punkyblooze · 1 year
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Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Link Fanart! I love the archaic tunic.
[ Commissions Open! ]
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" link? but how can you... "
it's been ten thousand years. it's passed in the blink of an eye, and yet, she can feel a tingling in her forehead. the weighty absence of a keen whistle of wind in her ears. her body is impossibly heavy, and yet bigger than she remembers.
link is in front of her.
something isn't the same, anymore. she can remember the years passing, but she remembers one thing the most- knowing for a fact she would lose herself completely, and never, ever be the same.
link is in front of her.
zelda doesn't even know how to reach out. it's so impossible, she does something she's been practicing for years; overwhelmed with her emotions, she simply starts to cry.
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luna-loveboop · 1 year
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Why no archaic hat?
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flockrest · 1 year
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♡ / @archaictunic
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     You'd think getting home would be the easiest part of this whole adventure. 'Specially when all they have to do half the time is fall, but of course — of course — it's proving a harder trek than first thought. The snowsquall had appeared with the same sudden intensity all of Hebra's storms like to come in, a force of legitimate nature rather than monster nature, and it's got Tulin wanting to throw or shoot or rip into something. He's just done the most amazing things in the most amazing place with the most amazing person — and he's gotta deal with something like this, now, of all times? Go figure.
     He gazes out beyond the maw of the cave they managed to retreat to in the nick of time, feathers puffing as he grasps at the Windlines once more and tries to blow this stupid snow away. He can feel the shape of the path he wants to make along his wings, clearer and more tangible than ever since he took up his ancestor's mission; so when he pushes, he really pushes, and yes, he—
     —Blows the stupid snow away for about three seconds. Maybe four.
     "Blizzards." He sighs. Secret Stones need to be trained with too, he supposes. Or is it 'cause he's so tired? And hungry? Oof — if he's feeling this awful, how's it like for his companion? Tulin turns to him now, head and wings sagging sheepishly.
     "Sorry 'bout this, Link," he says, padding back towards him to flump down by the campfire by his side. A little sack is pulled from his front pouch, thankfully still filled with snips of toasty brightcaps, and he quickly scarfs a few down. Then he reaches for Link open-bag-first, offering. "Snow like this doesn't usually stay 'round for long when it's got no monster behind it...should go away quick!"
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wolfvirago · 1 year
@archaictunic - loz au s.c.
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A wince, as her hand traces over the wound delivered by a very crafty Lizalfos. Those boomerangs were incredibly sharp, but what had injured her was a manufactured, strung together spear. She was lucky the saw-tooth edges hadn't buried themselves into her body.
If the other swordsman hadn't shown up, she probably would have been monster food. Not probably- surely.
Her breathing is hollow, heavy. Everything hurts, and it becomes all the more apparent she needed a potion of some kind... Just... She had to get into her pouch.
Robin's hand, bloody, reaches out, before she can't help but cry at the way the flesh at her abdomen screams from the slightest tug.
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sageospirit · 1 year
Evening sunlight freckles her translucent skin as she's sat awkwardly next to her assembled body—Link had decided to pause their travels to cook a few dishes under a patch of trees. Odd, is what she would describe it as; being accustomed to unwinding between travelling and tribulation was foreign to her ( and she barely gave herself the time to rest to begin with ) but with every subsequent time the knight chose to delay, whether it be because of cooking, like now, or helping someone in need, Mineru came to appriciate the mundane.
Gazing up at the sky alight in shades of crimson and orange, it never came to her that she missed Hyrule. Different the surface may be from what she remembers, the sky remained relatively the same in spite of ruin, reminding her of bittersweet, yet sentimental, memories as she travelled alongside him.
The smell of sauteed mushrooms and meat flood her senses, washing away any thoughts to nothing. A moment of peace. But before she was able to close her eyes and relish: a flicker of movement above catches her eye. Dread constricts her chest, before the gears in her brain click; though that doesn't ease away how her heart chokes. It stole her breath, in both awe and realization. That must be—
“―Zelda.” Her voice is no louder than a whisper, subconsciously rising to her feet and drifting closer to stare. The dragon drifts languidly across the sky, an ethereal streak of white and gold. Everything is silent but the passing breeze that rises as she crosses above, holding a clenched fist over her heart. “Oh, Zelda...”
@archaictunic / ♥
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tulinsvow · 1 year
  ❝ Oh, there you are—! ❞     He swoops over to Link, landing adjacent to him with a flourish. He’d been searching for the knight for quite a while now, determined to locate him before Link managed to slip away.  ❝ Mom wants me to invite you to dinner before you head out! Something about how traveling on an empty stomach just won’t do. I’m also not allowed to take no for an answer. I don’t make the rules — that’s my parents’ job. ❞ @archaictunic : sc
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
🎸🎤 !
Misc. Headcanon Symbols || Open!
🎸 - Can your muse play any instruments? Do they play them often, or rarely? How actually skilled are they at playing them?
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[Oh god no. Like she could probably LEARN to play an instrument, but as of now, if you put an instrument in her hands, it's not going to go well. It's a pastime that has only briefly sparked her interest a few times, but one she never found the time for when it crossed her mind.]
🎤 - Can your muse sing well? Do they sing often? If they were to stand up in front of a crowd, would they be able to sing in front of all of those people?
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[I'd say she has an average singing voice and can hold a tune and stay on pitch and key well enough. I imagine she sings plenty in private when she's in a good mood, but I don't think she would be too keen on the idea of singing for a crowd. She wouldn't really see the point.]
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oocca · 1 year
✨ ♥
sparkle on thursday.
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first of all your art is sooo cute. secondly we haven't written much together yet BUT. from the posts i've seen, what you've written with others, it's all so sex so far and i'm very excited to interact more. can't wait for my totk gan to flex your link between her muscles so hard he pops — i mean uhhhhhh
that drabble you posted earlier........ written with such care and insight into your links head....the burden of being a hero...etc
long messy hair botw link is so real let his hair grow out in that stasis
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gloryseized · 1 year
✨ !!
Add Some Sparkle -- @archaictunic
Your Link is the softest, sweetest boy!! I know I've only just followed but even on the initial brush, I'm appreciating how kind your Link is. It's so refreshing to read and your artwork does a wonderful job showcasing that too! And auuugh, your art!! It's not fair you can both draw and write!
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tomoshibi · 1 year
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' I dare say I've gotten quite good at tending to wounds as of late, ' She finishes wrapping the bandage around Link's arm, ending with a small pin to keep it in place. ' Though I do wish it wasn't so dangerous for you, perhaps I ought to bring a sword of some kind... ' @archaictunic
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link i'm sorry that, even after all this time, she's.... still zelda.
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flockrest · 1 year
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♡ / @archaictunic
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     The fire is a little weaker tonight, he notes. He has to huddle in close to watch the trails it traces along the curves of the bars and pot trapping it, wings wrapped around himself and feet idly twiddling with the half-entwined, now-forgotten ribbons he initially brought with him to while away the late hours.
     He quietly trills some aimless tune to the flames' soft pops and crackles. It's not the first time Kido's found sleep escaping him. The village kitchen is where he's wandered to this evening, in the wake of some dream he can't recall. Only a vague impression of its nature had remained in the form of frustrated, almost desperate energy: a too-much-to-contain feeling that has yet to leave — that has him wishing somebody else could be awake, and here, and feeling too-much-to-contain with him.
     Ugh. He doesn't know how or why anybody would want to be nocturnal when being nocturnal is like this. It kinda really stinks.
     He's tempted to go see if it's late-turned-early enough that any aunt or uncle will be up for him to distract and be distracted by, when he catches footsteps thud-thud-thudding their way closer and closer. They're lighter than they'd usually be, without the duller tap of talons against wood; awfully familiar in a way that has him restless in a different sense, so he quickly turns to look and— yes!!
     "Hi!" Kido chirps, just about jumping to his feet. It's Mr. Link! It's always so hard getting to see and approach the hero that is Mr. Link alone whenever he visits the village lately, so this is— like— the best surprise. "Good evening!"
     He hurries to sit back down with a beckoning wave of his wing. Please come sit with him, he's so tired of being alone with stupid feelings and the barely-there thoughts that feed them! "You're up late! You going nocturnal?" ( Ooh, being nocturnal might just be great, actually! )
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mlghty · 1 year
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hello, could you please ♡ / ↺ this post if you'd be interested in interacting with a yiga clan oc ? ( sideblog / follows from @archaictunic )
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valorborn · 1 year
what color character are you?
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Purple characters are strong leaders and fierce people with a strong moral compass. They tend to be lost in the background, occupied by characters with louder personalities, but these characters are dependable and wonderful in their own right.
They are poised and collected and can remain calm under pressure. They are also charismatic and supportive. They aren’t likely to accept half-assed excuses, but they are still compassionate. In addition to leading, they also often take on mentor roles with the people that they lead. People like following them, and while not particularly witty, they have a good sense of humor and an easy nature to them that causes others to enjoy spending time with them.
They can vary between being very uptight and stern, as well as chill and lighthearted. They are affectionate towards the people they care about, but they can come across as intimidating to people who don’t know them. They usually establish themselves as generally friendly, but people know not to seriously upset or cross them.
Although they are great and well-rounded people, they can become unsure of themselves if their leadership fails in any aspect. While they are patient, they can also become quite frustrated by people not understanding their perspective. They aren’t necessarily inflammatory, but often prefer fighting first and conversing later. They can jump to conclusions and stick to decisions that the people around them don’t like following, in order to not be seen as pushovers or indecisive.
Purple characters need people in their life who allow them not to lead and to just join in the fun like everyone else, while also reassuring them that they are an important part of whatever group or organization they have found themselves in.
tagged by: @hiiraethus ♡ tagging: @archaictunic && @zoranzeal
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zoranzeal · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: I use one of those animated abstract things for my wallpaper, but my lock screen is one of the Sonic 2 movie posters. I meant to change it a while ago, but I keep forgetting. Still cool, though!
last song you listened to: Over My Head by Lit
currently reading : I'm trying to read Discworld! Keep having false starts.
last movie : The Super Mario Bros. Movie. It was... okay!
last show: Critical Role, Campaign 2!
what are you wearing right now : Grey shirt and tie-dye rainbow pants
how tall are you? : 5'3'', I think?
piercings / tattoos?: Nah!
glasses ? contacts? : Glasses and contacts! Usually glasses, though.
last thing you ate? : A caramel candy I found under a mint. Score.
favorite color(s): Changes all the time! Right now, it's orange.
current obsession : Other than Zelda, I'm pretty into Dungeons and Dragons!
do you have a crush right now? : Nope!
favorite fictional character : A lot of them. Already mentioned Critical Role anyway, so might as well say one of 'em is Caduceus Clay!
last place you traveled : Pffff. I went to visit some arcade, uh... some time ago?
TAGGED BY : @vigilantdesert! Hi again! TAGGING: @dutifulsilence @redempti @archaictunic @flockrest @graceful-mipha. You can @ me if you steal it!
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