dari: i fell...
apvi: from heaven?
dari: no, I literally fell
apvi: in love with me the moment you saw me?
apvi: okay, but do you think I'm pretty?
dari: ....
apvi: be honest!
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vapehk1 · 5 months
The Evolving Vape Market in Indonesia: Insights and Future Directions
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Indonesia, with a population of approximately 280 million, stands as the fourth most populous country globally and a major player in Southeast Asia, accounting for about 40% of the region's population. Notably, it also ranks among the countries with the highest smoking rates and is one of the largest tobacco producers worldwide. This backdrop provides a unique context for the vape industry, which has been legal and growing steadily since the early 2010s. Industry Overview Growth and Legalization The Indonesian vape market took off around 2012, with significant legal strides made in 2018 when the government imposed a 57% tax on vape liquids, effectively legalizing the production and sale of e-cigarettes. Since then, the market has been expanding at an impressive annual growth rate of 50%, according to Garindra Kartasasmita, the secretary-general of the APVI, at the IECIE vape expo. Local Production Dominance A striking feature of the Indonesian vape market is its high level of local production. Rifqi Habibie Putra, co-founder and vice-president of the Indonesian Vape Retail Association, revealed in an interview with the South China Morning Post that nearly 90% of vape liquids sold in Indonesia are locally produced. This preference is largely due to the favorable perception of local products, which are thought to better match local consumer tastes and are more cost-effective due to lower import taxes. Taxation and Regulation The start of 2024 saw the introduction of an additional 10% tax on e-cigarettes, signaling a move towards stricter regulations. Further regulatory frameworks are expected to be announced later in the year, aimed at creating a balanced business environment. Market Dynamics Product Categories and Consumer Preferences Indonesia's vape market is diversified in terms of product offerings: - Vape Devices (DIY Big Smoke): Preferred by long-term users, accounting for more than 25% of the market. - Pod Devices (Refillable Small Vape): The most popular, making up about 70% of the market. - Closed Systems (Including Disposable and Cartridge-Based): Less favored, representing less than 5% of the market. Distribution and Sales Channels The Indonesian vape market relies heavily on both online and offline sales channels, each holding about a 50% share. Despite restrictions due to Google's policies, platforms like Shopee and Tokopedia facilitate significant online sales. Offline, the engagement through vape shops and retail stores remains robust, supported by community-driven marketing and promotions. Marketing Strategies Key promotional strategies include leveraging YouTube reviewers and Instagram influencers, who play a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences and driving sales. Challenges and Opportunities Resistance to Disposables Unlike some of its Southeast Asian neighbors, the Indonesian market shows considerable resistance to disposable e-cigarettes, primarily because they offer no recurring sales of vape liquids or parts—a key revenue stream for retailers. Future Trends The market's inclination towards pod devices is expected to continue in the near future. However, there is a growing call within the industry to promote more sustainable practices and higher-quality offerings, which could reshape future market dynamics. Impact of New Taxation The recent tax increase has led to price adjustments, which could either push up retail prices or force retailers to absorb some of the costs. This economic pressure may drive further innovations in the market or adjustments in supply chain and pricing strategies. Conclusion As Indonesia continues to evolve its regulatory framework for vaping, the market is poised for further changes. The country's unique position as a significant player in both the global tobacco and vape markets provides a fertile ground for growth and innovation, with local production and robust market dynamics driving its expansion. As new laws come into play, stakeholders from manufacturers to retailers will need to adapt to continue thriving in this vibrant market. Read the full article
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goalsolaraus · 9 months
solar suppliers – What would it take to become a significant producer and supplier of solar panels given that Australia is a center for solar PV knowledge and a producer of numerous essential raw materials?
How can Australia lower industry risks related to solar photovoltaics?
Supported by a $541,640 ARENA grant to the Australian PV Institute (APVI), the research will look at ways to increase Australian manufacturing and diversify supply chains, as well as the possibilities for legislation that will help get there. [solar suppliers]
Australia is already at the forefront of the world’s solar PV research and development. The University of New South Wales designed and developed the PERC solar cell, a crucial component of solar panel technology. The basis of about 80% of solar PV cells produced today is PERC technology.
For thirty of the last forty years, researchers from Australia have held the global record for silicon solar cell efficiency for solar suppliers.
Furthermore, a research team at the Australian National University supported by ARENA funding announced in March 2023 that it had achieved a noteworthy aim of 30% solar cell efficiency. Thanks to the team’s innovative technologies, production and operating costs may be reduced.
Numerous raw minerals required to produce solar panels are also found in reserves in Australia.
For example, exceptionally pure quartz is the starting point for high-quality silicon, which is needed for solar panels. Currently, the majority of the high-purity quartz used worldwide comes from a single quartz source in North Carolina, US. There are clear supply risks in that scenario.
A Route to a Solar Suppliers Supply That is More Secure
As a study partner, the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP) has committed, contributing a wealth of experience in solar PV research. The study also includes 5B, AGL, Aspiradac, Energus, Siemens, SunDrive, and Tindo Solar as industrial partners. [solar suppliers]
As the solar sector grows significantly, the study will offer a way forward for safer supply chains, according to ARENA CEO Darren Miller.
“Australia’s net zero economy will be built on low-cost solar generation, so dependable supply chains are essential,” Mr. Miller stated.
“APVI will explore strategies to safeguard our supply of solar panel inputs and identify opportunities to benefit from domestic manufacturing with ARENA’s support.”
“Australia has good working relationships with PV manufacturers across the world and is keen to develop diverse and sustainable supply chains as global and Australian demand increases,” stated Dr. Muriel Watt, project manager for APVI.
Additionally, ARENA has released a white paper outlining how Australia can become a renewable energy superpower by utilising ultra-low-cost solar.
The paper’s main goals are to increase the importance of solar PV in Australia’s national priorities and to outline, for government, business, and the general public in Australia, the major obstacles and areas for innovation in ultra-low-cost solar technology.
In addition, 13 solar PV research projects have received $41.5 million from ARENA in funding in an effort to advance the field of ultra-low cost solar technology.
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Op 1 oktober start het grootste historische evenement van Nederland: de Maand van de Geschiedenis. Honderden musea, bibliotheken, boekhandels en culturele instellingen organiseren talloze activiteiten rondom het jaarthema 'Eureka!'. Naast rondleidingen, lezingen en tentoonstellingen zijn er ook theatervoorstellingen en kinderprogramma's: met ruim 550 activiteiten is er voor iedereen wat te doen, in iedere provincie. Een greep uit het programma in Noord-Brabant. Potteriekes Wandel met behulp van een app door de wijk Potteriekes in Bergen op Zoom. Daar woonden in de Middeleeuwen de pottenbakkers. Er zijn bij opgravingen nogal wat bodemschatten aangetroffen. Ervaar uw eigen archeologische eurekamoment bij deze (digitale) archeologische stadswandeling door de historische binnenstad van Bergen op Zoom! Bergen op Zoom, Stichting In den Scherminckel (SIDS), 1 t/m 31 oktober Drukpers In de rondleiding laat het Nederlands Drukkerij Museum zien wat een eurekamoment het was toen Gutenberg het gieten van loden letters uitvond. Tijdens de workshop erna leer je de beginselen van het letterzetten en boekdrukken. Elke deelnemer zet en drukt met een eigengemaakt ontwerp of idee haar briefpapier, visitekaartje, label of postertje. Etten-Leur, Nederlands Drukkerij Museum, 1 oktober Vloeiweide Na zestig jaar van verwerken kan Freek eindelijk zijn verhaal vertellen. De eerste oorlogsdagen, de vlucht, de bezetting, kwajongensstreken, het Oranjehotel in Scheveningen, onderduiken, Dolle Dinsdag, het drama op de Vloeiweide, de bevrijding en een zeer verrassende nasleep. Een complete beleving door storytelling, live muziek, drankjes en hapjes uit oorlogstijd. Breda, Bredase Maand van de Geschiedenis, 12 en 19 oktober ArcheoFactory In de ArcheoFactory ben jij voor even de archeoloog. Kies een van de drie archeologische vindplaatsen en ontrafel de geheimen. Wie zijn er hier begraven? Wat betekenen de objecten die je in de grond vindt? Waar komen deze vandaan? Met behulp van moderne, archeologische technieken kan jij alle vragen beantwoorden. Zo kom je alles te weten over archeologie. Eindhoven, preHistorisch Dorp, 1 t/m 31 oktober Looierij Kuip, laf, vat. Drie belangrijke begrippen binnen het looibedrijf die de ontwikkeling van het leerlooien door de eeuwen heen omschrijven. Op deze rondleiding van Museum De Looierij kun je zien hoe het looien van leer zich heeft ontwikkeld in de afgelopen 150 jaar, van traditionele kleinschalige huislooierijen tot de grootschalige duurzame leerproducenten van vandaag de dag. Dongen, Museum De Looierij, 29 oktober Menno's Reis In 2023 is het 325 jaar geleden dat Menno van Coehoorn de basis legde voor wat we nu kennen als de Zuiderwaterlinie. Tijdens Menno's Reis versterken we de connectie tussen verleden, heden en zelfs de toekomst. Er reist een dynamisch kunstwerk van de jonge makers van Studio APVIS, geïnspireerd op het gedachtegoed van Menno van Coehoorn, langs musea door de hele linie. Diverse locaties, Zuiderwaterlinie en Markiezenhof, 1 t/m 31 oktober Open Dag Duik in het verleden tijdens de open dag van Streekarchief Langstraat Heusden Altena in de Maand van de Geschiedenis! Bekijk historische dorpsfilms en bijzondere archiefstukken; doe mee met de geschiedenisquiz, een speurtocht of een workshop oude handschriften; snuffel rond op de boekenmarkt; ga mee het depot in en zie hoe de archiefstukken worden bewaar; en ontvang een historische traktatie. Heusden, Streekarchief Langstraat Heusden Altena, 28 oktober De plantage van onze voorouders In het herdenkingsjaar 2023 kruipen Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld en Malou Gorter in de huid van Maartje Duin en Peggy Bouva om grip te krijgen op de gezamenlijke koloniale geschiedenis en alles wat daaruit is voortgevloeid. Samen gaan ze terug naar een gedeeld verleden, naar de plantage Tout Lui Faut in Suriname, de plek die hun voorouders verbindt. Steeds meer wordt duidelijk hoe de historische ongelijkheid doorwerkt in het heden. Eindhoven, Orkater, 27 oktober
Space Race Vertoning van de film Hidden Figures, het waargebeurde verhaal over drie NASA-wiskundigen die de VS aan een koppositie hielpen in de Space Race. Alsof hun opgave nog niet moeilijk genoeg was, moesten de drie daarbij ook nog tegen een dubbel vooroordeel opboksen: behalve vrouwen in een mannenbolwerk waren ze Afro-Amerikanen in een tijd dat rassensegregatie in de VS legaal was. Son en Breugel, Bibliotheek Dommeldal, 12 oktober OVT Er gaat geen Maand van de Geschiedenis voorbij of de OVT-karavaan met presentatoren, historici en gasten trekt door het land. Op 22 oktober zendt OVT live uit vanuit het Natlab in Eindhoven. Eindhoven, OVT op tournee, 22 oktober De complete agenda is te bekijken op: www.maandvandegeschiedenis.nl/agenda. Selecteer op Noord-Brabant voor het hele complete aanbod in deze provincie. Over de organisatie van de Maand van de Geschiedenis Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum organiseert in oktober 2023 voor de twaalfde maal de Maand van de Geschiedenis, die haar twintigste editie beleeft. Het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie en het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds zijn investeerders van de Maand van de Geschiedenis. Om het evenement tot een succes te maken werkt het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum samen met verschillende partnerorganisaties. De Libris Geschiedenis Prijs is onderdeel van de Maand van de Geschiedenis. De Maand van de Geschiedenis is te vinden op Facebook, Twitter en Instagram. Praat mee over de Maand met de hashtags #MvdG en #eureka
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itfamilymedia · 2 years
Google Revealed Vulnerability Threatening Millions of Android Devices
Google Revealed Vulnerability Threatening Millions of Android Devices
A new post on Google’s Android Partner Vulnerability Initiative (APVI) website has revealed a security flaw affecting millions of Android devices. According to TechGoing , Google said that hackers exploiting this vulnerability will be able to install malware in many phones from Android OEM partners such as Samsung, LG, Xiaomi… Through the vulnerability, the software Malicious users can gain the…
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Major security leak left Samsung & Android phones vulnerable
Major security leak left Samsung & Android phones vulnerable
A major security leak has led to the creation of “trusted” malware apps that can gain access to the entire Android operating system on devices from Samsung, LG, and others. As shared by Googler Łukasz Siewierski (via Mishaal Rahman), Google’s Android Partner Vulnerability Initiative (APVI) has publicly disclosed a new vulnerability that affected devices from Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, and others. The…
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hackernewsrobot · 2 years
Android platform signing key compromised
https://bugs.chromium.org/p/apvi/issues/detail?id=100 Comments
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teknogoodcom · 2 years
Büyük Android güvenlik sızıntısı, Samsung ve diğer cihazları tehlikeli kötü amaçlı yazılım uygulamalarına karşı savunmasız bıraktı
Büyük Android güvenlik sızıntısı, Samsung ve diğer cihazları tehlikeli kötü amaçlı yazılım uygulamalarına karşı savunmasız bıraktı
Büyük bir güvenlik sızıntısı, Samsung, LG ve diğerlerine ait cihazlarda Android işletim sisteminin tamamına erişim sağlayabilen “güvenilir” kötü amaçlı yazılım uygulamalarının oluşturulmasına yol açtı. Google çalışanı tarafından paylaşıldığı şekliyle {3 }Łukasz Siewierski (Mishaal Rahman aracılığıyla), Google’ın Android İş Ortağı Güvenlik A��ığı Girişimi (APVI), Samsung, LG, Xiaomi ve diğerlerinin…
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beritatangerang · 2 years
Target Cukai Rokok Elektrik Tembus Rp1 Triliun, Pemerintah Dituntut Buat Regulasi Khusus
Target Cukai Rokok Elektrik Tembus Rp1 Triliun, Pemerintah Dituntut Buat Regulasi Khusus
Kliktangerang.com – Aturan pemerintah terkait produk tembakau alternatif seperti rokok elektrik atau vape hingga kini belum memiliki regulasi yang jelas. Pemerintah pun dituntut untuk membuat aturan yang jelas terkait industri tembakau alternatif. Ketua Asoasiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI) Aryo Andrianto, menjelaskan produk tembakau alternatif menerapkan konsep pengurangan bahaya…
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ikroq-blog · 4 years
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Still with the “new darling” by @manhattanliquid_official x @vaporitsurabaya #vapereview #vapestrong #vapepix #apvi #vapememe #vapebelgium #vapingtricks #vapecrew #squonk #vapersunite #vapeit #vapingcommunity #vapesociety #vapingisthefuture #vapefamous #eliquidporn #vapedaily #vapeaddict #vapetrick #worldwidevapers #vapesafe #vapelikeaboss #vapecommunity #vapeforlife #vapeart #ukvapers #vapegirls #vapeuk #vapeclouds https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOnPvfFm4u/?igshid=kzuzsi93h4rf
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Dari: he sent me to prison and beat me to a bloddy pulp. It sucks.
Apvi: Okay. I'll do something about that. *casually kills him*
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beritatopsatu · 5 years
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PADANG – Asosiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI) menyatakan penggunaan rokok elektrik atau vape 95 persen lebih aman dibandingkan rokok konvensional. “Berdasarkan hasil peneliti WHO (Badan Kesehatan Dunia), produk rokok elektrik lebih tidak berbahaya dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional. Hal ini juga didukung hasil  riset terbaru dari dua lembaga riset kesehatan asal Inggris, Royal College of Physicians dan Public Health England, menyatakan bahwa rokok elektrik atau vape 95 persen lebih aman dibandingkan rokok konvensional,” kata Sekretaris Umum APVI,Garindra Kartasasmita, di sela-sela acara West Sumatera Vape Awereness dan pelantikan pengurus DPW APVI Sumbar periode 2020-2023 di Hotel Kyriad Bumiminang, Padang, Minggu malam (23/2). Riset ini hadir, katanya, mengingat semakin tingginya keprihatinan masyarakat terhadap konsumsi rokok konvensional. Tercatat, lebih dari satu miliar orang di dunia merokok dan menghabiskan sekitar USD 700 miliar per tahun. Selengkapnya di topsatu.com #apvi #who #rokok #vape #dpw #topsatu #hariansinggalang #koransinggalang #beritasumbar #kabarminangterkini #kabarminang #pdg24jam #infopadang #ceritapadang #padangjournal #soalpadang #media #publikasi #padang #sumbar @top.satu https://www.instagram.com/p/B88ou0oliml/?igshid=17grfrb8nw2tx
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brewdmy-blog · 5 years
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BREWD sudah mendarat di Vaping Buddy Platinum Gais... Cepat dapatkan sebelum kehabisan stock! #BREWD #BREWDMY #BREWDFORPOD #VapeFam #VapeMalaysia #VapeThailand #VapeJohor #VapeTricks #Vapenation #VapeLife #eliquid #Malaysia #KualaLumpur #VapeUK #VapeJakarta #VapeSg #vapePorn #IndoVapers #VapeSurabaya #APVI #Vape #Vaper #Vapers #VapeBangkok #Vapes #VapeOn #VapeCommunity #VapeLyfe #VapeDaily #VapeSociety (at Vaping buddy platinum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3W7CY3Fk_n/?igshid=oegomfkvnab8
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apvi-usa-blog · 7 years
AHC Original Vitamin :C20 Ampoule
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What is the best way to tone up my skin??
Many people asked me about making a bright skin tone. The best way is...I am pretty sure that it is very important to care skin everyday and continuously with whitening or brightening cosmetics!!
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As you can see on the product, AHC vitamin ampoule contains 20% of enriched pure England vitamin C and it expects antioxidant effect.
Among the containing ingredients, especially a mixed ingredient of vitamin hyaluronic acid and vitamin peptide helps skin whitening and moisturizing care.
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In fact, AHC vitamin C ampoule completed several clinical tests for skin whitening, anti-wrinkle, lifting, damaged skin, anti-aging, and so on. If you apply this vitamin C ampoule every morning and night, you can care your entire skin trouble.😊😊
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Tip. How to apply AHC ampoule
You better apply AHC ampoule after using toner and emulsion because this product contains enriched vitamin C. If you apply the ampoule right away after cleansing, it would bring skin trouble especially for sensitive skin. :D
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vape-ed · 3 years
Vape tidak lebih berbahaya dibandingkan dengan Rokok Konvensional
Vape merupakan Rokok Elektrik yang sudah legal di indonesia sejak 18 juli 2018. Rokok jenis ini terdapat dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran, tetapi terdapat tiga komponen utama dalam rokok elektrik yaitu: baterai, Device, dan tabung yang berisi cairan (Cartridge/Rda/Rta).
Cairan yang mengisi tabung atau cartidge  mengandung beberapa bahan,seperti : nikotin, propilen glikol atau gliserin (PG/VG), serta penambah rasa, seperti rasa buah-buahan dan Krim.
Penelitian Tentang Vape!
Chief Executive Public Health England, Duncan Selbie menyatakan rokok elektronik 95% lebih tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan dibandingkan rokok biasa, serta berpotensi membantu perokok untuk berhenti.
pada tahun 2020, WHO mengakui bahwa rokok elektrik tidak lebih berbahaya dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional. Hal ini juga didukung oleh hasil penelitian dari Public Health England yang merupakan bagian dari Department of Health and Social Care United Kingdom. Vape tidak 100% aman, namun kebanyakan zat yang menyebabkan penyakit karena merokok tidak ditemukan didalam vape, serta bahan kimia yang ada menimbulkan bahaya yang terbatas.
Dr. Fayokun yang juga peneliti dari National Capacity-Tobacco Control Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases dinilai akan berpengaruh bagi pengguna vape dan rokok elektrik di Indonesia. Adapun di Indonesia, hingga Desember 2019 pengguna vape di Indonesia mencapai satu juta orang. Data tersebut diperoleh dari Asosiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI). Pengguna vape di Indonesia berasal dari berbagai kalangan profesi, termasuk dokter dan ilmuwan.
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cbreezylikes · 5 years
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😏💜 #indigo ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AIme-APvY/?igshid=1oa5t16y0ufdm
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