#ar zone software
quohotos · 1 year
I need to break out of my comfort zone (paint 3D/Inkscape) and use some real art software (Kirta). I absolutely resent the fact that the only way to get better at art is to practice and make imperfect pieces on your way to mastery. Isn't there some other way?
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So anyways here's a WIP rendition of Gregor and Ares in the firelands at the start of Code of Claw about to come back and F--- some S---- up. Haven't decided if I'm going to go through with it and turn it into a proper digital painting or just leave it as a sketch.
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moscheamara · 2 years
Do you intend to create software for your company?
Do you have a tight spending plan?
If so, offshore software development companies can be your best option.
There are several benefits to hiring an offshore development agency, including competent software engineers, lower costs, quicker software deployment, etc.
However, as a business owner, you might have a lot of questions on your mind, such as:
Which is the best offshore development firm? 
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Don't worry, though.
All the questions mentioned above' answers can be found on this blog. We will go over the top 5 offshore developers who have established their names due to their outstanding services.
List of The Best Offshore Software Development Companies
Founded: 2007
Clutch Rating: 4.8
Hourly Rates: $25-$49/hr
Prominent Clients: Coca-Cola, Huawei, Motorola, HP, etc.
SparxIT is a leading offshore software development company based in the USA. The firm offers various offshore development services, including fast onboarding, dedicated account manager, team outsourcing, staff augmentation, virtual CTO, developers cost optimization, etc.
The company has delivered its services to Fortune 500 businesses, SMEs, and well-known brands. SparxIT offers complete web and mobile app solutions across various industries, including travel, fintech, logistics, healthcare, real estate, etc.
Other Services Include:
Blockchain Development
Artificial Intelligence
IoT (Internet of Things)
NFT Development 
2. BairesDev
Founded: 2009
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Urban Outfitters, SiriusXM, ViacomCBS, Chime, etc.
They are the top providers of offshore software solutions. They design and create scalable, high-performing software solutions for their client's businesses. 
BairesDev translates digital transformation into digital acceleration using technological know-how and cross-industry experience. 
They offer time zone-aligned services to enable Fortune 500 organizations and top brands. The firm has more than 5,000 seasoned developers in 36 countries.
Other Services Include:
Inventory Database Software Solutions
Healthcare App Development
Real Estate Data Management Software
Blockchain and Education
3. iTechArt Group
Founded: 2002
Hourly Rates: $50 – $99 / hr
Major Clients: ClassPass, Freshly, Merkle, DealCloud, etc
iTechArt is a mobile app development company in the United States. It is a digital product consultancy firm that helps businesses reach their goals. The company has over 3,500 developers with vast experience in mobile, web, DevOps, cloud, and emerging technologies.
Services Include:
Real Estate
Business intelligence 
4. Innowise Group
Founded: 2007
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Terraces.io, Voka, Belyagdar, Instatsport, etc.
Innowise Group is an IT outsourcing and staff augmentation firm in the United States. The agency provides its services to large and small-scale industries. 
They specialize in custom software development, cloud migration, testing, and quality assurance. 
Other Services Include:
Team Extension (Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Teams)
IT Outsourcing
Custom Software Development
Enterprise Application Integration
Web & Mobile Development
5. Resourcifi
Founded: 2016
Hourly Rates: $25 – $49 / hr
Major Clients: Stanford University, Proximity Learning, FitFiends, etc.
Resourcifi is a leading technology solution partner in the USA. They assist businesses in building user-friendly, creative and robust software solutions. 
The firm has experienced software engineers and extensive compliance protocols to build top-notch solutions tailored to business needs. 
Services Include
Healthcare Software Development
Mobile App Development
Healthcare Software Development
Website Development
Choosing a reliable offshore development company can be challenging as so many exist. To make a unique software solution that draws more target audience, you should hire app developers with relevant industry experience and impressive portfolios.
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jessiealston · 4 days
Key Software Development Outsourcing Trends to Watch in 2024
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As the tech landscape continues to evolve, understanding the latest trends in software development outsourcing is vital for businesses striving to stay ahead. Software Development Outsourcing Trends have shifted dramatically, influenced by technological advancements and changing business demands. By staying informed about these trends, companies can enhance their outsourcing strategies and achieve better outcomes.
Embracing Agile and DevOps Methodologies
A significant trend in software development outsourcing is the adoption of Agile and DevOps methodologies. These practices promote collaboration, continuous integration, and rapid response to changes, making them perfect for dynamic projects. Outsourcing partners skilled in Agile and DevOps can deliver high-quality software more efficiently, ensuring a seamless partnership with in-house teams.
Enhanced Focus on Cybersecurity
With the rise in cyber threats, there is an increased focus on incorporating robust cybersecurity measures in outsourced software development. Companies are now prioritizing outsourcing partners with strong security protocols to protect their software from potential breaches. This trend highlights the importance of developers who are not only proficient in coding but also knowledgeable about the latest cybersecurity practices.
Leveraging AI and Machine Learning
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in software development is another noteworthy trend. These technologies enhance software functionality, automate tasks, and provide valuable insights through analytics. Outsourcing firms specializing in AI and ML are highly sought after as businesses aim to incorporate these advanced technologies to stay competitive.
Continuous Quality Assurance and Testing
Quality assurance and testing have always been essential aspects of software development. The current trend emphasizes more comprehensive and continuous testing throughout the development lifecycle. Outsourcing partners offering specialized testing services ensure that software products are robust, reliable, and market-ready more quickly.
Shift Towards Nearshoring
While offshore outsourcing remains prevalent, there is a noticeable trend towards nearshoring. This approach involves outsourcing to neighboring countries with similar time zones and cultural backgrounds, facilitating smoother communication and collaboration. Nearshoring offers the cost benefits of outsourcing while minimizing the challenges associated with geographical and cultural differences.
Demand for Specialized Skills
The increasing complexity of software projects is driving the demand for specialized skills. Companies are looking for outsourcing partners with expertise in niche areas such as blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented reality (AR). This trend underscores the importance of finding the right talent with specific skills to handle innovative and complex projects.
Building Long-term Partnerships
Instead of focusing on one-off projects, there is a growing preference for establishing long-term relationships with outsourcing partners. This strategy allows companies to develop a deeper understanding of their partner’s capabilities and foster a more cohesive working relationship. Long-term partnerships can lead to consistent quality, better alignment with business goals, and increased innovation.
In summary, keeping up with Software Development Outsourcing Trends is crucial for companies looking to harness the benefits of outsourcing. By understanding these key trends, businesses can choose the right outsourcing partners and strategies to enhance their software development processes and remain competitive. Whether it’s adopting Agile and DevOps, prioritizing cybersecurity, leveraging AI and ML, or seeking specialized expertise, staying informed about these trends can drive success in software development outsourcing.
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mosaiclive · 3 months
10 Innovative Ways of Attendee Tracking at Events
Attendee tracking has evolved significantly, allowing event organizers to streamline operations, enhance security, and elevate attendee experience. For event companies in Dubai, where the demand for seamless events is high, employing innovative attendee tracking methods is crucial. In this blog, we delve into 10 effective ways event companies can employ attendee tracking to optimize their events.
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1. QR Codes for Seamless Check-Ins
 QR codes have revolutionized the check-in process at events. Event organizers can generate unique QR codes for each attendee, which they can then scan upon arrival using smartphones or dedicated scanners. This method expedites the check-in process, reducing wait times and enhancing overall attendee satisfaction.
2. RFID Technology for Precise Tracking
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology enables precise tracking of attendees throughout the event venue. By issuing RFID-enabled badges or wristbands, event companies in Dubai monitor attendees' movements in real-time, gather valuable insights into foot traffic patterns, and optimize event layouts for better flow and engagement.
3. Event Platforms and Event Apps
Leveraging event platforms and dedicated apps allows event organizers to facilitate seamless attendee tracking. These platforms enable attendees to create personalized schedules, interact with speakers and other participants, and provide valuable feedback. By analyzing app usage data, event organizers can gain insights into attendee preferences and behavior.
4. Event Registration Software
Event registration software streamlines the registration process while capturing essential attendee data. From basic contact information to dietary preferences and session preferences, registration software allows event organizers to gather comprehensive data, which can be utilized for targeted communication and personalized experiences.
5. Geofencing for Location-Based Engagement
Geofencing technology enables event organizers to create virtual boundaries around specific areas within the event venue. By sending targeted notifications to attendees' smartphones when they enter or exit these zones, event organizers can deliver relevant information, promotions, or session reminders, enhancing attendee engagement and participation.
6. Biometric Authentication for Enhanced Security
Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, offers a secure and convenient way to verify attendees' identities. By integrating biometric authentication into check-in processes or access control systems, event managers can enhance security measures while providing a frictionless experience for attendees.
7. Social Media Integration for Amplified Reach
Integrating social media platforms into attendee tracking systems allows event organizers to amplify their event's reach and engagement. By encouraging attendees to share their experiences, photos, and insights on social media using event-specific hashtags or handles, organizers can generate buzz and attract a broader audience both during and after the event.
8. Beacon Technology for Personalized Experiences
Beacon technology utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to transmit signals to nearby smartphones, enabling personalized interactions based on proximity. Event companies deploy beacons strategically throughout the venue to deliver tailored content, promotions, or recommendations based on attendees' locations and preferences.
9. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences
Incorporating VR and AR experiences into events provides unique opportunities for attendee tracking and engagement. By offering virtual tours, interactive exhibits, or gamified experiences, organizers can capture valuable data on attendees' interactions and preferences, allowing for targeted follow-ups and personalized recommendations.
10. Data Analytics for Continuous Improvement
Harnessing the power of data analytics allows event organizers to derive actionable insights from attendee tracking data. By analyzing metrics such as attendance rates, session popularity, dwell times, and engagement levels, organizers can identify areas for improvement, refine future event strategies, and deliver exceptional experiences tailored to attendees' needs and preferences.
In Conclusion
Attendee tracking plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of events, particularly for event companies in Dubai striving to deliver world-class experiences. By leveraging innovative technologies and data-driven approaches, organizers can optimize event operations, enhance attendee engagement, and ultimately, create memorable experiences that resonate long after the event concludes. Embracing these 10 ways of attendee tracking will not only elevate events but also set new standards for excellence in the industry.
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(ARTS246) Ch. 7: The Evolution of Typographic Technology & Project #2 Poster Variations
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This week, I continued to work on project #2 by designing two drafts and three variations of a poster that follows the theme of "immerse" and includes an AR component to complement the poster's design.
Last week, I experimented with typography by printing out my physical type and playing with various water solutions to create unique textures and types. To do this, I started by writing various quotes inspired by themes of immersion, the ocean, and water. I decided to use the elements of water to complement the theme of immerse, as both words tend to go hand in hand and complement each other well. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I instantly thought of water when I heard the word "immerse." After experimenting with various quotes, I chose "Wave by wave the water deepens," as not only does it have a poetic and mysterious ring to it, but this quote is also meant to encourage the audience to dive deeper into the waves and immerse themselves into the endless sea. By doing so, they can become lost in the zone and forget about the troubles of the outside world. Although some may interpret this message as mysterious or gloomy, my intention was to convey a positive message that encourages people to immerse themselves and find their passion. Essentially, to take that passion and be in the zone. I was inspired by the message from the Disney movie "Soul," where the zone is depicted as a place where souls enter when their passions create a euphoric trance. However, there is a mysterious element in the choice between passion and obsession, as the zone can also become a trap for obsessed, lost souls. This message has always resonated with me, and I think this poster project is an excellent opportunity to discuss the importance of maintaining passion while warning people of the dangers of obsession.
I began my experimentation by placing printed typography under multiple types of jars and pouring water into the jars. This exercise aimed to experiment with how the type became magnified or enlarged. Next, I stirred body wash and created a minimal bubble effect, which I found interesting. Therefore, I experimented with baking soda, vinegar, and water to create a foam concoction, which gave a cloudy-like effect. During this time, I took multiple stills of pictures that I planned to turn into stop motion with the AR software. I played around with the water, slashing it around the container, and observed how the solution concealed the type and revealed the letters through the foaming concoction. Afterward, I experimented with dawn dish soap and water, which created the ideal effect I aimed to achieve. These photographs were the ones I used to create my three variations of poster designs. I followed a similar process of snapping stills of the liquid moving within the jar, which I plan to turn into a stop-motion video using the AR features.
As a part of my experimentation process, I decided to submerge the type physically into my solutions. I did this to observe how each solution affected the texture of the paper and the ink of the type. I also crumpled up the paper to give the type a more added texture. After completing the experimentation portion of the process, I came to the conclusion that the dawn dish soap produced the most pleasing results in creating fascinating texture on top of the printed type. Therefore, I utilized it for each variation of the poster. Although the ink did not bleed as I had hoped, the fading effect of the type was just as fascinating!
After transferring my photographs from my phone to my computer, I imported the JPEG files into Adobe Illustrator. There, I traced the images to transform the type into a digital format. I repeated this process with several of my pictures to experiment with different background visuals and textures. Next, I arranged the type and textures on three separate artboards, and later, I brought them into Photoshop. I added a gradient to enhance the colors, and to create a mysterious under-the-sea effect. Once I was satisfied with the final result, I placed the JPEG files into InDesign.In InDesign, I incorporated a monocle grid to keep the type organized and easy to read on the page. Finally, I sent all variations to be printed at the DPL in McMaster, where I could see how each design looked printed on a 12"x18" poster.
I have reviewed my progress on the assignment and my overall design is going in the right direction, but it is not yet complete. I am using all the correct tools, both analog and digital, to execute my idea and I believe that the idea is solid. However, after reviewing the printouts, I have concluded that I prefer the second and third color variations. The deep blues in these variations help tie the mysterious element together without the type feeling lost. The first color variation is a little too bright, but toning down the saturation of the blue should help fix this issue. For my next step, I plan to experiment with overlapping colors to create an overlapping-ink texture/design, similar to the effect used in printmaking. I got this idea after a mini-class critique on Tuesday, in which a visiting graduate student came to look at some of our posters and offer constructive feedback. Although I loved her ideas, but I am worried about her reaction to the quote. She mentioned that the quote seemed out of place and didn't fit the theme of immerse. I am considering revising the quote to include the word immerse more seamlessly. This graphic design student had no prior knowledge regarding the assignment, so receiving an outsider/professional's opinion on my design choices was interesting.
I am excited about a chapter in my textbook that discusses letterpress printing. As a graphic designer, I have always been fascinated by typography and the history of printing. This chapter provides a great balance between both subjects, with a specific focus on hand composition and the use of movable type. While I think using movable type is interesting, it requires great craftsmanship to accomplish clean printed type, which I am still working on. Nonetheless, embracing the imperfections of letterpress printing can be therapeutic, and I appreciate that many letterpress artists share the same feelings. Recently, I attended an art talk by Brad Vetter, a talented letterpress artist and designer based in Louisville, Kentucky. His work combines traditional letterpress techniques with digital design, which is something I aspire to do in my own work.
I learned some valuable lessons during the art talk. Firstly, it's important to connect with your local community and never hesitate to reach out. Secondly, experiment and challenge your personal aesthetic by working beyond your usual tools. Lastly, always keep an open mind and look for inspiration, as it can be found everywhere. Don't let the fear of failure hold you back. Be open to new experiences.
Brad Vetter's Info: https://bradvetterdesign.com/bio & https://www.instagram.com/bradvetter/
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xtruss · 4 months
A Sleuthing Enthusiast Says He Found The US Military’s X-37B Spaceplane! Officials Didn't Disclose Details About The X-37B's Orbit After Its December launch.
— Stephen Clark | Ars Techinca | February 09, 2024
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Boeing: File Photo Of An X-37B Spaceplane.
It turns out some of the informed speculation about the US military's latest X-37B spaceplane mission was pretty much spot-on.
When the semi-classified winged spacecraft launched on December 28, it flew into orbit on top of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, which is much larger than the Atlas V and Falcon 9 rockets used to launch the X-37B on its previous missions.
This immediately sparked speculation that the X-37B would reach higher altitudes than its past flights, which remained in low-Earth orbit at altitudes of a few hundred miles. A discovery from Tomi Simola, a satellite tracking hobbyist living near Helsinki, Finland, appears to confirm this suspicion.
On Friday, Simola reported on social media and on SeeSat-L, a long-running online forum of satellite tracking enthusiasts, that he detected an unidentified object using a sky-watching camera. The camera is designed to continuously observe a portion of the sky to detect moving objects in space. A special software program helps identify known and unknown objects.
"Exciting news!" Simola posted on social media. "Orbital Test Vehicle 7 (OTV-7), which was launched to classified orbit last December, was seen by my SatCam! Here are images from the last two nights!"
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Mike McCants, one of the more experienced satellite observers and co-administrator of the SeeSat-L forum, agreed with Simola's conclusion that he found the X-37B spaceplane.
"Congrats to Tomi Simola for locating the secret X-37B spaceplane," posted Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist and widely respected expert in spaceflight activity.
Higher Than Ever
Amateur observations of the spaceplane indicate it is flying in a highly elliptical orbit ranging between 201 and 24,133 miles in altitude (323 and 38,838 kilometers). The orbit is inclined 59.1 degrees to the equator.
This is not far off the predictions from the hobbyist tracking community before the launch in December. At that time, enthusiasts used information about the Falcon Heavy's launch trajectory and drop zones for the rocket's core booster and upper stage to estimate the orbit it would reach with the X-37B spaceplane.
The Space Force has not released any information about the orbit of the X-37B. While it took hobbyists about six weeks to find the X-37B on this mission, it typically took less time for amateur trackers to locate it when it orbited at lower altitudes on its previous missions. Despite the secrecy, it's difficult to imagine the US military's adversaries in China and Russia didn't already know where the spaceplane was flying.
Military officials usually don't disclose details about the X-37B's missions while they are in space, providing updates only before each launch and then after each landing.
This is the seventh flight of an X-3B spaceplane since the first one launched in 2010. In a statement before the launch in December, the Space Force said this flight of the X-37B is focused on "a wide range of test and experimentation objectives." Flying in "new orbital regimes" is among the test objectives, military officials said.
The military has two Boeing-built X-37B spaceplanes, or Orbital Test Vehicles, in its inventory. They are reusable and designed to launch inside the payload fairing of a conventional rocket, spend multiple years in space with the use of solar power, and then return to Earth for a landing on a three-mile-long runway, either at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California or at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
It resembles a miniature version of NASA's retired space shuttle orbiter, with wings, deployable landing gear, and black thermal protection tiles to shield its belly from the scorching heat of reentry. It measures 29 feet (about 9 meters) long, roughly a quarter of the length of NASA's space shuttle, and it doesn't carry astronauts.
The X-37B has a cargo bay inside the fuselage for payloads, with doors that open after launch and close before landing. There is also a service module mounted to the back end of the spaceplane to accommodate additional experiments, payloads, and small satellites that can deploy in orbit to perform their own missions.
All the Space Force has said about the payloads on the current X-37B flight is that its experiment package includes investigations into new "space domain awareness technologies." NASA is flying an experiment on the X-37B to measure how plant seeds respond to sustained exposure to space radiation. The spaceplane's orbit on this flight takes it through the Van Allen radiation belts.
The secrecy surrounding the X-37B has sparked much speculation about its purpose, some of which centers on ideas that the spaceplane is part of a classified weapons platform in orbit. More likely, analysts say, the X-37B is a testbed for new space technologies. The unusual elliptical orbit for this mission is similar to the orbit used for some of the Space Force's satellites designed to detect and warn of ballistic missile launches.
McDowell said this could mean the X-37B is testing out an infrared sensor for future early warning satellites, but then he cautioned this would be "just a wild speculation."
Speculation is about all we have to go on regarding the X-37B. But it seems we no longer need to speculate about where the X-37B is flying.
— Stephen Clark is a Space Reporter at Ars Technica, covering private space companies and the world’s space agencies. Stephen writes about the nexus of technology, science, policy, and business on and off the planet.
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fazeruined · 7 months
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Oh boy, I know I haven't been very active but I think I just got some sweet sweet vanni mask headcanons brewing in my mind (and by brewing I mean they just popped up and I have to write them NOW)
So, Helpi tells Cassie they were leaving the V.A.N.N.I Network zone right before going so far down from the PizzaPlex to find Gregory Mimic. That presents the fact that the V.A.N.N.I Network is limited and has end 'edges'. Thinking about it, it's unlikely the V.A.N.N.I Network zone has much if at all coverage outside/beyond the PizzaPlex.
But that doesn't mean the vanni mask is useless after Cassie escapes that place despite everything.
For one, she can keep contact with Helpi (his means to talk to her without the mask were only functional within the V.A.N.N.I Network zone.) While he was part in her downfall, it was mostly due to the Mimic's influence, and going out of the network zone seems to have pulled Helpi out of that.)
Cassie can also use it as a form of escapism, using the mask to imagine herself able to visit the still open and uncorrupted PizzaPlex and see all her robot friends whole and happy, and even her family working there. Like when she was little-- like how it should have always been.
There is no 'AR World' outside the PizzaPlex. The outside world looks normal even with the mask on.
But that's where a couple new features came to light.
Without the network zone, the vanni mask appears to work like a detector of Fazbear products and technology, able to clue Cassie of other Fazbear devices and their locations through the outside world, especially those with some sort of circuitry in their components.
Things like some of their toys, equipment... computers, games, Fazbear cams, Fazbear walky-talkies, Fazwatches, animatronics, parts, softwares, hardwares...
There's quite some things Cassie can do with that kind of information, like being able to locate places selling Fazbear products, and other Fazbear locations following a gathering of Fazbear products detected in the same location (lol unplanned brand-promoting,) in an scenario where Ruined Roxy and/or the other ruined robots are with Cassie, she can use this feature to find parts necessary to help fix them, and even finding and/or keeping tabs on people who use/carry Fazbear products.
And after Cassie gets handy enough with this new feature, she could tap and even hack into detected products-- letting her passively spy on the users of said products, access users' information stored within said products, or even remotely interact with the products themselves. Think of it like those real, creepy cases of hackers who got access to nannycams-- yikes. Fortunately Cassie would be far more interested in detecting parts to help fix her friends.
Unless you're one of a certain group of people.
In case of Fazbear animatronics, Cassie can access their optical/audio receptors (see/hear through their eyes/ears,) remotely access their features (powering them on or off, randomly activating their functions-- while invasive, at most it's just useful for trolling; imagine Glamrock Freddy's chest hatch randomly opening and closing like a kid repeatedly pushing the button for the garage door.)
It's also possible for Cassie to start a remote communication with these animatronics directly in their 'brain', and even send them files and data for them to look over (like videos.) In addition to this, she can send them 'instructions' that get added to their regular internal routines, making them compelled to follow said instructions (but they can choose not to since they're not being taken over like in an actual hack attempt, based on how developed their AI is, and if they don't like whatever instructions they're being given,) despite it not being in their usual behavior-- Cassie usually uses this to instruct service bots into leaving Fazbear parts in locations she can grab them for her broken robot friends (listen they're broken AND broke af they can't pay for that!)
And since the vanni mask itself is considered a security tool (it's also called the Security Mask, and said to be a security tool by a special class of Fazbear techs, after all,) rarely its infiltration into Fazbear products rarely go noticed or even if noticed it doesn't necessarily gets taken as a threat or attack by the system-- though that depends on what Cassie does in that instance. Animatronics (especially those with more complex AI,) will always notice the shift, but not necessarily take it as a threat either, more so as a "Huh. That's a thing." Though, again, that depends on what Cassie does with that connection.
Alternatively, she can send a distress signal that nearby animatronics can pick up from-- very useful if Cassie is in danger!
And to sever whatever connection/communication she's made, all she has to do is take her mask off-- "bye chat," pretty much.
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How Is Technology Changing The Way We Learn Through Conferences ?
Technology is significantly changing the way we learn through conferences in various ways, making educational events more accessible, engaging, and efficient. Here are some ways in which technology is shaping the conference learning experience:
Virtual Conferences:
Technology enables the creation of virtual conferences, allowing participants to attend remotely from anywhere in the world. This eliminates the need for travel and makes conferences more accessible to a global audience.
Live Streaming and On-Demand Content:
Conferences often live-stream keynote speeches, sessions, and presentations. This allows attendees to watch in real-time or access the content later, accommodating different time zones and schedules.
Interactive Webinars and Workshops:
Webinar platforms and virtual classroom software enable interactive workshops and breakout sessions. Attendees can ask questions, participate in discussions, and collaborate with others, similar to in-person events.
Online Discussion Forums and Social Media:
Technology facilitates real-time discussions through chat rooms, forums, and social media platforms. Attendees can engage in conversations, share insights, and network with peers during and after the conference.
AI and Machine Learning:
AI-driven algorithms can recommend sessions, workshops, and connections based on an attendee's interests and past participation. This personalization enhances the learning experience.
Mobile Apps:
Many conferences offer mobile apps that provide schedules, speaker information, session details, and maps of the venue. Attendees can use these apps to plan their conference experience and receive updates in real-time.
Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR):
AR and VR technologies can be used to create immersive learning experiences. For example, attendees can explore virtual conference spaces, attend sessions as avatars, or participate in virtual labs and simulations.
AI-Powered Language Translation:
Language barriers can be overcome with AI-powered translation tools that can translate spoken or written content in real-time. This makes conferences more inclusive and accessible to a global audience.
Data Analytics and Feedback:
Organizers can collect and analyze data on attendee engagement, session popularity, and feedback. This information helps improve future conferences and tailor content to participants' interests.
Digital Badges and Certifications:
Attendees can earn digital badges or certificates for completing conference activities, which can be shared on professional networks like LinkedIn to showcase their knowledge and skills.
Networking Platforms:
Technology platforms designed for conferences facilitate networking by matching attendees with similar interests, providing contact information, and scheduling meetings. Virtual "meet and greet" sessions can also be organized.
Accessibility Features:
Technology ensures that conferences are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and screen readers are examples of tools that make content more inclusive.
Global Collaboration:
Technology allows for international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Researchers and experts can participate in multiple conferences and share insights across borders, fostering global learning communities.
Data Security and Privacy:
Conference organizers use technology to protect attendees' data and privacy, ensuring that personal information is secure and only used for legitimate purposes.
Overall, technology is revolutionizing the conference learning experience by making it more flexible, interactive, and inclusive. It empowers attendees to customize their learning paths, connect with a diverse audience, and access valuable content, regardless of physical location or time constraints. Click Technology Conferences for further information.
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conferencealerts-org · 8 months
How Is Technology Changing The Way We Learn Through Conferences?
Technology is significantly changing the way we learn through conferences in various ways, making educational events more accessible, engaging, and efficient. Here are some ways in which technology is shaping the conference learning experience:
Virtual Conferences:
Technology enables the creation of virtual conferences, allowing participants to attend remotely from anywhere in the world. This eliminates the need for travel and makes conferences more accessible to a global audience.
Live Streaming and On-Demand Content:
Conferences often live-stream keynote speeches, sessions, and presentations. This allows attendees to watch in real-time or access the content later, accommodating different time zones and schedules.
Interactive Webinars and Workshops:
Webinar platforms and virtual classroom software enable interactive workshops and breakout sessions. Attendees can ask questions, participate in discussions, and collaborate with others, similar to in-person events.
Online Discussion Forums and Social Media:
Technology facilitates real-time discussions through chat rooms, forums, and social media platforms. Attendees can engage in conversations, share insights, and network with peers during and after the conference.
AI and Machine Learning:
AI-driven algorithms can recommend sessions, workshops, and connections based on an attendee's interests and past participation. This personalization enhances the learning experience.
Mobile Apps:
Many conferences offer mobile apps that provide schedules, speaker information, session details, and maps of the venue. Attendees can use these apps to plan their conference experience and receive updates in real-time.
Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR):
AR and VR technologies can be used to create immersive learning experiences. For example, attendees can explore virtual conference spaces, attend sessions as avatars, or participate in virtual labs and simulations.
AI-Powered Language Translation:
Language barriers can be overcome with AI-powered translation tools that can translate spoken or written content in real-time. This makes conferences more inclusive and accessible to a global audience.
Data Analytics and Feedback:
Organizers can collect and analyze data on attendee engagement, session popularity, and feedback. This information helps improve future conferences and tailor content to participants' interests.
Digital Badges and Certifications:
Attendees can earn digital badges or certificates for completing conference activities, which can be shared on professional networks like LinkedIn to showcase their knowledge and skills.
Networking Platforms:
Technology platforms designed for conferences facilitate networking by matching attendees with similar interests, providing contact information, and scheduling meetings. Virtual "meet and greet" sessions can also be organized.
Accessibility Features:
Technology ensures that conferences are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and screen readers are examples of tools that make content more inclusive.
Global Collaboration:
Technology allows for international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Researchers and experts can participate in multiple conferences and share insights across borders, fostering global learning communities.
Data Security and Privacy:
Conference organizers use technology to protect attendees' data and privacy, ensuring that personal information is secure and only used for legitimate purposes.
Overall, technology is revolutionizing the conference learning experience by making it more flexible, interactive, and inclusive. It empowers attendees to customize their learning paths, connect with a diverse audience, and access valuable content, regardless of physical location or time constraints. Click Technology Conferences for further information.
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webomates · 8 months
Overcome the Challenges of Crowdsourced Testing
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Crowdsourced testing is becoming popular in the industry, and it is a fairly new trend in the software engineering community. In crowdsourced testing, crowd-users are rewarded to perform testing tasks and submit their results, and because crowd-users are often paid per task, there is a financial incentive to complete the tasks rapidly. These submissions of the tasks are composed of answers in simple language with relevant screenshots.
Crowdsourced testing enables organizations of any size to access the power of curated or non-curated crowd-users to strengthen the test coverage especially across multiple geographies who have access to virtually unlimited devices at any time. It can be scaled up or down at a moment’s notice, at a very low cost. This might be otherwise impossible to mobilize within an in-house test effort. To learn more about the value of adding crowdsourcing to your testing strategy read this article. However, there are a lot of challenges with Crowdsourced testing. Let’s start looking at the disadvantages involved with Crowdsourced testing.
Challenge: Confidentiality
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Creating and maintaining confidentiality and reliability is one of the most critical challenges that an organization faces while working with Crowdsourced testing. It is important not to share or expose any information with crowd-testers which is confidential to the product owners.
How does Webomates handle it?
Webomates carefully assesses each challenge and creates bespoke solutions like custom plugins, secured virtual machines with continuous monitoring of activities performed by the crowd-users, HTTP proxy, etc for facilitating testing on the system under test.
Challenge: Effective Communication
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Communication is another challenge while working with crowd-users. As Crowdsourced testing is carried out by anyone across the world, the person may not be immediately available for communication and clarification.
How does Webomates handle it?
Webomates overcame this challenge firstly by providing very high quality written test cases in a simple natural language. Each test case is divided into multiple validation points to which crowd-users provide answers.
Additionally, Webomates communicates with workers using multiple forms like email, chat messenger, discussion forums, etc to resolve any concern faced by the crowd-users. Conducting a regular Open Session using Video Conferencing tools is also an effective way to resolve the concerns which aren’t possible by other means of communication. Finally, prompt reply to the users’ queries is critical.
Challenge: Quality of Execution
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Another major issue that arises is ensuring the quality of testing or the quality of defects raised. Quality of submission is another disadvantage generally faced with Crowdsourced testing. This becomes even more challenging when working with non-curated users.
How Webomates handles it?
Webomates overcame this challenge by creating Qualification Tests and by providing training to the users on complex scenarios like API testing and judging their understanding and knowledge with Qualification Tests. This way we converted non-curated users to semi-curated users.
It’s a challenge to manage crowd-users across the globe as they work in different time zones. Webomates always notifies the users whenever tasks are available to work. It is also important to publish tasks at the scheduled time and day of the week, making habitual for crowd-users when the tasks will be available. With regular work, they also become familiar with the application under test. It is also essential to provide feedback for each task.
Challenge: Ability to scale up
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Ability to scale up on demand is another challenge with crowd-users. Crowd-users are spread across the globe and available to work in different time zones. Whether they have the right device on test cases that are supposed to be executed and whether they feel encouraged to work on a daily basis when they are not obliged to? So their availability to perform time-boxed testing can be a challenge.
How Webomates handles it?
Webomates does profiling of crowd-users on a regular basis to determine their QA skills, their availability according to the time zones they belong to and devices on which they can execute the test cases.
Webomates created four different pools of crowd-users on their ability to execute test cases. The performance of crowd-users is measured on multiple criteria like quality of submission (i.e. accuracy of the test cases submitted), the speed with which test cases are executed, the number of test cases executed, etc. The user is moved successively to a higher level when there is a significant improvement in his performance.
All these factors help Webomates to maintain a talent pool of crowd-users community which can scale-up quickly to execute large numbers of test cases.
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Crowdsourced testing can give any organization a new software testing technique for carrying out feature regression testing or exploratory testing. However, setting up and running a crowdsourcing platform can face challenges like confidentiality, effective communication, scaling and quality of execution.
At Webomates, we refine our Crowdsource testing each day to continually improve our results with techniques ranging from using algorithms to identify which test case to crowdsource to maintaining the high quality of execution and effective communication with crowd-users while respecting the customer’s confidentiality. All these factors together help us to scale and provide speed to test the customer’s application.
If you would like to see the Webomates platform in action you can always sign up for a free trial. Or if you would like to learn more about Webomates CQ click on the link or schedule a call.
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europaeditions · 1 year
Siguranță în era digitală: Importanța sistemelor de supraveghere
În era digitală în care trăim astăzi, securitatea a devenit o preocupare majoră pentru indivizi, companii și societate în general. Tehnologia avansată ne-a adus multe beneficii, dar în același timp a adus și riscuri semnificative. Din acest motiv, sistemele de supraveghere joacă un rol crucial în asigurarea siguranței noastre și a proprietăților noastre în mediul digital.
I. Ce sunt sistemele de supraveghere
. Definiție și funcționalitate
Sistemele de supraveghere sunt soluții tehnologice concepute pentru a monitoriza și înregistra activitățile care au loc într-un anumit mediu. Acestea pot fi utilizate pentru supravegherea spațiilor fizice, precum birouri, clădiri sau zone publice, sau pot fi implementate în mediul digital pentru monitorizarea și protejarea rețelelor de calculatoare și a datelor stocate.
Tipuri de sisteme de supraveghere
Există mai multe tipuri de sisteme de supraveghere, adaptate nevoilor și cerințelor specifice. Acestea pot include:
Supraveghere video: Sistemele de supraveghere video utilizează camere de securitate pentru a înregistra și monitoriza activitățile într-un anumit spațiu.
Supraveghere fizică: Aceste sisteme implică utilizarea unor dispozitive fizice, cum ar fi senzori de mișcare sau detectoare de fum, pentru a detecta și raporta evenimente anormale sau periculoase.
Supraveghere cibernetică: Aceste sisteme monitorizează rețelele de calculatoare și traficul de date pentru a identifica activități suspecte sau amenințări cibernetice.
II. Importanța sistemelor de supraveghere în era digitală
 Protecția împotriva amenințărilor cibernetice
În era digitală, amenințările cibernetice sunt o realitate constantă. Atacurile malware, hacking-ul și phishing-ul sunt doar câteva dintre tehnicile folosite de infractori pentru a obține acces neautorizat la sistemele și datele noastre. Sistemele de supraveghere cibernetică pot detecta și bloca aceste activități dăunătoare, protejând astfel rețelele noastre și informațiile personale.
Prevenirea accesului neautorizat
Sistemele de supraveghere pot preveni accesul neautorizat la spații fizice sau la rețelele noastre. Prin utilizarea camerelor de securitate sau a autentificării bazate pe biometrie, putem monitoriza și controla cine are acces la anumite zone sau date. Acest lucru ajută la reducerea riscului de furturi, intruziuni sau divulgare a informațiilor sensibile.
Monitorizarea activității angajaților
Un alt beneficiu al sistemelor de supraveghere este capacitatea de a monitoriza activitățile angajaților. În mediul de afaceri, este important să avem o înțelegere clară a modului în care sunt utilizate resursele și a comportamentului angajaților. Sistemele de supraveghere pot ajuta la identificarea practicilor nesigure sau ilegale și pot contribui la asigurarea conformității cu politicile și regulamentele interne.
III. Recomandări pentru implementarea sistemelor de supraveghere
 Planificarea și evaluarea nevoilor
Înainte de implementarea unui sistem de supraveghere, este important să se efectueze o planificare adecvată și o evaluare a nevoilor specifice. Aceasta include identificarea zonelor sau ariei care trebuie monitorizate, selectarea tipului potrivit de sistem de supraveghere și luarea în considerare a cerințelor de securitate și confidențialitate.
Instalare și configurare corectă
O instalare corectă și configurarea adecvată a sistemului de supraveghere sunt esențiale pentru asigurarea funcționalității optime și a eficienței acestuia. Expertiza unui specialist în securitate cibernetică sau a unui instalator profesionist poate fi valoroasă în acest proces.
Actualizare și mentenanță regulată
Un sistem de supraveghere trebuie să fie actualizat și întreținut în mod regulat pentru a se asigura că este capabil să răspundă noilor amenințări și vulnerabilități. Actualizările software, verificările periodice ale echipamentelor și monitorizarea constantă a sistemului sunt elemente esențiale pentru menținerea securității în era digitală.
Într-o lume digitală în continuă evoluție, siguranța și securitatea sunt priorități-cheie. Sistemele de supraveghere oferă o soluție eficientă pentru monitorizarea și protejarea activelor noastre în mediul digital. De la prevenirea atacurilor cibernetice la monitorizarea activității angajaților, aceste sisteme ne oferă un sentiment de siguranță și control. Prin implementarea și gestionarea adecvată a acestor sisteme, putem asigura un mediu mai sigur și mai protejat în era digitală.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Lockheed, KAI and Red 6 announce integration of Augmented Reality in T-50 jets
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/20/23 - 16:30 in Military
Lockheed Martin, Korea Aerospace Industries and Red 6 announced today that they have begun developing engineering solutions and a technology roadmap to establish an implementation path for Red 6's Advanced Augmented Touch Reality System (ATARS), on the T-50 platform and associated ground systems training.
The initial integration of the technology includes a T-50 demonstrator and Red 6 ATARS technology that is electronically networked with the Lockheed Martin Prepar3D software simulation package. This initial engineering solution provides Lockheed Martin and Red 6 with additional experience in integrating simulations that may eventually include integrated training for the T-50 program and ground-based training systems.
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"ATARS addresses critical training inefficiencies on current training platforms. There has never been a training environment in which you could combine virtual assets being visually represented in the real world outdoors and the opportunity to overline this training in ground-based training, until now," says Daniel Robinson, founder and CEO of Red 6.
ATARS is a multi-node and all-domain augmented reality (AR) system that offers a complete external synthetic training environment for multiple users. Red 6 technology allows pilots to experience the cognitive loads of physically flying planes while capturing the value of synthetics, allowing them to enter realistic training environments, scalable in range and proportion, safe and simulated while in the air in the most dynamic outdoor environments.
"Our vision is to help our customers leverage emerging technologies to seamlessly and safely connect all assets for joint missions and enable quick and decisive action," said Aimee Burnett, vice president of business development at Lockheed Martin's Integrated Fighter Group. "Lockheed Martin has made significant advances in digital engineering and has built strategic partnerships that allow us to accelerate development on our platforms.
"An example is the continuous integration with Red 6, as we seek to create advanced 21st century security features that meet the needs of our customers," Burnett continued.
Burnett added that the T-50 program is still in demand around the world. Lockheed Martin recently introduced the TF-50A variant to the U.S. Air Force training program to serve three short-term missions, including tactical training, adversary air support, and tactical fighter replacement. The TF-50A is configured as a light attack fighter/trainer with additional enhancements to include radar, electronic warfare system, tactical data link and other features to meet the requirements of the U.S. Air Combat Command.
Tags: Military AviationKAI - Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd.Lockheed MartinVirtual realityT-50AUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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tintash · 1 year
5 Features to Look for in a Tech Development Services Partner
Building and releasing new software can be an exhilarating and often stressful experience. These beginning stages can also determine the future of your startup or growing tech company. It’s a situation that makes finding the right software or web application development services partner absolutely essential. As crucial as that partnership is, it can be straightforward when you know what to look for. Before you choose a tech development studio, be sure to look for the following must-have characteristics to find a partner you can trust.
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Experience and Expertise The first feature to consider when choosing any software and tech development firm is a combination of experience and expertise. In addition to the obvious benefits of a partner that has expertise in a variety of verticals, there are also practical insights that can only be learned through experience in the industry. Prioritize finding a development company with the qualifications and credibility you need to meet all your goals. Track Record and Portfolio What better way to determine a dev agency’s level of experience and expertise than by reviewing their track record and portfolio? Check out the selection of clients they’ve worked with and which industries they’ve worked in. How many projects have they worked on, and have they worked with unicorns or Fortune 500 clients? Do they have case studies available for perusal? Be sure to look for feedback from those customers as well. You can gain valuable insights by taking stock of reviews from their current clients. Specified Services When considering a potential tech development partner’s portfolio, make note of their specified suite of services appears to be. Look for an agency with successful projects in their noted areas of expertise, whether that’s UI/UX, AR/VR, web and mobile app development, or even game development. Partnering with a software development agency that delivers on the services they offer ensures they have the skillset, expertise, and versatility to thrive in the industries they’ve mastered. It also means you have an established relationship with a reliable partner if you ever need help in another vertical they focus on, like IoT or augmented reality services. Top-Tier Communication Any dev team you partner with should make a point of emphasizing their commitment to communication, visibility, and transparency. That includes an easy and open line of dialogue between both parties and a dedication to following best practices. On a practical level, top-tier communication also facilitates more efficient development and management cycles, and that means faster product delivery timelines. Deliverables Aren’t Held Back by Time Zones A solid track record, robust portfolio, and impressively comprehensive suite of services shouldn’t be held back by different time zones. Modern, effective tech development agencies everywhere on the planet are well aware of the importance of timely communication with partners in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and all around the world. If the globalization of technology has made anything clear, it’s the importance of being available for communication when the client needs it most. So, when you find a reliable, experienced dev team, make the most of these kinds of invaluable resources. About Tintash In 2007, the founders of Tintash prototyped their vision over coffee cake at Hobee's in Palo Alto. Today, this innovative development studio comprises dedicated remote team members led by Stanford, Harvard, Apple, and PayPal Alumni who are dedicated to solving complex problems and building great products. With over a decade of proven success in application development services, MVP development services, and Metaverse development services, Tintash offers top-tier communication, transparency, and proficiency to help startups, entrepreneurs, and growing companies design and build innovative solutions. Choose Tintash for your next project and achieve your business' success. Choose the tech development team you know you can trust at https://tintash.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3NXFbVr
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learntamilepizy · 1 year
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Challenge And Opportunities In Digital Marketing
Increased Personalization:
As technology advances and data collection becomes more sophisticated, digital marketers will have access to even more information about their target audiences. This could lead to increased personalization of marketing campaigns, with messages tailored to individual preferences, behaviors, and interests.
Voice Search Optimization:
With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, digital marketers will need to optimize their content and campaigns for voice search. This may involve using conversational language and optimizing content for long-tail keywords.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:
As AR and VR technologies become more accessible and widespread, digital marketers may start using these technologies to create immersive and engaging experiences for their customers.
Increased Focus on Privacy:
With concerns around data privacy and security on the rise, digital marketers will need to find ways to build trust with their audiences and ensure that their data is being handled responsibly.
Greater Emphasis on Video:
Video content is already hugely popular, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. Digital marketers will need to find ways to create engaging, shareable video content that resonates with their target audiences.
Growing Importance of Influencer Marketing:
As social media continues to grow in importance, influencer marketing is likely to become an even more important part of the digital marketing landscape. Brands will need to identify the right influencers to partner with and create campaigns that resonate with their audiences.
Overall, the digital marketing landscape is likely to continue to evolve rapidly in the future, driven by advances in technology, changing consumer behaviors, and shifting industry trends.
User Challenge and opportunities in digital marketing
ChatGPT There are both challenges and opportunities in the field of digital marketing. Here are a few of each:
The digital marketing landscape is becoming increasingly crowded, and it can be difficult for brands to stand out from the competition.
Information Overload:
With so much content available online, it can be challenging to capture the attention of target audiences and cut through the noise.
Ad Blockers:
As more consumers use ad-blocking software, it can be challenging for digital marketers to reach their intended audience.
Constantly Evolving Technology: Digital marketers need to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends to stay relevant and effective.
Increased Reach:
Digital marketing allows brands to reach audiences all over the world, regardless of location or time zone.
Greater Engagement:
With the rise of social media and other interactive platforms, digital marketers have more opportunities to engage with their audiences in meaningful ways.
Advanced Analytics:
Digital marketing allows for more sophisticated data analysis, which can help brands make more informed decisions and optimize their marketing efforts.
Digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods, allowing brands to reach a wider audience while staying within their budget.
Targeted Advertising:
Digital marketing allows for highly targeted advertising, which can help brands reach the right people at the right time with the right message.
Overall, digital marketing presents both challenges and opportunities for brands looking to connect with their target audiences. By staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends and focusing on creating engaging, relevant content, brands can position themselves for success in the digital landscape.
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temokitservices · 1 year
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The Metaverse is an online virtual reality environment where users can engage in social interactions with one another. It’s not like the typical internet experience we’re all used to. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the Metaverse will be the next step in social networking, taking us beyond the web and into a fully immersive virtual world. The world’s largest software maker, Microsoft, is next in line to transition to AI-powered 3D meetings. Nvidia’s Omniverse is a platform for integrating 3D worlds into a shared virtual reality. It’s an RTX-based cloud platform that users can access from anywhere.
When virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are combined, the result is called the Metaverse. Its purpose is to facilitate social interaction and pursue activities such as gaming, chit-chatting, entertaining, and discovering new places. Developers can build infrastructures such as buildings, parks, and even billboards. But they can go even further than that, creating features that don’t exist in the actual world, such as free battle zones where people can hunt and kill one other. In the Metaverse, as in the real one, characters and events from the real world are used as building blocks. It’s common in augmented reality experiences like browsing for the perfect sofa by seeing how it looks in a room or trying on clothes virtually before buying them online.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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