rposervices · 6 years
Become a Computer Software Engineer
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According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer engineers will be one of the fastest growing occupations over next 7 years. To help meet this demand, students seeking Computer Careers will need at least a bachelor's degree in computer engineering or computer science. If you're interested in taking advantage of this projected boom, you will need to pursue a Career in IT. You can either earn your degree from Online Computer Schools, or campus based Computer Training. Computers and information technology is a part of our daily lives, and new technology is being developed at a fast pace. Computer Training is needed to help expand new computer software systems and to include new technologies and applications. The skills needed for Careers in IT change all of the time reflecting changes in technology and the growing needs of companies. Computer software engineers research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers and network distribution software. They work with medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, and scientific and general computing applications. Software engineers set operational specifications and formulate and analyze software requirements Computer engineers need the skills to create functional and technical design qualifications for software development. They must also have solid programming skills, and be familiar with data types, syntax and control structures. Along with the ability to correctly analyze information, software engineers also need to be able to fix multifaceted application glitches and be able to produce quality requirement specifications, design documents and test plans. Problem solving and working as a team are also necessary parts of working as a software engineer. Now is the time to earn a Computer Degree in a computer-related discipline, as it is required for most software engineering positions. Growth in the technology field will be driven by the rapid growth in the technology sector. Demand for careers as a computer software engineer is expected to grow as computer applications continue to expand. Melissa Steele, College Degrees @ EducationGuys.com Writer. Read the full article
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rposervices · 6 years
Applying for Work in the UK
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If you are looking for a job in the UK, whether as a foreigner wishing to relocate, or as a British national, you may find yourself faced with having to fill in a job application form. What is the difference between an application form and a CV? When designing your CV, you can choose the layout and, more importantly, what to include and what not to include. For example, if you have been working for more than 10 years, it is common to include only the last 10 years experience on a CV, or if you have changed career, to include only the experience and training relevant to the post for which you are applying. However, in the interests of equal opportunities, a job application form requires every applicant to fill in all of their work and educational experience. In addition, you will usually be asked to fill in a large blank sheet of paper sometimes referred to as the supporting statement. The directions at the top of this page will ask you to explain why you are suitable for the job. In other words, you must produce a detailed piece of writing selling yourself to the company. This is something which causes panic in many applicants and unfortunately the formula for writing this isn’t taught at school or university. However, there is a standard approach to writing the supporting statement. First of all, read all the instructions. As well as the information at the top of each page, you will be sent guidelines on how to complete the form. You should read these very carefully and make sure that you follow them exactly. Some companies will ask you to set out the information in a precise way, such as using specific headings, whereas others will allow you to use your own format. In the latter case, you should use the job description as your guide. Take each of the points in turn and write a short paragraph highlighting your experience in this area. You should use examples, rather than just saying that you have excellent communication skills. Where possible, use figures to illustrate your achievements, such as “increased sales by 25% in my first month”. Use bullets and strong, active verbs to give your application punch. Write your supporting statement on a separate piece of paper first. Be sure to edit and proofread and when you are satisfied, write it on a photocopy of the original to make sure it will fit. In some cases, you are permitted to add an extra sheet, but only do this if absolutely necessary, that is, if you can’t abbreviate your statement and the additional information is crucial to the application. If you find you have only a few extra lines, go back and cut out anything unnecessary. Remember, employers are busy and don’t want to read pages and pages of information – unless it is highly relevant. Your task is to show them, as concisely as possible, that you are suitable for the job and that you should be on the interview shortlist. Read the full article
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