ciriceart · 2 years
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Rolled a 1 on the check, rolled a 20 on the save.
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angelynmoon · 1 year
More Eldritch Steve
Holly does not get scared easily she knows that her Stevie, her monster will protect her from anything she is afraid of no matter what or who it is.
Holly has always known Steve was a monster, she saw him as he really is when Nancy first brought him home.
She should have been frightened, should have hid from him in fear, but Holly has seen monsters, she saw them in Will's wall, she knows that Steve isn't a bad monster, not when he crawls under her bed to growl at the ones that live there or the way he sat all night against her closet door to keep the one that lived there inside.
He's a monster but he plays dolls with her when she asks, even after Nancy broke up with him.
Nancy got upset when Holly didn't warm up as easily to Jonathan as she had Steve.
But Nancy doesn't see Steve, not really, she sees his human image, his mimicry of humanity, she can't see, or maybe won't see, the monster that Steve is.
But Holly sees it, him, sees too many teeth bared at Ted the first time Holly heard him raise his voice at her mother, she sees him in the darkness that crawls through her window to check on her late at night.
Holly can see Steve the way he really is, he's her monster, her protecter, her safety net that she knows will always be there for her when she needs him.
So, when Holly gets scared, when Ted raises his voice and her mother's rises to match, she crawls out her window, uses the tree to get down and starts off to the dark of the woods where she knows her monster hunts.
Holly knows Steve will know she's there as soon as she enters the woods, he has never once lost her while babysitting with Nancy, even when she wondered off too far from them, he knows where she is, always.
He's her monster, he'll always find her and keep her safe.
Holly yawns and lifts her hands up when Steve looks down at her, she's safe now, nothing bad would be allowed to happen to her now.
Safe and sound in Steve's hold Holly Wheeler falls asleep, unaware of how her life is about to change.
Don't ask me what happens, I don't know yet but enjoy Holly pov.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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mojowitchcraft · 9 months
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I'd love to see your Steddie Wrapped too! Please be sure to tag it #Steddie Wrapped so we can see them all!
Blank graphics by @strawberryspence are below the cut
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This is making the rounds on twitter but I wanted to share here as well! I tried to post earlier but tumblr wouldn't let me! They keep getting mad about me trying to share a bunch of links and tag people! This is super disappointing as I love to share my fic recs on here >:(
I posted all of the links on my Twitter, and I've also started a collection on Ao3 for easy access!!
Tagging all mentioned writers here :) @glitterfang @toburnup @hexiewrites @eddywoww @grandmastattoo @pixelizedrifles @liarsandthieves22 @spinmewriteround @kiaramori @apuckishwit @arimakes @maryofdoom @mixsethaddams @rewritingicarus @plutosrose @entanglednow @palmviolet @rainbow-nerdss @itcanbepalped
The graphics were made by the lovely Dae @strawberryspence for the Steddie Support Group Podcast (our tumblr got mysteriously terminated without warning, probably for the same reason that it's not letting me post a bunch of links - flagged for spam!)
I'd love to see you share your faves!
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angelynmoon · 1 year
Eldritch Steve
Part 11
Eddie stared at Wayne, Wayne stared back, for several long moments neither one blinked but Eddie was human and so eventually he had to.
"Arg, remind me not to get into staring contests with Eldritch beings!" Eddie yelled as he rubbed his watery eyes.
"You never once won a staring contest with me boy, no reason to start now." Wayne said with a shrug, "You want coffee, Steve?"
"You're not mad at me for telling Eddie?" Steve asked, nervously.
"Surprised it took so long." Wayne handed Steve a mug, all of them had been replaced with the new two bedroom trailer.
Steve also knew that several soldiers had gone missing when they insulted Eddie in Wayne's presence, Steve had claimed he'd overheard them talking so he'd eaten them, which had the confronting soldiers cringing back and Owens blanching and making a quick escape.
"It wasn't my secret to tell, but he needs to know what being Mated to one of us means." Steve said, holding his mug in both hands.
"He is right here." Eddie reinserted himself into the conversation, "And I know what I'm getting into, Steve told me about spawning."
Wayne looked at Eddie and then at Steve, "How much did you tell him about spawning?"
Steve blushed, "As much as I know."
Wayne stared at him and then sighed, "Settle in, the both of you, we've got a long night ahead."
Because Wayne knew just how much about Spawning Steve knew or more exactly how little he knew. Spawning alone was different than Spawning with a Mate, and with the species difference, well, there were reasons that Wayne had yet to Spawn himself, and it wasn't just Eddie appearing on his doorstep.
As Eddie's adult he had a duty to prepare him, as the last Adult of his kind he had a duty to Steve too.
For all that Steve had killed their race he was, in fact, still considered a child of their race, not much older than those kids he'd claimed as his, if Wayne wasn't slightly afraid of Steve killing him like he'd killed all the others, he'd forbid them to even think of Spawning, but Steve was dangerous, though he did not appear so and Wayne doubted Eddie's affection for him would protect him for long if he stood in Steve's way.
So, Wayne would prepare them.
Because Spawn only appeared as eggs when one parent was involved, the embryo forming inside the parent and forming the protective shell on it's journey to the outside world.
Spawn that had two parent were born live and hungry, if Steve and Eddie Spawned they would need meat, raw and the fresher the better, ready for when their babies clawed their way into the world.
Eddie would have to distract them with the meat so Steve could heal, otherwise they might feast on his flesh, they ate their own for strength, afterall.
And Wayne would not be allowed near once Steve was expecting, Steve's instincts would see him as a threat to him and the eventual young, and Wayne couldn't say he wouldn't be tempted to eat the possibly runts, it wouldn't be the first time he'd eaten the newly born, he'd eaten several of his Spawnmates when he'd clawed his way out of his birth parent and his secondary parent hadn't been quick enough to fill his belly.
Wayne didn't remember Steve's Spawning parents, it was likely they'd abandoned him early on, expecting him to die quickly, some Spawning parents would eat their defective ones but others felt the need to let the other creatures have a taste of them. It was a testament to Steve's strength that he'd survived so long on his own.
Their race wasn't kind, not even to their young.
But maybe, Wayne thought as he looked at a waiting Steve and a trying to escape Eddie, he could change that, or at least Steve and Eddie could.
A/n: like I said Ao3 is down and well, I still have nothing better to do, so enjoy.
Ao3 is back, so here's the link, I didend up calling it From the Rot, for now at least, thank you for all you suggestions though. <3
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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angelynmoon · 1 year
More Eldritch Steve, (I really do need to name this Au) because I couldn't leave you hanging like that.
Thank you for all your guesses.
Part 7
Wayne knows that Steve is Other the moment he sees him, he's always had a sense for these things, ever since he was young.
He knew, long before Eddie's father stole his first candy bar, that the man was a bad egg, knew that he'd end up dead or in jail, the man was lucky that he got caught by the police before Wayne could get at him for what he'd done to Eddien he was lucky he was safe in jail and Wayne made sure the man knew it.
But Wayne doesn't say anything, never has, no one but the old bloods would believe him, if he had cared to, the Harrington name carried too much weight, not that it mattered, Emilia Harrington would protect her son until the day she died, Steve had chosen his family wisely.
But Wayne knew, and he could see Steve look at him and know that Wayne knew what he was.
Wayne saw his considering look, the way he nodded like it explained so much, and perhaps it did, at least for Steve.
But Steve said nothing, shook Wayne's hand with a small, close mouthed smile, nonthreatening, almost welcoming even.
And Wayne couldn't help smiling back, wide mouthed and threatening because he didn't care what Steve had done to protect Eddie, he was still the boy's father, more than his blood one had ever been, and he had to make sure Steve understood that.
Steve merely tilted his head in a nod and looked at the teenaged children playing that game Eddie was so fond on in the center of Steve's living room.
"We're the last." Steve told Wayne, softly, "I killed the rest for killing my spawn, I understand."
Wayne looked at Steve, really looked at him and saw what he'd been before Wayne had left the Down Below so long ago.
Small, unassuming creature, the one that liked demobats and demogorgans, easy meal, the thought ran through Wayne's mind, as it had so many times before.
But all things had a breaking point, all things had that one thing they would destroy worlds for.
Wayne nodded as Steve looked at Eddie with something akin to love in his eyes, it wasn't the same as a human's love, no theirs was deeper, more possessive, thier love was dangerous in ways only a human psycopath's love was, obsessive and eternal.
Eddie would never be permitted to have another, and Steve would never let him leave him, their kind may not need another to spawn but when they paired it was for life.
Oh, Wayne was going to have to have a talk with Eddie, one he had hoped never to have.
Eddie may not be Wayne's blood but Wayne had raised him, it made sense that Eddie would attract Steve.
Like calls to like afterall.
A/n; i need you all to know that i did not even consider Argyle because in my head they met when Jonathan and the rest of the Cali Crew arrived, but i can see it.
The other one was always Wayne to me, and part of me is pleased that he wasn't anyone's guess because yeah.
Also that throwaway comment he made about nothing human being able to do that to Chrissy made me think that maybe he knows things, thus Eldritch Wayne, I'm not tagging it so people can be shocked.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta
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angelynmoon · 1 year
Back on my eldritch monster Steve bs
Part 6
They don't tell Hopper and Joyce, not right away at least because Steve is wary of the Russian they bring home, oh Steve could easily eat him and feel no guilt about it if he reacts badly but Eddie told him that he wasn't allowed to eat people.
El had amended it by saying he was allowed to eat bad people, which had led to arguments about cannabalism and the morality of it.
Steve didn't want to point out that he wasn't human so it didn't count, mostly because he really didn't want to add fuel to the fire, he was also not telling them about the fact that his kind had regularly ate one another and he'd been considered odd because he didn't hunt or eat his own kind, not even when he'd slaughtered them but it was amusing to see the arguments.
Steve doesn't mind keeping the secret, he's kept what he was hidden for so long, he's never told anyone really, they always just knew he wasn't human; wasn't right.
Even some of the people he rarely interacted with had known, stayed clear of him, some of the older folks, the ones that decended from the first ones to settle in Hawkins would even walk across the street to avoid him.
They knew he was Other, knew it down in their very bones.
Hawkins had been strange long before Brenner had opened a rift to the Down Below.
Unnatural things had been happening here since long before White Settlers had come, the natives knowing better than to linger, lest something make sure they never escaped.
No one cared to learn that the first few towns near Hawkins had vanished without so much as a bloodstain, houses left untouched, food left to rot and clothes left on the lines to dry but Steve knew, he'd known as soon as he'd crawled into this Upper World that he was not the first.
He'd be the last, of course, he would but there was another, somewhere, wandering among the mortals.
Steve had never bothered to look for them, didn't want to know them or even reveal himself to them. Part of him was afraid they'd attack him outright and Steve would really become the last of his kind, because that was not a fight he would lose, not with his family counting on him for protection.
Another part of him worried that they'd want to pair and spawn more of their own kind, raise them like they'd been raised, to hunt and eat and leave nothing but wasteland in their wake.
That had never been Steve's ideal to raise his spawn, he'd just wanted them to live, he'd wanted to raise them gentle, and loving, but life was cruel and his spawn had never broke from their cocoons.
Steve knew that they'd have to tell Joyce and Hopper eventually but right now he liked having only his kids in the know.
They were curious but their questions had less to do with what he could do, what he'd done and more to do with trying tp give him a dustpans and dinosaus name, they asked what he looked like, begged to see it with various puppy eyes that Steve forced himself to resist, if they really saw him they'd be scared.
Steve didn't want them to fear him, had never wanted to be feared at all, it was why he'd kept himself to himself in the Down Below, away from others of his kind and their expectations.
But he really should have known that his peace would not last.
Like calls to like, after all, and he should have known that he would come across the other one of his kind eventually, he had just not quite expected who the other turned out to be, but, well, it made a certain amount of sense all things considered.
A/n: I already know who I want to be the other Eldritch creature but feel free to throw guesses.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta
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angelynmoon · 8 months
Ted is not a monster, no matter what the police think, Karen's injuries are her own fault. She should not have pushed him, he's so tired of her nagging, of Holly's crying, of Mike not listening.
Nancy is a lost cause, has been since she began dating that Byers Boy.
The Byers always were Bad eggs. It didn't surprise Ted when Joyce lost her youngest. It was a little surprising when he showed up alive, Ted had figured that someone had killed the boy.
Ted wished Nancy had stuck to the Harrington boy, he was a good sort, and even if he was like his father, at least the money he came from would make up for it.
Ted was angry that Hopper had arrested him, was angry that when he discovered when Steve Harrington of all people had Holly, not the Ted wanted her, she was too needy and had been mistake, an accident but Karen wouldn't consider an abortion.
Ted sat on the cot in his cell, he was alone, Hopper having to step out for a moment.
And then the lights flickered.
Ted scowled, "That's not funny."
The lights did not stop flickering, flickering faster and faster until every light bulb burst in a shower of sparks.
Ted flinched at the sudden darkness.
"Hello?" He called, standing.
There was a long momrnt of silence before Ted feltt something right next to him, he could feel it's breath at his ear.
"Hello Ted." Harrington's voice said.
Ted breathed a sigh of relief.
"Steve, Son, you scared me." Ted said as he turned to look at Steve and froze at the sight of a Monster.
"I'm not your son, Ted." The monster with Steve's voice said "and you should be scared. You hurt Karen. I like Karen. She was nice to me, even after Nancy left me."
"She asked for it." Ted defended himself.
The monster bared it's teeth, too many, too wide and Ted had the distinct feeling he'd said the wrong thing.
"My father said the same, the creature that are my Spawn said the Same thing. Nothing asks to be hurt." The monster saud.
"Please, don't hurt me." Ted begged, falling to the his knees.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Ted." The monster said.
Ted let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you." Ted started.
"I'm going to kill you, until the rivers of the Down Below run pure. You don't get the luxury of a quick death. Not after what you've done to my family."
The monster lunged and Ted did not have time to scream before the grey walls of the Station cell disappeared
When he became aware again Ted felt cold and something grey white was falling from the Sky.
Something screeched and Ted flinched.
Something dove at him and bit into his body, tearing him up until darkness came.
Ted woke up, something snarled and lunged, digging teeth into his arm, dragging him along until something cracked in his head and darkness came.
Ted, woke up to teeth in his throat, darkness came.
Ted woke up. Something nibbling at his toes before slowly moving up his leg and leg body until he was fully engulfed slowly his body began to to boil until finally, thankfully, darkness came.
Ted Woke up, Steve sat beside him on a Rock, a dark, poluted river flowed next to the vines that surrounded them.
"Please, Please make it stop." Ted begged.
Steve looked at him, eyes dark, empty.
"No." The monster said.
Something swooped, threw Ted up and swallawed him whole.
Darkness came...
Ted woke up...
Ted woke up...
Over and over until the Rivers of blood ran dry until the air purified.
But that took a very long time.
So um it's been quite a while since I worked on this, but here you go.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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angelynmoon · 1 year
-hello from the void
Eldritch Steve
Part 13
Karen Wheeler is not Stupid, though at times she certainly feels like it. She certainly feels it on her fifth Anniversy, just after Nancy was born and she waited up all night for her husband, Nancy at a babysitters and the fancy dinner she made going cold as the candles she lit burned themselves out. Ted had been gone three days, a surprise business trip he had forgotten to tell her about. He hadn't acknowledged their Anniversery either.
But Karen is far from stupid, she may have gotten only a Mrs. Degree from her college experience but she'd had gotten there with high grades and two classes left for her degree in nursing.
So, she notices when Mrs. Harrington suddenly has a son only a year older than her Nancy, she notices there is only a passing resemblance between them and none with Mr. Harrington.
At first she thinks, and is not the only one, that Mrs Harrington, had an Affair for a child her husband couldn't provide, at one point she even considered that Mrs Harrington bought the boy to raise him.
And then Nancy brought him home and Karen knows. She's not stupid, not unobservant. She learns very quickly after that first introduction that Steve Harrington is not human, at least not any more than Wayne Munson is. They are alike in that Karen realises.
But while Wayne's time in their world hardened him to humanity except for his nephew, Steve's Softened him. There is a gentleness to Steve that Karen's instincts tell her do not belong, instincts that tell her to flee, take her daughters and son and run and pray that Steve does not give chase.
Her observations, however, tell her that Steve will die before harm comes to her children and for better or worse she has decided to trust what she can see over what she feels. Even if eventually Steve harms Nancy or Mike she knows that he won't hurt Holly, he'll protect her before all others, in a way Karen believes that Steve considers Holly his own child. She knows this in her heart, has prepared that if anything should happen to her Holly will go to Steve over Ted, over Nancy, over her entire family.
Steve gets Holly, Karen made sure of that. Steve might be some kind of monster but he has a soft spot for children, her Holly especially even after Nancy chose Jonathan.
Karen knows Steve Harrington is a monster, just like Wayne Munson is.
But she knows he won't harm her children.
Karen Wheeler is not Stupid, she can't help trusting Steve to keep her children safe, she knows he won't fail.
A/n: still not adding more peopleto tag list but keeping the old one
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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mojowitchcraft · 9 months
No way was I thinking about “Rolled a 1 on the Check, Rolled a 20 on the Save” by @apuckishwit earlier and then an update shows up in my inbox?! Incredible. I’m so excited to get back in this universe!!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41990580/chapters/105418311
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