his voice strained. He knew he was asking for something he wasn’t sure he could handle, but he wanted it anyway.
Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun’s waist and met each down thrust with a thrust of his own. It didn’t take long before they were rutting against each other, rushing toward their own orgasms.
When Chanyeol reached between their bodies and gave Baekhyun a few experimental strokes, Baekhyun knew he was going to come first, and he keened into the touch, digging his nails deeper into Chanyeol’s shoulders.
They were going to leave a mark, and in the back of his mind, Baekhyun took pride in it, since Chanyeol had made marked him as well.
The slick sound of Chanyeol’s hand stroking Baekhyun in time to their bodies meeting sounded filthy, and it made Baekhyun so turned on, he could cry.
And he did.
Moan, cry and whine as Chanyeol worked over his cock and prostate at the same time. Light filled his vision soon after and the tight coil in the pit of stomach unraveled, making him babble incomprehensible words as he shot white onto both their chests. Chanyeol must’ve seen the opportunity and sheathed himself entirely inside before he shuddered, coming deep inside him.
They stayed like that for a moment, Baekhyun still folded in Chanyeol’s lap while they both caught their breath.
After a few moments, Chanyeol loosed his grip on Baekhyun and leaned back, his eyes wide.
“Oh fuck, shit shit shit. I’m so sorry,” Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol in confusion, trying to figure out what he was apologizing for while Chanyeol sported a frantic expression.
He only realized when he moved to climb off Chanyeol’s lap and come, still warm, dripped down his legs, making the inside of his thighs sticky.
“It’s fine. Really, I prefer it this way,” Baekhyun sighed, climbing off the bed and walking over to the mirror attached to Chanyeol’s door. Immediately, he saw how his almost-a-mullet was flattened in the back and stuck to his forehead in the front, his eyeliner had smudged and blended into his eyeshadow, and the marks on his neck were already bright red.
He still looked like a rockstar, especially with his fucked up makeup and hair.
“So um, was it good for you?” Baekhyun smirked and turned to look at Chanyeol.
“The best,” and it had been.
And now it was time to leave.
Or at least that what he’d planned to do earlier. The more he studied the dazed puppy-like glance Chanyeol looked at him with, the less inclined he was to leave him.
That feeling dropped to the absolute negatives when Chanyeol stood up from the bed and stood in front of Baekhyun, gently palming his jaw as he drew him into a kiss.
When they separated, Baekhyun stepped back, dazed.
“Uh so, can I have your number or,” Chanyeol trailed off, his voice deep and tinged with exhaustion. Shaking off another wave of arousal that washed over Baekhyun at that moment, he picked up Chanyeol’s pants and pulled out his phone, saving his number in it.
After, he put the phone in Chanyeol’s hands, then collected all his clothes, slipping them back on.
“You better call Park.” Chanyeol’s head shot up from staring at Baekhyun’s number with wide eyes and a small grin at demand.
With that, Baekhyun slipped out the bedroom and carefully walked down the stairs, surveying what was left of the party.
The music was still going, but the party had thinned out considerably. The only people left were the inhabitants of the house and a few stranglers, sipping the last of their drinks and swaying to a mid-tempo song that was playing.
He debated leaving then, but thought about Luhan and gave the bottom floor of the house a search before he happen to glance up the stairwell, seeing Luhan pulling a tipsy, yet satisfied looking Sehun behind him. Both of their costumes were wrinkled, the blue paint on Sehun's face was smeared and his jersey was on backward.
“Looks like we both had a great Halloween,” Baekhyun commented as they passed him. Luhan turned and gave Baekhyun a once-over before he nodded with a cheeky grin.
“Indeed. Mine isn’t over yet though.” Sehun, who looked like he was in his own world, agreed with a nod and put one of his thumbs up.
“Yah.” All Baekhyun could do was laugh as he watched Luhan lead Sehun out the door and probably in the direction of his apartment.
Baekhyun followed not long after, walking out the door before he ordered an Uber. At almost 3 AM, he was more than ready to go home and scrub off his makeup and wash the stickiness off his skin.
When the driver pulled up he didn’t even give him a second look and they drove in silence as Baekhyun tried to fight off sleep.
He might not have played any tricks, but he’d definitely gotten his Halloween treats.
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kairoskrp · 7 years
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                                 — On the wicked wings of time, thy kingdom comes
Meet [ Lu Han ]
He is a [ twenty-eight] year old  [ paramedic at seoul fire Service headquarters ] currently residing in [ Nanjin Duplex, #304 ]. Visit  and greet  him today!
On his sadness, he found empathy. His pain transformed the cocky and arrogant young adult into a cubicle of isolation, using his fear to mature the mind and developing his soul. The presumptuous smile and the ambitious gleam in his eyes were exchanged by apathetic lips and pitch dark gaze, almost soulless and inanimate. One thing that didn’t change was his commitment to his work and his oath: even when many teenagers girls whose tried to do an abortion were rushed to the hospital, the paramedic never let any of these girls suffer or allowed his inner thoughts get over his duty. Spouses who beat their partners and even shooters who killed others just how they killed his soul, he treated them all with majesty, even if he wanted all of them to root to death. Known for being just and smart, always walking with a couple of books.
For some people, he may appear icy and dry, a pool of sarcasm and a mister-know-it-all, but he is just preventing others to approach: he knew what it felt to lose someone you care deeply and he isn’t looking forward to going through it again.
I. He stood tall in the entrance to the nursery, struck by the overwhelming feeling that it was too pink. It was the first time it bothered him, the first time the curtains embroidered with tiny flowers revolting. He wanted to rip away the cotton-candy colored carpet, eradicate the wooden chair with a pale purple buffer, smash to microscopic pieces the delicate wallpaper that delineates a curious Alice following a white rabbit.
Luhan thought it was too pink.
Too girly.
Too impossible.
But from everything in the room that bothered him, the winner was the crib. Dark oak, full of spirals and adornments, the crib stood out. And bothered him to no end. Why? Because of the memories. He still remembered when it came fresh out of the box. Luhan saw the crib before it was actually a crib, and he and his husband fought over how to set it up - one fighting because the other wasn’t following the instructions. But at the end of that pathetic day, they both stood there, proud, looking at the bed that would protect their child through the night.
He didn’t think twice before reaching down the white sheets, ripping it easily with only one hand. The stuffed animals - deers and white rabbits - had to say goodbye to their head, the stuffing falling near his feet, making a pile on the ground. Oh, and he had to get rid of the ribbons. When they announced they were finally going to adopt a daughter, friends decided to give them an endless stock of ribbons in all colors, sizes, and shapes. No one needed so many ribbons and his husband also didn’t help at all, always coming back from his trip to his parent’s house with more and more ribbons. He destroyed them, one by one, torn them apart, cut them in the half, kicked them away. He decided he hated ribbons now.
And little by little, piece by piece, there wasn’t a room anymore, only remnants of something that could’ve been a room someday in the past. He kicked the bookshelf near, baby toys and coloring books crashing on the floor. He wasn’t going to pick that up - he could do anything he wanted and no one would say a thing.
Hell, they wouldn’t even say a thing if he decided to not attend the funeral. But he had to go. Even with tears descending his cheeks, he had to. It wasn’t supposed to be like that: On February 14th, valentine’s day, it was the day the doctor and his husband, Lee Seo Hyuk, finally could bring their daughter home, after an entire year trying to adopt a baby. The decision came when Seo Hyuk finally got a more stable situation at his company and Luhan had no more student debts to pay. They were both ready to have a family, Luhan even more. Coming from a disabled one, he grew up with rich but absent parents, workaholics that dropped him with his grandparents when he was only six years old to focus more on their jobs. They were never around: they didn’t saw him when he entered preschool, they didn’t force him to go through a shameful situation with his partner for his senior year dance, they didn’t even attend his graduation from med school. But they did thought it was smart to show up on his wedding day just to claim that ‘the moment you marry another man, you’ll be forgotten by us’.
A family - a real family - was something LuHan never knew he wanted so badly. They had a name, Alice due to Seo Hyuk’s love for the Lewis Carrol books, Alice Lee Han. It was a normal day, even if excited for bringing Alice home, Luhan got a call from the hospital - a emergency surgery. It was going to be a ride of almost eight hours and Seo Hyuk, nice as he ever was, stroked his husband jaw and told him 'Go save a life, Alice will forever remember that the day she came to us, her daddy was saving a life.’ And after giving him a last kiss and murmuring a few 'I love you’ on his ear, Lu Han rushed to grab his white coat and his car keys while Seo Hyuk finished his breakfast.
He shouldn’t have said that, and Luhan should’ve said no to the surgery - there were other neurosurgeons besides him at the hospital. But no, he felt he HAD to do it. Six hours later, a phone call. 'Mister Lu Han? I’m so sorry to inform you but a shooting happened’ and Luhan just felt his legs shake like Jell-O and the woman on the other line didn’t even had to finish for him to know that he lost his other half. On that day he didn’t lose only his soulmate, but his daughter as well, both victims of lost bullets. And the same day, Lu Han lost his color.
II. It was getting better.His days were still cold and lonely but the pain in his heart started to lessen. Maybe he was just becoming numb, but the wait for Seo Hyuk phone’s call or his delightful laugh or the smell of his food when he got home became more like a memory than a compulsion to be a reality. After six months, Luhan delivered his resignation letter to the hospital, every time he stepped in the ER a nauseous sensation ran through his body - he couldn’t be there anymore.
He decided to move but was still too much of a coward to actually sell the house or to clean the nursery. He went away, as far as you could move inside South Korea - to Seoul. Instead of a job in a hospital, he decided to apply for a paramedic position in the Fire Service Headquarters, even if everybody said that it was a shame to his Oxford degree and good recommendations. He didn’t want money - life insurance gave him a lot of that after his husband passed away, plus a lawsuit that he didn’t even wanted to deal with only added more. Even his parents after hearing about it sent him a fat paycheck and a request to go back to China. He denied both. Seo Hyuk was buried in Korea and his daughter, he was going to stay because it was the only way he felt a bit near to them.
III. Adjusting. That’s the only word Luhan can think regarding his life. One year after the death of his husband and daughter, he’s still crawling and re-learning how to live a life without Seo Hyuk. He resolved his life to his work and took extra shifts for free just so he can have something to make him busy. When he isn’t working, he is studying or confined in the local library, digging his head into many books of all types. His friends have to literally kidnap him from the library in order to have a few drinks or even meet new people - usually just trying to hook him up with someone new or a 'friend of a friend’.
’- You’re good looking, smart and not to mention the loads of money you got from the government because of your loss. Seriously, your dead husband isn’t going to frown up if you get laid once or twice Luhan, you need to open your heart again.’ That’s how the conversations usually started - as his friends saw that just because he isn’t ready to cling to someone new is a bad sign for moving on, even when Luhan is clearly trying his hardest to let go of his past and heads up towards the future.
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heebiejbies · 8 years
Affliction - Chapter V
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Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Warnings: This series contains mentions of violence, abuse, and vulgar language.
Characters: Tao, Suho, Chanyeol, and Sehun
Word Count: 3.8k
“It is riskier to risk nothing when the life we live is always at risk.” 
“Yes, I remember him. He was missing up until a few months before his death. It’s a shame, someone so young to have died so quickly. I will admit, I was puzzled when they brought him in. He had scars all over his body that looked like he kept shooting up something over and over again. They were really bad on his neck as well, that really made no sense,” The medical examiner said, leading me back into her office. I had gone straight there after I left from visiting Tao. I was lucky enough that the medical examiner actually allowed me to view the reports she had made on Luhan. She laid the file down in front of me, letting me flip through the pages.
“There were so many things that I found that I classified as odd. He had ligature marks on his wrists and ankles, but they never found anything that led them to believe that he was restrained,” She continued.
“What was his official cause of death?” I asked.
“That’s where it gets weird. I found massive amounts of three different drugs in his bloodstream. Sodium thiopental, pancuronium bromide, and potassium chloride.” She pointed out the section of her report where she noted the drugs and how high of a dosage each was.
“Wait, so you are telling me that he died as if he was lethally injected in prison? Why wasn’t this treated as a homicide, then?” I had studied those drugs in medical school, and we learned that they were each used in executions. I wasn’t sure if they still used them and could have access to them in prisons, but I knew who could have gained access to get all three of those.
“The detectives found multiple syringes around his house, and traces of all three drugs and more. The marks that he came in with are the same that you see from addicts. He injected them all by himself and he killed himself. With all of the drugs that were found in his apartment, it’s a wonder how he didn’t overdose earlier,” She said, but she didn’t sound like she believed it herself.
“Can I make copies of these?”
It was a little past dusk when I finally got back to my apartment building. I don’t know if it was because of the all day running around I did, or the stress from this whole situation that made me exhausted. Regardless of what the reason was, I knew I wouldn’t be getting much sleep until this whole ordeal was over and done with.
I was so tired, I didn’t notice someone waiting on the elevator when I stepped out of it. We collided into one another, the copies of the file spilling on the floor. “I’m so sorry!” The stranger exclaimed, hurrying to help me pick up my papers.
“Thank you, I really should watch where I am going. I’m just so tired that I,” I paused when I saw that I had bumped into the new neighbor that I bumped into a few days ago, “We keep meeting like this,” I joked.
“It appears so. I guess we both need to be watching where we are going,” He chuckled.
“What did you say your name was again?” I asked.
“Yifan. Wu Yifan.”
“Well, what did you say after that?” Tao questioned.
“Nothing. I didn’t know what to say! I felt as if I was looking at a ghost,” I sighed, sitting down on his bed. The next day, I brought him the files from the reports on Luhan’s death. I also told him about meeting whom I now learned to be Yifan, also known as Kris. When he told me his name, I almost panicked. If he still didn’t remember his past, I didn’t want to say anything to bring those memories back up. I had told Tao about it, and he seemed so relieved to hear that he was alive and well.
“Are you going to say something to him?” He replied.
“If he doesn’t remember, I don’t want to bring trouble to him by reminding him. Especially if that means his life will be in danger if he remembers,” I explained.
“He’s going to have to find out sometime!”
“You don’t think I know that? I’m just trying to figure out what to do!”
I wasn’t even sure what my next move was going to be. When I went to work the next day, I knew the first chance I got I had to go see Suho and tell him about Tao. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to tell him about Luhan or Kris, especially with how many things were probably weighing down on him.
“This would be so much easier if they trusted me. Suho and Chanyeol seem to be the only ones that don’t think I’m an enemy. Kai especially seems to have very little trust in me, he treats me like an animal whenever I’m around him. Baekhyun, well, I know he doesn’t trust me. He knows that I’m not fully on Lilly’s side, but that’s it.” I laid back on the bed, Tao moving so I could have more room.
“What about the others? Sehun and Yixing don’t know what is going on, right?”
“Sehun, Yixing, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and Minseok. I know I can’t convince them to believe me, and Lilly threatened to kill Suho if he told any of them. Knowing that, I wouldn’t even think of asking him or Chanyeol to convince them…” I sighed again and propped myself up on my elbows, “If I’m going to expose them, I’m going to have to find solid evidence that Lilly is drugging them. To do that, though, I’m going to need all of them on my side. That will be the hard part.” How I would do that I had no idea, but I had to. The only way any of them would ever be safe again is if all of those involved go down. I looked over to Tao who sat with his knees against his chest and arms resting on top of his knees. A plan started forming in my head, and I knew just who could help me with this.
“Tao, I need you to do me a favor.”
The next night I got off work and was ready to set my plan in motion. I waited around until around two in the morning before I headed back to the hospital. I parked my car a few streets away and walked through the woods, entering through one of the stairwell doors in the basement. The entire downstairs area just so happened to be no longer in use, leaving it as the perfect way for me to slip in and out easily. The boys were on the second floor, and this stairwell was located across from Suho’s room.
“Are you sure this is safe?”
“Positive. Lilly used to complain about how the nurse that is on the night shift nearly never leaves the nurse’s station. She’s on her phone the entire night and never really pays attention to anything but that, and the only doctor I’ve ever seen on this floor was the one that sedated Chanyeol. I haven’t seen him around since that day,” I pointed towards the security camera in the top corner of the stairwell, “For some reason the security guard that usually watches the cameras wasn’t here today. Yeni didn’t work today, and Lilly disappeared like she usually does. I took that as an opportunity to come look around on the main level and basement. It took me a few minutes but I finally found the security office. I cut the live feed from the cameras and I set the previous day’s tapes to play so it looks as if they are still working properly.” 
I opened the door to the floor, peering out to see if anyone was around to see. “The coast is clear, let’s go,” I said, motioning for Tao to follow me. Usually, the patient's doors were locked after midnight, but I managed to sneak a set of keys from the nurse’s station earlier that day. I unlocked the door and let Tao go in first, I then looked back around to check for someone again. When I saw that no one was around, I followed behind Tao.
“I can’t believe it’s you!” I looked to see that Suho had Tao in a bone crushing embrace, tears were streaming down his face. Suho was the only one that I had told about seeing Tao and having him as a part of my plan.
“You’re not restrained?” I asked.
“No, that idiot nurse forgot to put my restraints back on. She does that so often.”
I knew that I took my job more seriously than Lilly and Yeni, seeing as they were hard to find most of the time, but I never imagined even the night staff was so irresponsible. I knew that Suho wasn’t dangerous, but the nurse probably didn’t know that. I mentally thanked her for her lack of responsibility and laziness, though.
“Alright, listen. If anyone sees us, I want you to get the hell out of here. I’ll distract them long enough for you to get away,” I informed Tao. “The rooms are in this order. Baekhyun’s room is next door, but I want to go to Chanyeol’s first. His room is next to Baekhyun’s, and then Kai’s is the one next to that. After that, instead of crossing into the right wing by passing by the nurse’s station, we will take the stairwell again. The stairwell on the other side opens up right beside Sehun’s room. Then following that is Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Yixing, and lastly Minseok.” I had drawn a miniature map for reference, including the nearest exits if the stairwells we were using were not accessible in case of emergency.
“Did you talk to the others in this wing today?” Earlier in the day, I had told Suho to speak to them to let them know what I was doing. They knew about what was being done, so Lilly’s threat didn’t apply to them. Regardless if they believed what he told them was true, I hoped Tao being with me would help convince them.
“All but Chanyeol, he wasn’t out today.” He replied.
“Suho, I am going to tell you this right now. If I am caught-”
“You will not be caught,” He cuts me off.
“But if I am, what do you think will happen to all of you? I don’t want them to hurt you even more, especially because of me,” I sighed, an apparent trademark of mine ever since I started working here. My mind and heart had been racing since the moment we stepped into the building. When I told Suho earlier about what I planned to do, I first asked him if he was absolutely okay with it.
“Even if something does happen, at least we will know you risked it all to help us. That will provide some hope for us,” He smiled at me. I hadn’t even been working there for two months, yet what he said brought tears to my eyes. I found myself hugging him, telling myself not to cry.
“Alright, are you ready to go, Tao?” Tao looked over at me and nodded his head.
I opened the door slightly, peeking out in the hallway again to see if the coast was clear. I slowly walked out, going halfway to Chanyeol’s room before I motioned for Tao to follow me. When we reached the door, Tao moved to unlock the door. Once it was unlocked, I pushed him in and followed behind him.
“What’s going on?” I heard Chanyeol speak, “Tao?” He added. I turned around to see Chanyeol looking white as a sheet, Tao standing by his bedside. Tao nodded his head and leaned down to hug Chanyeol.
“I thought you were dead… How? Why?” Chanyeol was struggling to find the proper questions to ask in this situation.
“I found him. With the names you gave me, I found him. I asked him to come with me tonight as a part of my plan,” I answered.
“What plan?”
“I’m going to try and get you guys out of here. Not tonight of course, but tonight will set that in motion. I asked Tao to come with me to try and convince the others that didn’t know what was going on. I knew I couldn’t put yours or Suho’s lives at risk by asking you to convince them, so this seemed to be the only way. I’m also hoping this will convince the rest of you in this wing that I’m your ally. If I have the trust of all of you, I know that it will help me get you guys out of this. This seems like the only way to gain your trust.”
Tao began to tell Chanyeol everything he remembered after they were taken from here. He even included why he was a voluntary inmate in a psych ward, and about my visits before tonight.
“I’m so happy you’re alive. What about Kris and Luhan?” Chanyeol asked the question that I hadn’t even revealed to Suho.
“Kris, he’s fine and alive. He just doesn’t remember what happened here,” I explained, I moved closer to his bed, “And Luhan… He’s gone. I am so sorry,” I trailed off. I knew that Chanyeol was relieved to hear that Kris was also alive, but I could tell that the news of Luhan broke his heart. Tao handed him the reports from the medical examiner and explained to him that he knew that someone here was responsible for his death.
“That fucking bitch Lilly killed him! When I get out of here I am going to rip her fucking-” I jumped on the bed and slapped my hand over Chanyeol’s mouth, “Be quiet! Someone will hear you and come see what’s going on and then we all will be screwed, we can’t completely rely on the incompetent nurse here tonight. Suho doesn’t know about this, and I know it wasn’t right to not tell him about it but… I don’t believe that he can handle hearing that right now. He doesn’t even know about Kris,” I said as I removed my hand from Chanyeol’s mouth.
We stayed in his room for another five minutes before I decided it was time to move onto the other’s rooms, knowing it could take a long time to explain to them and get them to understand what was going on. I told Chanyeol that if we didn’t return tonight, I would let him know how it went first thing in the morning.
“Listen, please be safe. I cannot imagine what they would do to you if they found out you were trying to help us,” Chanyeol admitted, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly, “Thank you for doing this. It means the world to me, and I know the others will feel the same. When I first met you I never imagined you would be taking such a risk to help all of us.”
We bid our goodbyes to Chanyeol and then headed out into the hallway.
Telling Kai and Baekhyun wasn’t as complicated as I feared. Kai seemed more iffy about me than Baekhyun did, but I knew having Tao with me helped convince him more. I just hoped that whatever good spirits were with us, stayed with us as we went to tell the other five.
“Listen, maybe I should go in Sehun’s room alone first. I don’t want to overwhelm him with bringing you in there, it’ll only make it harder to understand,” I said, Tao and I stood by the door that leads into the hallway. For some reason, I had grown rather fond of Sehun in particular. It’s unclear as to why I had grown attached to him, but I had this extremely strong protective instinct over him. Not saying I didn’t with the other eight, I just felt it more with Sehun.
“No, what are you talking about? Why would I overwhelm him?” He raised his voice slightly.
“He thinks you’re dead, Tao. He doesn’t even know that he was drugged. He’s so helpless and I’m the only one that can help him. If only you could have seen him then. He was so weak, I had a hard time containing my emotions when I first saw the state he was in. He looked so helpless, so broken. One night he had me stay with him until he fell asleep. It is as if he thought that he would only be able to sleep if I stayed with him. Please, just let me go in to see him first. I’ll let him down gently, and when I know he’s ready to see you I will come get you. I promise, please,” I pleaded.
He nodded his head in an understanding manner. I went through the process of making sure no one was around, unlocking the door, and going in like the previous rooms. His room was dark, indicating that he must have been sleeping. I went over to the nearest lamp and turned it on. I was surprised when I turned around to see him laying on his back with his eyes open.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice had a soft tone to it.
“I have something very important I have to tell you. Something you might not even believe, but please just believe me when I tell you this. Believe that this is the God’s honest truth, that’s all I ask for,” I said. I sat down on his bed beside him and took his hand in mine, a manner I had picked up while taking care of him that I did whenever I spoke to him.
“When Yixing turned up sick after you had been sick, I took care of him like I did for you. I was in his room and I noticed that the disposable bin in his room was nearly full. When I cleaned it out, I found medication that is used to treat Leukemia and Tuberculosis. Lilly drugged you, Sehun. She gave those medicines to both of you and that is what made you as sick as it did. I have the side effects and signs of overdose if you want to see them. Are you following me?” I checked to make sure before I went more into detail.
“Is that… Is that why she has given me so many different injections? She was drugging me?” I nodded in response. “I… I guess… I knew that something was going on like that. I just didn’t want to believe it. She told me how sick I was and always diagnosed me with all these different things. When you came along, I started to question everything she had done and said to me, but I never wanted it to be the truth,” He continued. I noticed that his expression started growing upset, so I moved onto the bed more to let him rest his head on my lap. I started petting his head to try and calm him down, knowing what I had to say next could really shake him up.
“That’s not all.  Do you think you can handle more?” When he nodded his head I continued, “Everyone in the left wing, I was told that they were there because they were more violent. I don’t know what you were told, but that’s not why. They all had figured out what was going on, and they split you all up to avoid them telling you about what was going on. Are you still following me?” He gave another nod. “This is the big one… What you were told about Kris, Luhan, and Tao was a lie. Kris found out, and he told Tao and Luhan. So they tried to suppress their memories and stuck them back out in the world.”
“How do you know this?” He questioned. He seemed to be believing me so far, but I could still sense the hint of doubt he had when I mentioned those three names. 
“I found Tao. He told me what had happened, and said that he was the only one that didn’t have his memory suppressed. He’s here… He’s with me. If you’re ready, I can bring him in. Are you ready?” Sehun whispered a faint ‘yes’. I looked to see if anyone was outside before I went to the stairwell door and told Tao to follow me, letting him come into Sehun’s room.
The moment Sehun saw Tao, he abruptly stood up to hug him. I heard him sniffle, letting me know that he had started crying. “I can’t believe it’s really you,” He whispered. He clung to Tao as if his life depended on it—like Tao was simply an illusion that he didn’t want to fade away. While they were hugging, I sat down at the foot of Sehun’s bed. I knew that Tao would want to explain everything, even if that meant confirming everything I had told Sehun and breaking his heart with the truth.
Tao told Sehun everything that he had told the others before, minus the information about the whereabouts of Kris and Luhan. I had asked him to not tell them, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to handle that information on top of what’s being said.
“I promise you this, you’ll get out of here. No matter what it takes, I will help as much as I can to get all of you out of here.” Tao promised this, looking at me to agree with him. “Even if I get hurt along the way, I’ll do everything I can,” I said.
When it was time to move onto Kyungsoo’s room, I noticed that Sehun seemed to have more energy in him than before. It was as if seeing Tao had spiked some unknown emotion in him that made him seem more lively. Before I left, he pulled me into a hug just like he had done with Tao earlier.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. You must be risking your life to do this. You have to be an angel sent from Heaven to help us,” He stated. “I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied. I went to pull away, but he kept his grip on me, “Please… Please come back safe to us. To me. You’ve become so precious to me I just couldn’t imagine something happening to you,” He whispered. I promised him I would, even giving him a bracelet I always wore to reassure him that I would be back.
We said our goodbyes to Sehun, and onto the next room we went.
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deactedslykey-blog · 12 years
ooc; hiatus
I've been a little too invested with this rp recently, and all I've been doing for the past few weeks was slaving away at replies when I probably should have been doing school work lol (I'm horrible at realizing where my priorities lie and actually committing myself to sticking with them). And now that exams are coming up, just mainly one IB Biology HL fudlfjs;ladfk, I have to take a hiatus from this place so I can try and cram two years worth of information in two weeks before the exam. I might have to take another one in June due to normal provincial exams but eh I doubt it because that won't be as stressful or affect me as much LOL
So yeah, during the next few weeks (until May 18th), I'll be away and I'll be taking Key and Luhan with me. Don't miss me them too much ; _____ ;
p.s. - I'll pop in every once in a while just to fluster Maya because I don't think I'll be able to fully hold off from logging in to check on things till then lolol
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
The Experiments
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Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Experiment AU
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Exo (????)
Summary: You were a med school graduate who just wanted to help research cures for the world. Instead, what you got was a dream job at EXO Applied Sciences. That is, until you discover the secrets of Level Sixty-Six and the nine inhabitants that are stored down there….
Warning: nothing but... I’m sorry
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 19 I 20 I 21 I 22 I 23 I Final
You woke up well before dawn. Sleep hadn’t come easy and that worried you. Being exhausted was not an ideal state to be in. But you had no choice. Your brain had been running a majority of the night, worrying and imagining the worst. So much could go wrong, but death was now the scene you pictured the most. This time, you wouldn’t disregard that possibility.
Taking a deep you flipped over to your side. Junmyeon slept peacefully on the right side of the bed, undisturbed by your tossing and turning.
When he’d snuck into your room sometime after midnight, you had insisted that it was a bad idea. He’d been bunking with Sehun until Luhan arrived. Because of the lack of room for an extra body and being the good person he is, Junmyeon gave up his bed and had been crashing on the couch ever since. Using that as an excuse, he insisted that he needed a good night’s rest in order to be alert on the move. You couldn’t argue with that. And you wanted to know what it was like to sleep next to him. After his arrival, you certainly slept better, more peaceful. So much for pumping the breaks.
Reaching out to him, you lightly traced the outline of his cheekbone with your fingertips. His hair was curling on his forehead, making your heart flutter. Just as your fingers reached his nose, a hand flew out and captured yours.
Junmyeon’s eyes flickered open. He smiled at you sleepily.
“Good morning.” His voice was that quiet, raspy tone that was way more attractive than it ever should have been.
“Good morning,” you whispered back.
“How’d you sleep?”
You shrugged your one exposed shoulder. “Fine.”
Sighing, he scooted closer to you, releasing your hand and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Someone else can drive, you know? Maybe Luhan, if you’re too tired.”
“Sure,” you snorted. “But I’m pretty sure I have years of driving experiences on all of you. Besides, I’m fine. Really. As soon as I hop in that driver’s seat, I’ll be running on adrenaline. It’ll be okay.”
“Exactly. Everything will be okay.”
He could see right through you. All the boys were focused on getting to the headquarters and starting their life. None of them - at least to your limited knowledge - were worrying about the journey there. Not like you, who could think of nothing else.
After placing a kiss on your forehead, he removed his arm and stood up. He’d forgone a shirt last night, saying it was too warm, and you took this precious bubble of time to properly admire him. You couldn’t believe the cut of his muscles, their definition. How had he stayed in shape like that on a limited diet and confined space? Was it just his genetics? You really wanted to run your fingers over the raised squares on his stomachs and feel the muscles contract. For scientific purposes, of course.
“Are you going to get up?” he teased.
You scowled at him, throwing the covers off yourself. Everything was packed up already, save the shirt and jeans you’d folded on the dresser to wear today. Comfortable but moveable, just in case. Junmyeon also got dressed, you in the bathroom while he stayed out in the bedroom. Both ready for the day, you walked down together to the kitchen.
No one else was awake yet. You were thankful for that, for the little bit of alone time you could get. In silence, you started breakfast. Junmyeon occasionally helped, keeping an eye on the meat and helping set the island.
In groups of two, they all came down the stairs, most still half asleep with stifled yawns as they sat on the stools. To an outsider, it might have looked like a regular breakfast on an ordinary morning. The boys chatted away, talking about nothing of significance.
You took in this moment, appreciating every little thing you could. It was possible that there would be mornings similar to this inthe future, but never again would this exact setup exist.
So lost in your thoughts, you’d hardly touched your own breakfast. Junmyeon nudged you with his elbow and pointed at your plate with his eyes, silently insisting that you eat more. Giving him an appreciated grin, you finished off your food with a little force before starting on the dishes.
Minseok joined you soon after, completing the task in record time. Since that first night, Minseok had warmed up to you quiet a bit, even helping you keep on top of cleaning and refilling the SUV with gas from the extra canisters the night of the meeting. He was no longer hostile towards you, even smiling  and joking with you.
When everything was cleaned up to the point of looking like no one even lived there, everyone gathered in the front room, bags slinged across shoulders and prepared to leave. This was it. Time to move on.
“Let’s go.” You exited through the front door and waited for everyone to be out before you locked up the house and replaced the key under the fake rock where you’d found it before.
Everyone piled into the SUV in an orderly fashion. Luhan sat shotgun this time to help with navigation.
Your heart never slowed down, even as you found the road and followed Luhan’s instructions. Paranoia never left you. Every car that past you was possibly driven by someone from EXO. Every movement in the corner of your eye was an ambush. Part of you was annoyed with the boys who seemed so relaxed behind you. Most had fallen asleep, leaning on each other’s shoulders, some even cuddling up. They were so at ease, not fully understanding how they could be captured at any minute.
After five and a half hours, Luhan had you turn down a side road that was flanked by trees on either side. It took you deeper and deeper into a forest not to different from the one you left. After another ten minutes, Luhan told you to stop.
“Come on.” He unbuckled his seatbelt before getting out of the car.
You followed suit. At the sudden stop, the boys began to wake up and crawled out as well.
“What are we doing?” Chanyeol asked.
Shrugging, you turned to Luhan.
“The escort should be here,” he answered. “But they have to know it’s us before they’ll come out.”
Leaves rustled somewhere behind you and you turned around, thinking your allies had arrived. Oh, how wrong you were.
Eight men armed to the teeth with guns and dressed in the EXO black uniform stepped out of the forest from the left, weapons pointed at the group. Once again, you were surrounded by wolves in protective mode who blocked you from the enemy. A white van drove down the road at an agonizing pace, coming to a stop just twenty feet from you. The driver was hidden by the too-dark windshield, but the passenger swung open the door and stepped out oh-so casually, like she was meeting a friend for lunch.
“Dr. Wang,” you gasped.
All ten wolves immediately shrank back, reliving memories of the torture that woman had put them through.
“Hello, Dr. (l/n),” she smirked. Gone was her lab coat, but she was still dressed to the nines in her black slacks and not a hair out of place on her too-tight bun. “Good to see you again.”
“Just leave them alone!” you begged. “They’re human beings. They deserve their own lives.”
Dr. Wang tsked at you, shaking her head. “Dr. (l/n), you disappoint me. Here I thought you were a progressive researcher, wanting to help improve the human condition. Your betrayal hurt when I found out that you’d helped that traitor.”
“I’d do it again,” you said defiantly, resisting the urge to ask what she did with Marcus’ body. “After seeing what you were doing to them, I didn’t have a choice.”
“Oh, there’s always a choice,” she corrected. “You just chose to be manipulated by them. I thought you were stronger than that. But rereading your reports, the signs were there. How weak you were.”
You lunged forward, but strong arms held you back. “They did not manipulate me!”
Dr. Wang shrugged. “It doesn't matter. All of you are coming back with us. And maybe, (y/n), I’ll be generous and let you live in a cozy cell along with them. Or maybe I’ll just have a bullet put in your head.”
Deafening growls ripped through the crowd, even making you afraid of the anger behind them.
“You’re never going to touch her,” Junmyeon roared.
“Oh, Zero-One,” Dr. Wang shook her head, “you’ve disappointed me the most. You were always the most obedient.”
The muscles in his arms tightened. “It was that or be tortured.”
She smirked, amused by Junmyeon’s reply. Turning to her guards, she ordered, “Bring them here.”
The six guards started forward. With perfect timing, twenty more armed gunmen descended on the area in souped up ATVs that rivaled tanks, but instead of being hired by EXO, they were there to protect you. Ten on each side, they flanked your small group, outnumbering Dr. Wang’s men and keeping them at bay.
“Guess you shouldn’t go against the government, huh?” Luhan mocked.
Dr. Wang scowled. “You can’t just take my property. Do you understand how much money has gone into making you what you are?”
“Under the eyes of the law,” said one of the men on your side, although the voice was a higher pitch making you wonder if they were actually a female, “they are still human beings, unable to be labeled as property. The only way they’re going with you is if they walk over to your side themselves.” They seemed to be the leader given their patch was a different color than the rest.
“Oh, really?” Dr. Wang smirked. Her eyes trailed over the hybrids. “Zero-One?”
“Not a chance in hell,” Junmyeon scoffed.
An evil glint shined in her eyes and your heart sank. What was she about to do?
Junmyeon stiffened as soon as that word left her lips. Straightening up, his eyes glossed over, empty of any sign of life. The blank look reminded you of the robots from the movies your father used to watch.
You gripped his upper arm. “Junmyeon?”
“Zero-One, come here,” Dr. Wang ordered.
Without hesitation, Junmyeon stepped forward. You tried to pull him back, but your strength was useless.
“Junmyeon, stop!” you yelled as he slipped out of your grip. You started after him, but Jongin wrapped his arms around your waist, stopping you from crossing over. “No! Let me go! Junmyeon! Come back! Junmyeon!”
Dr. Wang laughed as the hybrid stopped in front of her. “Good boy.” She looked to the leader. “Looks like at least one is coming here with me.”
“NO!” you screamed. You kicked, scratched, and fought with all your might to get Jongin to let go of you. “Junmyeon! Junmyeon, come back! Junmyeon!”
“We need to get out of here,” the leader hissed. “Now!”
Luhan nodded, turning to Jongin. “Get her in the van.”
You fought harder, determined not to leave Junmyeon behind. “No! Jongin, let me go! We can’t just leave him! Let me go!”
Tears had been streaming down your eyes for a while now, splashing down on Jongin’s arms. He ignored your pleas as Kyungsoo opened the side door. Jongin dragged you into the SUV and the other boys piled in as Luhan took the driver’s seat. He bolted out of there before the door was even closed. You were still trapped in Jongin’s arms as you tried to fight your way to the back, making no progress. The last thing you saw was Junmyeon standing beside Dr. Wang, staring after you blankly.
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