#archie as the lonely fisherman
heatherfield · 6 months
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And me too!!! Redcricket selkie au please and thank you 😊
I knew you'd see that.
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Like, doesn't this just scream Red Cricket?!?!!?
Definitely a little treasure to tuck away and see what I could do with later...
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isaacdoesart · 5 years
21 Questions
answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Tagged by: @aothater
Nicknames: Zack, sack(y) boy, Sack, Youngling, Iz
Zodiac sign: Scorpio (infer what you will)
Height: 5’5 (sometimes when I’m feeling good about my self I say 5’6) I’m a very short guy
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff :)
The last thing I googled?: The Chosen (1981)
Favorite Musicians: honestly don’t have any? I listen to a lot of indie on my Spotify recommended but I love The Beach Boys and Buddy Holly!
Song stuck in my head: Sing Hosannah (thanks Christian education)
Following: 579 (I have no self control)
Followers: 187
Do I get asks?: Once in a blue moon
Amount of sleep: It’s the holidays rn is it wildly varies between like 6 and 11 hours, but term time is a solid 8.5 hours
Lucky number: 23 and 54 :)
What I’m wearing: my pyjamas (hoodie from a school trip, shorts, T-shirt)
Dream job: Costume design on the Interview with the Vampire TV series! Or tbh anything where I can marvel at Bryan Fuller,,
Dream trip: I really want to go to Egypt? But tbh anything with my friends is a good time, maybe a beach holiday with them? Or a gap year road trip? (Not that we could hire a car legally)
Favorite food: Peanut butter, or just like completely plain biscuits. Pac Choi is nice too,,
Instruments: Flute and Cello! Tried Piano at one point...
Languages: Mostly English but I have GCSE Russian and Japanese and I learnt French for 11 years (can’t really say anything now but I can understand) I love linguistics but I’m not very good, and desperately want to learn Hebrew (I have an Israeli friend who’s fluent in English and I should try and return the favour) and British Sign Language!
Favorite songs: Wouldn’t It Be Nice, Good Vibrations, Archie Marry Me, The Cult of Dionysus, Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect, This Too Shall Pass
Random fact: I broke my front tooth in half when I ran into a netball post with my eyes closed on my way to a Judo lesson. The filling has broken off three (3!) times!
Aesthetic: Irl I’m lowkey a mess but ideally? Either the lone heir of his grandfather’s billion dollar mining fortune, who is blowing it all on parties, silk shirts, champagne and tailored suits
Or a fisherman who eats anchovies every other day and doesn’t own shoes that aren’t Wellies. Living in a cottage on the coast with his husband who’s a poet and who makes a really good pasta.
Tagging: honestly anyone who wants to
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ryttu3k · 7 years
Music player kicked in with Archie’s battle theme. Time to do more Nuzlocke!
Here’s the current team!
Daisy the Pikachu | level 20 | female | Lightning Rod | Hasty, mischievous | Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Draining Kiss | found Slateport City
Chickweed the Combusken | level 19 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Ember, Peck, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Agapanthus the Wingull | level 18 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Supersonic | found route 104
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 18 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Snarl | found route 101
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 16 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Gust, Absorb, Stun Spore, Tackle | found route 102
Sequoia the Magikarp | level 12 | female | Swift Swim | Bashful, nods off a lot | Splash | found route 106
Daisy the newest and strongest. This is about to change, going to find my route 110 friend! ELECTRIKE. NICE. ...Or not because that was a OHKO. Okay I guess Daisy is staying XD;; Oh well, back to battling on route 109!
Tuber Lola has a level 14 Azurill. God they’re cute. Daisy OHKOs it. Sorry XD;;
Hey a Soft Sand! Thanks! “We’re going to get all the sand from the beach and make a ginormous castle! And then we’re going to be the king and queen. You can be a servent.” I changed my mind fuck you.
Sailor Edmond leads with Wingull, level 12. Mine’s better. Daisy destroys it. Next is Machop, level 14. Aggie takes it! YES CHICKWEED YOU CAN LEARN FLAME CHARGE.
Tuber Ricky has a Zigzagoon, level 14. Chickweed can take this one! ...It knows Surf. It’s okay only took off a tiny bit XD;; Still, jfc.
Nip into town to heal up, then we’re off to the Seashore House!
Alrighty, let’s do this. First is Beauty Johanna and her level 15 Goldeen. Daisy the Destroyer takes it out.
Sailor Dwayne leads with Jellicent, level 13. Yup, Daisy. Next is Machop, level 13. Aggie takes it!
Tuber Simon has Azurill, level 14. Daisy.. you get the drill XD
Street Thug Blair leads with Poochyena, level 12. Chickweed can take this one! lmfao that Bite took out a whole 3 HP. Chickie then OHKOed it. Next is Carvanha, level 14. This one is all Daisy’s!
Last up, Delinquent Destinee! Oooh, Sableye. Level 15. Guess who has a Fairy move? YUP. IT’S DAISY.
Ayyy and my prize is lots of Soda Pop!
And now we can move on up to route 110! Onwards to Mauville!
Ooh, Aqua encounter! Heading up to Mt Chimney, huh? Via Mauville, at least!
Poke Fan Isabel sends out Plusle, level 15. Hmm... Snowdrop, I think. ...It threw her its Oran Berry XD THANKS PLUSLE. Next is Minun, also level 15, Snowdrop stays in. Yes Encore very useful given the last one was Bite. Chomp chomp. Oof, paralysis - she gets through it anyway :)
Oh hey, path back to route 103! Aroma Lady Daisy. I have a Pikachu named that :’) She sends out Roselia, level 17. Chickweed takes a Poison Sting but OHKOs it with Flame Charge nonetheless. Pecha time!
Twins Amy and Liv have Plusle and Minun. Let’s go with Snowdrop and Chickweed. So much tasty exp!
Poke Fan Miguel has Skitty, level 17. This one is Chickweed’s!
Sequoia’s on level 17 I can’t wait for her to evolve and destroy everyone.
Finally, Fisherman Andrew leads with Magikarp, level 14. I am so sorry for what my level 22 Pikachu is about to do. Another Magikarp! This one level 16, so at least it’ll have Tackle. Still, no opportunity to use it XD
Nice little training diversion, haha. Back to 110. Will pass on Trick House for now! Ooh, I remember this path, I believe I have a battle with Brendan ahead!
But first, Youngster Timmy. He leads with Poochyena, level 12. Daisy Draining Kisses it. Next is Aron, level 13. Slight risk putting out Chickweed - nvm he kicked it into next week. Last is Elektrike, level 14. I really need a Ground type, haha. Chickie gives it a kick, although its Static does paralyse him. Nothing a berry can’t fix!
NOW time for Brendan! First out is Shroomish, level 18, man I should have led with Chickie XD He destroys it, but gets put to sleep in response. Oops XD Next is level 20 Marshtomp, that’s tricky, I have no Grass-types and Milkweed’s Absorb probably won’t do enough. Let’s try... Snowdrop, Bite hits pretty hard and no weaknesses to Water or Ground. Bite does a bit under half, it uses Foresight, another Bite, Mud-Slap doesn’t too much, it gets in another and then Bite finishes it off! Last up, Slugma, level 18. Aggie’s Water Pulse is an easy OHKO!
Thank you for the heal and the Dowsing Machine~!
Collector Edwin is terrifying. Leads with level 15 Lombre, Daisy destroys it. Next is Nuzleaf, level 15. Chickie was MADE for destroying these XD
Psychic Edward has an Abra, level 17. This is all Snowdrop’s! YOW whatever that Hidden Power was, it was SE XD Whatever, Bite was more ;D
And we are in Mauville - Wally!! Wow, he’s ambitious XD Yeah, okay, let’s do this battle first before we get exploring! ...oh gosh he still only has Ralts. It’s only level 17. Daisy OHKOs it. I’m so sorry.
Sweet baby ;_; Ooh hey Rock Smash.
Into the Poke Mart. Sky Drop TM! Mauville is neat. Gonna go for a Mach bike, then set out to the other routes, uh, in the vain hope that I find something good against Electric XD
Route 118 has Aroma Lady Rose, leading with a level 16 Oddish. All Chickweed’s! RIP. Next is Roselia, level 16. Staying in, another OHKO! Oof, Poison Point. Rude.
You know what, there’s no grass here. I’m gonna head north to 111. First, that’s where Mount Chimney is and thus more plot, second, DESERT. GROUND TYPES.
Also, the Winstrates and a lot of exp.
Victor, level 17 Taillow. Daisy destroys. Next is Zigzagoon, level 19. All Chickie’s!
Next is Victoria with a level 20 Roselia. Chickie again! Yeah try and Leech Seed your way out of a Flame Charge lmfao.
Third is Vivi! Ooh, three Pokemon. She leads with Goldeen, level 16. Daisy... yeah. Next is Numel, level 16, Aggie can take this one! One Water Pulse and it’s all over. Last is Shroomish, level 16, back to Chickweed! Oh, check your attitude, kid.
Last but not least: Vicky has a Meditite, level 22. This one is Aggie’s! Not actually a OHKO amazing. Oof, Aggie gets paralysed - fuck into the red! Oh thank fuck it’s down. That was too close XD
Oh goddamn. You need Rock Smash to get into the desert to get a Ground type to beat the Electric gym XD;; And you need to beat the Electric gym to use Rock Smash...
I am gonna have to think this over lmfao.
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