influentialcurrent · 9 years
My muse is sick with fever. Send me & for a delirious confession or thought.
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t drag you into this team. You could be doing so much more with your life.”
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ofeggsandtraining · 10 years
+ 11
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      {{✘}} -- "Do you need somethin' or are you just gonna stand there...?"
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txifu · 10 years
For every ϟ in my inbox I'll tell you a random thought my muse has about yours.
Why is it so hard to stay mad at this guy? I was fuckin' pissed, but... It's hard...
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diluviumx · 10 years
aqxaadminmatt replied to your post:
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"I dunno what t' believe anymore bro. "
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aquaplease · 10 years
Matt gives Archie a cold, hard look. "I seem t' recall bein' able t' toss ya around when we firs' met..."
Archie raised a brow, trying to keep his cool. "You like your job, don't you? Shut it." 
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shiirakeru · 10 years
Battle Theme 
Battle intro: "Mattie!" Yes, he has a nickname now.
Victory: "I win!!"
Defeat: "You can't leave yet. Round two."
Assist: "...don't tell anyone."
Taunt: "No wonder Aqua's a bad group, you can't even win a battle!"
Reacting to Taunt: "How mean. I'll make sure you'll eat your words."
Tie: "Round two starts now!"
Perfect Victory: "I own you now."
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undyingxking · 10 years
Finally, Matt had found someone taller than him. Maybe not bigger, muscle-wise, because who knew what was hiding under all of those hobo clothes, but he’d settle for taller. Wrapping his arms around him and hugging him as he lifted, Matt couldn’t help but crack into a big, genuine smile before setting the stranger back down. “Sorry, bro! Heheh, ain’t every day I see someone bigger’n me!”
          Okay... okay... he was at ground-level again. Good. Everything was back to normal. Not only that, but the- well- rather intimidating-looking man was actually very friendly. It's a good thing instinct didn't call for aggression when the other approached. "Ah? Well... no harm done." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not every day I see someone, well, relatively close to my size. It's quite nice." He smiled. "I'm AZ."
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"Tabsterrrrr, got m' results in~!"
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“Oh, really.”
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bulky-magma-blog · 10 years
Matt was still mostly drenched himself, only getting into the shelter minutes before the Magma Admin. Hell, he’d been about to doze off to the sound of the storm when the other man barged in and started talking.
Deprived of his nap, the muscled man cracks his eyes open, giving Tabitha an even look. “Stuff. What’s it to ya, Tabby? Wha’cha doin’ this far away from yer volcano, eh?” He wasn’t in the mood to start a brawl with the other soaked man, knowing that if they did  start something, they could bring their shelter down around them. Which would be very unpleasant.
As much as he enjoyed water, Matt didn’t enjoy being stuck out in the rain. There was too much skin exposed to manage to keep warm. “Looks like th’ shack’ll stand through th’ storm, as long as we don’t do anythin’ stupid. I ‘unno ‘bout you, Tabby, but I don’t feel like sloggin’ through that mess outside, ya feel me?”
   His teeth were clenched. And his emotions showed nothing but pure hatred, pointing directly towards the other. Tabitha's sight slowly drifted away as the other asked for why he too, was here in the first place. Well, obviously it was because of the weather. But the wouldn't cut it. He wanted the details on why he was out of the volcano. Boy, was these aquas arrogant. It wasn't like the members of Team Magma stayed within their hideout all day long. If that was the case, nothing would ever get done!      
                       —" That's for me to know, kay?                     What I do involves none of your concern." 
   Tabitha took a sigh, lowering his hood down. Despite having it up for the time running here, he'd still was able to get himself soaked from head to toe. Out of all places, why did he have to find a shack where a aqua was. Didn't they like water? He should be out there; since they strive for wanting H2o so badly. Then he'd be fine with staying in a establishment that would tumble over at any given minute. Tabitha cocked a brow, tilting his head to the side in thought. No matter how much he dreaded agree with someone associated with team no brainers, the man had a point. If they were to get in any type of battle, this place would come falling over, and of course, crushing them.    
                      —" That's odd...                 Last time I recalled, I thought all you aquas loved running               around aimlessly through the rain. I mean, you do it so               often anyways, right? working aimlessly. Dreaming. Aimlessly. It's a               aqua thing, isn't it?" 
   A smile slipped over his features, one that show a perfect aim of all his pointed, jagged teeth. They gleamed, even in the rather dim lighting they had within the shelter. Tabitha lifted one of his hands in the air, giving a slow, lazy wave.
       —"Don't worry.       By the time the rain stops.       You can get back to doing      completely pointless deeds      Like usual." 
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shockingrebel-blog · 10 years
Ahoy? {@aqxaadminmatt}
Just as the bird was finishing up the last of the storm by the shoreline, a flash of blue caught his eye. It appeared to be a member of Team Aqua… He couldn’t help but let out a small sigh as he landed on the ground, hidden from the man’s view by sand dunes; he wasn’t in the mood for trouble.
Zapdos swiftly changed into his human form. He had been hoping to get some peace and quiet after this storm, but now he’d have to tread with caution. As much as he wanted to fly back to his power plant, he couldn’t risk being seen by a member of any Team… From previous experience, he knew they’d try to get their hands on him.
Trying to look as casual as possible, he strolled across the beach, humming. While he didn’t look suspicious, the fact he was walking along a beach right after a large thunderstorm was rather sketchy…
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